Initial copy of api tests from tempest

This change is the result of running

Change-Id: Ica02dbe1ed26f1bc9526ea9682756ebc5877cf4a
diff --git a/neutron/tests/tempest/ b/neutron/tests/tempest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceee265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neutron/tests/tempest/
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import abc
+import copy
+import datetime
+import exceptions
+import re
+import urlparse
+import six
+from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
+from import token_client as json_v2id
+from import token_client as json_v3id
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class AuthProvider(object):
+    """
+    Provide authentication
+    """
+    def __init__(self, credentials):
+        """
+        :param credentials: credentials for authentication
+        """
+        if self.check_credentials(credentials):
+            self.credentials = credentials
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("Invalid credentials")
+        self.cache = None
+        self.alt_auth_data = None
+        self.alt_part = None
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Creds :{creds}, cached auth data: {cache}".format(
+            creds=self.credentials, cache=self.cache)
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def _decorate_request(self, filters, method, url, headers=None, body=None,
+                          auth_data=None):
+        """
+        Decorate request with authentication data
+        """
+        return
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def _get_auth(self):
+        return
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def _fill_credentials(self, auth_data_body):
+        return
+    def fill_credentials(self):
+        """
+        Fill credentials object with data from auth
+        """
+        auth_data = self.get_auth()
+        self._fill_credentials(auth_data[1])
+        return self.credentials
+    @classmethod
+    def check_credentials(cls, credentials):
+        """
+        Verify credentials are valid.
+        """
+        return isinstance(credentials, Credentials) and credentials.is_valid()
+    @property
+    def auth_data(self):
+        return self.get_auth()
+    @auth_data.deleter
+    def auth_data(self):
+        self.clear_auth()
+    def get_auth(self):
+        """
+        Returns auth from cache if available, else auth first
+        """
+        if self.cache is None or self.is_expired(self.cache):
+            self.set_auth()
+        return self.cache
+    def set_auth(self):
+        """
+        Forces setting auth, ignores cache if it exists.
+        Refills credentials
+        """
+        self.cache = self._get_auth()
+        self._fill_credentials(self.cache[1])
+    def clear_auth(self):
+        """
+        Can be called to clear the access cache so that next request
+        will fetch a new token and base_url.
+        """
+        self.cache = None
+        self.credentials.reset()
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def is_expired(self, auth_data):
+        return
+    def auth_request(self, method, url, headers=None, body=None, filters=None):
+        """
+        Obtains auth data and decorates a request with that.
+        :param method: HTTP method of the request
+        :param url: relative URL of the request (path)
+        :param headers: HTTP headers of the request
+        :param body: HTTP body in case of POST / PUT
+        :param filters: select a base URL out of the catalog
+        :returns a Tuple (url, headers, body)
+        """
+        orig_req = dict(url=url, headers=headers, body=body)
+        auth_url, auth_headers, auth_body = self._decorate_request(
+            filters, method, url, headers, body)
+        auth_req = dict(url=auth_url, headers=auth_headers, body=auth_body)
+        # Overwrite part if the request if it has been requested
+        if self.alt_part is not None:
+            if self.alt_auth_data is not None:
+                alt_url, alt_headers, alt_body = self._decorate_request(
+                    filters, method, url, headers, body,
+                    auth_data=self.alt_auth_data)
+                alt_auth_req = dict(url=alt_url, headers=alt_headers,
+                                    body=alt_body)
+                auth_req[self.alt_part] = alt_auth_req[self.alt_part]
+            else:
+                # If alt auth data is None, skip auth in the requested part
+                auth_req[self.alt_part] = orig_req[self.alt_part]
+            # Next auth request will be normal, unless otherwise requested
+            self.reset_alt_auth_data()
+        return auth_req['url'], auth_req['headers'], auth_req['body']
+    def reset_alt_auth_data(self):
+        """
+        Configure auth provider to provide valid authentication data
+        """
+        self.alt_part = None
+        self.alt_auth_data = None
+    def set_alt_auth_data(self, request_part, auth_data):
+        """
+        Configure auth provider to provide alt authentication data
+        on a part of the *next* auth_request. If credentials are None,
+        set invalid data.
