Don't install system tempest with devstack
Change-Id: I01f2d18b9bd1afc1ad21c8311a355f2352a97539
diff --git a/playbooks/legacy/telemetry-dsvm-integration-tempest-plugin/ b/playbooks/legacy/telemetry-dsvm-integration-tempest-plugin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..10c3ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/legacy/telemetry-dsvm-integration-tempest-plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#!/bin/bash -xe
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# This script is executed inside post_test_hook function in devstack gate.
+function export_subunit_data {
+ target="$1"
+ if [ -f .testrepository/0 ]; then
+ sudo testr last --subunit > $WORKSPACE/testrepository.subunit.$target
+ fi
+function generate_testr_results {
+ cat $WORKSPACE/testrepository.subunit.* | sudo tee $BASE/logs/testrepository.subunit
+ sudo /usr/os-testr-env/bin/subunit2html $BASE/logs/testrepository.subunit $BASE/logs/testr_results.html
+ sudo gzip -9 $BASE/logs/testrepository.subunit
+ sudo gzip -9 $BASE/logs/testr_results.html
+ sudo chown $USER:$USER $BASE/logs/testrepository.subunit.gz $BASE/logs/testr_results.html.gz
+ sudo chmod a+r $BASE/logs/testrepository.subunit.gz $BASE/logs/testr_results.html.gz
+function generate_telemetry_report(){
+ set +x
+ set +e
+ echo "* Message queue status:"
+ sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues | grep -e \\.sample -e \\.info
+ source $BASE/new/devstack/openrc admin admin
+ echo "* Heat stack:"
+ openstack stack show integration_test
+ echo "* Alarm list:"
+ aodh alarm list
+ echo "* Event list:"
+ ceilometer event-list -q 'event_type=string::compute.instance.create.end'
+ echo "* Nova instance list:"
+ openstack server list
+ echo "* Gnocchi instance list:"
+ gnocchi resource list -t instance
+ for instance_id in $(openstack server list -f value -c ID); do
+ echo "* Nova instance detail:"
+ openstack server show $instance_id
+ echo "* Gnocchi instance detail:"
+ gnocchi resource show -t instance $instance_id
+ echo "* Gnocchi measures for instance ${instance_id}:"
+ gnocchi measures show -r $instance_id cpu_util
+ done
+ gnocchi status
+ echo "* Unprocessed measures:"
+ for key in $(redis-cli --scan --pattern 'incoming*'); do echo -n "$key length = " && redis-cli llen $key; done
+ set -e
+ set -x
+function generate_reports_and_maybe_exit() {
+ local ret="$1"
+ if [[ $ret != 0 ]]; then
+ # Collect and parse result
+ generate_telemetry_report
+ generate_testr_results
+ exit $ret
+ fi
+# Run tests with tempest
+sudo chown -R tempest:stack $BASE/new/tempest
+sudo chown -R tempest:stack $BASE/data/tempest
+cd $BASE/new/tempest
+sudo -H -u tempest tox -evenv-tempest -- pip install /opt/stack/new/heat-tempest-plugin /opt/stack/new/telemetry-tempest-plugin
+echo "Checking installed Tempest plugins:"
+sudo -H -u tempest tox -evenv-tempest -- tempest list-plugins
+set +e
+sudo -H -u tempest OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=$TEMPEST_OS_TEST_TIMEOUT tox -evenv-tempest -- tempest run -r telemetry_tempest_plugin --concurrency=$TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY
+set -e
+export_subunit_data "all-plugin"
+generate_reports_and_maybe_exit $EXIT_CODE
+exit $EXIT_CODE