Merge panko tempest config into ceilometer repo

* removes the dummy panko
  tempest plugin from panko repo but panko tempest config is used
  in ceilometer integration tests. It merges the required config
  in order to avoid turbulence in integration tests.

Change-Id: I97a5abed3486f63363782f52e7746e87bd88ed4a
diff --git a/ceilometer/tests/tempest/ b/ceilometer/tests/tempest/
index d39874c..1490921 100644
--- a/ceilometer/tests/tempest/
+++ b/ceilometer/tests/tempest/
@@ -16,14 +16,21 @@
 from oslo_config import cfg
-service_option = cfg.BoolOpt('ceilometer',
-                             default=True,
-                             help="Whether or not Ceilometer is expected to be"
-                                  "available")
+service_option = [cfg.BoolOpt('ceilometer',
+                              default=True,
+                              help="Whether or not Ceilometer is expected to"
+                                   "be available"),
+                  cfg.BoolOpt('panko',
+                              default=True,
+                              help="Whether or not Panko is expected to be"
+                                   "available")]
 telemetry_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='telemetry',
                                title='Telemetry Service Options')
+event_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='event',
+                           title='Event Service Options')
 TelemetryGroup = [
@@ -39,3 +46,14 @@
                     "configured Gnocchi archive policy")
+event_opts = [
+    cfg.StrOpt('catalog_type',
+               default='event',
+               help="Catalog type of the Event service."),
+    cfg.StrOpt('endpoint_type',
+               default='publicURL',
+               choices=['public', 'admin', 'internal',
+                        'publicURL', 'adminURL', 'internalURL'],
+               help="The endpoint type to use for the event service."),
diff --git a/ceilometer/tests/tempest/ b/ceilometer/tests/tempest/
index bfc6b40..19fcf68 100644
--- a/ceilometer/tests/tempest/
+++ b/ceilometer/tests/tempest/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 import os
+from tempest import config
 from tempest.test_discover import plugins
 import ceilometer
@@ -31,13 +32,20 @@
         return full_test_dir, base_path
     def register_opts(self, conf):
-        conf.register_group(tempest_config.telemetry_group)
-        conf.register_opts(tempest_config.TelemetryGroup, group='telemetry')
-        conf.register_opt(tempest_config.service_option,
-                          group='service_available')
+        config.register_opt_group(
+            conf, config.service_available_group,
+            tempest_config.service_option)
+        config.register_opt_group(
+            conf, tempest_config.telemetry_group,
+            tempest_config.TelemetryGroup)
+        config.register_opt_group(
+            conf, tempest_config.event_group,
+            tempest_config.event_opts)
     def get_opt_lists(self):
-        return [
-            (,
-             tempest_config.TelemetryGroup),
-            ('service_available', [tempest_config.service_option])]
+        return [(,
+                 tempest_config.TelemetryGroup),
+                (,
+                 tempest_config.event_opts),
+                (,
+                 tempest_config.service_option)]