+        :param request_part: request part to contain invalid auth: url,
+                             headers, body
+        :param auth_data: alternative auth_data from which to get the
+                          invalid data to be injected
+        """
+        self.alt_part = request_part
+        self.alt_auth_data = auth_data
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def base_url(self, filters, auth_data=None):
+        """
+        Extracts the base_url based on provided filters
+        """
+        return
+class KeystoneAuthProvider(AuthProvider):
+    token_expiry_threshold = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60)
+    def __init__(self, credentials, auth_url,
+                 disable_ssl_certificate_validation=None,
+                 ca_certs=None, trace_requests=None):
+        super(KeystoneAuthProvider, self).__init__(credentials)
+        self.dsvm = disable_ssl_certificate_validation
+        self.ca_certs = ca_certs
+        self.trace_requests = trace_requests
+        self.auth_client = self._auth_client(auth_url)
+    def _decorate_request(self, filters, method, url, headers=None, body=None,
+                          auth_data=None):
+        if auth_data is None:
+            auth_data = self.auth_data
+        token, _ = auth_data
+        base_url = self.base_url(filters=filters, auth_data=auth_data)
+        # build authenticated request
+        # returns new request, it does not touch the original values
+        _headers = copy.deepcopy(headers) if headers is not None else {}
+        _headers['X-Auth-Token'] = str(token)
+        if url is None or url == "":
+            _url = base_url
+        else:
+            # Join base URL and url, and remove multiple contiguous slashes
+            _url = "/".join([base_url, url])
+            parts = [x for x in urlparse.urlparse(_url)]
+            parts[2] = re.sub("/{2,}", "/", parts[2])
+            _url = urlparse.urlunparse(parts)
+        # no change to method or body
+        return str(_url), _headers, body
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def _auth_client(self):
+        return
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def _auth_params(self):
+        return
+    def _get_auth(self):
+        # Bypasses the cache
+        auth_func = getattr(self.auth_client, 'get_token')
+        auth_params = self._auth_params()
+        # returns token, auth_data
+        token, auth_data = auth_func(**auth_params)
+        return token, auth_data
+    def get_token(self):
+        return self.auth_data[0]
+class KeystoneV2AuthProvider(KeystoneAuthProvider):
+    EXPIRY_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
+    def _auth_client(self, auth_url):
+        return json_v2id.TokenClientJSON(
+            auth_url, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=self.dsvm,
+            ca_certs=self.ca_certs, trace_requests=self.trace_requests)
+    def _auth_params(self):
+        return dict(
+            user=self.credentials.username,
+            password=self.credentials.password,
+            tenant=self.credentials.tenant_name,
+            auth_data=True)
+    def _fill_credentials(self, auth_data_body):
+        tenant = auth_data_body['token']['tenant']
+        user = auth_data_body['user']
+        if self.credentials.tenant_name is None:
+            self.credentials.tenant_name = tenant['name']
+        if self.credentials.tenant_id is None:
+            self.credentials.tenant_id = tenant['id']
+        if self.credentials.username is None:
+            self.credentials.username = user['name']
+        if self.credentials.user_id is None:
+            self.credentials.user_id = user['id']
+    def base_url(self, filters, auth_data=None):
+        """
+        Filters can be:
+        - service: compute, image, etc
+        - region: the service region
+        - endpoint_type: adminURL, publicURL, internalURL
+        - api_version: replace catalog version with this
+        - skip_path: take just the base URL
+        """
+        if auth_data is None:
+            auth_data = self.auth_data
+        token, _auth_data = auth_data
+        service = filters.get('service')
+        region = filters.get('region')
+        endpoint_type = filters.get('endpoint_type', 'publicURL')
+        if service is None:
+            raise exceptions.EndpointNotFound("No service provided")
+        _base_url = None
+        for ep in _auth_data['serviceCatalog']:
+            if ep["type"] == service:
+                for _ep in ep['endpoints']:
+                    if region is not None and _ep['region'] == region:
+                        _base_url = _ep.get(endpoint_type)
+                if not _base_url:
+                    # No region matching, use the first
+                    _base_url = ep['endpoints'][0].get(endpoint_type)
+                break
+        if _base_url is None:
+            raise exceptions.EndpointNotFound(service)
+        parts = urlparse.urlparse(_base_url)
+        if filters.get('api_version', None) is not None:
