Create scenario tests for amphora

This patch implements amphora tests for the Octavia
Tempest Plugin.

Change-Id: I779d92b22a23b10d834220d80fe997f5a3719bbd
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/
index 14381f2..1a0a894 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 from tempest import config
 from import (
+    amphora_client)
+from import (
 from import (
@@ -53,3 +55,5 @@
             self.auth_provider, SERVICE_TYPE, CONF.identity.region)
         self.l7rule_client = l7rule_client.L7RuleClient(
             self.auth_provider, SERVICE_TYPE, CONF.identity.region)
+        self.amphora_client = amphora_client.AmphoraClient(
+            self.auth_provider, SERVICE_TYPE, CONF.identity.region)
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/
index 31a970b..871f930 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/
@@ -149,6 +149,42 @@
 OWNERADMIN = 'owner_or_admin'
 NONE = 'none'
+# Amphora fields
+COMPUTE_ID = 'compute_id'
+LB_NETWORK_IP = 'lb_network_ip'
+VRRP_IP = 'vrrp_ip'
+HA_IP = 'ha_ip'
+VRRP_PORT_ID = 'vrrp_port_id'
+HA_PORT_ID = 'ha_port_id'
+CERT_EXPIRATION = 'cert_expiration'
+CERT_BUSY = 'cert_busy'
+ROLE = 'role'
+STATUS = 'status'
+VRRP_INTERFACE = 'vrrp_interface'
+VRRP_ID = 'vrrp_id'
+VRRP_PRIORITY = 'vrrp_priority'
+CACHED_ZONE = 'cached_zone'
+IMAGE_ID = 'image_id'
+# Amphora roles
+# Amphora statuses
 # API valid fields
@@ -192,3 +228,10 @@
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65a8077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#   Copyright 2018 GoDaddy
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#   not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#   a copy of the License at
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#   under the License.
+from tempest import config
+from import base_client
+CONF = config.CONF
+class AmphoraClient(base_client.BaseLBaaSClient):
+    root_tag = 'amphora'
+    list_root_tag = 'amphorae'
+    base_uri = '/v2.0/octavia/{object}'
+    def show_amphora(self, amphora_id, query_params=None,
+                     return_object_only=True):
+        """Get amphora details.
+        :param amphora_id: The amphora ID to query.
+        :param query_params: The optional query parameters to append to the
+                             request. Ex. fields=id&fields=name
+        :param return_object_only: If True, the response returns the object
+                                   inside the root tag. False returns the full
+                                   response from the API.
+        :raises AssertionError: if the expected_code isn't a valid http success
+                                response code
+        :raises BadRequest: If a 400 response code is received
+        :raises Conflict: If a 409 response code is received
+        :raises Forbidden: If a 403 response code is received
+        :raises Gone: If a 410 response code is received
+        :raises InvalidContentType: If a 415 response code is received
+        :raises InvalidHTTPResponseBody: The response body wasn't valid JSON
+        :raises InvalidHttpSuccessCode: if the read code isn't an expected
+                                        http success code
+        :raises NotFound: If a 404 response code is received
+        :raises NotImplemented: If a 501 response code is received
+        :raises OverLimit: If a 413 response code is received and over_limit is
+                           not in the response body
+        :raises RateLimitExceeded: If a 413 response code is received and
+                                   over_limit is in the response body
+        :raises ServerFault: If a 500 response code is received
+        :raises Unauthorized: If a 401 response code is received
+        :raises UnexpectedContentType: If the content-type of the response
+                                       isn't an expect type
+        :raises UnexpectedResponseCode: If a response code above 400 is
+                                        received and it doesn't fall into any
+                                        of the handled checks
+        :raises UnprocessableEntity: If a 422 response code is received and
+                                     couldn't be parsed
+        :returns: An amphora object.
+        """
+        return self._show_object(obj_id=amphora_id,
+                                 query_params=query_params,
+                                 return_object_only=return_object_only)
+    def list_amphorae(self, query_params=None, return_object_only=True):
+        """Get a list of amphora objects.
