[TF] Add support of tungstenfabric driver for octavia

Were skipped unsupported tests, avoided unsupported parameters
for loadbalancers, listeners, pools and members. Were met contrail

Related-PROD: PRODX-7072
Change-Id: I736f55fa4186464424e1ebc05c650f9a43375c62
(cherry picked from commit 0aece76a33ee755f6b56a70e8821b99c1f6b2600)
(cherry picked from commit 3d850c11a60c7b655a231aec8356f4be851ff2de)
(cherry picked from commit ba79d2c666576ecb21f1b46bffc6357a6b0b0f5b)
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/test_base.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/test_base.py
index ed61ddb..a4e28b0 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/test_base.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/test_base.py
@@ -593,6 +593,48 @@
             return False
         return True
+    @classmethod
+    def check_tf_compatibility(cls, protocol=None, algorithm=None):
+        # TungstenFabric supported protocols and algorithms
+        tf_protocols = [const.HTTP, const.HTTPS, const.TCP, const.UDP,
+                        const.TERMINATED_HTTPS]
+        tf_algorithms = [const.LB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN,
+                         const.LB_ALGORITHM_LEAST_CONNECTIONS,
+                         const.LB_ALGORITHM_SOURCE_IP]
+        if algorithm and algorithm not in tf_algorithms:
+            raise cls.skipException(
+                'TungstenFabric does not support {} algorithm.'
+                ''.format(algorithm))
+        if protocol and protocol not in tf_protocols:
+            raise cls.skipException(
+                'TungstenFabric does not support {} protocol.'
+                ''.format(protocol))
+    @classmethod
+    def _tf_create_listener(cls, name, proto, port, lb_id):
+        listener_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: name,
+            const.PROTOCOL: proto,
+            const.PROTOCOL_PORT: port,
+            const.LOADBALANCER_ID: lb_id,
+        }
+        listener = cls.mem_listener_client.create_listener(**listener_kwargs)
+        return listener
+    @classmethod
+    def _tf_get_free_port(cls, lb_id):
+        port = 8081
+        lb = cls.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer(lb_id)
+        listeners = lb[const.LISTENERS]
+        if not listeners:
+            return port
+        ports = [cls.mem_listener_client.show_listener(x[const.ID])[
+                     const.PROTOCOL_PORT] for x in listeners]
+        while port in ports:
+            port = port + 1
+        return port
 class LoadBalancerBaseTestWithCompute(LoadBalancerBaseTest):