+            path = "/" + filters['api_version']
+            noversion_path = "/".join(parts.path.split("/")[2:])
+            if noversion_path != "":
+                path += "/" + noversion_path
+            _base_url = _base_url.replace(parts.path, path)
+        if filters.get('skip_path', None) is not None and parts.path != '':
+            _base_url = _base_url.replace(parts.path, "/")
+        return _base_url
+    def is_expired(self, auth_data):
+        _, access = auth_data
+        expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(access['token']['expires'],
+                                            self.EXPIRY_DATE_FORMAT)
+        return expiry - self.token_expiry_threshold <= \
+            datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+class KeystoneV3AuthProvider(KeystoneAuthProvider):
+    EXPIRY_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'
+    def _auth_client(self, auth_url):
+        return json_v3id.V3TokenClientJSON(
+            auth_url, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=self.dsvm,
+            ca_certs=self.ca_certs, trace_requests=self.trace_requests)
+    def _auth_params(self):
+        return dict(
+            user=self.credentials.username,
+            password=self.credentials.password,
+            project=self.credentials.tenant_name,
+            user_domain=self.credentials.user_domain_name,
+            project_domain=self.credentials.project_domain_name,
+            auth_data=True)
+    def _fill_credentials(self, auth_data_body):
+        # project or domain, depending on the scope
+        project = auth_data_body.get('project', None)
+        domain = auth_data_body.get('domain', None)
+        # user is always there
+        user = auth_data_body['user']
+        # Set project fields
+        if project is not None:
+            if self.credentials.project_name is None:
+                self.credentials.project_name = project['name']
+            if self.credentials.project_id is None:
+                self.credentials.project_id = project['id']
+            if self.credentials.project_domain_id is None:
+                self.credentials.project_domain_id = project['domain']['id']
+            if self.credentials.project_domain_name is None:
+                self.credentials.project_domain_name = \
+                    project['domain']['name']
+        # Set domain fields
+        if domain is not None:
+            if self.credentials.domain_id is None:
+                self.credentials.domain_id = domain['id']
+            if self.credentials.domain_name is None:
+                self.credentials.domain_name = domain['name']
+        # Set user fields
+        if self.credentials.username is None:
+            self.credentials.username = user['name']
+        if self.credentials.user_id is None:
+            self.credentials.user_id = user['id']
+        if self.credentials.user_domain_id is None:
+            self.credentials.user_domain_id = user['domain']['id']
+        if self.credentials.user_domain_name is None:
+            self.credentials.user_domain_name = user['domain']['name']
+    def base_url(self, filters, auth_data=None):
+        """
+        Filters can be:
+        - service: compute, image, etc
+        - region: the service region
+        - endpoint_type: adminURL, publicURL, internalURL
+        - api_version: replace catalog version with this
+        - skip_path: take just the base URL
+        """
+        if auth_data is None:
+            auth_data = self.auth_data
+        token, _auth_data = auth_data
+        service = filters.get('service')
+        region = filters.get('region')
+        endpoint_type = filters.get('endpoint_type', 'public')
+        if service is None:
+            raise exceptions.EndpointNotFound("No service provided")
+        if 'URL' in endpoint_type:
+            endpoint_type = endpoint_type.replace('URL', '')
+        _base_url = None
+        catalog = _auth_data['catalog']
+        # Select entries with matching service type
+        service_catalog = [ep for ep in catalog if ep['type'] == service]
+        if len(service_catalog) > 0:
+            service_catalog = service_catalog[0]['endpoints']
+        else:
+            # No matching service
+            raise exceptions.EndpointNotFound(service)
+        # Filter by endpoint type (interface)
+        filtered_catalog = [ep for ep in service_catalog if
+                            ep['interface'] == endpoint_type]
+        if len(filtered_catalog) == 0:
+            # No matching type, keep all and try matching by region at least
+            filtered_catalog = service_catalog
+        # Filter by region
+        filtered_catalog = [ep for ep in filtered_catalog if
+                            ep['region'] == region]
+        if len(filtered_catalog) == 0:
+            # No matching region, take the first endpoint
+            filtered_catalog = [service_catalog[0]]
+        # There should be only one match. If not take the first.
