Update tests for scoped tokens and default roles

This patch refactors the RBAC enforcement checks in the API tests.
It also updates those test for keystone scoped tokens and default roles.

Change-Id: I6fad03f5a89c213562918ca258884aac34ba7ce7
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/constants.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/constants.py
index 927aa84..aea476e 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/constants.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/common/constants.py
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
 # RBAC options
 ADVANCED = 'advanced'
+KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES = 'keystone_default_roles'
 OWNERADMIN = 'owner_or_admin'
 NONE = 'none'
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/config.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/config.py
index f44bf96..fb4cb36 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/config.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/config.py
@@ -86,6 +86,12 @@
                help='The load balancing admin RBAC role.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('observer_role',
+               default='load-balancer_observer',
+               help='The load balancing observer RBAC role.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('global_observer_role',
+               default='load-balancer_global_observer',
+               help='The load balancing global observer RBAC role.'),
                help='Timeout in seconds to wait for a '
@@ -97,10 +103,13 @@
                help='The provider driver to use for the tests.'),
     cfg.StrOpt('RBAC_test_type', default=const.ADVANCED,
-               choices=[const.ADVANCED, const.OWNERADMIN, const.NONE],
+               choices=[const.ADVANCED, const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES,
+                        const.OWNERADMIN, const.NONE],
                help='Type of RBAC tests to run. "advanced" runs the octavia '
                     'default RBAC tests. "owner_or_admin" runs the legacy '
-                    'owner or admin tests. "none" disables the RBAC tests.'),
+                    'owner or admin tests. "keystone_default_roles" runs the '
+                    'tests using only the keystone default roles. "none" '
+                    'disables the RBAC tests.'),
                 help=('A comma separated list of dictionaries of the '
                       'enabled provider driver names and descriptions. '
@@ -217,6 +226,15 @@
                help='Filesystem path to the test web server that will be '
                     'installed in the web server VMs.'),
+    # RBAC related options
+    # Note: Also see the enforce_scope section (from tempest) for Octavia API
+    #       scope checking setting.
+    cfg.BoolOpt('enforce_new_defaults',
+                default=False,
+                help='Does the load-balancer service API policies enforce '
+                     'the new keystone default roles? This configuration '
+                     'value should be same as octavia.conf: '
+                     '[oslo_policy].enforce_new_defaults option.'),
 lb_feature_enabled_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='loadbalancer-feature-enabled',
@@ -261,3 +279,15 @@
                      "the tempest instance have access to the log files "
                      "specified in the tempest configuration."),
+# Extending this enforce_scope group defined in tempest
+enforce_scope_group = cfg.OptGroup(name="enforce_scope",
+                                   title="OpenStack Services with "
+                                         "enforce scope")
+EnforceScopeGroup = [
+    cfg.BoolOpt('octavia',
+                default=False,
+                help='Does the load-balancer service API policies enforce '
+                     'scope? This configuration value should be same as '
+                     'octavia.conf: [oslo_policy].enforce_scope option.'),
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/plugin.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/plugin.py
index ec093e7..655cdba 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/plugin.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/plugin.py
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
+        config.register_opt_group(conf, project_config.enforce_scope_group,
+                                  project_config.EnforceScopeGroup)
     def get_opt_lists(self):
         return [
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/RBAC_tests.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/RBAC_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b24e5c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/RBAC_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+# Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import copy
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from tempest import config
+from tempest.lib import exceptions
+from tempest import test
+from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants
+from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import waiters
+CONF = config.CONF
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class RBACTestsMixin(test.BaseTestCase):
+    def _check_allowed(self, client_str, method_str, allowed_list,
+                       *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API call allowed RBAC enforcement.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param allowed_list: The list of credentials expected to be
+                             allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        for cred in allowed_list:
+            try:
+                cred_obj = getattr(self, cred)
+            except AttributeError:
+                # TODO(johnsom) Remove once scoped tokens is the default.
+                if ((cred == 'os_system_admin' or cred == 'os_system_reader')
+                        and not CONF.enforce_scope.octavia):
+                    LOG.info('Skipping %s allowed RBAC test because '
+                             'enforce_scope.octavia is not True', cred)
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    self.fail('Credential {} "expected_allowed" for RBAC '
+                              'testing was not created by tempest '
+                              'credentials setup. This is likely a bug in the '
+                              'test.'.format(cred))
+            client = getattr(cred_obj, client_str)
+            method = getattr(client, method_str)
+            try:
+                method(*args, **kwargs)
+            except exceptions.Forbidden as e:
+                self.fail('Method {}.{} failed to allow access via RBAC using '
+                          'credential {}. Error: {}'.format(
+                              client_str, method_str, cred, str(e)))
+    def _check_disallowed(self, client_str, method_str, allowed_list,
+                          status_method=None, obj_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API call disallowed RBAC enforcement.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param allowed_list: The list of credentials expected to be
+                             allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param status_method: The service client method that will provide
+                              the object status for a status change waiter.
+        :param obj_id: The ID of the object to check for the expected status
+                       update.
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        expected_disallowed = (set(self.allocated_credentials) -
+                               set(allowed_list))
+        for cred in expected_disallowed:
+            cred_obj = getattr(self, cred)
+            client = getattr(cred_obj, client_str)
+            method = getattr(client, method_str)
+            # Unfortunately tempest uses testtools assertRaises[1] which means
+            # we cannot use the unittest assertRaises context[2] with msg= to
+            # give a useful error.
+            # Also, testtools doesn't work with subTest[3], so we can't use
+            # that to expose the failing credential.
+            # This all means the exception raised testtools assertRaises
+            # is less than useful.
+            # TODO(johnsom) Remove this try block once testtools is useful.
+            # [1] https://testtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+            #     api.html#testtools.TestCase.assertRaises
+            # [2] https://docs.python.org/3/library/
+            #     unittest.html#unittest.TestCase.assertRaises
+            # [3] https://github.com/testing-cabal/testtools/issues/235
+            try:
+                method(*args, **kwargs)
+            except exceptions.Forbidden:
+                if status_method:
+                    waiters.wait_for_status(
+                        status_method, obj_id,
+                        constants.PROVISIONING_STATUS, constants.ACTIVE,
+                        CONF.load_balancer.check_interval,
+                        CONF.load_balancer.check_timeout)
+                continue
+            self.fail('Method {}.{} failed to deny access via RBAC using '
+                      'credential {}.'.format(client_str, method_str, cred))
+    def _list_get_RBAC_enforcement(self, client_str, method_str,
+                                   expected_allowed, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API call RBAC enforcement.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param expected_allowed: The list of credentials expected to be
+                                 allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        allowed_list = copy.deepcopy(expected_allowed)
+        # os_admin is a special case as it is valid with the old defaults,
+        # but will not be with the new defaults and/or token scoping.
+        # The old keystone role "admin" becomes project scoped "admin"
+        # instead of being a global admin.
+        # To keep the tests simple, handle that edge case here.
+        # TODO(johnsom) Once token scope is default, remove this.
+        if ('os_system_admin' in expected_allowed and
+                not CONF.load_balancer.enforce_new_defaults and
+                not CONF.enforce_scope.octavia):
+            allowed_list.append('os_admin')
+        # #### Test that disallowed credentials cannot access the API.
+        self._check_disallowed(client_str, method_str, allowed_list,
+                               None, None, *args, **kwargs)
+        # #### Test that allowed credentials can access the API.
+        self._check_allowed(client_str, method_str, allowed_list,
+                            *args, **kwargs)
+    def check_show_RBAC_enforcement(self, client_str, method_str,
+                                    expected_allowed, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API show call RBAC enforcement.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param expected_allowed: The list of credentials expected to be
+                                 allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        self._list_get_RBAC_enforcement(client_str, method_str,
+                                        expected_allowed, *args, **kwargs)
+    def check_list_RBAC_enforcement(self, client_str, method_str,
+                                    expected_allowed, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API list call RBAC enforcement.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param expected_allowed: The list of credentials expected to be
+                                 allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        self._list_get_RBAC_enforcement(client_str, method_str,
+                                        expected_allowed, *args, **kwargs)
+    def _CUD_RBAC_enforcement(self, client_str, method_str, expected_allowed,
+                              status_method=None, obj_id=None,
+                              *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API create/update/delete call RBAC enforcement.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param expected_allowed: The list of credentials expected to be
+                                 allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param status_method: The service client method that will provide
+                              the object status for a status change waiter.