+        :param query_params: The optional query parameters to append to the
+                             request. Ex. fields=id&fields=name
+        :param return_object_only: If True, the response returns the object
+                                   inside the root tag. False returns the full
+                                   response from the API.
+        :raises AssertionError: if the expected_code isn't a valid http success
+                                response code
+        :raises BadRequest: If a 400 response code is received
+        :raises Conflict: If a 409 response code is received
+        :raises Forbidden: If a 403 response code is received
+        :raises Gone: If a 410 response code is received
+        :raises InvalidContentType: If a 415 response code is received
+        :raises InvalidHTTPResponseBody: The response body wasn't valid JSON
+        :raises InvalidHttpSuccessCode: if the read code isn't an expected
+                                        http success code
+        :raises NotFound: If a 404 response code is received
+        :raises NotImplemented: If a 501 response code is received
+        :raises OverLimit: If a 413 response code is received and over_limit is
+                           not in the response body
+        :raises RateLimitExceeded: If a 413 response code is received and
+                                   over_limit is in the response body
+        :raises ServerFault: If a 500 response code is received
+        :raises Unauthorized: If a 401 response code is received
+        :raises UnexpectedContentType: If the content-type of the response
+                                       isn't an expect type
+        :raises UnexpectedResponseCode: If a response code above 400 is
+                                        received and it doesn't fall into any
+                                        of the handled checks
+        :raises UnprocessableEntity: If a 422 response code is received and
+                                     couldn't be parsed
+        :returns: A list of amphora objects.
+        """
+        return self._list_objects(query_params=query_params,
+                                  return_object_only=return_object_only)
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/v2/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/v2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5ebaf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/v2/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# Copyright 2018 GoDaddy
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from uuid import UUID
+from dateutil import parser
+from tempest import config
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib import decorators
+from tempest.lib import exceptions
+from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
+from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import test_base
+from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import waiters
+CONF = config.CONF
+class AmphoraAPITest(test_base.LoadBalancerBaseTest):
+    """Test the amphora object API."""
+    @classmethod
+    def resource_setup(cls):
+        """Setup resources needed by the tests."""
+        super(AmphoraAPITest, cls).resource_setup()
+        lb_name = data_utils.rand_name("lb_member_lb1_amphora")
+        lb_kwargs = {const.PROVIDER: CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+                     const.NAME: lb_name}
+        cls._setup_lb_network_kwargs(lb_kwargs)
+        lb = cls.mem_lb_client.create_loadbalancer(**lb_kwargs)
+        cls.lb_id = lb[const.ID]
+        cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+            cls.mem_lb_client.cleanup_loadbalancer,
+            cls.lb_id)
+        waiters.wait_for_status(cls.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer,
+                                cls.lb_id, const.PROVISIONING_STATUS,
+                                const.ACTIVE,
+                                CONF.load_balancer.lb_build_interval,
+                                CONF.load_balancer.lb_build_timeout)
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('a0e9ff99-2c4f-45d5-81c9-78d3107c236f')
+    def test_amphora_list_and_show(self):
+        """Tests amphora show API.
+        * Show amphora details.
+        * Validate the show reflects the requested values.
+        * Validates that other accounts cannot see the amphora.