+        _base_url = filtered_catalog[0].get('url', None)
+        if _base_url is None:
+                raise exceptions.EndpointNotFound(service)
+        parts = urlparse.urlparse(_base_url)
+        if filters.get('api_version', None) is not None:
+            path = "/" + filters['api_version']
+            noversion_path = "/".join(parts.path.split("/")[2:])
+            if noversion_path != "":
+                path += "/" + noversion_path
+            _base_url = _base_url.replace(parts.path, path)
+        if filters.get('skip_path', None) is not None:
+            _base_url = _base_url.replace(parts.path, "/")
+        return _base_url
+    def is_expired(self, auth_data):
+        _, access = auth_data
+        expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(access['expires_at'],
+                                            self.EXPIRY_DATE_FORMAT)
+        return expiry - self.token_expiry_threshold <= \
+            datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+def is_identity_version_supported(identity_version):
+    return identity_version in IDENTITY_VERSION
+def get_credentials(auth_url, fill_in=True, identity_version='v2', **kwargs):
+    """
+    Builds a credentials object based on the configured auth_version
+    :param auth_url (string): Full URI of the OpenStack Identity API(Keystone)
+           which is used to fetch the token from Identity service.
+    :param fill_in (boolean): obtain a token and fill in all credential
+           details provided by the identity service. When fill_in is not
+           specified, credentials are not validated. Validation can be invoked
+           by invoking ``is_valid()``
+    :param identity_version (string): identity API version is used to
+           select the matching auth provider and credentials class
+    :param kwargs (dict): Dict of credential key/value pairs
+    Examples:
+        Returns credentials from the provided parameters:
+        >>> get_credentials(username='foo', password='bar')
+        Returns credentials including IDs:
+        >>> get_credentials(username='foo', password='bar', fill_in=True)
+    """
+    if not is_identity_version_supported(identity_version):
+        raise exceptions.InvalidIdentityVersion(
+            identity_version=identity_version)
+    credential_class, auth_provider_class = IDENTITY_VERSION.get(
+        identity_version)
+    creds = credential_class(**kwargs)
+    # Fill in the credentials fields that were not specified
+    if fill_in:
+        auth_provider = auth_provider_class(creds, auth_url)
+        creds = auth_provider.fill_credentials()
+    return creds
+class Credentials(object):
+    """
+    Set of credentials for accessing OpenStack services
+    ATTRIBUTES: list of valid class attributes representing credentials.
+    """
+    ATTRIBUTES = []
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Enforce the available attributes at init time (only).
+        Additional attributes can still be set afterwards if tests need
+        to do so.
