Adds flavor profile API tests

This patch adds flavor profile API tests to the Octavia tempest plugin.

Change-Id: I4e76b3717ddc577a912e39edbe701c71825361d2
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/
index 4154e7b..0dd0156 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 POOLS = 'pools'
 PROJECT_ID = 'project_id'
 PROVIDER = 'provider'
+PROVIDER_NAME = 'provider_name'
 PROVISIONING_STATUS = 'provisioning_status'
 REQUEST_ERRORS = 'request_errors'
 TOTAL_CONNECTIONS = 'total_connections'
@@ -77,6 +78,8 @@
 URL_PATH = 'url_path'
 EXPECTED_CODES = 'expected_codes'
+FLAVOR_DATA = 'flavor_data'
 # Other constants
@@ -89,6 +92,8 @@
 SORT = 'sort'
 # Protocols
@@ -185,6 +190,9 @@
+# Flavor capabilities
+LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY = 'loadbalancer_topology'
 # API valid fields
@@ -232,3 +240,5 @@
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/
index d4fad92..7f359b2 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/
@@ -13,8 +13,12 @@
 #   under the License.
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from import base_client
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 Unset = base_client.Unset
@@ -216,3 +220,44 @@
         return self._delete_obj(obj_id=flavorprofile_id,
+    def cleanup_flavor_profile(self, flavorprofile_id):
+        """Delete a flavor profile for tempest cleanup.
+           We cannot use the cleanup_flavorprofile method as flavor profiles
+           do not have a provisioning_status.
+        :param flavorprofile_id: The flavor profile ID to delete.
+        :raises AssertionError: if the expected_code isn't a valid http success
+                                response code
+        :raises BadRequest: If a 400 response code is received
+        :raises Conflict: If a 409 response code is received
+        :raises Forbidden: If a 403 response code is received
+        :raises Gone: If a 410 response code is received
+        :raises InvalidContentType: If a 415 response code is received
+        :raises InvalidHTTPResponseBody: The response body wasn't valid JSON
+        :raises InvalidHttpSuccessCode: if the read code isn't an expected
+                                        http success code
+        :raises NotImplemented: If a 501 response code is received
+        :raises OverLimit: If a 413 response code is received and over_limit is
+                           not in the response body
+        :raises RateLimitExceeded: If a 413 response code is received and
+                                   over_limit is in the response body
+        :raises ServerFault: If a 500 response code is received
+        :raises Unauthorized: If a 401 response code is received
+        :raises UnexpectedContentType: If the content-type of the response
+                                       isn't an expect type
+        :raises UnexpectedResponseCode: If a response code above 400 is
+                                        received and it doesn't fall into any
+                                        of the handled checks
+        :raises UnprocessableEntity: If a 422 response code is received and
+                                     couldn't be parsed
+        :returns: None if ignore_errors is True, the response status code
+                  if not.
+        """
+        try:
+            self._delete_obj(obj_id=flavorprofile_id)
+        except exceptions.NotFound:
+            # Already gone, cleanup complete
+  "Flavor profile %s is already gone. "
+                     "Cleanup considered complete.", flavorprofile_id)
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bd6e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+#    Copyright 2019 Rackspace US Inc.  All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import copy
+from operator import itemgetter
+from uuid import UUID
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
+from tempest import config
+from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
+from tempest.lib import decorators
+from tempest.lib import exceptions
+from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
+from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import test_base
+CONF = config.CONF
+class FlavorProfileAPITest(test_base.LoadBalancerBaseTest):
+    """Test the flavor profile object API."""
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('d0e3a08e-d58a-4460-83ed-34307ca04cde')
+    def test_flavor_profile_create(self):
+        """Tests flavor profile create and basic show APIs.
+        * Tests that users without the loadbalancer admin role cannot
+          create flavor profiles.
+        * Create a fully populated flavor profile.
+        * Validate the response reflects the requested values.
+        """
+        # We have to do this here as the api_version and clients are not
+        # setup in time to use a decorator or the skip_checks mixin
+        if not self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.is_version_supported(
+                self.api_version, '2.6'):
+            raise self.skipException('Flavor profiles are only available on '
+                                     'Octavia API version 2.6 or newer.')
+        flavor_profile_name = data_utils.rand_name(
+            "lb_admin_flavorprofile1-create")
+        flavor_data = {const.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: const.SINGLE}
+        flavor_data_json = jsonutils.dumps(flavor_data)
+        flavor_profile_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: flavor_profile_name,
+            const.PROVIDER_NAME: CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+            const.FLAVOR_DATA: flavor_data_json
+        }
+        # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
+        # create a flavor profile
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            self.assertRaises(
+                exceptions.Forbidden,
+                self.os_primary.flavor_profile_client.create_flavor_profile,
+                **flavor_profile_kwargs)
+        # Happy path
+        flavor_profile = (
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.create_flavor_profile(
+                **flavor_profile_kwargs))
+        self.addCleanup(
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.cleanup_flavor_profile,
+            flavor_profile[const.ID])
+        UUID(flavor_profile[const.ID])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile_name, flavor_profile[const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+                         flavor_profile[const.PROVIDER_NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_data_json, flavor_profile[const.FLAVOR_DATA])
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('c4e17fdf-849a-4132-93ae-dfca21ce4444')
+    def test_flavor_profile_list(self):
+        """Tests flavor profile list API and field filtering.