+        :param obj_id: The ID of the object to check for the expected status
+                       update.
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        allowed_list = copy.deepcopy(expected_allowed)
+        # os_admin is a special case as it is valid with the old defaults,
+        # but will not be with the new defaults and/or token scoping.
+        # The old keystone role "admin" becomes project scoped "admin"
+        # instead of being a global admin.
+        # To keep the tests simple, handle that edge case here.
+        # TODO(johnsom) Once token scope is default, remove this.
+        if ('os_system_admin' in expected_allowed and
+                not CONF.load_balancer.enforce_new_defaults and
+                not CONF.enforce_scope.octavia):
+            allowed_list.append('os_admin')
+        # #### Test that disallowed credentials cannot access the API.
+        self._check_disallowed(client_str, method_str, allowed_list,
+                               status_method, obj_id, *args, **kwargs)
+    def check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+            self, client_str, method_str, expected_allowed,
+            status_method=None, obj_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API create call RBAC enforcement.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param expected_allowed: The list of credentials expected to be
+                                 allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param status_method: The service client method that will provide
+                              the object status for a status change waiter.
+        :param obj_id: The ID of the object to check for the expected status
+                       update.
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        self._CUD_RBAC_enforcement(client_str, method_str, expected_allowed,
+                                   status_method, obj_id, *args, **kwargs)
+    def check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+            self, client_str, method_str, expected_allowed,
+            status_method=None, obj_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API delete call RBAC enforcement.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param expected_allowed: The list of credentials expected to be
+                                 allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param status_method: The service client method that will provide
+                              the object status for a status change waiter.
+        :param obj_id: The ID of the object to check for the expected status
+                       update.
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        self._CUD_RBAC_enforcement(client_str, method_str, expected_allowed,
+                                   status_method, obj_id, *args, **kwargs)
+    def check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+            self, client_str, method_str, expected_allowed,
+            status_method=None, obj_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API update call RBAC enforcement.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param expected_allowed: The list of credentials expected to be
+                                 allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param status_method: The service client method that will provide
+                              the object status for a status change waiter.
+        :param obj_id: The ID of the object to check for the expected status
+                       update.
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        self._CUD_RBAC_enforcement(client_str, method_str, expected_allowed,
+                                   status_method, obj_id, *args, **kwargs)
+    def check_list_RBAC_enforcement_count(
+            self, client_str, method_str, expected_allowed, expected_count,
+            *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API list call RBAC enforcement result count.
+        List APIs will return the object list for the project associated
+        with the token used to access the API. This means most credentials
+        will have access, but will get differing results.
+        This test will query the list API using a list of credentials and
+        will validate that only the expected count of results are returned.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param expected_allowed: The list of credentials expected to be
+                                 allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param expected_count: The number of results expected in the list
+                               returned from the API.
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        allowed_list = copy.deepcopy(expected_allowed)
+        # os_admin is a special case as it is valid with the old defaults,
+        # but will not be with the new defaults and/or token scoping.
+        # The old keystone role "admin" becomes project scoped "admin"
+        # instead of being a global admin.
+        # To keep the tests simple, handle that edge case here.
+        # TODO(johnsom) Once token scope is default, remove this.
+        if ('os_system_admin' in expected_allowed and
+                not CONF.load_balancer.enforce_new_defaults and
+                not CONF.enforce_scope.octavia):
+            allowed_list.append('os_admin')
+        for cred in allowed_list:
+            try:
+                cred_obj = getattr(self, cred)
+            except AttributeError:
+                # TODO(johnsom) Remove once scoped tokens is the default.
+                if ((cred == 'os_system_admin' or cred == 'os_system_reader')
+                        and not CONF.enforce_scope.octavia):
+                    LOG.info('Skipping %s allowed RBAC test because '
+                             'enforce_scope.octavia is not True', cred)
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    self.fail('Credential {} "expected_allowed" for RBAC '
+                              'testing was not created by tempest '
+                              'credentials setup. This is likely a bug in the '
+                              'test.'.format(cred))
+            client = getattr(cred_obj, client_str)
+            method = getattr(client, method_str)
+            try:
+                result = method(*args, **kwargs)
+            except exceptions.Forbidden as e:
+                self.fail('Method {}.{} failed to allow access via RBAC using '
+                          'credential {}. Error: {}'.format(
+                              client_str, method_str, cred, str(e)))
+            self.assertEqual(expected_count, len(result), message='Credential '
+                             '{} saw {} objects when {} was expected.'.format(
+                                 cred, len(result), expected_count))
+    def check_list_IDs_RBAC_enforcement(
+            self, client_str, method_str, expected_allowed, expected_ids,
+            *args, **kwargs):
+        """Test an API list call RBAC enforcement result contains IDs.
+        List APIs will return the object list for the project associated
+        with the token used to access the API. This means most credentials
+        will have access, but will get differing results.
+        This test will query the list API using a list of credentials and
+        will validate that the expected object Ids in included in the results.
+        :param client_str: The service client to use for the test, without the
+                           credential.  Example: 'amphora_client'
+        :param method_str: The method on the client to call for the test.
+                           Example: 'list_amphorae'
+        :param expected_allowed: The list of credentials expected to be
+                                 allowed.  Example: ['os_roles_lb_member'].
+        :param expected_ids: The list of object IDs to validate are included
+                             in the returned list from the API.
+        :param args: Any positional parameters needed by the method.
+        :param kwargs: Any named parameters needed by the method.
+        :raises AssertionError: Raised if the RBAC tests fail.
+        :raises Forbidden: Raised if a credential that should have access does
+                           not and is denied.
+        :raises InvalidScope: Raised if a credential that should have the
+                              correct scope for access is denied.
+        :returns: None on success
+        """
+        allowed_list = copy.deepcopy(expected_allowed)
+        # os_admin is a special case as it is valid with the old defaults,
+        # but will not be with the new defaults and/or token scoping.
+        # The old keystone role "admin" becomes project scoped "admin"
+        # instead of being a global admin.
+        # To keep the tests simple, handle that edge case here.
+        # TODO(johnsom) Once token scope is default, remove this.
+        if ('os_system_admin' in expected_allowed and
+                not CONF.load_balancer.enforce_new_defaults and
+                not CONF.enforce_scope.octavia):
+            allowed_list.append('os_admin')
+        for cred in allowed_list:
+            try:
+                cred_obj = getattr(self, cred)
+            except AttributeError:
+                # TODO(johnsom) Remove once scoped tokens is the default.
