Split Ansible-specific stuff from README
Signed-off-by: martin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>
diff --git a/README.Ansible b/README.Ansible
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63cd284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.Ansible
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+ reclass — recursive external node classification
+reclass is © 2007–2013 martin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>
+and available under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0
+Please make sure to read the generic information in the README file first, or
+alongside this document.
+Quick start with Ansible
+The following steps should get you up and running quickly. Generally, we will
+be working in /etc/ansible. However, if you are using a source-code checkout
+of Ansible, you might also want to work inside the ./hacking directory
+Or you can also just look into ./examples/ansible of your reclass checkout,
+where the following steps have already been prepared.
+/…/reclass refers to the location of your reclass checkout.
+ 1. Symlink /…/reclass/adapters/ansible to /etc/ansible/hosts (or
+ ./hacking/hosts)
+ 2. Copy the two directories 'nodes' and 'classes' from the example
+ subdirectory in the reclass checkout to /etc/ansible
+ If you prefer to put those directories elsewhere, you can create
+ /etc/ansible/reclass-config.yml with contents such as
+ storage_type: yaml_fs
+ nodes_uri: /srv/reclass/nodes
+ classes_uri: /srv/reclass/classes
+ Note that yaml_fs is currently the only supported storage_type, and it's
+ the default if you don't set it.
+ 3. Check out your inventory by invoking
+ ./hosts --list
+ which should return 5 groups in JSON-format, and each group has exactly
+ one member 'localhost'.
+ 4. See the node information for 'localhost':
+ ./hosts --host localhost
+ This should print a set of keys and values, including a greeting,
+ a colour, and a sub-class called 'RECLASS'.
+ 5. Execute some ansible commands, e.g.
+ ansible -i hosts \* --list-hosts
+ ansible -i hosts \* -m ping
+ ansible -i hosts \* -m debug -a 'msg="${greeting}"'
+ ansible -i hosts \* -m setup
+ ansible-playbook -i hosts test.yml
+ 6. You can also invoke reclass directly, which gives a slightly different
+ view onto the same data, i.e. before it has been adapted for Ansible:
+ /…/reclass.py --pretty-print --inventory
+ /…/reclass.py --pretty-print --nodeinfo localhost
+Integration with Ansible
+The integration between reclass and Ansible is performed through an adapter,
+and needs not be of our concern too much.
+However, Ansible has no concept of "nodes", "applications", "parameters", and
+"classes". Therefore it is necessary to explain how those correspond to
+Ansible. Crudely, the following mapping exists:
+ nodes hosts
+ classes groups
+ applications playbooks
+ parameters host_vars
+reclass does not provide any group_vars because of its node-centric
+perspective. While class definitions include parameters, those are inherited
+by the node definitions and hence become node_vars.
+reclass also does not provide playbooks, nor does it deal with any of the
+related Ansible concepts, i.e. vars_files, vars, tasks, handlers, roles, etc..
+ Let it be said at this point that you'll probably want to stop using
+ host_vars, group_vars and vars_files altogether, and if only because you
+ should no longer need them, but also because the variable precedence rules
+ of Ansible are full of surprises, at least to me.
+reclass' Ansible adapter massage the reclass output into Ansible-usable data,
+ - Every class in the ancestry of a node becomes a group to Ansible. This is
+ mainly useful to be able to target nodes during interactive use of
+ Ansible, e.g.
+ ansible debiannode@wheezy -m command -a 'apt-get upgrade'
+ → upgrade all Debian nodes running wheezy
+ ansible ssh.server -m command -a 'invoke-rc.d ssh restart'
+ → restart all SSH server processes
+ ansible mailserver -m command -a 'tail -n1000 /var/log/mail.err'
+ → obtain the last 1,000 lines of all mailserver error log files
+ The attentive reader might stumble over the use of singular words, whereas
+ it might make more sense to address all 'mailserver*s*' with this tool.
+ This is convention and up to you. I prefer to think of my node as
+ a (singular) mailserver when I add 'mailserver' to its parent classes.
+ - Every entry in the list of a host's applications might well correspond to
+ an Ansible playbook. Therefore, reclass creates a (Ansible-)group for
+ every application, and adds '_hosts' to the name. This postfix can be
+ configured with a CLI option (--applications-postfix) or in the
+ configuration file (applications_postfix).
+ For instance, the ssh.server class adds the ssh.server application to
+ a node's application list. Now the admin might create an Ansible playbook
+ like so:
+ - name: SSH server management
+ hosts: ssh.server_hosts ← SEE HERE
+ tasks:
+ - name: install SSH package
+ action: …
+ …
+ There's a bit of redundancy in this, but unfortunately Ansible playbooks
+ hardcode the nodes to which a playbook applies.
+ It's now trivial to apply this playbook across your infrastructure:
+ ansible-playbook ssh.server.yml
+ My suggested way to use Ansible site-wide is then to create a 'site'
+ playbook that includes all the other playbooks (which shall hopefully be
+ based on Ansible roles), and then to invoke Ansible like this:
+ ansible-playbook site.yml
+ or, if you prefer only to reconfigure a subset of nodes, e.g. all
+ webservers:
+ ansible-playbook site.yml --limit webserver
+ Again, if the singular word 'webserver' puts you off, change the
+ convention as you wish.
+ And if anyone comes up with a way to directly connect groups in the
+ inventory with roles, thereby making it unnecessary to write playbook
+ files (containing redundant information), please tell me!
+ - Parameters corresponding to a node become host_vars for that host.
+It is possible to include Jinja2-style variables like you would in Ansible,
+in parameter values. This is especially powerful in combination with the
+recursive merging, e.g.
+ parameters:
+ motd:
+ greeting: Welcome to {{ ansible_fqdn }}!
+ closing: This system is part of {{ realm }}
+Now you just need to specify realm somewhere. The reference can reside in
+a parent class, while the variable is defined e.g. in the node.