tempest.tests.boto merge to tempest.testboto

* conslusion logic added
* importing ordering fixed
* some other import fixes

Change-Id: Ic3ebbba3e340c1a32b1b4a99b2cce3d0fe5a7e28
diff --git a/tempest/services/botoclients.py b/tempest/services/botoclients.py
index 143257a..0870c96 100644
--- a/tempest/services/botoclients.py
+++ b/tempest/services/botoclients.py
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 import ConfigParser
 import contextlib
-import re
 import types
 import urlparse
diff --git a/tempest/testboto.py b/tempest/testboto.py
index 5625841..cee8843 100644
--- a/tempest/testboto.py
+++ b/tempest/testboto.py
@@ -17,16 +17,21 @@
 from contextlib import closing
 import logging
+import os
 import re
+import urlparse
 import boto
 from boto import ec2
 from boto import exception
 from boto import s3
+import keystoneclient.exceptions
+import tempest.clients
+from tempest.common.utils.file_utils import have_effective_read_access
+import tempest.config
 from tempest import exceptions
 import tempest.test
-import tempest.tests.boto
 from tempest.tests.boto.utils.wait import re_search_wait
 from tempest.tests.boto.utils.wait import state_wait
 from tempest.tests.boto.utils.wait import wait_exception
@@ -34,6 +39,71 @@
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def decision_maker():
+    A_I_IMAGES_READY = True  # ari,ami,aki
+    secret_matcher = re.compile("[A-Za-z0-9+/]{32,}")  # 40 in other system
+    id_matcher = re.compile("[A-Za-z0-9]{20,}")
+    def all_read(*args):
+        return all(map(have_effective_read_access, args))
+    config = tempest.config.TempestConfig()
+    materials_path = config.boto.s3_materials_path
+    ami_path = materials_path + os.sep + config.boto.ami_manifest
+    aki_path = materials_path + os.sep + config.boto.aki_manifest
+    ari_path = materials_path + os.sep + config.boto.ari_manifest
+    A_I_IMAGES_READY = all_read(ami_path, aki_path, ari_path)
+    boto_logger = logging.getLogger('boto')
+    level = boto_logger.level
+    boto_logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)  # suppress logging for these
+    def _cred_sub_check(connection_data):
+        if not id_matcher.match(connection_data["aws_access_key_id"]):
+            raise Exception("Invalid AWS access Key")
+        if not secret_matcher.match(connection_data["aws_secret_access_key"]):
+            raise Exception("Invalid AWS secret Key")
+        raise Exception("Unknown (Authentication?) Error")
+    openstack = tempest.clients.Manager()
+    try:
+        if urlparse.urlparse(config.boto.ec2_url).hostname is None:
+            raise Exception("Failed to get hostname from the ec2_url")
+        ec2client = openstack.ec2api_client
+        try:
+            ec2client.get_all_regions()
+        except exception.BotoServerError as exc:
+                if exc.error_code is None:
+                    raise Exception("EC2 target does not looks EC2 service")
+                _cred_sub_check(ec2client.connection_data)
+    except keystoneclient.exceptions.Unauthorized:
+        EC2_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR = "AWS credentials not set," +\
+                                " faild to get them even by keystoneclient"
+    except Exception as exc:
+        EC2_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR = str(exc)
+    try:
+        if urlparse.urlparse(config.boto.s3_url).hostname is None:
+            raise Exception("Failed to get hostname from the s3_url")
+        s3client = openstack.s3_client
+        try:
+            s3client.get_bucket("^INVALID*#()@INVALID.")
+        except exception.BotoServerError as exc:
+            if exc.status == 403:
+                _cred_sub_check(s3client.connection_data)
+    except Exception as exc:
+        S3_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR = str(exc)
+    except keystoneclient.exceptions.Unauthorized:
+        S3_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR = "AWS credentials not set," +\
+                               " faild to get them even by keystoneclient"
+    boto_logger.setLevel(level)
 class BotoExceptionMatcher(object):
     STATUS_RE = r'[45]\d\d'
     CODE_RE = '.*'  # regexp makes sense in group match
@@ -121,7 +191,7 @@
 class BotoTestCase(tempest.test.BaseTestCase):
     """Recommended to use as base class for boto related test."""