+        * Create three flavor profiles.
+        * Validates that non-admin accounts cannot list the flavor profiles.
+        * List the flavor profiles using the default sort order.
+        * List the flavor profiles using descending sort order.
+        * List the flavor profiles using ascending sort order.
+        * List the flavor profiles returning one field at a time.
+        * List the flavor profiles returning two fields.
+        * List the flavor profiles filtering to one of the three.
+        * List the flavor profiles filtered, one field, and sorted.
+        """
+        # We have to do this here as the api_version and clients are not
+        # setup in time to use a decorator or the skip_checks mixin
+        if not self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.is_version_supported(
+                self.api_version, '2.6'):
+            raise self.skipException('Flavor profiles are only available on '
+                                     'Octavia API version 2.6 or newer.')
+        # Create flavor profile 1
+        flavor_profile1_name = data_utils.rand_name(
+            "lb_admin_flavorprofile-list-1")
+        flavor_data1 = {const.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: const.SINGLE}
+        flavor_data1_json = jsonutils.dumps(flavor_data1)
+        flavor_profile1_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: flavor_profile1_name,
+            const.PROVIDER_NAME: CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+            const.FLAVOR_DATA: flavor_data1_json
+        }
+        flavor_profile1 = (
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.create_flavor_profile(
+                **flavor_profile1_kwargs))
+        self.addCleanup(
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.cleanup_flavor_profile,
+            flavor_profile1[const.ID])
+        # Create flavor profile 2
+        flavor_profile2_name = data_utils.rand_name(
+            "lb_admin_flavorprofile-list-2")
+        flavor_data2 = {const.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: const.ACTIVE_STANDBY}
+        flavor_data2_json = jsonutils.dumps(flavor_data2)
+        flavor_profile2_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: flavor_profile2_name,
+            const.PROVIDER_NAME: CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+            const.FLAVOR_DATA: flavor_data2_json
+        }
+        flavor_profile2 = (
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.create_flavor_profile(
+                **flavor_profile2_kwargs))
+        self.addCleanup(
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.cleanup_flavor_profile,
+            flavor_profile2[const.ID])
+        # Create flavor profile 3
+        flavor_profile3_name = data_utils.rand_name(
+            "lb_admin_flavorprofile-list-3")
+        flavor_data3 = {const.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: const.SINGLE}
+        flavor_data3_json = jsonutils.dumps(flavor_data3)
+        flavor_profile3_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: flavor_profile3_name,
+            const.PROVIDER_NAME: CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+            const.FLAVOR_DATA: flavor_data3_json
+        }
+        flavor_profile3 = (
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.create_flavor_profile(
+                **flavor_profile3_kwargs))
+        self.addCleanup(
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.cleanup_flavor_profile,
+            flavor_profile3[const.ID])
+        # default sort order (by ID) reference list
+        ref_id_list_asc = [flavor_profile1[const.ID],
+                           flavor_profile2[const.ID],
+                           flavor_profile3[const.ID]]
+        ref_id_list_dsc = copy.deepcopy(ref_id_list_asc)
+        ref_id_list_asc.sort()
+        ref_id_list_dsc.sort(reverse=True)
+        # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
+        # list flavor profiles.
