Merge "Make interop check job as voting"
diff --git a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
index f75edaa..e42610a 100644
--- a/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
+++ b/tempest/api/identity/admin/v3/
@@ -12,11 +12,15 @@
 #    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import testtools
 from tempest.api.identity import base
+from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
+CONF = config.CONF
 class ProjectsTestJSON(base.BaseIdentityV3AdminTest):
@@ -176,6 +180,10 @@
         self.assertEqual(resp2_en, resp3_en)
+    @testtools.skipIf(CONF.identity_feature_enabled.immutable_user_source,
+                      'Skipped because environment has an '
+                      'immutable user source and solely '
+                      'provides read-only access to users.')
     def test_associate_user_to_project(self):
         # Associate a user to a project
         # Create a Project
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index 25e91aa..7ea0099 100755
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -291,13 +291,16 @@
 def main(opts=None):
-    setup_logging()
+    log_warning = False
     if not opts:
-        LOG.warning("Use of: 'tempest-account-generator' is deprecated, "
-                    "please use: 'tempest account-generator'")
+        log_warning = True
         opts = get_options()
     if opts.config_file:
+    setup_logging()
+    if log_warning:
+        LOG.warning("Use of: 'tempest-account-generator' is deprecated, "
+                    "please use: 'tempest account-generator'")
     if opts.os_tenant_name:
         LOG.warning("'os-tenant-name' and 'OS_TENANT_NAME' are both "
                     "deprecated, please use 'os-project-name' or "
diff --git a/tempest/cmd/ b/tempest/cmd/
index 1a08246..2fca6c8 100644
--- a/tempest/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/cmd/
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
         self.tenant_filter = {}
         if hasattr(self, 'tenant_id'):
-            self.tenant_filter['tenant_id'] = self.tenant_id
+            self.tenant_filter['project_id'] = self.tenant_id
     def _filter_by_tenant_id(self, item_list):
         if (item_list is None or
@@ -320,13 +320,13 @@
     def delete(self):
         client = self.client
-            client.delete_quota_set(self.tenant_id)
+            client.delete_quota_set(self.project_id)
         except Exception:
             LOG.exception("Delete Volume Quotas exception.")
     def dry_run(self):
         quotas = self.client.show_quota_set(
-            self.tenant_id, params={'usage': True})['quota_set']
+            self.project_id, params={'usage': True})['quota_set']['volume_quotas'] = quotas
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
     def delete(self):
         client = self.client
-            client.delete_quota_set(self.tenant_id)
+            client.delete_quota_set(self.project_id)
         except Exception:
             LOG.exception("Delete Quotas exception.")
diff --git a/tempest/tests/cmd/ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
index 5091841..00f8bc5 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
         self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--whitelist-file=%s' % path], 0)
-    def test_tempest_run_with_whitelist_with_regex(self):
+    def test_tempest_run_with_whitelist_regex_include_pass_check_fail(self):
         fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
         self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
         whitelist_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0)
@@ -166,11 +166,72 @@
         self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--whitelist-file=%s' % path,
                             '--regex', 'fail'], 1)
+    def test_tempest_run_with_whitelist_regex_include_pass_check_pass(self):
+        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+        whitelist_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0)
+        self.addCleanup(whitelist_file.close)
+        whitelist_file.write('passing'.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--whitelist-file=%s' % path,
+                            '--regex', 'passing'], 0)
+    def test_tempest_run_with_whitelist_regex_include_fail_check_pass(self):
+        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+        whitelist_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0)
+        self.addCleanup(whitelist_file.close)
+        whitelist_file.write('failing'.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--whitelist-file=%s' % path,
+                            '--regex', 'pass'], 1)
     def test_tempest_run_passes_with_config_file(self):
         self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run',
                             '--config-file', self.stestr_conf_file,
                             '--regex', 'passing'], 0)
+    def test_tempest_run_with_blacklist_failing(self):
+        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+        blacklist_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0)
+        self.addCleanup(blacklist_file.close)
+        blacklist_file.write('failing'.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--blacklist-file=%s' % path], 0)
+    def test_tempest_run_with_blacklist_passing(self):
+        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+        blacklist_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0)
+        self.addCleanup(blacklist_file.close)
+        blacklist_file.write('passing'.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--blacklist-file=%s' % path], 1)
+    def test_tempest_run_with_blacklist_regex_exclude_fail_check_pass(self):
+        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+        blacklist_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0)
+        self.addCleanup(blacklist_file.close)
+        blacklist_file.write('failing'.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--blacklist-file=%s' % path,
+                            '--regex', 'pass'], 0)
+    def test_tempest_run_with_blacklist_regex_exclude_pass_check_pass(self):
+        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+        blacklist_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0)
+        self.addCleanup(blacklist_file.close)
+        blacklist_file.write('passing'.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--blacklist-file=%s' % path,
+                            '--regex', 'pass'], 1)
+    def test_tempest_run_with_blacklist_regex_exclude_pass_check_fail(self):
+        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
+        blacklist_file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb', 0)
+        self.addCleanup(blacklist_file.close)
+        blacklist_file.write('passing'.encode('utf-8'))
+        self.assertRunExit(['tempest', 'run', '--blacklist-file=%s' % path,
+                            '--regex', 'fail'], 1)
 class TestConfigPathCheck(base.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
diff --git a/tempest/tests/cmd/ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
index 65481de..b4f6c5f 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/cmd/
+++ b/tempest/tests/cmd/
@@ -133,12 +133,89 @@
                          "None or empty name is specified."
                          " Please specify correct name for workspace.\n")
+    def test_workspace_manager_rename_with_existing_name(self):
+        new_name =
+        with patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO) as mock_stdout:
+            ex = self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
+                                   self.workspace_manager.rename_workspace,
+                         , new_name)
+        self.assertEqual(1, ex.code)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_stdout.getvalue(),
+                         "A workspace already exists with name: %s.\n"
+                         % new_name)
+    def test_workspace_manager_rename_no_exist_old_name(self):
+        old_name = ""
+        new_name = data_utils.rand_uuid()
+        with patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO) as mock_stdout:
+            ex = self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
+                                   self.workspace_manager.rename_workspace,
+                                   old_name, new_name)
+        self.assertEqual(1, ex.code)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_stdout.getvalue(),
+                         "A workspace was not found with name: %s\n"
+                         % old_name)
+    def test_workspace_manager_rename_integer_data(self):
+        old_name =
+        new_name = 12345
+        self.workspace_manager.rename_workspace(old_name, new_name)
+        self.assertIsNone(self.workspace_manager.get_workspace(old_name))
+        self.assertIsNotNone(self.workspace_manager.get_workspace(new_name))
+    def test_workspace_manager_rename_alphanumeric_data(self):
+        old_name =
+        new_name = 'abc123'
+        self.workspace_manager.rename_workspace(old_name, new_name)
+        self.assertIsNone(self.workspace_manager.get_workspace(old_name))
+        self.assertIsNotNone(self.workspace_manager.get_workspace(new_name))
     def test_workspace_manager_move(self):
         new_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
         self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, new_path, ignore_errors=True)
         self.workspace_manager.move_workspace(, new_path)
             self.workspace_manager.get_workspace(, new_path)
+        # NOTE(mbindlish): Also checking for the workspace that it
+        # shouldn't exist in old path
+        self.assertNotEqual(
+            self.workspace_manager.get_workspace(, self.path)
+    def test_workspace_manager_move_wrong_path(self):
+        new_path = 'wrong/path'
+        with patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO) as mock_stdout:
+            ex = self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
+                                   self.workspace_manager.move_workspace,
+                         , new_path)
+        self.assertEqual(1, ex.code)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_stdout.getvalue(),
+                         "Path does not exist.\n")
+    def test_workspace_manager_move_wrong_workspace(self):
+        workspace_name = "wrong_workspace_name"
