Docs: Add RBAC overview documentation
This patchset adds an RBAC overview documentation section dedicated
* Defining what RBAC is
* Policy in code and validation info related to it
* Custom policies and validation info related to it
* Multiple policies and validation info related to it
* Error codes
* Glossary
This way, users can learn about what RBAC is from a high level
and how Patrole uses validation to validate that it is working
Change-Id: Ib411e4d06210135f7bd1cb90d5b6d59da2e5d076
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index 255fd9a..001ca32 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,14 @@
+RBAC Overview
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ rbac-overview
User's Guide
diff --git a/doc/source/rbac-overview.rst b/doc/source/rbac-overview.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eefa5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/rbac-overview.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+Role-Based Access Control Overview
+Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is used by most OpenStack services to control
+user access to resources. Authorization is granted if a user has the necessary
+role to perform an action. Patrole is concerned with validating that each of
+these resources *can* be accessed by authorized users and *cannot* be accessed
+by unauthorized users.
+OpenStack services use `oslo.policy`_ as the library for RBAC authorization.
+Patrole relies on the same library for deriving expected test results.
+.. _policy-in-code:
+Policy in Code
+Services publish their policy-to-API mapping via policy in code documentation.
+This mapping includes the list of APIs that authorize a policy, for each
+policy declared within a service.
+For example, Nova's policy in code documentation is located in the
+`Nova repository`_ under ``nova/policies``. Likewise, Keystone's policy in
+code documentation is located in the `Keystone repository`_ under
+``keystone/common/policies``. The other OpenStack services follow the same
+directory layout pattern with respect to policy in code.
+The policy in code `governance goal`_ enumerates many advantages with following
+this RBAC design approach. A so-called library of in-code policies offers the
+following advantages, with respect to facilitating validation:
+* includes every policy enforced by an OpenStack service, enabling the
+ possibility of complete Patrole test coverage for that service (otherwise
+ one has to read the source code to discover all the policies)
+* provides the policy-to-API mapping for each policy which can be used
+ to write correct Patrole tests (otherwise reading source code and
+ experimentation are required to derive this mapping)
+* by extension, the policy-to-API mapping facilitates writing multi-policy
+ Patrole tests (otherwise even more experimentation and code reading is
+ required to arrive at all the policies enforced by an API)
+* policy in code documentation includes additional information, like
+ descriptions and (in the case of some services, like Keystone)
+ `scope types`_, which help with understanding how to correctly write
+ Patrole tests
+* by extension, such information helps to determine whether a Patrole test
+ should assume :term:`hard authorization` or :term:`soft authorization`
+Policy in Code (Default) Validation
+By default, Patrole validates default OpenStack policies. This is so that
+the out-of-the-box defaults are sanity-checked, to ensure that OpenStack
+services are secure, from an RBAC perspective, for each release.
+Patrole strives to validate RBAC by using the policy in code documentation,
+wherever possible.
+.. _custom-policies:
+Custom Policies
+Operators can override policy in code defaults using `policy.yaml`_. While
+this allows operators to offer more fine-grained RBAC control to their tenants,
+it opens the door to misconfiguration and bugs. Patrole can be used to validate
+that custom policy overrides don't break anything and work as expected.
+Custom Policy Validation
+While testing default policy behavior is a valid use case, oftentimes default
+policies are modified with custom overrides in production. OpenStack's
+`policy.yaml`_ documentation claims that "modifying policy can have unexpected
+side effects", which is why Patrole was created: to ensure that custom
+overrides allow the principle of least privilege to be tailor-made to exact
+specifications via policy overrides, without:
+* causing unintended side effects (breaking API endpoints, breaking
+ cross-service workflows, breaking the policy file itself); or
+* resulting in poor RBAC configuration, promoting security vulnerabilities
+This has implications on Patrole's :ref:`design-principles`: validating custom
+overrides requires the ability to handle arbitrary roles, which requires logic
+capable of dynamically determining expected test behavior. See
+:ref:`rbac-validation` for more details.
+Note that support for custom policies is limited. This is because custom
+policies can be arbitrarily complex, requiring that tests be very robust
+in order to handle all edge cases.
