Update documentation for negative testing

Since generate_scenario() call is not needed any longer update the
documentation to the current state.

Change-Id: I34e8b974d5c4851a27f53a20778a181985ff6b5b
diff --git a/HACKING.rst b/HACKING.rst
index c0df0fb..8652971 100644
--- a/HACKING.rst
+++ b/HACKING.rst
@@ -120,13 +120,14 @@
  - A json schema: defines properties for a request.
 After that a test class must be added to automatically generate test scenarios
-out of the given interface description:
+out of the given interface description::
+    load_tests = test.NegativeAutoTest.load_tests
     class SampeTestNegativeTestJSON(<your base class>, test.NegativeAutoTest):
         _interface = 'json'
         _service = 'compute'
-        _schema_file = 'compute/servers/get_console_output.json'
-        scenarios = test.NegativeAutoTest.generate_scenario(_schema_file)
+        _schema_file = <your Schema file>
 Negative tests must be marked with a negative attribute::