+                if ((cred == 'os_system_admin' or cred == 'os_system_reader')
+                        and not CONF.enforce_scope.octavia):
+                    LOG.info('Skipping %s allowed RBAC test because '
+                             'enforce_scope.octavia is not True', cred)
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    self.fail('Credential {} "expected_allowed" for RBAC '
+                              'testing was not created by tempest '
+                              'credentials setup. This is likely a bug in the '
+                              'test.'.format(cred))
+            client = getattr(cred_obj, client_str)
+            method = getattr(client, method_str)
+            try:
+                result = method(*args, **kwargs)
+            except exceptions.Forbidden as e:
+                self.fail('Method {}.{} failed to allow access via RBAC using '
+                          'credential {}. Error: {}'.format(
+                              client_str, method_str, cred, str(e)))
+            result_ids = [lb[constants.ID] for lb in result]
+            self.assertTrue(set(expected_ids).issubset(set(result_ids)))
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_amphora.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_amphora.py
index 146096d..a1a6441 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_amphora.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_amphora.py
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import test_base
@@ -90,12 +89,17 @@
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # list amphorae
+        # Test RBAC for list amphorae
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.amphora_client.list_amphorae)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'amphora_client', 'list_amphorae', expected_allowed)
         # Get an actual list of the amphorae
         amphorae = self.lb_admin_amphora_client.list_amphorae()
@@ -112,13 +116,11 @@
         self.assertEqual(self._expected_amp_count(amphorae), len(amphorae))
         self.assertEqual(self.lb_id, amphorae[0][const.LOADBALANCER_ID])
-        # Test that a different user, with load balancer member role, cannot
-        # see this amphora
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.amphora_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.show_amphora,
-                              amphora_id=amphorae[0][const.ID])
+        # Test RBAC for show amphora
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'amphora_client', 'show_amphora', expected_allowed,
+                amphora_id=amphorae[0][const.ID])
         show_amphora_response_fields = const.SHOW_AMPHORA_RESPONSE_FIELDS
         if self.lb_admin_amphora_client.is_version_supported(
@@ -175,13 +177,18 @@
                 loadbalancer_id=const.LOADBALANCER_ID, lb_id=self.lb_id))
         amphora_1 = amphorae[0]
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
-        # create a flavor
+        # Test RBAC for update an amphora
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.amphora_client.update_amphora_config,
-                amphora_1[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'amphora_client', 'update_amphora_config', expected_allowed,
+                None, None, amphora_1[const.ID])
@@ -205,15 +212,18 @@
                 loadbalancer_id=const.LOADBALANCER_ID, lb_id=self.lb_id))
         amphora_1 = amphorae[0]
-        # Test RBAC not authorized for non-admin role
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              self.os_primary.amphora_client.amphora_failover,
-                              amphora_1[const.ID])
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_roles_lb_member.amphora_client.amphora_failover,
-                amphora_1[const.ID])
+        # Test RBAC for failover an amphora
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'amphora_client', 'amphora_failover', expected_allowed,
+                None, None, amphora_1[const.ID])
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone.py
index 29426c2..8ea6808 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone.py
@@ -104,12 +104,18 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
-        # create an availability zone
+        # create an availability zone.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              self.os_primary.availability_zone_client
-                              .create_availability_zone,
-                              **availability_zone_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_client', 'create_availability_zone',
+                expected_allowed, **availability_zone_kwargs)
         # Happy path
         availability_zone = (
@@ -220,11 +226,26 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
         # list availability zones.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = [
+                'os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                'os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.availability_zone_client
-                    .list_availability_zones)
+            expected_allowed = [
+                'os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                'os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_client', 'list_availability_zones',
+                expected_allowed)
         # Check the default sort order (by ID)
         availability_zones = (
@@ -359,12 +380,26 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
         # show availability zone details.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = [
+                'os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                'os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.availability_zone_client
-                    .show_availability_zone,
-                availability_zone[const.NAME])
+            expected_allowed = [
+                'os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                'os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_client', 'show_availability_zone',
+                expected_allowed, availability_zone[const.NAME])
         result = self.mem_availability_zone_client.show_availability_zone(
@@ -420,13 +455,18 @@
             const.ENABLED: False}
         # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # show availability zone details.
+        # update availability zone details.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.availability_zone_client
-                    .update_availability_zone,
-                availability_zone[const.NAME],
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_client', 'update_availability_zone',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, availability_zone[const.NAME],
         updated_availability_zone = (
@@ -493,12 +533,17 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
         # delete an availability zone.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.availability_zone_client
-                    .delete_availability_zone,
-                availability_zone[const.NAME])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_client', 'delete_availability_zone',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, availability_zone[const.NAME])
         # Happy path
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone_capabilities.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone_capabilities.py
index 4a12057..4831ede 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone_capabilities.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone_capabilities.py
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import test_base
@@ -45,13 +44,17 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
         # list provider availability zone capabilities.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            os_primary_capabilities_client = (
-                self.os_primary.availability_zone_capabilities_client)
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                (os_primary_capabilities_client
-                 .list_availability_zone_capabilities),
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_capabilities_client',
+                'list_availability_zone_capabilities', expected_allowed,
         # Check for an expected availability zone capability for the
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone_profile.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone_profile.py
index f5e4b7e..079d125 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone_profile.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_availability_zone_profile.py
@@ -75,13 +75,19 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
-        # create an availability zone profile profile
+        # create an availability zone profile.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.availability_zone_profile_client
-                    .create_availability_zone_profile,
-                **availability_zone_profile_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_profile_client',
+                'create_availability_zone_profile',
+                expected_allowed, **availability_zone_profile_kwargs)
         # Happy path
         availability_zone_profile = (
@@ -225,11 +231,17 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
         # list availability zone profiles.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.availability_zone_profile_client
-                    .list_availability_zone_profiles)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_profile_client',
+                'list_availability_zone_profiles', expected_allowed)
         # Check the default sort order (by ID)
         profiles = (self.lb_admin_availability_zone_profile_client
@@ -379,12 +391,18 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
-        # show an availability zone profile profile
+        # show an availability zone profile
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.availability_zone_profile_client
-                    .show_availability_zone_profile,
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_profile_client',
+                'show_availability_zone_profile', expected_allowed,
         result = (
@@ -475,13 +493,19 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
-        # create an availability zone profile profile
+        # update an availability zone profile.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.availability_zone_profile_client
-                    .update_availability_zone_profile,
-                availability_zone_profile[const.ID],
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_profile_client',
+                'update_availability_zone_profile', expected_allowed,
+                None, None, availability_zone_profile[const.ID],
         result = (
@@ -551,13 +575,19 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
-        # delete an availability zone profile profile
+        # delete an availability zone profile.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.availability_zone_profile_client
-                    .delete_availability_zone_profile,
-                availability_zone_profile[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'availability_zone_profile_client',
+                'delete_availability_zone_profile', expected_allowed,
+                None, None, availability_zone_profile[const.ID])
         # Happy path
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor.py
index 4333121..c30f830 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor.py
@@ -87,11 +87,18 @@
             const.FLAVOR_PROFILE_ID: self.flavor_profile_id}
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
-        # create a flavor
+        # create a flavor.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              self.os_primary.flavor_client.create_flavor,
-                              **flavor_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_client', 'create_flavor',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, **flavor_kwargs)
         # Happy path
         flavor = self.lb_admin_flavor_client.create_flavor(**flavor_kwargs)
@@ -185,10 +192,25 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
         # list flavors.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = [
+                'os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                'os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.flavor_client.list_flavors)
+            expected_allowed = [
+                'os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                'os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_client', 'list_flavors', expected_allowed)
         # Check the default sort order (by ID)
         flavors = self.mem_flavor_client.list_flavors()
@@ -299,10 +321,25 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
         # show flavor details.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = [
+                'os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                'os_roles_lb_global_observer', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.flavor_client.show_flavor,
+            expected_allowed = [
+                'os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                'os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_client', 'show_flavor', expected_allowed,
         result = self.mem_flavor_client.show_flavor(flavor[const.ID])
@@ -354,11 +391,17 @@
             const.ENABLED: False}
         # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # show flavor details.
+        # update flavor details.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.flavor_client.update_flavor,
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_client', 'update_flavor', expected_allowed, None, None,
                 flavor[const.ID], **flavor_updated_kwargs)
         updated_flavor = self.lb_admin_flavor_client.update_flavor(
@@ -413,11 +456,17 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
         # delete a flavor.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.flavor_client.delete_flavor,
-                flavor[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_client', 'delete_flavor', expected_allowed,
+                None, None, flavor[const.ID])
         # Happy path
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor_capabilities.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor_capabilities.py
index 7f9da51..5b48833 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor_capabilities.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor_capabilities.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import test_base
@@ -43,12 +42,17 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
         # list provider flavor capabilities.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            os_primary_capabilities_client = (
-                self.os_primary.flavor_capabilities_client)
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                os_primary_capabilities_client.list_flavor_capabilities,
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_capabilities_client',
+                'list_flavor_capabilities', expected_allowed,
         # Check for an expected flavor capability for the configured provider
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor_profile.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor_profile.py
index 8f9c7d3..eec8679 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor_profile.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_flavor_profile.py
@@ -60,11 +60,17 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
         # create a flavor profile
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.flavor_profile_client.create_flavor_profile,
-                **flavor_profile_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_profile_client', 'create_flavor_profile',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, **flavor_profile_kwargs)
         # Happy path
         flavor_profile = (
@@ -174,10 +180,17 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
         # list flavor profiles.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.flavor_profile_client.list_flavor_profiles)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_profile_client', 'list_flavor_profiles',
+                expected_allowed)
         # Check the default sort order (by ID)
         profiles = self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.list_flavor_profiles()
@@ -295,12 +308,18 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
-        # show a flavor profile
+        # show a flavor profile.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.flavor_profile_client.show_flavor_profile,
-                flavor_profile[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_profile_client', 'show_flavor_profile',
+                expected_allowed, flavor_profile[const.ID])
         result = (
@@ -367,12 +386,19 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
-        # create a flavor profile
+        # update a flavor profile.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.flavor_profile_client.update_flavor_profile,
-                flavor_profile[const.ID], **flavor_profile_updated_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_profile_client', 'update_flavor_profile',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, flavor_profile[const.ID],
+                **flavor_profile_updated_kwargs)
         result = self.lb_admin_flavor_profile_client.update_flavor_profile(
             flavor_profile[const.ID], **flavor_profile_updated_kwargs)
@@ -428,11 +454,17 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
         # delete a flavor profile
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.flavor_profile_client.delete_flavor_profile,
-                flavor_profile[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'flavor_profile_client', 'delete_flavor_profile',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, flavor_profile[const.ID])
         # Happy path
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_healthmonitor.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_healthmonitor.py
index ff07c73..0b4036d 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_healthmonitor.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_healthmonitor.py
@@ -277,11 +277,21 @@
         # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot
         # create a healthmonitor
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.healthmonitor_client.create_healthmonitor,
-                **hm_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'healthmonitor_client', 'create_healthmonitor',
+                expected_allowed,
+                status_method=self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer,
+                obj_id=self.lb_id, **hm_kwargs)
         hm = self.mem_healthmonitor_client.create_healthmonitor(**hm_kwargs)
@@ -488,6 +498,9 @@
         * List the healthmonitors filtering to one of the three.