+.. _multiple-policies:
+Multiple Policies
+Behind the scenes, many APIs enforce multiple policies, for many reasons,
+* to control complex cross-service workflows;
+* to control whether a server is booted from an image or booted from a volume
+ (for example);
+* to control whether a response body should contain additional information
+ conditioned upon successful policy authorization.
+This makes `policy in code`_ especially important for policy validation: it
+is difficult to keep track of all the policies being enforced across all the
+individual APIs, without policy in code documentation.
+Multi-Policy Validation
+Patrole offers support for validating APIs that enforce multiple policies.
+Perhaps in an ideal world each API endpoint would enforce only one policy,
+but in reality some API endpoints enforce multiple policies. Thus, to offer
+accurate validation, Patrole handles multiple policies:
+* for services *with* policy in code documentation: this documentation
+ indicates that a single API endpoint enforces multiple policy actions.
+* for services *without* policy in code documentation: the API code clearly
+ shows multiple policy actions being validated. Note that in this case some
+ degree of log tracing is required by developers to confirm that the expected
+ policies are getting enforced, prior to the tests getting merged.
+.. todo::
+ Link to multi-policy validation documentation section once it has been
+ written.
+.. _error-codes:
+Error Codes
+Most OpenStack services raise a ``403 Forbidden`` following failed
+:term:`hard authorization`. Neutron, however, can raise a ``404 NotFound``
+as well. See Neutron's `authorization policy enforcement`_ documentation
+for more details.
+The following nomenclature is used throughout Patrole documentation so it is
+important to understand what each term means in order to understand concepts
+related to RBAC in Patrole.
+.. glossary::
+ authorize
+ The act of ``oslo.policy`` determining whether a user can perform a
+ :term:`policy` given his or her :term:`role`.
+ enforce
+ See :term:`authorize`.
+ hard authorization
+ The `do_raise`_ flag controls whether policy authorization should result
+ in an exception getting raised or a boolean value getting returned.
+ Hard authorization results in an exception getting raised. Usually, this
+ results in a ``403 Forbidden`` getting returned for unauthorized requests.
+ (See :ref:`error-codes` for further details.)
+ Related term: :term:`soft authorization`.
+ oslo.policy
+ The OpenStack library providing support for RBAC policy enforcement across
+ all OpenStack services. See the `official documentation`_ for more
+ information.
+ policy
+ Defines an RBAC rule. Each policy is defined by a one-line statement in
+ the form "<target>" : "<rule>". For more information, reference OpenStack's
+ `policy documentation`_.
+ policy action
+ See :term:`policy target`.
+ policy file
+ Prior to `governance goal`_ used by all OpenStack services to define
+ policy defaults. Still used by some services, which is why Patrole
+ needs to read the policy files to derive policy information for testing.
+ policy in code
+ Registers default OpenStack policies for a service in the service's code
+ base.
+ Beginning with the Queens release, policy in code became a
+ `governance goal`_.
+ policy rule
+ The policy rule determines under which circumstances the API call is
+ permitted.
+ policy target
+ The name of a policy.
+ requirements file
+ Requirements-driven approach to declaring the expected RBAC test results
+ referenced by Patrole. Uses a high-level YAML syntax to crystallize policy
+ requirements concisely and unambiguously. See :ref:`requirements-authority`
+ for more information.
+ role
+ A designation for the set of actions that describe what a user can do in
+ the system. Roles are managed through the `Keystone Roles API`_.
+ Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
+ May be formally defined as "an approach to restricting system access to
+ authorized users."
+ rule
+ See :term:`policy rule`. Note that currently the Patrole code base
+ conflates "rule" with :term:`policy target` in some places.
+ soft authorization
+ The `do_raise`_ flag controls whether policy authorization should result
+ in an exception getting raised or a boolean value getting returned.
+ Soft authorization results in a boolean value getting returned. When policy
+ authorization evaluates to true, additional operations are performed as a
+ part of the API request or additional information is included in the
+ response body (see `response filtering`_ for an example).
+ Related term: :term:`hard authorization`.
+.. _Nova repository:
+.. _Keystone repository:
+.. _governance goal:
+.. _scope types:
+.. _policy.yaml:
+.. _oslo.policy:
+.. _policy documentation:
+.. _do_raise:
+.. _authorization policy enforcement:
+.. _official documentation:
+.. _Keystone Roles API:
+.. _response filtering: