RBAC tests for compute quota class sets

Add RBAC tests for compute quota class sets API, providing coverage for
the following policy actions:

      * os_compute_api:os-quota-class-sets:show
      * os_compute_api:os-quota-class-sets:update

Change-Id: I0f1732a66b5955a04919a169eb338c9fa7d82340
Closes-Bug: #1700159
diff --git a/patrole_tempest_plugin/tests/api/compute/test_quota_class_sets_rbac.py b/patrole_tempest_plugin/tests/api/compute/test_quota_class_sets_rbac.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d8997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patrole_tempest_plugin/tests/api/compute/test_quota_class_sets_rbac.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#    Copyright 2017 AT&T Corporation.
+#    All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tempest.common import tempest_fixtures as fixtures
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib import decorators
+from tempest import test
+from patrole_tempest_plugin import rbac_rule_validation
+from patrole_tempest_plugin.tests.api.compute import rbac_base
+class QuotaClassesRbacTest(rbac_base.BaseV2ComputeRbacTest):
+    def setUp(self):
+        # All test cases in this class need to externally lock on doing
+        # anything with default quota values.
+        self.useFixture(fixtures.LockFixture('compute_quotas'))
+        super(QuotaClassesRbacTest, self).setUp()
+    @classmethod
+    def skip_checks(cls):
+        super(QuotaClassesRbacTest, cls).skip_checks()
+        if not test.is_extension_enabled('os-quota-class-sets', 'compute'):
+            msg = "%s skipped as os-quota-class-sets extension not enabled."\
+                  % cls.__name__
+            raise cls.skipException(msg)
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_clients(cls):
+        super(QuotaClassesRbacTest, cls).setup_clients()
+        cls.quota_classes_client = cls.os_primary.quota_classes_client
+        cls.identity_projects_client = cls.os_primary.projects_client
+    @classmethod
+    def resource_setup(cls):
+        super(QuotaClassesRbacTest, cls).resource_setup()
+        # Create a project with its own quota.
+        project_name = data_utils.rand_name(cls.__name__ + '-Project')
+        cls.project_id = cls.identity_projects_client.create_project(
+            project_name)['project']['id']
+    @classmethod
+    def resource_cleanup(cls):
+        cls.identity_projects_client.delete_project(
+            cls.project_id)
+        super(QuotaClassesRbacTest, cls).resource_cleanup()
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('c10198ed-9df2-440e-a49b-367dadc6de94')
+    @rbac_rule_validation.action(
+        service="nova",
+        rule="os_compute_api:os-quota-class-sets:show")
+    def test_show_quota_class_set(self):
+        self.rbac_utils.switch_role(self, toggle_rbac_role=True)
+        self.quota_classes_client.show_quota_class_set('default')[
+            'quota_class_set']
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('81889e69-efd2-4e96-bb4c-ee3b646b9755')
+    @rbac_rule_validation.action(
+        service="nova",
+        rule="os_compute_api:os-quota-class-sets:update")
+    def test_update_quota_class_set(self):
+        # Update the pre-existing quotas for the project_id.
+        quota_class_set = self.quota_classes_client.show_quota_class_set(
+            self.project_id)['quota_class_set']
+        quota_class_set.pop('id')
+        for quota, default in quota_class_set.items():
+            quota_class_set[quota] = default + 100
+        self.rbac_utils.switch_role(self, toggle_rbac_role=True)
+        self.quota_classes_client.update_quota_class_set(
+            self.project_id, **quota_class_set)['quota_class_set']
diff --git a/patrole_tempest_plugin/tests/api/compute/test_quota_sets_rbac.py b/patrole_tempest_plugin/tests/api/compute/test_quota_sets_rbac.py
index dc30d94..a4527c3 100644
--- a/patrole_tempest_plugin/tests/api/compute/test_quota_sets_rbac.py
+++ b/patrole_tempest_plugin/tests/api/compute/test_quota_sets_rbac.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     def skip_checks(cls):
         super(QuotaSetsRbacTest, cls).skip_checks()
         if not test.is_extension_enabled('os-quota-sets', 'compute'):
-            msg = "%s skipped as quotas extension not enabled."\
+            msg = "%s skipped as os-quota-sets extension not enabled."\
                   % cls.__name__
             raise cls.skipException(msg)
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/rbac-tests-for-quota-class-sets-20d874b185902308.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/rbac-tests-for-quota-class-sets-20d874b185902308.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96e280a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/rbac-tests-for-quota-class-sets-20d874b185902308.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  - |
+    Add RBAC tests for compute quota class sets API, providing coverage for
+    the following policy actions:
+      * os_compute_api:os-quota-class-sets:show
+      * os_compute_api:os-quota-class-sets:update