         * List the healthmonitors filtered, one field, and sorted.
+        # IDs of health monitors created in the test
+        test_ids = []
         if (pool_algorithm == const.LB_ALGORITHM_SOURCE_IP_PORT and not
                 self.api_version, '2.13')):
@@ -614,6 +627,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(hm1[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -658,6 +672,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(hm2[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -702,19 +717,68 @@
+        test_ids.append(hm3[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user cannot list healthmonitors
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.healthmonitor_client
-            primary = member2_client.list_healthmonitors(
-                query_params='pool_id={pool_id}'.format(pool_id=pool1_id))
-            self.assertEqual(0, len(primary))
+        # Test that a different users cannot see the lb_member healthmonitors
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_member2',
+                                'os_roles_lb_observer']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member2', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement_count(
+                'healthmonitor_client', 'list_healthmonitors',
+                expected_allowed, 0)
+        # Test credentials that should see these healthmonitors can see them.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_IDs_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'healthmonitor_client', 'list_healthmonitors',
+                expected_allowed, test_ids)
         # Test that users without the lb member role cannot list healthmonitors
+        # Note: non-owners can still call this API, they will just get the list
+        #       of health monitors for their project (zero). The above tests
+        #       are intended to cover the cross project use case.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2',
+                                'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        # Note: os_admin is here because it evaluaties to "project_admin"
+        #       in oslo_policy and since keystone considers "project_admin"
+        #       a superscope of "project_reader". This means it can read
+        #       objects in the "admin" credential's project.
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.healthmonitor_client.list_healthmonitors)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'healthmonitor_client', 'list_healthmonitors',
+                expected_allowed)
         # Check the default sort order, created_at
         hms = self.mem_healthmonitor_client.list_healthmonitors()
@@ -1125,33 +1189,24 @@
         for item in equal_items:
             self.assertEqual(hm_kwargs[item], hm[item])
-        # Test that a user with lb_admin role can see the healthmonitor
+        # Test that the appropriate users can see or not see the health
+        # monitors based on the API RBAC.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            healthmonitor_client = self.os_roles_lb_admin.healthmonitor_client
-            hm_adm = healthmonitor_client.show_healthmonitor(hm[const.ID])
-            self.assertEqual(hm_name, hm_adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a user with cloud admin role can see the healthmonitor
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            adm = self.os_admin.healthmonitor_client.show_healthmonitor(
-                hm[const.ID])
-            self.assertEqual(hm_name, adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a different user, with loadbalancer member role, cannot
-        # see this healthmonitor
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.healthmonitor_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.show_healthmonitor,
-                              hm[const.ID])
-        # Test that a user, without the loadbalancer member role, cannot
-        # show healthmonitors
-        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.healthmonitor_client.show_healthmonitor,
-                hm[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'healthmonitor_client', 'show_healthmonitor',
+                expected_allowed, hm[const.ID])
     def test_LC_HTTP_healthmonitor_update(self):
@@ -1417,27 +1472,21 @@
             self.assertCountEqual(hm_kwargs[const.TAGS], hm[const.TAGS])
         # Test that a user, without the loadbalancer member role, cannot
-        # use this command
+        # update this healthmonitor.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.healthmonitor_client.update_healthmonitor,
-                hm[const.ID], admin_state_up=True)
-        # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
-        hm_check = self.mem_healthmonitor_client.show_healthmonitor(
-            hm[const.ID])
-        self.assertEqual(const.ACTIVE,
-                         hm_check[const.PROVISIONING_STATUS])
-        self.assertFalse(hm_check[const.ADMIN_STATE_UP])
-        # Test that a user, without the loadbalancer member role, cannot
-        # update this healthmonitor
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.healthmonitor_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.update_healthmonitor,
-                              hm[const.ID], admin_state_up=True)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'healthmonitor_client', 'update_healthmonitor',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, hm[const.ID],
+                admin_state_up=True)
         # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
         hm_check = self.mem_healthmonitor_client.show_healthmonitor(
@@ -1725,21 +1774,21 @@
-        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot
-        # delete this healthmonitor
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot delete this
+        # healthmonitor.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.healthmonitor_client.delete_healthmonitor,
-                hm[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user, with the loadbalancer member role
-        # cannot delete this healthmonitor
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.healthmonitor_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.delete_healthmonitor,
-                              hm[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'healthmonitor_client', 'delete_healthmonitor',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, hm[const.ID])
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_l7policy.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_l7policy.py
index 440a533..6e1406b 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_l7policy.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_l7policy.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import test_base
@@ -135,11 +134,21 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
         # create a l7policy
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.l7policy_client.create_l7policy,
-                **l7policy_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7policy_client', 'create_l7policy',
+                expected_allowed,
+                status_method=self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer,
+                obj_id=self.lb_id, **l7policy_kwargs)
         l7policy = self.mem_l7policy_client.create_l7policy(**l7policy_kwargs)
@@ -208,6 +217,9 @@
         * List the l7policies filtering to one of the three.
         * List the l7policies filtered, one field, and sorted.
+        # IDs of L7 policies created in the test
+        test_ids = []
         listener_name = data_utils.rand_name(
         listener_kwargs = {
@@ -263,6 +275,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(l7policy1[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -303,6 +316,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(l7policy2[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -344,21 +358,70 @@
+        test_ids.append(l7policy3[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user cannot list l7policies
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.l7policy_client
-            primary = member2_client.list_l7policies(
+        # Test that a different users cannot see the lb_member l7policies
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_member2',
+                                'os_roles_lb_observer']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member2', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement_count(
+                'l7policy_client', 'list_l7policies',
+                expected_allowed, 0)
+        # Test credentials that should see these l7policies can see them.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_IDs_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7policy_client', 'list_l7policies',
+                expected_allowed, test_ids,
-            self.assertEqual(0, len(primary))
-        # Test that a user without the lb member role cannot list load
-        # balancers
+        # Test that users without the lb member role cannot list l7policies
+        # Note: non-owners can still call this API, they will just get the list
+        #       of L7 policies for their project (zero). The above tests
+        #       are intended to cover the cross project use case.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2',
+                                'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        # Note: os_admin is here because it evaluaties to "project_admin"
+        #       in oslo_policy and since keystone considers "project_admin"
+        #       a superscope of "project_reader". This means it can read
+        #       objects in the "admin" credential's project.
