inital support for a git storage type
diff --git a/reclass/ b/reclass/
index c86b880..83b962f 100644
--- a/reclass/
+++ b/reclass/
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
     storage_class = StorageBackendLoader(storage_type).load()
     return MemcacheProxy(storage_class(nodes_uri, classes_uri, **kwargs))
+def get_path_mangler(storage_type,**kwargs):
+    return StorageBackendLoader(storage_type).path_mangler()
 def output(data, fmt, pretty_print=False, no_refs=False):
     output_class = OutputLoader(fmt).load()
diff --git a/reclass/ b/reclass/
index 0f3b023..6043b41 100644
--- a/reclass/
+++ b/reclass/
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 import errors
 from defaults import *
-from constants import MODE_NODEINFO, MODE_INVENTORY
+from constants import MODE_NODEINFO, MODE_INVENTORY 
+from reclass import get_path_mangler
 def make_db_options_group(parser, defaults={}):
     ret = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Database options',
@@ -131,30 +132,6 @@
     return parser, option_checker
-def path_mangler(inventory_base_uri, nodes_uri, classes_uri):
-    if inventory_base_uri is None:
-        # if inventory_base is not given, default to current directory
-        inventory_base_uri = os.getcwd()
-    nodes_uri = nodes_uri or 'nodes'
-    classes_uri = classes_uri or 'classes'
-    def _path_mangler_inner(path):
-        ret = os.path.join(inventory_base_uri, path)
-        ret = os.path.expanduser(ret)
-        return os.path.abspath(ret)
-    n, c = map(_path_mangler_inner, (nodes_uri, classes_uri))
-    if n == c:
-        raise errors.DuplicateUriError(n, c)
-    common = os.path.commonprefix((n, c))
-    if common == n or common == c:
-        raise errors.UriOverlapError(n, c)
-    return n, c
 def get_options(name, version, description,
@@ -178,8 +155,8 @@
     options, args = parser.parse_args()
     checker(options, args)
-    options.nodes_uri, options.classes_uri = \
-            path_mangler(options.inventory_base_uri, options.nodes_uri, options.classes_uri)
+    path_mangler = get_path_mangler(options.storage_type)
+    options.nodes_uri, options.classes_uri = path_mangler(options.inventory_base_uri, options.nodes_uri, options.classes_uri)
     return options
diff --git a/reclass/storage/ b/reclass/storage/
index 001fdce..3990b91 100644
--- a/reclass/storage/
+++ b/reclass/storage/
@@ -22,14 +22,10 @@
         msg = "Storage class '{0}' does not implement class entity retrieval."
         raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(
-    def get_exports(self):
-        msg = "Storage class '{0}' does not implement get_exports."
-        raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(
-    def put_exports(self, new):
-        msg = "Storage class '{0}' does not implement put_exports."
-        raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(
     def enumerate_nodes(self):
         msg = "Storage class '{0}' does not implement node enumeration."
         raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(
+    def path_mangler(self):
+        msg = "Storage class '{0}' does not implement path_mangler."
+        raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(
diff --git a/reclass/storage/ b/reclass/storage/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a77fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reclass/storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import os
+class NameMangler:
+    @staticmethod
+    def nodes(relpath, name):
+        # nodes are identified just by their basename, so
+        # no mangling required
+        return relpath, name
+    @staticmethod
+    def classes(relpath, name):
+        if relpath == '.' or relpath == '':
+            # './' is converted to None
+            return None, name
+        parts = relpath.split(os.path.sep)
+        if name != 'init':
+            # "init" is the directory index, so only append the basename
+            # to the path parts for all other filenames. This has the
+            # effect that data in file "foo/init.yml" will be registered
+            # as data for class "foo", not "foo.init"
+            parts.append(name)
+        return relpath, '.'.join(parts)
diff --git a/reclass/storage/git_fs/ b/reclass/storage/git_fs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c2ad07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reclass/storage/git_fs/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of reclass
+import collections
+import fnmatch
+import os
+import pygit2
+import reclass.errors
+from import NodeStorageBase
+from import NameMangler
+from import YamlData
+STORAGE_NAME = 'git_fs'
+def path_mangler(inventory_base_uri, nodes_uri, classes_uri):
+    if nodes_uri == classes_uri:
+        raise errors.DuplicateUriError(nodes_uri, classes_uri)
+    return nodes_uri, classes_uri
+def list_files_in_branch(repo, branch):
+    def _files_in_tree(tree, path):
+        files = []
+        for entry in tree:
+            if entry.filemode == pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_TREE:
+                subtree = repo.get(
+                if path == '':
+                    subpath =
+                else:
+                    subpath = '/'.join([path,])
+                files.extend(_files_in_tree(subtree, subpath))
+            else:
+                if path == '':
+                    relpath =
+                else:
+                    relpath = '/'.join([path,])
+                files.append(GitMD(, relpath,
+        return files
+    tree = repo.revparse_single('master').tree
+    return _files_in_tree(tree, '')
+GitMD = collections.namedtuple("GitMD", ["name", "path", "id"], verbose=False, rename=False)
+class ExternalNodeStorage(NodeStorageBase):
+    def __init__(self, nodes_uri, classes_uri, default_environment=None):
+        super(ExternalNodeStorage, self).__init__(STORAGE_NAME)
+        self._nodes_uri = nodes_uri
+        self._nodes_repo = pygit2.Repository(self._nodes_uri)
+        self._nodes = self._enumerate_nodes()
+        self._classes_uri = classes_uri
+        self._classes_repo = pygit2.Repository(self._classes_uri)
+        self._classes_branches = self._classes_repo.listall_branches()
+        self._classes = self._enumerate_classes()
+        self._default_environment = default_environment
+    nodes_uri = property(lambda self: self._nodes_uri)
+    classes_uri = property(lambda self: self._classes_uri)
+    def get_node(self, name):
+        blob = self._nodes_repo.get(self._nodes[name].id)
+        entity = YamlData.from_string(, 'git_fs://{0}:master/{1}'.format(self._nodes_uri, self._nodes[name].path)).get_entity(name, self._default_environment)
+        return entity
+    def get_class(self, name, nodename=None, branch='master'):
+        blob = self._classes_repo.get(self._classes[branch][name].id)
+        entity = YamlData.from_string(, 'git_fs://{0}:{1}/{2}'.format(self._classes_uri, branch, self._classes[branch][name].path)).get_entity(name, self._default_environment)
+        return entity
+    def enumerate_nodes(self):
+        return self._nodes.keys()
+    def _enumerate_nodes(self):
+        ret = {}
+        files = list_files_in_branch(self._nodes_repo, 'master')
+        for file in files:
+            if fnmatch.fnmatch(, '*{0}'.format(FILE_EXTENSION)):
+                name = os.path.splitext([0]
+                if name in ret:
+                    raise reclass.errors.DuplicateNodeNameError(, name, ret[name], path)
+                else:
+                    ret[name] = file
+        return ret
+    def _enumerate_classes(self):
+        ret = {}
+        for bname in self._classes_branches:
+            branch = {}
+            files = list_files_in_branch(self._classes_repo, bname)
+            for file in files:
+                if fnmatch.fnmatch(, '*{0}'.format(FILE_EXTENSION)):
+                    name = os.path.splitext([0]
+                    relpath = os.path.dirname(file.path)
+                    relpath, name = NameMangler.classes(relpath, name)
+                    if name in ret:
+                        raise reclass.errors.DuplicateNodeNameError(, name, ret[name], path)
+                    else:
+                        branch[name] = file
+            ret[bname] = branch
+        return ret
diff --git a/reclass/storage/ b/reclass/storage/
index 399e7fd..77fdecb 100644
--- a/reclass/storage/
+++ b/reclass/storage/
@@ -23,3 +23,9 @@
                                  '"{1}"'.format(self._name, klassname))
         return klass
+    def path_mangler(self, name='path_mangler'):
+        function = getattr(self._module, name, None)
+        if function is None:
+            raise AttributeError('Storage backend class {0} does not export "{1}"'.format(self._name, name))
+        return function
diff --git a/reclass/storage/yaml_fs/ b/reclass/storage/yaml_fs/
index 19b2b8f..c9de29c 100644
--- a/reclass/storage/yaml_fs/
+++ b/reclass/storage/yaml_fs/
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 import yaml
 from reclass.output.yaml_outputter import ExplicitDumper
 from import NodeStorageBase
-from yamlfile import YamlFile
+from import NameMangler
+from import YamlData
 from directory import Directory
 from reclass.datatypes import Entity
 import reclass.errors
@@ -23,32 +24,40 @@
     #print >>sys.stderr, msg
+def path_mangler(inventory_base_uri, nodes_uri, classes_uri):
+    if inventory_base_uri is None:
+        # if inventory_base is not given, default to current directory
+        inventory_base_uri = os.getcwd()
+    nodes_uri = nodes_uri or 'nodes'
+    classes_uri = classes_uri or 'classes'
+    def _path_mangler_inner(path):
+        ret = os.path.join(inventory_base_uri, path)
+        ret = os.path.expanduser(ret)
+        return os.path.abspath(ret)
+    n, c = map(_path_mangler_inner, (nodes_uri, classes_uri))
+    if n == c:
+        raise errors.DuplicateUriError(n, c)
+    common = os.path.commonprefix((n, c))
+    if common == n or common == c:
+        raise errors.UriOverlapError(n, c)
+    return n, c
 class ExternalNodeStorage(NodeStorageBase):
     def __init__(self, nodes_uri, classes_uri, default_environment=None):
         super(ExternalNodeStorage, self).__init__(STORAGE_NAME)
-        def name_mangler(relpath, name):
-            # nodes are identified just by their basename, so
-            # no mangling required
-            return relpath, name
         self._nodes_uri = nodes_uri
-        self._nodes = self._enumerate_inventory(nodes_uri, name_mangler)
+        self._nodes = self._enumerate_inventory(nodes_uri, NameMangler.nodes)
-        def name_mangler(relpath, name):
-            if relpath == '.':
-                # './' is converted to None
-                return None, name
-            parts = relpath.split(os.path.sep)
-            if name != 'init':
-                # "init" is the directory index, so only append the basename
-                # to the path parts for all other filenames. This has the
-                # effect that data in file "foo/init.yml" will be registered
-                # as data for class "foo", not "foo.init"
-                parts.append(name)
-            return relpath, '.'.join(parts)
         self._classes_uri = classes_uri
-        self._classes = self._enumerate_inventory(classes_uri, name_mangler)
+        self._classes = self._enumerate_inventory(classes_uri, NameMangler.classes)
         self._default_environment = default_environment
     nodes_uri = property(lambda self: self._nodes_uri)
@@ -85,7 +94,7 @@
             name = os.path.splitext(relpath)[0]
         except KeyError, e:
             raise reclass.errors.NodeNotFound(, name, self.nodes_uri)
-        entity = YamlFile(path).get_entity(name, self._default_environment)
+        entity = YamlData.from_file(path).get_entity(name, self._default_environment)
         return entity
     def get_class(self, name, nodename=None):
@@ -94,7 +103,7 @@
             path = os.path.join(self.classes_uri, self._classes[name])
         except KeyError, e:
             raise reclass.errors.ClassNotFound(, name, self.classes_uri)
-        entity = YamlFile(path).get_entity(name)
+        entity = YamlData.from_file(path).get_entity(name)
         return entity
     def enumerate_nodes(self):
diff --git a/reclass/storage/yaml_fs/ b/reclass/storage/
similarity index 72%
rename from reclass/storage/yaml_fs/
rename to reclass/storage/
index ad262cd..8d8363a 100644
--- a/reclass/storage/yaml_fs/
+++ b/reclass/storage/
@@ -11,25 +11,37 @@
 import os
 from reclass.errors import NotFoundError
-class YamlFile(object):
+class YamlData(object):
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        ''' Initialise a yamlfile object '''
+    @classmethod
+    def from_file(cls, path):
+        ''' Initialise yaml data from a local file '''
         if not os.path.isfile(path):
             raise NotFoundError('No such file: %s' % path)
         if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
             raise NotFoundError('Cannot open: %s' % path)
-        self._path = path
-        self._data = dict()
-        self._read()
-    path = property(lambda self: self._path)
-    def _read(self):
-        fp = file(self._path)
+        y = cls('yaml_fs://{0}'.format(path))
+        fp = file(path)
         data = yaml.safe_load(fp)
         if data is not None:
-            self._data = data
+            y._data = data
+        return y
+    @classmethod
+    def from_string(cls, string, uri):
+        ''' Initialise yaml data from a string '''
+        y = cls(uri)
+        data = yaml.safe_load(string)
+        if data is not None:
+            y._data = data
+        return y
+    def __init__(self, uri):
+        self._uri = uri
+        self._data = dict()
+    uri = property(lambda self: self._uri)
     def get_data(self):
         return self._data
@@ -61,8 +73,7 @@
         env = self._data.get('environment', default_environment)
         return datatypes.Entity(classes, applications, parameters, exports,
-                                name=name, environment=env,
-                                uri='yaml_fs://{0}'.format(self._path))
+                                name=name, environment=env, uri=self.uri)
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<{0} {1}, {2}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._path,