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            self.assertRaises(
+                exceptions.Forbidden,
+                self.os_primary.flavor_profile_client.list_flavor_profiles)
+        # Check the default sort order (by ID)
+        profiles = self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.list_flavor_profiles()
+        # Remove flavor profiles not used in this test
+        profiles = [prof for prof in profiles
+                    if 'lb_admin_flavorprofile-list' in prof[const.NAME]]
+        self.assertEqual(3, len(profiles))
+        self.assertEqual(ref_id_list_asc[0], profiles[0][const.ID])
+        self.assertEqual(ref_id_list_asc[1], profiles[1][const.ID])
+        self.assertEqual(ref_id_list_asc[2], profiles[2][const.ID])
+        # Check the descending sort order by name
+        profiles = self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.list_flavor_profiles(
+            query_params='{sort}={name}:{order}'.format(
+                sort=const.SORT, name=const.NAME, order=const.DESC))
+        # Remove flavor profiles not used in this test
+        profiles = [prof for prof in profiles
+                    if 'lb_admin_flavorprofile-list' in prof[const.NAME]]
+        self.assertEqual(3, len(profiles))
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile3_name, profiles[0][const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile2_name, profiles[1][const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile1_name, profiles[2][const.NAME])
+        # Check the ascending sort order by name
+        profiles = self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.list_flavor_profiles(
+            query_params='{sort}={name}:{order}'.format(
+                sort=const.SORT, name=const.NAME, order=const.ASC))
+        # Remove flavor profiles not used in this test
+        profiles = [prof for prof in profiles
+                    if 'lb_admin_flavorprofile-list' in prof[const.NAME]]
+        self.assertEqual(3, len(profiles))
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile1_name, profiles[0][const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile2_name, profiles[1][const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile3_name, profiles[2][const.NAME])
+        ref_profiles = [flavor_profile1, flavor_profile2, flavor_profile3]
+        sorted_profiles = sorted(ref_profiles, key=itemgetter(const.ID))
+        # Test fields
+        flavor_profile_client = self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client
+        for field in const.SHOW_FLAVOR_PROFILE_FIELDS:
+            profiles = flavor_profile_client.list_flavor_profiles(
+                query_params='{fields}={field}&{fields}={name}'.format(
+                    fields=const.FIELDS, field=field, name=const.NAME))
+            # Remove flavor profiles not used in this test
+            profiles = [prof for prof in profiles
+                        if 'lb_admin_flavorprofile-list' in prof[const.NAME]]
+            self.assertEqual(3, len(profiles))
+            self.assertEqual(sorted_profiles[0][field], profiles[0][field])
+            self.assertEqual(sorted_profiles[1][field], profiles[1][field])
+            self.assertEqual(sorted_profiles[2][field], profiles[2][field])
+        # Test filtering
+        profile = self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.list_flavor_profiles(
+            query_params='{name}={prof_name}'.format(
+                name=const.NAME,
+                prof_name=flavor_profile2[const.NAME]))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(profile))
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile2[const.ID], profile[0][const.ID])
+        # Test combined params
+        profiles = self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.list_flavor_profiles(
+            query_params='{provider_name}={provider}&{fields}={name}&'
+                         '{sort}={ID}:{desc}'.format(
+                             provider_name=const.PROVIDER_NAME,
+                             provider=CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+                             fields=const.FIELDS, name=const.NAME,
+                             sort=const.SORT, ID=const.ID,
+                             desc=const.DESC))
+        # Remove flavor profiles not used in this test
+        profiles = [prof for prof in profiles
+                    if 'lb_admin_flavorprofile-list' in prof[const.NAME]]
+        self.assertEqual(3, len(profiles))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(profiles[0]))
+        self.assertEqual(sorted_profiles[2][const.NAME],
+                         profiles[0][const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(sorted_profiles[1][const.NAME],
+                         profiles[1][const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(sorted_profiles[0][const.NAME],
+                         profiles[2][const.NAME])
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('a2c2ff9a-fce1-42fd-8cfd-56dea31610f6')
+    def test_flavor_profile_show(self):
+        """Tests flavor profile show API.
+        * Create a fully populated flavor profile.
+        * Show flavor profile details.
+        * Validate the show reflects the requested values.
+        * Validates that non-lb-admin accounts cannot see the flavor profile.
+        """
+        # We have to do this here as the api_version and clients are not
+        # setup in time to use a decorator or the skip_checks mixin
+        if not self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.is_version_supported(
+                self.api_version, '2.6'):
+            raise self.skipException('Flavor profiles are only available on '
+                                     'Octavia API version 2.6 or newer.')
+        flavor_profile_name = data_utils.rand_name(
+            "lb_admin_flavorprofile1-show")
+        flavor_data = {const.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: const.ACTIVE_STANDBY}
+        flavor_data_json = jsonutils.dumps(flavor_data)
+        flavor_profile_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: flavor_profile_name,
+            const.PROVIDER_NAME: CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+            const.FLAVOR_DATA: flavor_data_json
+        }
+        flavor_profile = (
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.create_flavor_profile(
+                **flavor_profile_kwargs))
+        self.addCleanup(
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.cleanup_flavor_profile,
+            flavor_profile[const.ID])
+        # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
+        # show a flavor profile
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            self.assertRaises(
+                exceptions.Forbidden,
+                self.os_primary.flavor_profile_client.show_flavor_profile,
+                flavor_profile[const.ID])
+        result = (
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.show_flavor_profile(
+                flavor_profile[const.ID]))
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile_name, result[const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+                         result[const.PROVIDER_NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_data_json, result[const.FLAVOR_DATA])
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('32a2e285-8dfc-485f-a450-a4d450d3c3ec')
+    def test_flavor_profile_update(self):
+        """Tests flavor profile update API.
+        * Create a fully populated flavor profile.
