Update v3 project tests to work w/ pre-prov

I don't see any limitations by using pre-provisioned
credentials for these tests:

* test_project_create_with_domain
* test_project_create_with_parent
* test_create_is_domain_project
* test_project_get_equals_list
* test_project_create_with_description
* test_associate_user_to_project
* test_project_create_enabled
* test_project_create_not_enabled
* test_project_update_name
* test_project_update_desc
* test_project_update_enable

By setting force_tenant_isolation=False these tests now be
can executed with backends that don't allow user creation
(immutable user source) like LDAP.

Change-Id: Ifc9f23d150992cdcf415293439c2f51f3d75aeb3
1 file changed