Fix how nc client and server are run in scenario tests

In change [1] the way how netcat server is run was changed.
But since than it was failing because
ssh_client.execute_command() method was blocking on waiting for
fd from remote host.
So this patch changes that to use ssh_client.execute_script()
method which runs fine.

It also changes how ncat command to run server and client are build.
In case of ncat server there is difference between ncat provided by
nmap, which is used e.g. in RHEL or Ubuntu and nc provided by busybox
which is used in Cirros.
In case of Cirros, we need to use "-e" parameter to provide script to
execute but in RHEL or Ubuntu we need to use "-c" option.

For ncat client, there is difference between ncat 7.60 and 7.70.
In case of this newer one, which is e.g. in RHEL 8, we need to pass
"-z" flag to run it in "Zero-I/O mode". For earlier versions (e.g.
on Ubuntu Bionic) it's not needed.


Change-Id: I55607a521dd1829357d296c60855931ce2251295
diff --git a/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/ b/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
index 42bd33b..7b66494 100644
--- a/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
+++ b/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 #    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import distutils
+import re
 import subprocess
 from debtcollector import removals
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@
 from neutron_tempest_plugin.common import shell
 from neutron_tempest_plugin.common import ssh
 from neutron_tempest_plugin import config
+from neutron_tempest_plugin import exceptions
 from neutron_tempest_plugin.scenario import constants
 CONF = config.CONF
@@ -37,6 +40,45 @@
 LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+def get_ncat_version(ssh_client=None):
+    cmd = "ncat --version 2>&1"
+    try:
+        version_result = shell.execute(cmd, ssh_client=ssh_client).stdout
+    except exceptions.ShellCommandFailed:
+        m = None
+    else:
+        m = re.match(r"Ncat: Version ([\d.]+) *.", version_result)
+    # NOTE(slaweq): by default lets assume we have ncat 7.60 which is in Ubuntu
+    # 18.04 which is used on u/s gates
+    return distutils.version.StrictVersion( if m else '7.60')
+def get_ncat_server_cmd(port, protocol, msg):
+    udp = ''
+    if protocol.lower() == neutron_lib_constants.PROTO_NAME_UDP:
+        udp = '-u'
+    cmd = "nc %(udp)s -p %(port)s -lk " % {
+        'udp': udp, 'port': port}
+    if CONF.neutron_plugin_options.default_image_is_advanced:
+        cmd += "-c 'echo %s' &" % msg
+    else:
+        cmd += "-e echo %s &" % msg
+    return cmd
+def get_ncat_client_cmd(ip_address, port, protocol):
+    udp = ''
+    if protocol.lower() == neutron_lib_constants.PROTO_NAME_UDP:
+        udp = '-u'
+    cmd = 'echo "knock knock" | nc '
+    ncat_version = get_ncat_version()
+    if ncat_version > distutils.version.StrictVersion('7.60'):
+        cmd += '-z '
+    cmd += '-w 1 %(udp)s %(host)s %(port)s' % {
+        'udp': udp, 'host': ip_address, 'port': port}
+    return cmd
 class BaseTempestTestCase(base_api.BaseNetworkTest):
     def create_server(self, flavor_ref, image_ref, key_name, networks,
@@ -426,13 +468,10 @@
         Listener is created always on remote host.
-        udp = ''
-        if protocol.lower() == neutron_lib_constants.PROTO_NAME_UDP:
-            udp = '-u'
-        cmd = "sudo nc %(udp)s -p %(port)s -lk -c echo %(msg)s &" % {
-            'udp': udp, 'port': port, 'msg': echo_msg}
-            return ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)
+            return ssh_client.execute_script(
+                get_ncat_server_cmd(port, protocol, echo_msg),
+                become_root=True)
         except lib_exc.SSHTimeout as ssh_e:
@@ -443,11 +482,7 @@
         Client is always executed locally on host where tests are executed.
-        udp = ''
-        if protocol.lower() == neutron_lib_constants.PROTO_NAME_UDP:
-            udp = '-u'
-        cmd = 'echo "knock knock" | nc -w 1 %(udp)s %(host)s %(port)s' % {
-            'udp': udp, 'host': ip_address, 'port': port}
+        cmd = get_ncat_client_cmd(ip_address, port, protocol)
         result = shell.execute_local_command(cmd)
         self.assertEqual(0, result.exit_status)
         return result.stdout