Adds a pool re-encryption scenario test

This patch adds a pool re-encryption scenario test that covers
TLS enabled pools, pools with CA validation, and pools with
certificate revocation lists.

Co-Authored-By: Gregory Thiemonge <>

Change-Id: Ib3d8d766b8eb358b48da74f8634f6d24510394b4
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/
index 927aa84..d466082 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 ADMIN_STATE_UP = 'admin_state_up'
 BYTES_IN = 'bytes_in'
 BYTES_OUT = 'bytes_out'
+CA_TLS_CONTAINER_REF = 'ca_tls_container_ref'
 CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION = 'client_authentication'
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
 CLIENT_CA_TLS_CONTAINER_REF = 'client_ca_tls_container_ref'
 CLIENT_CRL_CONTAINER_REF = 'client_crl_container_ref'
 CREATED_AT = 'created_at'
+CRL_CONTAINER_REF = 'crl_container_ref'
 DESCRIPTION = 'description'
 FLAVOR_DATA = 'flavor_data'
 FLAVOR_ID = 'flavor_id'
@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@
 TIMEOUT_MEMBER_CONNECT = 'timeout_member_connect'
 TIMEOUT_MEMBER_DATA = 'timeout_member_data'
 TIMEOUT_TCP_INSPECT = 'timeout_tcp_inspect'
+TLS_ENABLED = 'tls_enabled'
 DEFAULT_TLS_CONTAINER_REF = 'default_tls_container_ref'
 SNI_CONTAINER_REFS = 'sni_container_refs'
 DEFAULT_POOL_ID = 'default_pool_id'
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/contrib/test_server/test_server.go b/octavia_tempest_plugin/contrib/test_server/test_server.go
index fa8f8d7..1671b5c 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/contrib/test_server/test_server.go
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/contrib/test_server/test_server.go
@@ -171,11 +171,14 @@
 			PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
 			CipherSuites: []uint16{
+			NextProtos: []string{"h2", "http/1.1", "http/1.0"},
 	} else {
 		tlsConfig = &tls.Config{
@@ -186,6 +189,8 @@
 			PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
 			CipherSuites: []uint16{
@@ -200,8 +205,6 @@
 		Addr:      portStr,
 		Handler:   mux,
 		TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
-		TLSNextProto: make(map[string]func(*http.Server, *tls.Conn,
-			http.Handler), 0),
 	log.Fatal(srv.ListenAndServeTLS(serverCertPem, serverKeyPem))
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/
index 98f4bfa..c19d97c 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/services/load_balancer/v2/
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
                     listener_id=Unset, name=Unset, description=Unset,
                     admin_state_up=Unset, session_persistence=Unset,
+                    ca_tls_container_ref=Unset, crl_container_ref=Unset,
+                    tls_enabled=Unset, tls_container_ref=Unset,
         """Create a pool.
@@ -47,6 +49,18 @@
         :param session_persistence: A JSON object specifying the session
                                     persistence for the pool or null for no
                                     session persistence.
+        :param ca_tls_container_ref: The key manager ref for a secret
+                                     containing the PEM encoded CA certificate
+                                     to validate pool members against.
+        :param crl_container_ref: The key manager ref for a secret containing
+                                  the PEM encoded CRL to use when validating
+                                  pool members.
+        :param tls_enabled: A boolean, True when the pool should connect to
+                            members using TLS.
+        :param tls_container_ref: The key manager ref for a secret containing
+                                  a PKCS12 bundle with the client
+                                  authentication certificate and key used
+                                  when connecting to pool members over TLS.
         :param return_object_only: If True, the response returns the object
                                    inside the root tag. False returns the full
                                    response from the API.
@@ -164,7 +178,9 @@
     def update_pool(self, pool_id, lb_algorithm=Unset, name=Unset,
                     description=Unset, tags=Unset, admin_state_up=Unset,
-                    session_persistence=Unset, return_object_only=True):
+                    session_persistence=Unset, ca_tls_container_ref=Unset,
+                    crl_container_ref=Unset, tls_enabled=Unset,
+                    tls_container_ref=Unset, return_object_only=True):
         """Update a pool.
         :param pool_id: The pool ID to update.
@@ -177,6 +193,18 @@
         :param session_persistence: A JSON object specifying the session
                                     persistence for the pool or null for no
                                     session persistence.
+        :param ca_tls_container_ref: The key manager ref for a secret
+                                     containing the PEM encoded CA certificate
+                                     to validate pool members against.
+        :param crl_container_ref: The key manager ref for a secret containing
+                                  the PEM encoded CRL to use when validating
+                                  pool members.
+        :param tls_enabled: A boolean, True when the pool should connect to
+                            members using TLS.