+        """
+        lb_name = data_utils.rand_name("lb_member_lb2_amphora-list")
+        lb = self.mem_lb_client.create_loadbalancer(
+            name=lb_name,
+            vip_network_id=self.lb_member_vip_net[const.ID])
+        lb_id = lb[const.ID]
+        self.addCleanup(
+            self.mem_lb_client.cleanup_loadbalancer,
+            lb_id)
+        waiters.wait_for_status(self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer,
+                                lb_id,
+                                const.PROVISIONING_STATUS,
+                                const.ACTIVE,
+                                CONF.load_balancer.lb_build_interval,
+                                CONF.load_balancer.lb_build_timeout)
+        # Test that a user with lb_admin role can list the amphora
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            amphora_client = self.os_roles_lb_admin.amphora_client
+            amphora_adm = amphora_client.list_amphorae()
+            self.assertTrue(len(amphora_adm) >= 2)
+        # Test that a different user, with load balancer member role, cannot
+        # see this amphora
+        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
+            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.amphora_client
+            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
+                              member2_client.list_amphorae)
+        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
+        # list amphorae
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            self.assertRaises(
+                exceptions.Forbidden,
+                self.os_primary.amphora_client.list_amphorae)
+        # Test that a user with cloud admin role can list the amphorae
+        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
+            adm = self.os_admin.amphora_client.list_amphorae()
+            self.assertTrue(len(adm) >= 2)
+        # Get an actual list of the amphorae
+        amphorae = self.os_admin.amphora_client.list_amphorae()
+        # There should be AT LEAST 2, there may be more depending on the
+        # configured topology, or if there are other LBs created besides ours
+        self.assertTrue(len(amphorae) >= 2)
+        # Make sure all of the fields exist on the amp list records
+        for field in const.SHOW_AMPHORA_RESPONSE_FIELDS:
+            self.assertIn(field, amphorae[0])
+        amp1_id = amphorae[0][const.ID]
+        amp1 = self.os_admin.amphora_client.show_amphora(amphora_id=amp1_id)
+        # Make sure all of the fields exist on the amp show record
+        for field in const.SHOW_AMPHORA_RESPONSE_FIELDS:
+            self.assertIn(field, amp1)
+        # Verify a few of the fields are the right type
+        parser.parse(amp1[const.CREATED_AT])
+        parser.parse(amp1[const.UPDATED_AT])
+        UUID(amp1[const.ID])
+        UUID(amp1[const.COMPUTE_ID])
+        UUID(amp1[const.VRRP_PORT_ID])
+        self.assertIn(amp1[const.ROLE], const.AMPHORA_ROLES)
+        self.assertIn(amp1[const.STATUS], const.AMPHORA_STATUSES)
+        # We might have gotten unassigned/spare amps?
+        if amp1[const.STATUS] == const.STATUS_ALLOCATED:
+            UUID(amp1[const.HA_PORT_ID])
+            UUID(amp1[const.LOADBALANCER_ID])
+        # Test that all of the fields from the amp list match those from a show
+        for field in const.SHOW_AMPHORA_RESPONSE_FIELDS:
+            self.assertEqual(amphorae[0][field], amp1[field])
+        amp2_id = amphorae[1][const.ID]
+        amp2 = self.os_admin.amphora_client.show_amphora(amphora_id=amp2_id)
+        # Test that all of the fields from the amp list match those from a show
+        # (on another amphora)
+        for field in const.SHOW_AMPHORA_RESPONSE_FIELDS:
+            self.assertEqual(amphorae[1][field], amp2[field])
+        # Test filtering by loadbalancer_id
+        amphorae = self.os_admin.amphora_client.list_amphorae(
+            query_params='{loadbalancer_id}={lb_id}'.format(
+                loadbalancer_id=const.LOADBALANCER_ID, lb_id=self.lb_id))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(amphorae))
+        self.assertEqual(self.lb_id, amphorae[0][const.LOADBALANCER_ID])
+        amphorae = self.os_admin.amphora_client.list_amphorae(
+            query_params='{loadbalancer_id}={lb_id}'.format(
+                loadbalancer_id=const.LOADBALANCER_ID, lb_id=lb_id))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(amphorae))
+        self.assertEqual(lb_id, amphorae[0][const.LOADBALANCER_ID])
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/
index cf06879..0e6eba4 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
         cls.mem_l7policy_client = cls.os_roles_lb_member.l7policy_client
         cls.mem_l7rule_client = cls.os_roles_lb_member.l7rule_client
+        cls.mem_amphora_client = cls.os_roles_lb_member.amphora_client
     def resource_setup(cls):