Remove novaclient CLI tests

These have been converted to novalclient functional tests
(I5a34cf1a39d4f73f94a27cce365434bd4a0eea0b).  The CLI tests never really
made a lot of sense as part of tempest itself, and now that we have
tempest-lib and other bits in place to enable functional testing we can
start moving each of these CLI tests into there respective repos.

Change-Id: I050e92bc5620d6e748cf1d948ef2a52305aa02b5
diff --git a/tempest/cli/simple_read_only/compute/ b/tempest/cli/simple_read_only/compute/
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index e69de29..0000000
--- a/tempest/cli/simple_read_only/compute/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tempest/cli/simple_read_only/compute/ b/tempest/cli/simple_read_only/compute/
deleted file mode 100644
index aee92fa..0000000
--- a/tempest/cli/simple_read_only/compute/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-from tempest_lib import decorators
-from tempest_lib import exceptions
-import testtools
-from tempest import cli
-from tempest import config
-from tempest.openstack.common import log as logging
-CONF = config.CONF
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class SimpleReadOnlyNovaClientTest(cli.ClientTestBase):
-    """
-    This is a first pass at a simple read only python-novaclient test. This
-    only exercises client commands that are read only.
-    This should test commands:
-    * as a regular user
-    * as a admin user
-    * with and without optional parameters
-    * initially just check return codes, and later test command outputs
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def resource_setup(cls):
-        if not CONF.service_available.nova:
-            msg = ("%s skipped as Nova is not available" % cls.__name__)
-            raise cls.skipException(msg)
-        super(SimpleReadOnlyNovaClientTest, cls).resource_setup()
-    def nova(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return self.clients.nova(*args,
-                                 endpoint_type=CONF.compute.endpoint_type,
-                                 **kwargs)
-    def test_admin_fake_action(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.CommandFailed,
-                          self.nova,
-                          'this-does-nova-exist')
-    # NOTE(jogo): Commands in order listed in 'nova help'
-    # Positional arguments:
-    def test_admin_absolute_limites(self):
-        self.nova('absolute-limits')
-        self.nova('absolute-limits', params='--reserved')
-    def test_admin_aggregate_list(self):
-        self.nova('aggregate-list')
-    def test_admin_availability_zone_list(self):
-        self.assertIn("internal", self.nova('availability-zone-list'))
-    def test_admin_cloudpipe_list(self):
-        self.nova('cloudpipe-list')
-    def test_admin_credentials(self):
-        self.nova('credentials')
-    @testtools.skipIf(CONF.service_available.neutron,
-                      "Neutron does not provide this feature")
-    def test_admin_dns_domains(self):
-        self.nova('dns-domains')
-    @decorators.skip_because(bug="1157349")
-    def test_admin_dns_list(self):
-        self.nova('dns-list')
-    def test_admin_endpoints(self):
-        self.nova('endpoints')
-    def test_admin_flavor_acces_list(self):
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.CommandFailed,
-                          self.nova,
-                          'flavor-access-list')
-        # Failed to get access list for public flavor type
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.CommandFailed,
-                          self.nova,
-                          'flavor-access-list',
-                          params='--flavor m1.tiny')
-    def test_admin_flavor_list(self):
-        self.assertIn("Memory_MB", self.nova('flavor-list'))
-    def test_admin_floating_ip_bulk_list(self):
-        self.nova('floating-ip-bulk-list')
-    def test_admin_floating_ip_list(self):
-        self.nova('floating-ip-list')
-    def test_admin_floating_ip_pool_list(self):
-        self.nova('floating-ip-pool-list')
-    def test_admin_host_list(self):
-        self.nova('host-list')
-    def test_admin_hypervisor_list(self):
-        self.nova('hypervisor-list')
-    def test_admin_image_list(self):
-        self.nova('image-list')
-    @decorators.skip_because(bug="1157349")
-    def test_admin_interface_list(self):
-        self.nova('interface-list')
-    def test_admin_keypair_list(self):
-        self.nova('keypair-list')
-    def test_admin_list(self):
-        self.nova('list')
-        self.nova('list', params='--all-tenants 1')
-        self.nova('list', params='--all-tenants 0')
-        self.assertRaises(exceptions.CommandFailed,
-                          self.nova,
-                          'list',
-                          params='--all-tenants bad')
-    def test_admin_network_list(self):
-        self.nova('network-list')
-    def test_admin_rate_limits(self):
-        self.nova('rate-limits')
-    def test_admin_secgroup_list(self):
-        self.nova('secgroup-list')
-    @decorators.skip_because(bug="1157349")
-    def test_admin_secgroup_list_rules(self):
-        self.nova('secgroup-list-rules')
-    @cli.min_client_version(client='nova', version='2.18')
-    def test_admin_server_group_list(self):
-        self.nova('server-group-list')
-    def test_admin_servce_list(self):
-        self.nova('service-list')
-    def test_admin_usage(self):
-        self.nova('usage')
-    def test_admin_usage_list(self):
-        self.nova('usage-list')
-    @testtools.skipIf(not CONF.service_available.cinder,
-                      "Skipped as Cinder is not available")
-    def test_admin_volume_list(self):
-        self.nova('volume-list')
-    @testtools.skipIf(not CONF.service_available.cinder,
-                      "Skipped as Cinder is not available")
-    def test_admin_volume_snapshot_list(self):
-        self.nova('volume-snapshot-list')
-    @testtools.skipIf(not CONF.service_available.cinder,
-                      "Skipped as Cinder is not available")
-    def test_admin_volume_type_list(self):
-        self.nova('volume-type-list')
-    def test_admin_help(self):
-        self.nova('help')
-    def test_admin_list_extensions(self):
-        self.nova('list-extensions')
-    def test_admin_net_list(self):
-        self.nova('net-list')
-    def test_agent_list(self):
-        self.nova('agent-list')
-        self.nova('agent-list', flags='--debug')
-    def test_migration_list(self):
-        self.nova('migration-list')
-        self.nova('migration-list', flags='--debug')
-    # Optional arguments:
-    def test_admin_version(self):
-        self.nova('', flags='--version')
-    def test_admin_debug_list(self):
-        self.nova('list', flags='--debug')
-    def test_admin_timeout(self):
-        self.nova('list', flags='--timeout %d' % CONF.cli.timeout)
-    def test_admin_timing(self):
-        self.nova('list', flags='--timing')