+        new_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, new_path, ignore_errors=True)
+        with patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO) as mock_stdout:
+            ex = self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
+                                   self.workspace_manager.move_workspace,
+                                   workspace_name, new_path)
+        self.assertEqual(1, ex.code)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_stdout.getvalue(),
+                         "A workspace was not found with name: %s\n"
+                         % workspace_name)
+    def test_workspace_manager_move_no_workspace_name(self):
+        workspace_name = ""
+        new_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, new_path, ignore_errors=True)
+        with patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO) as mock_stdout:
+            ex = self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
+                                   self.workspace_manager.move_workspace,
+                                   workspace_name, new_path)
+        self.assertEqual(1, ex.code)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_stdout.getvalue(),
+                         "A workspace was not found with name: %s\n"
+                         % workspace_name)
     def test_workspace_manager_move_no_workspace_path(self):
         new_path = ""
@@ -155,6 +232,30 @@
+    def test_workspace_manager_remove_entry_no_name(self):
+        no_name = ""
+        with patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO) as mock_stdout:
+            ex = self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
+                                   self.workspace_manager.
+                                   remove_workspace_entry,
+                                   no_name)
+        self.assertEqual(1, ex.code)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_stdout.getvalue(),
+                         "A workspace was not found with name: %s\n"
+                         % no_name)
+    def test_workspace_manager_remove_entry_wrong_name(self):
+        wrong_name = "wrong_name"
+        with patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO) as mock_stdout:
+            ex = self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
+                                   self.workspace_manager.
+                                   remove_workspace_entry,
+                                   wrong_name)
+        self.assertEqual(1, ex.code)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_stdout.getvalue(),
+                         "A workspace was not found with name: %s\n"
+                         % wrong_name)
     def test_workspace_manager_remove_directory(self):
         path = self.workspace_manager.remove_workspace_entry(
@@ -188,8 +289,11 @@
         self.assertEqual(1, ex.code)
-                         "A workspace was not found with name: %s\n" %
-                         nonexistent_name)
+                         "A workspace was not found with name: %s\n"
+                         % nonexistent_name)
+    def test_workspace_name_exists(self):
+        self.assertIsNone(self.workspace_manager._name_exists(
     def test_workspace_name_already_exists(self):
         duplicate_name =
@@ -203,6 +307,11 @@
                          "A workspace already exists with name: %s.\n"
                          % duplicate_name)
+    def test_workspace_name_exists_check_new_name(self):
+        new_name = "fake_name"
+        self.assertIsNone(self.workspace_manager.
+                          _workspace_name_exists(new_name))
     def test_workspace_manager_path_not_exist(self):
         fake_path = "fake_path"
         with patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO) as mock_stdout:
@@ -213,6 +322,11 @@
                          "Path does not exist.\n")
+    def test_validate_path_exists(self):
+        new_path = self.path
+        self.assertIsNone(self.workspace_manager.
+                          _validate_path(new_path))
     def test_workspace_manager_list_workspaces(self):
         listed = self.workspace_manager.list_workspaces()
         self.assertEqual(1, len(listed))
@@ -242,3 +356,21 @@
                          "None or empty path is specified for workspace."
                          " Please specify correct workspace path.\n")
+    def test_register_new_workspace_integer_data(self):
+        workspace_name = 12345
+        self.workspace_manager.register_new_workspace(
+            workspace_name, self.path)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(
+            self.workspace_manager.get_workspace(workspace_name))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            self.workspace_manager.get_workspace(workspace_name), self.path)
+    def test_register_new_workspace_alphanumeric_data(self):
+        workspace_name = 'abc123'
+        self.workspace_manager.register_new_workspace(
+            workspace_name, self.path)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(
+            self.workspace_manager.get_workspace(workspace_name))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            self.workspace_manager.get_workspace(workspace_name), self.path)