+        """
+        self._initial = kwargs
+        self._apply_credentials(kwargs)
+    def _apply_credentials(self, attr):
+        for key in attr.keys():
+            if key in self.ATTRIBUTES:
+                setattr(self, key, attr[key])
+            else:
+                raise exceptions.InvalidCredentials
+    def __str__(self):
+        """
+        Represent only attributes included in self.ATTRIBUTES
+        """
+        _repr = dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.ATTRIBUTES)
+        return str(_repr)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        """
+        Credentials are equal if attributes in self.ATTRIBUTES are equal
+        """
+        return str(self) == str(other)
+    def __getattr__(self, key):
+        # If an attribute is set, __getattr__ is not invoked
+        # If an attribute is not set, and it is a known one, return None
+        if key in self.ATTRIBUTES:
+            return None
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError
+    def __delitem__(self, key):
+        # For backwards compatibility, support dict behaviour
+        if key in self.ATTRIBUTES:
+            delattr(self, key)
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError
+    def get(self, item, default):
+        # In this patch act as dict for backward compatibility
+        try:
+            return getattr(self, item)
+        except AttributeError:
+            return default
+    def get_init_attributes(self):
+        return self._initial.keys()
+    def is_valid(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def reset(self):
+        # First delete all known attributes
+        for key in self.ATTRIBUTES:
+            if getattr(self, key) is not None:
+                delattr(self, key)
+        # Then re-apply initial setup
+        self._apply_credentials(self._initial)
+class KeystoneV2Credentials(Credentials):
+    ATTRIBUTES = ['username', 'password', 'tenant_name', 'user_id',
+                  'tenant_id']
+    def is_valid(self):
+        """
+        Minimum set of valid credentials, are username and password.
+        Tenant is optional.
+        """
+        return None not in (self.username, self.password)
+class KeystoneV3Credentials(Credentials):
+    """
+    Credentials suitable for the Keystone Identity V3 API
+    """
+    ATTRIBUTES = ['domain_name', 'password', 'tenant_name', 'username',
+                  'project_domain_id', 'project_domain_name', 'project_id',
+                  'project_name', 'tenant_id', 'tenant_name', 'user_domain_id',
+                  'user_domain_name', 'user_id']
+    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
+        parent = super(KeystoneV3Credentials, self)
+        # for tenant_* set both project and tenant
+        if key == 'tenant_id':
+            parent.__setattr__('project_id', value)
+        elif key == 'tenant_name':
+            parent.__setattr__('project_name', value)
+        # for project_* set both project and tenant
+        if key == 'project_id':
+            parent.__setattr__('tenant_id', value)
+        elif key == 'project_name':
+            parent.__setattr__('tenant_name', value)
+        # for *_domain_* set both user and project if not set yet
+        if key == 'user_domain_id':
+            if self.project_domain_id is None:
+                parent.__setattr__('project_domain_id', value)
+        if key == 'project_domain_id':
+            if self.user_domain_id is None:
+                parent.__setattr__('user_domain_id', value)
+        if key == 'user_domain_name':
+            if self.project_domain_name is None:
+                parent.__setattr__('project_domain_name', value)
+        if key == 'project_domain_name':
+            if self.user_domain_name is None:
+                parent.__setattr__('user_domain_name', value)
+        # support domain_name coming from config
+        if key == 'domain_name':
+            parent.__setattr__('user_domain_name', value)
+            parent.__setattr__('project_domain_name', value)
+        # finally trigger default behaviour for all attributes
+        parent.__setattr__(key, value)
+    def is_valid(self):
+        """
+        Valid combinations of v3 credentials (excluding token, scope)
+        - User id, password (optional domain)
+        - User name, password and its domain id/name
+        For the scope, valid combinations are:
+        - None
+        - Project id (optional domain)
+        - Project name and its domain id/name
+        """
+        valid_user_domain = any(
+            [self.user_domain_id is not None,
+             self.user_domain_name is not None])
+        valid_project_domain = any(
+            [self.project_domain_id is not None,
+             self.project_domain_name is not None])
+        valid_user = any(
+            [self.user_id is not None,
+             self.username is not None and valid_user_domain])
+        valid_project = any(
+            [self.project_name is None and self.project_id is None,
+             self.project_id is not None,
+             self.project_name is not None and valid_project_domain])
+        return all([self.password is not None, valid_user, valid_project])
+IDENTITY_VERSION = {'v2': (KeystoneV2Credentials, KeystoneV2AuthProvider),
+                    'v3': (KeystoneV3Credentials, KeystoneV3AuthProvider)}