Merge "Add additional documentation for stress tests"
diff --git a/HACKING.rst b/HACKING.rst
index 7d995c3..377c647 100644
--- a/HACKING.rst
+++ b/HACKING.rst
@@ -163,3 +163,26 @@
 - If the execution of a set of tests is required to be serialized then locking
   can be used to perform this. See AggregatesAdminTest in
   tempest.api.compute.admin for an example of using locking.
+Stress Tests in Tempest
+Any tempest test case can be flagged as a stress test. With this flag it will
+be automatically discovery and used in the stress test runs. The stress test
+framework itself is a facility to spawn and control worker processes in order
+to find race conditions (see ``tempest/stress/`` for more information). Please
+note that these stress tests can't be used for benchmarking purposes since they
+don't measure any performance characteristics.
+  @stresstest(class_setup_per='process')
+  def test_this_and_that(self):
+    ...
+This will flag the test ``test_this_and_that`` as a stress test. The parameter
+``class_setup_per`` gives control when the setUpClass function should be called.
+Good candidates for stress tests are:
+- Scenario tests
+- API tests that have a wide focus
diff --git a/tempest/stress/README.rst b/tempest/stress/README.rst
index ae86f6e..20e58d4 100644
--- a/tempest/stress/README.rst
+++ b/tempest/stress/README.rst
@@ -26,6 +26,16 @@
 To activate logging on your console please make sure that you activate `use_stderr`
 in tempest.conf or use the default `logging.conf.sample` file.
+Running default stress test set
+The stress test framework can automatically discover test inside the tempest
+test suite. All test flag with the `@stresstest` decorator will be executed.
+In order to use this discovery you have to be in the tempest root directory
+and execute the following:
+	tempest/stress/ -a -d 30
 Running the sample test