+        :param tls_container_ref: The key manager ref for a secret containing
+                                  a PKCS12 bundle with the client
+                                  authentication certificate and key used
+                                  when connecting to pool members over TLS.
         :param return_object_only: If True, the response returns the object
                                    inside the root tag. False returns the full
                                    response from the API.
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/barbican_scenario/v2/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/barbican_scenario/v2/
index 843388e..3f41892 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/barbican_scenario/v2/
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/barbican_scenario/v2/
@@ -99,6 +99,23 @@
         return new_cert, new_key, new_secret_ref
+    def _load_pool_pki(cls):
+        # Create the pkcs12 bundle
+        pkcs12 = cert_utils.generate_pkcs12_bundle(cls.member_client_cert,
+                                                   cls.member_client_key)
+        LOG.debug('Pool client PKCS12 bundle: %s', base64.b64encode(pkcs12))
+        cls.pool_client_ref = cls._store_secret(cls.barbican_mgr, pkcs12)
+        cls.pool_CA_ref = cls._store_secret(
+            cls.barbican_mgr,
+            cls.member_ca_cert.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM))
+        cls.pool_CRL_ref = cls._store_secret(
+            cls.barbican_mgr,
+            cls.member_crl.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM))
+    @classmethod
     def resource_setup(cls):
         """Setup resources needed by the tests."""
         super(TLSWithBarbicanTest, cls).resource_setup()
@@ -174,6 +191,8 @@
+        cls._load_pool_pki()
         # Setup a load balancer for the tests to use
         lb_name = data_utils.rand_name("lb_member_lb1-tls")
         lb_kwargs = {const.PROVIDER: CONF.load_balancer.provider,
@@ -1197,3 +1216,149 @@
     def test_http_1_1_tls_traffic(self):
             'HTTP/1.1', ['http/1.1', 'http/1.0'])
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('ee0faf71-d11e-4323-8673-e5e15779749b')
+    def test_pool_reencryption(self):
+        if not self.mem_listener_client.is_version_supported(
+                self.api_version, '2.8'):
+            raise self.skipException('Pool re-encryption is only available on '
+                                     'Octavia API version 2.8 or newer.')
+        pool_name = data_utils.rand_name("lb_member_pool1-tls-reencrypt")
+        pool_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: pool_name,
+            const.PROTOCOL: const.HTTP,
+            const.LB_ALGORITHM: self.lb_algorithm,
+            const.LOADBALANCER_ID: self.lb_id,
+            const.TLS_ENABLED: True
+        }
+        pool = self.mem_pool_client.create_pool(**pool_kwargs)
+        pool_id = pool[const.ID]
+        waiters.wait_for_status(self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer,
+                                self.lb_id, const.PROVISIONING_STATUS,
+                                const.ACTIVE,
+                                CONF.load_balancer.build_interval,
+                                CONF.load_balancer.build_timeout)
+        # Set up Member 1 for Webserver 1
+        member1_name = data_utils.rand_name("lb_member_member1-tls-reencrypt")
+        member1_kwargs = {
+            const.POOL_ID: pool_id,
+            const.NAME: member1_name,
+            const.ADMIN_STATE_UP: True,
+            const.ADDRESS: self.webserver1_ip,
+            const.PROTOCOL_PORT: 443,
+        }
+        if self.lb_member_1_subnet:
+            member1_kwargs[const.SUBNET_ID] = self.lb_member_1_subnet[const.ID]
+        self.mem_member_client.create_member(**member1_kwargs)
+        waiters.wait_for_status(
+            self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer, self.lb_id,
+            const.PROVISIONING_STATUS, const.ACTIVE,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_interval,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_timeout)
+        # Set up Member 2 for Webserver 2
+        member2_name = data_utils.rand_name("lb_member_member2-tls-reencrypt")
+        member2_kwargs = {
+            const.POOL_ID: pool_id,
+            const.NAME: member2_name,
+            const.ADMIN_STATE_UP: True,
+            const.ADDRESS: self.webserver2_ip,
+            const.PROTOCOL_PORT: 443,
+        }
+        if self.lb_member_2_subnet:
+            member2_kwargs[const.SUBNET_ID] = self.lb_member_2_subnet[const.ID]
+        self.mem_member_client.create_member(**member2_kwargs)
+        waiters.wait_for_status(
+            self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer, self.lb_id,
+            const.PROVISIONING_STATUS, const.ACTIVE,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_interval,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_timeout)
+        listener_name = data_utils.rand_name(
+            "lb_member_listener1-tls-reencrypt")
+        listener_kwargs = {
+            const.NAME: listener_name,
+            const.PROTOCOL: const.HTTP,
+            const.PROTOCOL_PORT: '84',
+            const.LOADBALANCER_ID: self.lb_id,
+            const.DEFAULT_POOL_ID: pool_id,
+        }
+        listener = self.mem_listener_client.create_listener(**listener_kwargs)
+        self.listener_id = listener[const.ID]
+        waiters.wait_for_status(self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer,