+        * Show flavor profile details.
+        * Validate the show reflects the initial values.
+        * Validates that non-admin accounts cannot update the flavor profile.
+        * Update the flavor profile details.
+        * Show flavor profile details.
+        * Validate the show reflects the updated values.
+        """
+        # We have to do this here as the api_version and clients are not
+        # setup in time to use a decorator or the skip_checks mixin
+        if not self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.is_version_supported(
+                self.api_version, '2.6'):
+            raise self.skipException('Flavor profiles are only available on '
+                                     'Octavia API version 2.6 or newer.')
+        flavor_profile_name = data_utils.rand_name(
+            "lb_admin_flavorprofile1-update")
+        flavor_data = {const.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: const.SINGLE}
+        flavor_data_json = jsonutils.dumps(flavor_data)
+        flavor_profile_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: flavor_profile_name,
+            const.PROVIDER_NAME: CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+            const.FLAVOR_DATA: flavor_data_json
+        }
+        flavor_profile = (
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.create_flavor_profile(
+                **flavor_profile_kwargs))
+        self.addCleanup(
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.cleanup_flavor_profile,
+            flavor_profile[const.ID])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile_name, flavor_profile[const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+                         flavor_profile[const.PROVIDER_NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_data_json, flavor_profile[const.FLAVOR_DATA])
+        flavor_profile_name2 = data_utils.rand_name(
+            "lb_admin_flavorprofile1-update2")
+        flavor_data2 = {const.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: const.ACTIVE_STANDBY}
+        flavor_data2_json = jsonutils.dumps(flavor_data2)
+        # TODO(johnsom) Figure out a reliable second provider
+        flavor_profile_updated_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: flavor_profile_name2,
+            const.PROVIDER_NAME: CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+            const.FLAVOR_DATA: flavor_data2_json
+        }
+        # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
+        # create a flavor profile
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            self.assertRaises(
+                exceptions.Forbidden,
+                self.os_primary.flavor_profile_client.update_flavor_profile,
+                flavor_profile[const.ID], **flavor_profile_updated_kwargs)
+        result = self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.update_flavor_profile(
+            flavor_profile[const.ID], **flavor_profile_updated_kwargs)
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile_name2, result[const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+                         result[const.PROVIDER_NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_data2_json, result[const.FLAVOR_DATA])
+        # Check that a show reflects the new values
+        get_result = (
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.show_flavor_profile(
+                flavor_profile[const.ID]))
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_profile_name2, get_result[const.NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+                         get_result[const.PROVIDER_NAME])
+        self.assertEqual(flavor_data2_json, get_result[const.FLAVOR_DATA])
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('4c2eaacf-c2c8-422a-b7dc-a30ceba6bcd4')
+    def test_flavor_profile_delete(self):
+        """Tests flavor profile create and delete APIs.
+        * Creates a flavor profile.
+        * Validates that other accounts cannot delete the flavor profile.
+        * Deletes the flavor profile.
+        * Validates the flavor profile is in the DELETED state.
+        """
+        # We have to do this here as the api_version and clients are not
+        # setup in time to use a decorator or the skip_checks mixin
+        if not self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.is_version_supported(
+                self.api_version, '2.6'):
+            raise self.skipException('Flavor profiles are only available on '
+                                     'Octavia API version 2.6 or newer.')
+        flavor_profile_name = data_utils.rand_name(
+            "lb_admin_flavorprofile1-delete")
+        flavor_data = {const.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: const.SINGLE}
+        flavor_data_json = jsonutils.dumps(flavor_data)
+        flavor_profile_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: flavor_profile_name,
+            const.PROVIDER_NAME: CONF.load_balancer.provider,
+            const.FLAVOR_DATA: flavor_data_json
+        }
+        flavor_profile = (
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.create_flavor_profile(
+                **flavor_profile_kwargs))
+        self.addCleanup(
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.cleanup_flavor_profile,
+            flavor_profile[const.ID])
+        # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
+        # delete a flavor profile
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            self.assertRaises(
+                exceptions.Forbidden,
+                self.os_primary.flavor_profile_client.delete_flavor_profile,
+                flavor_profile[const.ID])
+        # Happy path
+        self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.delete_flavor_profile(
+            flavor_profile[const.ID])
+        self.assertRaises(
+            exceptions.NotFound,
+            self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.show_flavor_profile,
+            flavor_profile[const.ID])
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/
index b935409..092fdcc 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/
@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@
         cls.mem_l7policy_client = cls.os_roles_lb_member.l7policy_client
         cls.mem_l7rule_client = cls.os_roles_lb_member.l7rule_client
         cls.mem_amphora_client = cls.os_roles_lb_member.amphora_client
+        cls.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client = (
+            cls.os_roles_lb_admin.flavor_profile_client)
     def resource_setup(cls):