test_fixed_ips unsafe xml/json resource sharing

Test fixed ips might store json test case
 related variables on the base class in way, which might cause the
xml test cases to uses the json rest clients.

Depending on the execution order, it can lead to many type of anomalies.

Fixing bug 1226001

Change-Id: Ib4585931aafcddf009a5a8001d4e14ce14053fe6
diff --git a/tempest/api/compute/admin/test_fixed_ips.py b/tempest/api/compute/admin/test_fixed_ips.py
index 895f773..85b03e6 100644
--- a/tempest/api/compute/admin/test_fixed_ips.py
+++ b/tempest/api/compute/admin/test_fixed_ips.py
@@ -21,42 +21,29 @@
 from tempest.test import attr
-class FixedIPsBase(base.BaseComputeAdminTest):
-    _interface = 'json'
-    ip = None
-    @classmethod
-    def setUpClass(cls):
-        super(FixedIPsBase, cls).setUpClass()
-        if cls.config.service_available.neutron:
-            msg = ("%s skipped as neutron is available" % cls.__name__)
-            raise cls.skipException(msg)
-        # NOTE(maurosr): The idea here is: the server creation is just an
-        # auxiliary element to the ip details or reservation, there was no way
-        # (at least none in my mind) to get an valid and existing ip except
-        # by creating a server and using its ip. So the intention is to create
-        # fewer server possible (one) and use it to both: json and xml tests.
-        # This decreased time to run both tests, in my test machine, from 53
-        # secs to 29 (agains 23 secs when running only json tests)
-        if cls.ip is None:
-            cls.client = cls.os_adm.fixed_ips_client
-            cls.non_admin_client = cls.fixed_ips_client
-            resp, server = cls.create_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
-            resp, server = cls.servers_client.get_server(server['id'])
-            for ip_set in server['addresses']:
-                for ip in server['addresses'][ip_set]:
-                    if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed':
-                        cls.ip = ip['addr']
-                        break
-                if cls.ip:
-                    break
-class FixedIPsTestJson(FixedIPsBase):
+class FixedIPsTestJson(base.BaseComputeAdminTest):
     _interface = 'json'
     CONF = config.TempestConfig()
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        super(FixedIPsTestJson, cls).setUpClass()
+        if cls.config.service_available.neutron:
+            msg = ("%s skipped as neutron is available" % cls.__name__)
+            raise cls.skipException(msg)
+        cls.client = cls.os_adm.fixed_ips_client
+        cls.non_admin_client = cls.fixed_ips_client
+        resp, server = cls.create_server(wait_until='ACTIVE')
+        resp, server = cls.servers_client.get_server(server['id'])
+        for ip_set in server['addresses']:
+            for ip in server['addresses'][ip_set]:
+                if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed':
+                    cls.ip = ip['addr']
+                    break
+            if cls.ip:
+                break
     def test_list_fixed_ip_details(self):
         resp, fixed_ip = self.client.get_fixed_ip_details(self.ip)