-    conclusion = tempest.tests.boto.generic_setup_package()
+    conclusion = decision_maker()
     def setUpClass(cls):
@@ -130,13 +200,13 @@
         cls._resource_trash_bin = {}
         cls._sequence = -1
         if (hasattr(cls, "EC2") and
-            tempest.tests.boto.EC2_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR is not None):
+            cls.conclusion['EC2_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR'] is not None):
             raise cls.skipException("EC2 " + cls.__name__ + ": " +
-                                    tempest.tests.boto.EC2_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR)
+                                    cls.conclusion['EC2_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR'])
         if (hasattr(cls, "S3") and
-            tempest.tests.boto.S3_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR is not None):
+            cls.conclusion['S3_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR'] is not None):
             raise cls.skipException("S3 " + cls.__name__ + ": " +
-                                    tempest.tests.boto.S3_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR)
+                                    cls.conclusion['S3_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR'])
     def addResourceCleanUp(cls, function, *args, **kwargs):
diff --git a/tempest/tests/boto/__init__.py b/tempest/tests/boto/__init__.py
index dd224d6..e69de29 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/boto/__init__.py
+++ b/tempest/tests/boto/__init__.py
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2012 OpenStack, LLC
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import urlparse
-import boto.exception
-import keystoneclient.exceptions
-import tempest.clients
-from tempest.common.utils.file_utils import have_effective_read_access
-import tempest.config
-A_I_IMAGES_READY = True  # ari,ami,aki
-def generic_setup_package():
-    global A_I_IMAGES_READY
-    global S3_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR
-    secret_matcher = re.compile("[A-Za-z0-9+/]{32,}")  # 40 in other system
-    id_matcher = re.compile("[A-Za-z0-9]{20,}")
-    def all_read(*args):
-        return all(map(have_effective_read_access, args))
-    config = tempest.config.TempestConfig()
-    materials_path = config.boto.s3_materials_path
-    ami_path = materials_path + os.sep + config.boto.ami_manifest
-    aki_path = materials_path + os.sep + config.boto.aki_manifest
-    ari_path = materials_path + os.sep + config.boto.ari_manifest
-    A_I_IMAGES_READY = all_read(ami_path, aki_path, ari_path)
-    boto_logger = logging.getLogger('boto')
-    level = boto_logger.level
-    boto_logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)  # suppress logging for these
-    def _cred_sub_check(connection_data):
-        if not id_matcher.match(connection_data["aws_access_key_id"]):
-            raise Exception("Invalid AWS access Key")
-        if not secret_matcher.match(connection_data["aws_secret_access_key"]):
-            raise Exception("Invalid AWS secret Key")
-        raise Exception("Unknown (Authentication?) Error")
-    openstack = tempest.clients.Manager()
-    try:
-        if urlparse.urlparse(config.boto.ec2_url).hostname is None:
-            raise Exception("Failed to get hostname from the ec2_url")
-        ec2client = openstack.ec2api_client
-        try:
-            ec2client.get_all_regions()
-        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as exc:
-                if exc.error_code is None:
-                    raise Exception("EC2 target does not looks EC2 service")
-                _cred_sub_check(ec2client.connection_data)
-    except keystoneclient.exceptions.Unauthorized:
-        EC2_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR = "AWS credentials not set," +\
-                                " faild to get them even by keystoneclient"
-    except Exception as exc:
-        EC2_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR = str(exc)
-    try:
-        if urlparse.urlparse(config.boto.s3_url).hostname is None:
-            raise Exception("Failed to get hostname from the s3_url")
-        s3client = openstack.s3_client
-        try:
-            s3client.get_bucket("^INVALID*#()@INVALID.")
-        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as exc:
-            if exc.status == 403:
-                _cred_sub_check(s3client.connection_data)
-    except Exception as exc:
-        S3_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR = str(exc)
-    except keystoneclient.exceptions.Unauthorized:
-        S3_CAN_CONNECT_ERROR = "AWS credentials not set," +\
-                               " faild to get them even by keystoneclient"
-    boto_logger.setLevel(level)
diff --git a/tempest/tests/boto/test_ec2_instance_run.py b/tempest/tests/boto/test_ec2_instance_run.py
index 6b61c11..98fdc8b 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/boto/test_ec2_instance_run.py
+++ b/tempest/tests/boto/test_ec2_instance_run.py
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
 import logging
-from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError
+from boto import exception
 import testtools
 from tempest import clients
 from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name
 from tempest.common.utils.linux.remote_client import RemoteClient
+from tempest import exceptions
 from tempest.test import attr
 from tempest.testboto import BotoTestCase
-import tempest.tests.boto
 from tempest.tests.boto.utils.s3 import s3_upload_dir
 from tempest.tests.boto.utils.wait import re_search_wait
 from tempest.tests.boto.utils.wait import state_wait
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     def setUpClass(cls):
         super(InstanceRunTest, cls).setUpClass()
-        if not tempest.tests.boto.A_I_IMAGES_READY:
+        if not cls.conclusion['A_I_IMAGES_READY']:
             raise cls.skipException("".join(("EC2 ", cls.__name__,
                                     ": requires ami/aki/ari manifest")))
         cls.os = clients.Manager()
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@
             if state != "available":
                 for _image in cls.images.itervalues():
-                raise EC2RegisterImageException(image_id=image["image_id"])
+                raise exceptions.EC2RegisterImageException(image_id=
+                                                           image["image_id"])
     def test_run_stop_terminate_instance(self):
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@
         except ValueError:
-        except EC2ResponseError as exc:
+        except exception.EC2ResponseError as exc:
             if self.ec2_error_code.\
diff --git a/tempest/tests/boto/test_s3_ec2_images.py b/tempest/tests/boto/test_s3_ec2_images.py
index 1088b00..4068aba 100644
--- a/tempest/tests/boto/test_s3_ec2_images.py
+++ b/tempest/tests/boto/test_s3_ec2_images.py
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 from tempest.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name
 from tempest.test import attr
 from tempest.testboto import BotoTestCase
-import tempest.tests.boto
 from tempest.tests.boto.utils.s3 import s3_upload_dir
 from tempest.tests.boto.utils.wait import state_wait
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@
     def setUpClass(cls):
         super(S3ImagesTest, cls).setUpClass()
-        if not tempest.tests.boto.A_I_IMAGES_READY:
+        if not cls.conclusion['A_I_IMAGES_READY']:
             raise cls.skipException("".join(("EC2 ", cls.__name__,
                                     ": requires ami/aki/ari manifest")))
         cls.os = clients.Manager()