Add scenario test for port forwarding and UDP

This test extends exisiting port_forwarding scenario test which
was only configuring and testing port forwarding to 2 different
servers using TCP protocol (by SSH to those instances to different

Now it also creates UDP port forwarding, spawns nc on each VM
and tries to connect to this nc and check if it will return proper
message from each VM.

Change-Id: I3afd877521e7cf66a8970f531111b3e1b1e7b150
diff --git a/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/ b/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
index 4b2ddcd..5a29aa1 100644
--- a/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
+++ b/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
 from neutron_tempest_plugin.api import base as base_api
+from neutron_tempest_plugin.common import shell
 from neutron_tempest_plugin.common import ssh
 from neutron_tempest_plugin import config
 from neutron_tempest_plugin.scenario import constants
@@ -385,7 +386,8 @@
             for server in servers:
                 kwargs = {}
-                    kwargs['port'] = server['port_forwarding']['external_port']
+                    kwargs['port'] = (
+                        server['port_forwarding_tcp']['external_port'])
                 except KeyError:
                 ssh_client = ssh.Client(
@@ -405,3 +407,34 @@
             if log_errors:
+    def nc_listen(self, server, ssh_client, port, protocol, echo_msg):
+        """Create nc server listening on the given TCP/UDP port.
+        Listener is created always on remote host.
+        """
+        udp = ''
+        if protocol.lower() == neutron_lib_constants.PROTO_NAME_UDP:
+            udp = '-u'
+        cmd = "sudo nc %(udp)s -p %(port)s -lk -e echo %(msg)s &" % {
+            'udp': udp, 'port': port, 'msg': echo_msg}
+        try:
+            return ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)
+        except lib_exc.SSHTimeout as ssh_e:
+            LOG.debug(ssh_e)
+            self._log_console_output([server])
+            raise
+    def nc_client(self, ip_address, port, protocol):
+        """Check connectivity to TCP/UDP port at host via nc.
+        Client is always executed locally on host where tests are executed.
+        """
+        udp = ''
+        if protocol.lower() == neutron_lib_constants.PROTO_NAME_UDP:
+            udp = '-u'
+        cmd = 'echo "knock knock" | nc -w 1 %(udp)s %(host)s %(port)s' % {
+            'udp': udp, 'host': ip_address, 'port': port}
+        result = shell.execute_local_command(cmd)
+        self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_status)
+        return result.stdout