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.l7policy_client.list_l7policies)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7policy_client', 'list_l7policies',
+                expected_allowed)
         # Check the default sort order, created_at
         l7policies = self.mem_l7policy_client.list_l7policies(
@@ -585,33 +648,24 @@
         self.assertIsNone(l7policy.pop(const.REDIRECT_URL, None))
         self.assertIsNone(l7policy.pop(const.REDIRECT_POOL_ID, None))
-        # Test that a user with lb_admin role can see the l7policy
+        # Test that the appropriate users can see or not see the L7 policies
+        # based on the API RBAC.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            l7policy_client = self.os_roles_lb_admin.l7policy_client
-            l7policy_adm = l7policy_client.show_l7policy(l7policy[const.ID])
-            self.assertEqual(l7policy_name, l7policy_adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a user with cloud admin role can see the l7policy
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            adm = self.os_admin.l7policy_client.show_l7policy(
-                l7policy[const.ID])
-            self.assertEqual(l7policy_name, adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a different user, with load balancer member role, cannot
-        # see this l7policy
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.l7policy_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.show_l7policy,
-                              l7policy[const.ID])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # show l7policies
-        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.l7policy_client.show_l7policy,
-                l7policy[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7policy_client', 'show_l7policy',
+                expected_allowed, l7policy[const.ID])
     def test_l7policy_update(self):
@@ -703,28 +757,22 @@
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # use this command
+        # Test that a user, without the loadbalancer member role, cannot
+        # update this L7 policy.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.l7policy_client.update_l7policy,
-                l7policy[const.ID], admin_state_up=True)
-        # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
-        l7policy_check = self.mem_l7policy_client.show_l7policy(
-            l7policy[const.ID])
-        self.assertEqual(const.ACTIVE,
-                         l7policy_check[const.PROVISIONING_STATUS])
-        self.assertFalse(l7policy_check[const.ADMIN_STATE_UP])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # update this l7policy
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.l7policy_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.update_l7policy,
-                              l7policy[const.ID], admin_state_up=True)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7policy_client', 'update_l7policy',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, l7policy[const.ID],
+                admin_state_up=True)
         # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
         l7policy_check = self.mem_l7policy_client.show_l7policy(
@@ -820,21 +868,21 @@
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # delete this l7policy
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot delete this
+        # L7 policy.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.l7policy_client.delete_l7policy,
-                l7policy[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user, with the load balancer member role
-        # cannot delete this l7policy
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.l7policy_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.delete_l7policy,
-                              l7policy[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7policy_client', 'delete_l7policy',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, l7policy[const.ID])
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_l7rule.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_l7rule.py
index e44c9f8..adaeaad 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_l7rule.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_l7rule.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import test_base
@@ -141,13 +140,23 @@
                 const.TAGS: l7_rule_tags
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # create a l7rule
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot
+        # create an L7 rule.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.l7rule_client.create_l7rule,
-                **l7rule_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7rule_client', 'create_l7rule',
+                expected_allowed,
+                status_method=self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer,
+                obj_id=self.lb_id, **l7rule_kwargs)
         l7rule = self.mem_l7rule_client.create_l7rule(**l7rule_kwargs)
@@ -211,6 +220,9 @@
         * List the l7rules filtering to one of the three.
         * List the l7rules filtered, one field, and sorted.
+        # IDs of L7 rules created in the test
+        test_ids = []
         l7policy_name = data_utils.rand_name("lb_member_l7policy2_l7rule-list")
         l7policy = self.mem_l7policy_client.create_l7policy(
             name=l7policy_name, listener_id=self.listener_id,
@@ -260,6 +272,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(l7rule1[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -298,6 +311,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(l7rule2[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -336,23 +350,47 @@
+        test_ids.append(l7rule3[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user cannot list l7rules
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.l7rule_client
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                member2_client.list_l7rules,
-                l7policy_id)
-        # Test that a user without the lb l7rule role cannot list load
-        # balancers
+        # Test credentials that should see these L7 rules can see them.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.l7rule_client.list_l7rules,
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_IDs_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7rule_client', 'list_l7rules', expected_allowed, test_ids,
+        # Test that users without the lb member role cannot list L7 rules.
+        # Note: The parent policy ID blocks non-owners from listing
+        #       L7 Rules.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        # Note: os_admin is here because it evaluaties to "project_admin"
+        #       in oslo_policy and since keystone considers "project_admin"
+        #       a superscope of "project_reader". This means it can read
+        #       objects in the "admin" credential's project.
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7rule_client', 'list_l7rules', expected_allowed, l7policy_id)
         # Check the default sort order, created_at
         l7rules = self.mem_l7rule_client.list_l7rules(l7policy_id)
@@ -521,34 +559,25 @@
         for item in equal_items:
             self.assertEqual(l7rule_kwargs[item], l7rule[item])
-        # Test that a user with lb_admin role can see the l7rule
+        # Test that the appropriate users can see or not see the L7 rule
+        # based on the API RBAC.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            l7rule_client = self.os_roles_lb_admin.l7rule_client
-            l7rule_adm = l7rule_client.show_l7rule(
-                l7rule[const.ID], l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id)
-            self.assertEqual(l7rule_kwargs[const.KEY], l7rule_adm[const.KEY])
-        # Test that a user with cloud admin role can see the l7rule
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            adm = self.os_admin.l7rule_client.show_l7rule(
-                l7rule[const.ID], l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id)
-            self.assertEqual(l7rule_kwargs[const.KEY], adm[const.KEY])
-        # Test that a different user, with load balancer member role, cannot
-        # see this l7rule
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.l7rule_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.show_l7rule,
-                              l7rule[const.ID], l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id)
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # show l7rules
-        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.l7rule_client.show_l7rule,
-                l7rule[const.ID], l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7rule_client', 'show_l7rule',
+                expected_allowed, l7rule[const.ID],
+                l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id)
     def test_l7rule_update(self):
@@ -618,29 +647,22 @@
         for item in equal_items:
             self.assertEqual(l7rule_kwargs[item], l7rule[item])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # use this command
+        # Test that a user, without the loadbalancer member role, cannot
+        # update this L7 rule.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.l7rule_client.update_l7rule,
-                l7rule[const.ID], l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id,
-                admin_state_up=True)
-        # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
-        l7rule_check = self.mem_l7rule_client.show_l7rule(
-            l7rule[const.ID], l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id)
-        self.assertEqual(const.ACTIVE, l7rule_check[const.PROVISIONING_STATUS])
-        self.assertFalse(l7rule_check[const.ADMIN_STATE_UP])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # update this l7rule
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.l7rule_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.update_l7rule,
-                              l7rule[const.ID], l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id,
-                              admin_state_up=True)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7rule_client', 'update_l7rule',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, l7rule[const.ID],
+                l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id, admin_state_up=True)
         # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
         l7rule_check = self.mem_l7rule_client.show_l7rule(
@@ -727,21 +749,22 @@
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # delete this l7rule
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot delete this
+        # L7 rule.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.l7rule_client.delete_l7rule,
-                l7rule[const.ID], l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id)
-        # Test that a different user, with the load balancer member role
-        # cannot delete this l7rule
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.l7rule_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.delete_l7rule,
-                              l7rule[const.ID], l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'l7rule_client', 'delete_l7rule',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, l7rule[const.ID],
+                l7policy_id=self.l7policy_id)
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_listener.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_listener.py
index c688fdd..a482dc0 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_listener.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_listener.py
@@ -143,13 +143,23 @@
             listener_kwargs.update({const.ALLOWED_CIDRS: self.allowed_cidrs})
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # create a listener
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot
+        # create a listener.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.listener_client.create_listener,
-                **listener_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'listener_client', 'create_listener',
+                expected_allowed,
+                status_method=self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer,
+                obj_id=self.lb_id, **listener_kwargs)
         listener = self.mem_listener_client.create_listener(**listener_kwargs)
@@ -378,6 +388,9 @@
         * List the listeners filtering to one of the three.
         * List the listeners filtered, one field, and sorted.
+        # IDs of listeners created in the test
+        test_ids = []
         lb_name = data_utils.rand_name("lb_member_lb2_listener-list")
         lb = self.mem_lb_client.create_loadbalancer(
             name=lb_name, provider=CONF.load_balancer.provider,
@@ -427,6 +440,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(listener1[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -465,6 +479,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(listener2[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -503,6 +518,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(listener3[const.ID])
         if not CONF.load_balancer.test_with_noop:
             # Wait for the enabled listeners to come ONLINE
@@ -517,18 +533,67 @@
-        # Test that a different user cannot list listeners
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.listener_client
-            primary = member2_client.list_listeners(
-                query_params='loadbalancer_id={lb_id}'.format(lb_id=lb_id))
-            self.assertEqual(0, len(primary))
-        # Test that a user without the lb member role cannot list listeners
+        # Test that a different users cannot see the lb_member listeners.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_member2',
+                                'os_roles_lb_observer']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member2', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.listener_client.list_listeners)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement_count(
+                'listener_client', 'list_listeners', expected_allowed, 0,
+                query_params='loadbalancer_id={lb_id}'.format(lb_id=lb_id))
+        # Test credentials that should see these listeners can see them.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_IDs_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'listener_client', 'list_listeners', expected_allowed,
+                test_ids,
+                query_params='loadbalancer_id={lb_id}'.format(lb_id=lb_id))
+        # Test that users without the lb member role cannot list listeners.