+                                self.lb_id, const.PROVISIONING_STATUS,
+                                const.ACTIVE,
+                                CONF.load_balancer.build_interval,
+                                CONF.load_balancer.build_timeout)
+        # Test with no CA validation
+        self.check_members_balanced(self.lb_vip_address, protocol=const.HTTP,
+                                    protocol_port=84)
+        # Test with CA validation - invalid CA
+        pool_update_kwargs = {
+            const.CA_TLS_CONTAINER_REF: self.client_ca_cert_ref
+        }
+        self.mem_pool_client.update_pool(pool_id, **pool_update_kwargs)
+        waiters.wait_for_status(
+            self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer, self.lb_id,
+            const.PROVISIONING_STATUS, const.ACTIVE,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_interval,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_timeout)
+        waiters.wait_for_status(
+            self.mem_pool_client.show_pool, pool_id,
+            const.PROVISIONING_STATUS, const.ACTIVE,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_interval,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_timeout)
+        url = 'http://{0}:84'.format(self.lb_vip_address)
+        self.validate_URL_response(url, expected_status_code=503)
+        # Test with CA validation - valid CA
+        pool_update_kwargs = {
+            const.CA_TLS_CONTAINER_REF: self.pool_CA_ref
+        }
+        self.mem_pool_client.update_pool(pool_id, **pool_update_kwargs)
+        waiters.wait_for_status(
+            self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer, self.lb_id,
+            const.PROVISIONING_STATUS, const.ACTIVE,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_interval,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_timeout)
+        waiters.wait_for_status(
+            self.mem_pool_client.show_pool, pool_id,
+            const.PROVISIONING_STATUS, const.ACTIVE,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_interval,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_timeout)
+        self.check_members_balanced(self.lb_vip_address, protocol=const.HTTP,
+                                    protocol_port=84)
+        # Test with CRL including one webserver certificate revoked
+        pool_update_kwargs = {
+            const.CRL_CONTAINER_REF: self.pool_CRL_ref
+        }
+        self.mem_pool_client.update_pool(pool_id, **pool_update_kwargs)
+        waiters.wait_for_status(
+            self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer, self.lb_id,
+            const.PROVISIONING_STATUS, const.ACTIVE,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_interval,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_timeout)
+        waiters.wait_for_status(
+            self.mem_pool_client.show_pool, pool_id,
+            const.PROVISIONING_STATUS, const.ACTIVE,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_interval,
+            CONF.load_balancer.check_timeout)
+        self.check_members_balanced(self.lb_vip_address, protocol=const.HTTP,
+                                    protocol_port=84, traffic_member_count=1)
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/
index 887c644..8a2c3c7 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/
@@ -567,6 +567,19 @@
+            # Create a security group rule to allow 443 (test webservers)
+            SGr = cls.lb_mem_SGr_client.create_security_group_rule(
+                direction='ingress',
+                security_group_id=cls.lb_member_sec_group['id'],
+                protocol='tcp',
+                ethertype='IPv4',
+                port_range_min=443,
+                port_range_max=443)['security_group_rule']
+            cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                waiters.wait_for_not_found,
+                cls.lb_mem_SGr_client.delete_security_group_rule,
+                cls.lb_mem_SGr_client.show_security_group_rule,
+                SGr['id'])
             # Create a security group rule to allow UDP 9999 (test webservers)
             # Port 9999 is used to illustrate health monitor ERRORs on closed
             # ports.
@@ -623,6 +636,19 @@
+                # Create a security group rule to allow 443 (test webservers)
+                SGr = cls.lb_mem_SGr_client.create_security_group_rule(
+                    direction='ingress',
+                    security_group_id=cls.lb_member_sec_group['id'],
+                    protocol='tcp',
+                    ethertype='IPv6',
+                    port_range_min=443,
+                    port_range_max=443)['security_group_rule']
+                cls.addClassResourceCleanup(
+                    waiters.wait_for_not_found,
+                    cls.lb_mem_SGr_client.delete_security_group_rule,
+                    cls.lb_mem_SGr_client.show_security_group_rule,
+                    SGr['id'])
                 # Create a security group rule to allow 22 (ssh)
                 SGr = cls.lb_mem_SGr_client.create_security_group_rule(
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/pool-tls-scenario-test-0eb88e731c595b67.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/pool-tls-scenario-test-0eb88e731c595b67.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429874a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/pool-tls-scenario-test-0eb88e731c595b67.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  - |
+    Added scenario test coverage for pool re-encryption.