Add scenario that verifies proper functionality of remote group

The test added creates a security group that support SSH, spawns
two instances, tries to ping between them and expects failure.
Then add ICMP support for the mutual remote group and tries
to ping again, which should succeed.

Change-Id: If45e122347a7d0bc0c60e0b5249dc909fa1864da
diff --git a/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/ b/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
index 1244535..248d0bd 100644
--- a/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
+++ b/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
@@ -210,3 +210,39 @@
                       'direction': constants.INGRESS_DIRECTION,
                       'remote_ip_prefix': cidr}]
         self._test_ip_prefix(rule_list, should_succeed=False)
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('7ed39b86-006d-40fb-887a-ae46693dabc9')
+    def test_remote_group(self):
+        # create a new sec group
+        ssh_secgrp_name = data_utils.rand_name('ssh_secgrp')
+        ssh_secgrp = self.os_primary.network_client.create_security_group(
+            name=ssh_secgrp_name)
+        # add cleanup
+        self.security_groups.append(ssh_secgrp['security_group'])
+        # configure sec group to support SSH connectivity
+        self.create_loginable_secgroup_rule(
+            secgroup_id=ssh_secgrp['security_group']['id'])
+        # spawn two instances with the sec group created
+        server_ssh_clients, fips, servers = self.create_vm_testing_sec_grp(
+            security_groups=[{'name': ssh_secgrp_name}])
+        # verify SSH functionality
+        for i in range(2):
+            self.check_connectivity(fips[i]['floating_ip_address'],
+                                    CONF.validation.image_ssh_user,
+                                    self.keypair['private_key'])
+        # try to ping instances without ICMP permissions
+        self.check_remote_connectivity(
+            server_ssh_clients[0], fips[1]['fixed_ip_address'],
+            should_succeed=False)
+        # add ICMP support to the remote group
+        rule_list = [{'protocol': constants.PROTO_NUM_ICMP,
+                      'direction': constants.INGRESS_DIRECTION,
+                      'remote_group_id': ssh_secgrp['security_group']['id']}]
+        self.create_secgroup_rules(
+            rule_list, secgroup_id=ssh_secgrp['security_group']['id'])
+        # verify ICMP connectivity between instances works
+        self.check_remote_connectivity(
+            server_ssh_clients[0], fips[1]['fixed_ip_address'])
+        # make sure ICMP connectivity doesn't work from framework
+        self.ping_ip_address(fips[0]['floating_ip_address'],
+                             should_succeed=False)