+        # Note: non-owners can still call this API, they will just get the list
+        #       of health monitors for their project (zero). The above tests
+        #       are intended to cover the cross project use case.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2',
+                                'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        # Note: os_admin is here because it evaluaties to "project_admin"
+        #       in oslo_policy and since keystone considers "project_admin"
+        #       a superscope of "project_reader". This means it can read
+        #       objects in the "admin" credential's project.
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'listener_client', 'list_listeners', expected_allowed,
+                query_params='loadbalancer_id={lb_id}'.format(lb_id=lb_id))
         # Check the default sort order, created_at
         listeners = self.mem_listener_client.list_listeners(
@@ -786,33 +851,24 @@
                 self.api_version, '2.12'):
             self.assertEqual(self.allowed_cidrs, listener[const.ALLOWED_CIDRS])
-        # Test that a user with lb_admin role can see the listener
+        # Test that the appropriate users can see or not see the listener
+        # based on the API RBAC.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            listener_client = self.os_roles_lb_admin.listener_client
-            listener_adm = listener_client.show_listener(listener[const.ID])
-            self.assertEqual(listener_name, listener_adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a user with cloud admin role can see the listener
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            adm = self.os_admin.listener_client.show_listener(
-                listener[const.ID])
-            self.assertEqual(listener_name, adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a different user, with load balancer member role, cannot
-        # see this listener
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.listener_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.show_listener,
-                              listener[const.ID])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # show listeners
-        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.listener_client.show_listener,
-                listener[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'listener_client', 'show_listener',
+                expected_allowed, listener[const.ID])
     def test_http_listener_update(self):
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_load_balancer.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_load_balancer.py
index 0cf3576..ba1187c 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_load_balancer.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_load_balancer.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import copy
 import testtools
 import time
 from uuid import UUID
@@ -78,13 +79,25 @@
         self._setup_lb_network_kwargs(lb_kwargs, ip_version, use_fixed_ip=True)
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # create a load balancer
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot
+        # create a load balancer.
+        lb_kwargs_with_project_id = copy.deepcopy(lb_kwargs)
+        lb_kwargs_with_project_id[const.PROJECT_ID] = (
+            self.os_roles_lb_member.credentials.project_id)
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.loadbalancer_client.create_loadbalancer,
-                **lb_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'create_loadbalancer',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, **lb_kwargs_with_project_id)
         lb = self.mem_lb_client.create_loadbalancer(**lb_kwargs)
@@ -173,21 +186,21 @@
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # delete this load balancer
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot delete this
+        # load balancer.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.loadbalancer_client.delete_loadbalancer,
-                lb[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user, with the load balancer member role
-        # cannot delete this load balancer
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.loadbalancer_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.delete_loadbalancer,
-                              lb[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'delete_loadbalancer',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, lb[const.ID])
@@ -222,21 +235,21 @@
         # TODO(johnsom) Add other objects when we have clients for them
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # delete this load balancer
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot delete this
+        # load balancer.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.loadbalancer_client.delete_loadbalancer,
-                lb[const.ID], cascade=True)
-        # Test that a different user, with the load balancer member role
-        # cannot delete this load balancer
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.loadbalancer_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.delete_loadbalancer,
-                              lb[const.ID], cascade=True)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'delete_loadbalancer',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, lb[const.ID], cascade=True)
         self.mem_lb_client.delete_loadbalancer(lb[const.ID], cascade=True)
@@ -267,6 +280,8 @@
         * List the load balancers filtering to one of the three.
         * List the load balancers filtered, one field, and sorted.
+        # IDs of load balancers created in the test
+        test_ids = []
         # Get a list of pre-existing LBs to filter from test data
         pretest_lbs = self.mem_lb_client.list_loadbalancers()
         # Store their IDs for easy access
@@ -313,6 +328,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(lb1[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
@@ -356,6 +372,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(lb2[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
@@ -394,19 +411,67 @@
+        test_ids.append(lb3[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user cannot list load balancers
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.loadbalancer_client
-            primary = member2_client.list_loadbalancers()
-            self.assertEqual(0, len(primary))
-        # Test that a user without the lb member role cannot list load
-        # balancers
+        # Test that a different users cannot see the lb_member load balancers.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_member2',
+                                'os_roles_lb_observer']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member2', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.loadbalancer_client.list_loadbalancers)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement_count(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'list_loadbalancers',
+                expected_allowed, 0)
+        # Test credentials that should see these load balancers can see them.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_IDs_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'list_loadbalancers',
+                expected_allowed, test_ids)
+        # Test that users without the lb member role cannot list load balancers
+        # Note: non-owners can still call this API, they will just get the list
+        #       of load balancers for their project (zero). The above tests
+        #       are intended to cover the cross project use case.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2',
+                                'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        # Note: os_admin is here because it evaluaties to "project_admin"
+        #       in oslo_policy and since keystone considers "project_admin"
+        #       a superscope of "project_reader". This means it can read
+        #       objects in the "admin" credential's project.
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'list_loadbalancers', expected_allowed)
         # Check the default sort order, created_at
         lbs = self.mem_lb_client.list_loadbalancers()
@@ -566,33 +631,24 @@
-        # Test that a user with lb_admin role can see the load balanacer
+        # Test that the appropriate users can see or not see the load
+        # balancer based on the API RBAC.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            lb_client = self.os_roles_lb_admin.loadbalancer_client
-            lb_adm = lb_client.show_loadbalancer(lb[const.ID])
-            self.assertEqual(lb_name, lb_adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a user with cloud admin role can see the load balanacer
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            adm = self.os_admin.loadbalancer_client.show_loadbalancer(
-                lb[const.ID])
-            self.assertEqual(lb_name, adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a different user, with load balancer member role, cannot
-        # see this load balancer
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.loadbalancer_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.show_loadbalancer,
-                              lb[const.ID])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # show load balancers
-        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.loadbalancer_client.show_loadbalancer,
-                lb[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'show_loadbalancer',
+                expected_allowed, lb[const.ID])
         # Attempt to clean up so that one full test run doesn't start 10+
         # amps before the cleanup phase fires
@@ -679,26 +735,22 @@
         new_description = data_utils.arbitrary_string(size=255,
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # use this command
+        # Test that a user, without the loadbalancer member role, cannot
+        # update this load balancer.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.loadbalancer_client.update_loadbalancer,
-                lb[const.ID], admin_state_up=True)
-        # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
-        lb_check = self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer(lb[const.ID])
-        self.assertEqual(const.ACTIVE, lb_check[const.PROVISIONING_STATUS])
-        self.assertFalse(lb_check[const.ADMIN_STATE_UP])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # update this load balancer
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.loadbalancer_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.update_loadbalancer,
-                              lb[const.ID], admin_state_up=True)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'update_loadbalancer',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, lb[const.ID],
+                admin_state_up=True)
         # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
         lb_check = self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer(lb[const.ID])
@@ -775,21 +827,24 @@
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # use this command
+        # Test that the appropriate users can see or not see the load
+        # balancer stats based on the API RBAC.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.loadbalancer_client.get_loadbalancer_stats,
-                lb[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user, with the load balancer role, cannot see
-        # the load balancer stats
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.loadbalancer_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.get_loadbalancer_stats,
-                              lb[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'get_loadbalancer_stats',
+                expected_allowed, lb[const.ID])
         stats = self.mem_lb_client.get_loadbalancer_stats(lb[const.ID])
@@ -843,21 +898,24 @@
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # use this method
+        # Test that the appropriate users can see or not see the load
+        # balancer status based on the API RBAC.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.loadbalancer_client.get_loadbalancer_status,
-                lb[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user, with load balancer role, cannot see
-        # the load balancer status
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.loadbalancer_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.get_loadbalancer_status,
-                              lb[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'get_loadbalancer_status',
+                expected_allowed, lb[const.ID])
         status = self.mem_lb_client.get_loadbalancer_status(lb[const.ID])
@@ -917,6 +975,20 @@
+        # Test that a user without the load balancer admin role cannot
+        # failover a load balancer.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'loadbalancer_client', 'failover_loadbalancer',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, lb[const.ID])
         # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
         lb = self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer(lb[const.ID])
         self.assertEqual(const.ACTIVE, lb[const.PROVISIONING_STATUS])
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_member.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_member.py
index 66e367e..a5607da 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_member.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_member.py
@@ -892,6 +892,24 @@
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot
+        # create a member.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'member_client', 'create_member',
+                expected_allowed,
+                status_method=self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer,
+                obj_id=self.lb_id, **member_kwargs)
         member = self.mem_member_client.create_member(**member_kwargs)
@@ -1048,6 +1066,9 @@
         * List the members filtering to one of the three.
         * List the members filtered, one field, and sorted.
+        # IDs of members created in the test
+        test_ids = []
         if (algorithm == const.LB_ALGORITHM_SOURCE_IP_PORT and not
                 self.api_version, '2.13')):
@@ -1124,6 +1145,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(member1[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -1162,6 +1184,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(member2[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -1200,22 +1223,45 @@
+        test_ids.append(member3[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user cannot list members
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.member_client
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                member2_client.list_members,
-                pool_id)
-        # Test that a user without the lb member role cannot list load
-        # balancers
+        # Test credentials that should see these members can see them.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.member_client.list_members,
-                pool_id)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_IDs_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'member_client', 'list_members', expected_allowed,
+                test_ids, pool_id)
+        # Test that users without the lb member role cannot list members
+        # Note: The parent pool ID blocks non-owners from listing members.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        # Note: os_admin is here because it evaluaties to "project_admin"
+        #       in oslo_policy and since keystone considers "project_admin"
+        #       a superscope of "project_reader". This means it can read
+        #       objects in the "admin" credential's project.
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'member_client', 'list_members', expected_allowed, pool_id)
         # Check the default sort order, created_at
         members = self.mem_member_client.list_members(pool_id)
@@ -1740,34 +1786,25 @@
         for item in equal_items:
             self.assertEqual(member_kwargs[item], member[item])
-        # Test that a user with lb_admin role can see the member
+        # Test that the appropriate users can see or not see the member
+        # based on the API RBAC.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            member_client = self.os_roles_lb_admin.member_client
-            member_adm = member_client.show_member(
-                member[const.ID], pool_id=pool_id)
-            self.assertEqual(member_name, member_adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a user with cloud admin role can see the member
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            adm = self.os_admin.member_client.show_member(
-                member[const.ID], pool_id=pool_id)
-            self.assertEqual(member_name, adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a different user, with load balancer member role, cannot
-        # see this member
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.member_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.show_member,
-                              member[const.ID], pool_id=pool_id)
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # show members
-        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.member_client.show_member,
-                member[const.ID], pool_id=pool_id)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'member_client', 'show_member',
+                expected_allowed, member[const.ID],
+                pool_id=pool_id)
     def test_HTTP_LC_alt_monitor_member_update(self):
@@ -2206,30 +2243,22 @@
         for item in equal_items:
             self.assertEqual(member_kwargs[item], member[item])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # use this command
+        # Test that a user, without the loadbalancer member role, cannot
+        # update this member.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.member_client.update_member,
-                member[const.ID], pool_id=pool_id, admin_state_up=True)
-        # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
-        member_check = self.mem_member_client.show_member(
-            member[const.ID], pool_id=pool_id)
-        self.assertEqual(const.ACTIVE,
-                         member_check[const.PROVISIONING_STATUS])
-        self.assertEqual(member_kwargs[const.ADMIN_STATE_UP],
-                         member_check[const.ADMIN_STATE_UP])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # update this member
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.member_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.update_member,
-                              member[const.ID], pool_id=pool_id,
-                              admin_state_up=True)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'member_client', 'update_member',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, member[const.ID],
+                pool_id=pool_id, admin_state_up=True)
         # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
         member_check = self.mem_member_client.show_member(
@@ -2672,12 +2701,21 @@
         batch_update_list = [member2_kwargs, member3_kwargs]
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # use this command
+        # Test that a user, without the loadbalancer member role, cannot
+        # batch update this member.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.member_client.update_members,
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'member_client', 'update_members',
+                expected_allowed, None, None,
                 pool_id=pool_id, members_list=batch_update_list)
         # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
@@ -2908,21 +2946,22 @@
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # delete this member
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot delete this
+        # member.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.member_client.delete_member,
-                member[const.ID], pool_id=pool_id)
-        # Test that a different user, with the load balancer member role
-        # cannot delete this member
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.member_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.delete_member,
-                              member[const.ID], pool_id=pool_id)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'member_client', 'delete_member',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, member[const.ID],
+                pool_id=pool_id)
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_pool.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_pool.py
index 3ab4892..61a17cb 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_pool.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_pool.py
@@ -401,13 +401,23 @@
             pool_kwargs[const.LOADBALANCER_ID] = self.lb_id
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # create a pool
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot
+        # create a pool.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.pool_client.create_pool,
-                **pool_kwargs)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_create_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'pool_client', 'create_pool',
+                expected_allowed,
+                status_method=self.mem_lb_client.show_loadbalancer,
+                obj_id=self.lb_id, **pool_kwargs)
         # This is a special case as the reference driver does not support
         # SOURCE-IP-PORT. Since it runs with not_implemented_is_error, we must
@@ -585,6 +595,9 @@
         * List the pools filtering to one of the three.
         * List the pools filtered, one field, and sorted.
+        # IDs of pools created in the test
+        test_ids = []
         if (algorithm == const.LB_ALGORITHM_SOURCE_IP_PORT and not
                 self.api_version, '2.13')):
@@ -655,6 +668,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(pool1[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -694,6 +708,7 @@
+        test_ids.append(pool2[const.ID])
         # Time resolution for created_at is only to the second, and we need to
         # ensure that each object has a distinct creation time. Delaying one
         # second is both a simple and a reliable way to accomplish this.
@@ -733,20 +748,68 @@
+        test_ids.append(pool3[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user cannot list pools
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.pool_client
-            primary = member2_client.list_pools(
-                query_params='loadbalancer_id={lb_id}'.format(lb_id=lb_id))
-            self.assertEqual(0, len(primary))
-        # Test that a user without the lb member role cannot list load
-        # balancers
+        # Test that a different users cannot see the lb_member pools.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_member2',
+                                'os_roles_lb_observer']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member2', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.pool_client.list_pools)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement_count(
+                'pool_client', 'list_pools', expected_allowed, 0,
+                query_params='loadbalancer_id={lb_id}'.format(lb_id=lb_id))
+        # Test credentials that should see these pools can see them.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_IDs_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'pool_client', 'list_pools', expected_allowed, test_ids,
+                query_params='loadbalancer_id={lb_id}'.format(lb_id=lb_id))
+        # Test that users without the lb member role cannot list pools.
+        # Note: non-owners can still call this API, they will just get the list
+        #       of pools for their project (zero). The above tests
+        #       are intended to cover the cross project use case.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2',
+                                'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer']
+        # Note: os_admin is here because it evaluaties to "project_admin"
+        #       in oslo_policy and since keystone considers "project_admin"
+        #       a superscope of "project_reader". This means it can read
+        #       objects in the "admin" credential's project.
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'pool_client', 'list_pools', expected_allowed,
+                query_params='loadbalancer_id={lb_id}'.format(lb_id=lb_id))
         # Check the default sort order, created_at
         pools = self.mem_pool_client.list_pools(
@@ -1062,33 +1125,24 @@
-        # Test that a user with lb_admin role can see the pool
+        # Test that the appropriate users can see or not see the pool
+        # based on the API RBAC.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            pool_client = self.os_roles_lb_admin.pool_client
-            pool_adm = pool_client.show_pool(pool[const.ID])
-            self.assertEqual(pool_name, pool_adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a user with cloud admin role can see the pool
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            adm = self.os_admin.pool_client.show_pool(
-                pool[const.ID])
-            self.assertEqual(pool_name, adm[const.NAME])
-        # Test that a different user, with load balancer member role, cannot
-        # see this pool
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.pool_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.show_pool,
-                              pool[const.ID])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # show pools
-        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.pool_client.show_pool,
-                pool[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader',
+                                'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_show_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'pool_client', 'show_pool',
+                expected_allowed, pool[const.ID])
     def test_HTTP_LC_pool_update(self):
@@ -1306,28 +1360,22 @@
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # use this command
+        # Test that a user, without the loadbalancer member role, cannot
+        # update this pool.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.pool_client.update_pool,
-                pool[const.ID], admin_state_up=True)
-        # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
-        pool_check = self.mem_pool_client.show_pool(
-            pool[const.ID])
-        self.assertEqual(const.ACTIVE,
-                         pool_check[const.PROVISIONING_STATUS])
-        self.assertFalse(pool_check[const.ADMIN_STATE_UP])
-        # Test that a user, without the load balancer member role, cannot
-        # update this pool
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.pool_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.update_pool,
-                              pool[const.ID], admin_state_up=True)
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_update_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'pool_client', 'update_pool',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, pool[const.ID],
+                admin_state_up=True)
         # Assert we didn't go into PENDING_*
         pool_check = self.mem_pool_client.show_pool(
@@ -1609,21 +1657,21 @@
-        # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
-        # delete this pool
+        # Test that a user without the loadbalancer role cannot delete this
+        # pool.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_member']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.pool_client.delete_pool,
-                pool[const.ID])
-        # Test that a different user, with the load balancer member role
-        # cannot delete this pool
-        if not CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.NONE:
-            member2_client = self.os_roles_lb_member2.pool_client
-            self.assertRaises(exceptions.Forbidden,
-                              member2_client.delete_pool,
-                              pool[const.ID])
+            expected_allowed = ['os_system_admin', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_delete_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'pool_client', 'delete_pool',
+                expected_allowed, None, None, pool[const.ID])
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_provider.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_provider.py
index 917b365..f85d598 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_provider.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/api/v2/test_provider.py
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 from oslo_log import log as logging
 from tempest import config
 from tempest.lib import decorators
-from tempest.lib import exceptions
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import test_base
@@ -44,10 +43,25 @@
         # Test that a user without the load balancer role cannot
         # list providers.
+        expected_allowed = []
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.OWNERADMIN:
+            expected_allowed = [
+                'os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                'os_roles_lb_observer', 'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLES:
+            expected_allowed = ['os_admin', 'os_primary', 'os_system_admin',
+                                'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_global_observer',
+                                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
         if CONF.load_balancer.RBAC_test_type == const.ADVANCED:
-            self.assertRaises(
-                exceptions.Forbidden,
-                self.os_primary.provider_client.list_providers)
+            expected_allowed = [
+                'os_system_admin', 'os_system_reader', 'os_roles_lb_observer',
+                'os_roles_lb_global_observer', 'os_roles_lb_admin',
+                'os_roles_lb_member', 'os_roles_lb_member2']
+        if expected_allowed:
+            self.check_list_RBAC_enforcement(
+                'provider_client', 'list_providers', expected_allowed)
         providers = self.mem_provider_client.list_providers()
diff --git a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/test_base.py b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/test_base.py
index 887c644..26e44ee 100644
--- a/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/test_base.py
+++ b/octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/test_base.py
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 from octavia_tempest_plugin import clients
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import cert_utils
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
+from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import RBAC_tests
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import validators
 from octavia_tempest_plugin.tests import waiters
@@ -45,15 +46,43 @@
-class LoadBalancerBaseTest(validators.ValidatorsMixin, test.BaseTestCase):
+class LoadBalancerBaseTest(validators.ValidatorsMixin,
+                           RBAC_tests.RBACTestsMixin, test.BaseTestCase):
     """Base class for load balancer tests."""
-    # Setup cls.os_roles_lb_member. cls.os_primary, cls.os_roles_lb_member,
-    # and cls.os_roles_lb_admin credentials.
-    credentials = ['admin', 'primary',
-                   ['lb_member', CONF.load_balancer.member_role],
-                   ['lb_member2', CONF.load_balancer.member_role],
-                   ['lb_admin', CONF.load_balancer.admin_role]]
+    if CONF.load_balancer.enforce_new_defaults:
+        credentials = [
+            'admin', 'primary', ['lb_admin', CONF.load_balancer.admin_role],
+            ['lb_observer', CONF.load_balancer.observer_role, 'reader'],
+            ['lb_global_observer', CONF.load_balancer.global_observer_role,
+             'reader'],
+            ['lb_member', CONF.load_balancer.member_role, 'member'],
+            ['lb_member2', CONF.load_balancer.member_role, 'member'],
+            ['lb_member_not_default_member', CONF.load_balancer.member_role]]
+    else:
+        credentials = [
+            'admin', 'primary', ['lb_admin', CONF.load_balancer.admin_role],
+            ['lb_observer', CONF.load_balancer.observer_role, 'reader'],
+            ['lb_global_observer', CONF.load_balancer.global_observer_role,
+             'reader'],
+            ['lb_member', CONF.load_balancer.member_role],
+            ['lb_member2', CONF.load_balancer.member_role]]
+    # If scope enforcement is enabled, add in the system scope credentials.
+    # The project scope is already handled by the above credentials.
+    if CONF.enforce_scope.octavia:
+        credentials.extend(['system_admin', 'system_reader'])
+    # A tuple of credentials that will be allocated by tempest using the
+    # 'credentials' list above. These are used to build RBAC test lists.
+    allocated_creds = []
+    for cred in credentials:
+        if isinstance(cred, list):
+            allocated_creds.append('os_roles_' + cred[0])
+        else:
+            allocated_creds.append('os_' + cred)
+    # Tests shall not mess with the list of allocated credentials
+    allocated_credentials = tuple(allocated_creds)
     client_manager = clients.ManagerV2
     webserver1_response = 1
@@ -102,6 +131,31 @@
         super(LoadBalancerBaseTest, cls).setup_credentials()
+        # Log the user roles for this test run
+        role_name_cache = {}
+        for cred in cls.credentials:
+            user_roles = []
+            if isinstance(cred, list):
+                user_name = cred[0]
+                cred_obj = getattr(cls, 'os_roles_' + cred[0])
+            else:
+                user_name = cred
+                cred_obj = getattr(cls, 'os_' + cred)
+            params = {'user.id': cred_obj.credentials.user_id,
+                      'project.id': cred_obj.credentials.project_id}
+            roles = cls.os_admin.role_assignments_client.list_role_assignments(
+                **params)['role_assignments']
+            for role in roles:
+                role_id = role['role']['id']
+                try:
+                    role_name = role_name_cache[role_id]
+                except KeyError:
+                    role_name = cls.os_admin.roles_v3_client.show_role(
+                        role_id)['role']['name']
+                    role_name_cache[role_id] = role_name
+                user_roles.append([role_name, role['scope']])
+            LOG.info("User %s has roles: %s", user_name, user_roles)
     def setup_clients(cls):
         """Setup client aliases."""
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/Add-RBAC-scoped-tokens-tests-920aa35faf4a8c9d.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/Add-RBAC-scoped-tokens-tests-920aa35faf4a8c9d.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2d5d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/Add-RBAC-scoped-tokens-tests-920aa35faf4a8c9d.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+  - |
+    Added API test support for keystone default roles and scoped tokens.
+  - |
+    Currently the API tests will not pass with the
+    keystone_default_roles-policy.yaml override file. This is due to the
+    tempest framework credentials do not yet support token scopes.
+    This issue is tracked in https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1917168
+    Once that bug is fixed, octavia-tempest-plugin can be updated to use the
+    required scope in the test credentials.
+  - |
+    Two new tempest.conf settings enable/disable keystone default roles and
+    scoped token testing, [enforce_scope] octavia = True/False and
+    [load_balancer] enforce_new_defaults = True/False.
diff --git a/zuul.d/jobs.yaml b/zuul.d/jobs.yaml
index 20aa0b4..08263e3 100644
--- a/zuul.d/jobs.yaml
+++ b/zuul.d/jobs.yaml
@@ -456,6 +456,23 @@
       - ^octavia_tempest_plugin/tests/(?!api/|\w+\.py).*
 - job:
+    name: octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api-scoped-tokens
+    parent: octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api
+    vars:
+      devstack_local_conf:
+        post-config:
+          $OCTAVIA_CONF:
+            oslo_policy:
+              enforce_scope: True
+              enforce_new_defaults: True
+        test-config:
+          "$TEMPEST_CONFIG":
+            enforce_scope:
+              octavia: True
+            load_balancer:
+              enforce_new_defaults: True
+- job:
     name: octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-py2-api
     parent: octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api
diff --git a/zuul.d/projects.yaml b/zuul.d/projects.yaml
index d7a5ea4..b3782b9 100644
--- a/zuul.d/projects.yaml
+++ b/zuul.d/projects.yaml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api-stable-victoria
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api-stable-ussuri
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api-stable-train
+        - octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api-scoped-tokens
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario-stable-victoria
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario-stable-ussuri
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api-stable-victoria
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api-stable-ussuri
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api-stable-train
+        - octavia-v2-dsvm-noop-api-scoped-tokens
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario-stable-victoria
         - octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario-stable-ussuri