Fix multicast scenario test

This patch changes multicast scenario test to run tcpdump on the
"unregistered" host always with specific interface, so that interface
is switched to the promiscuous mode.
It also adds option "-c 1" to the same tcpdump to be sure that it is killed
after it captures one packet.

In OVN job on Ussuri OVN 20.03 is used and IGMP Snooping requires a
least OVN 20.12 so in that version snooping is disabled.

This also reverts commit 193f1714bf4b2cf9bcdee89c0a646cab84544f10 which
marked that multicast scenario test as unstable.

Closes-Bug: #1850288

Change-Id: Ia3c84134a3e0543687ef715025d70f42e4b6826c
diff --git a/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/ b/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
index 79f835e..b0da235 100644
--- a/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
+++ b/neutron_tempest_plugin/scenario/
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
 import netaddr
 from neutron_lib import constants
-from neutron_lib.utils import test
 from oslo_log import log
 from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
 from tempest.lib import decorators
+from neutron_tempest_plugin.common import ip
 from neutron_tempest_plugin.common import ssh
 from neutron_tempest_plugin.common import utils
 from neutron_tempest_plugin import config
@@ -111,11 +111,12 @@
            'result_file': result_file}
-def get_unregistered_script(group, result_file):
+def get_unregistered_script(interface, group, result_file):
     return """#!/bin/bash
 export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
-tcpdump -i any -s0 -vv host %(group)s -vvneA -s0 -l &> %(result_file)s &
-    """ % {'group': group,
+tcpdump -i %(interface)s host %(group)s -vvneA -s0 -l -c1 &> %(result_file)s &
+    """ % {'interface': interface,
+           'group': group,
            'result_file': result_file}
@@ -202,9 +203,9 @@
-        port = self.client.list_ports(
+        server['port'] = self.client.list_ports(
   ['id'], device_id=server['id'])['ports'][0]
-        server['fip'] = self.create_floatingip(port=port)
+        server['fip'] = self.create_floatingip(port=server['port'])
         server['ssh_client'] = ssh.Client(server['fip']['floating_ip_address'],
@@ -242,18 +243,21 @@
             'echo "%s" > /tmp/' % check_script)
     def _prepare_unregistered(self, server, mcast_address):
-        check_script = get_unregistered_script(
-            group=mcast_address, result_file=self.unregistered_output_file)
         ssh_client = ssh.Client(
+        ip_command = ip.IPCommand(ssh_client=ssh_client)
+        addresses = ip_command.list_addresses(port=server['port'])
+        port_iface = ip.get_port_device_name(addresses, server['port'])
+        check_script = get_unregistered_script(
+            interface=port_iface, group=mcast_address,
+            result_file=self.unregistered_output_file)
         self._check_cmd_installed_on_server(ssh_client, server['id'],
             'echo "%s" > /tmp/' % check_script)
-    @test.unstable_test("bug 1850288")
     def test_multicast_between_vms_on_same_network(self):
         """Test multicast messaging between two servers on the same network
@@ -343,19 +347,40 @@
         for receiver_id in receiver_ids:
             self.assertIn(receiver_id, replies_result)
-        # Kill the tcpdump command running on the unregistered node so
-        # tcpdump flushes its output to the output file
-        unregistered['ssh_client'].execute_script(
-            "killall tcpdump && sleep 2", become_root=True)
+        def check_unregistered_host():
+            unregistered_result = unregistered['ssh_client'].execute_script(
+                "cat {path} || echo '{path} not exists yet'".format(
+                    path=self.unregistered_output_file))
+            LOG.debug("Unregistered VM result: %s", unregistered_result)
+            return expected_result in unregistered_result
-        unregistered_result = unregistered['ssh_client'].execute_script(
-            "cat {path} || echo '{path} not exists yet'".format(
-                path=self.unregistered_output_file))
-        LOG.debug("Unregistered VM result: %s", unregistered_result)
-        expected_result = '0 packets captured'
-        if self._is_multicast_traffic_expected(mcast_address):
-            expected_result = '1 packet captured'
-        self.assertIn(expected_result, unregistered_result)
+        expected_result = '1 packet captured'
+        unregistered_error_message = (
+            'Unregistered server did not received expected packet.')
+        if not self._is_multicast_traffic_expected(mcast_address):
+            # Kill the tcpdump command runs on the unregistered node with "-c"
+            # option so it will be stopped automatically if it will receive
+            # packet matching filters,
+            # We don't expect any packets to be captured really in this case
+            # so let's kill tcpdump so it flushes its output to the output
+            # file.
+            expected_result = (
+                '0 packets captured\n0 packets received by filter')
+            unregistered_error_message = (
+                'Unregistered server received unexpected packet(s).')
+            try:
+                unregistered['ssh_client'].execute_script(
+                    "killall tcpdump && sleep 2", become_root=True)
+            except exceptions.SSHScriptFailed:
+                # Probably some packet was captured by tcpdump and due to that
+                # it is already stopped
+                self.assertTrue(check_unregistered_host(),
+                                unregistered_error_message)
+                return
+        utils.wait_until_true(
+            check_unregistered_host,
+            exception=RuntimeError(unregistered_error_message))
 class MulticastTestIPv4(BaseMulticastTest, base.BaseTempestTestCase):
diff --git a/zuul.d/ussuri_jobs.yaml b/zuul.d/ussuri_jobs.yaml
index 9cc0621..21a69c4 100644
--- a/zuul.d/ussuri_jobs.yaml
+++ b/zuul.d/ussuri_jobs.yaml
@@ -164,6 +164,13 @@
         # TODO(skaplons): v2.13.1 is incompatible with kernel 4.15.0-118, sticking to commit hash until new v2.13 tag is created
         OVS_BRANCH: 0047ca3a0290f1ef954f2c76b31477cf4b9755f5
         OVN_BRANCH: "v20.03.0"
+        # NOTE(slaweq): IGMP Snooping requires OVN 20.12
+      devstack_local_conf:
+        test-config:
+          $TEMPEST_CONFIG:
+            neutron_plugin_options:
+              is_igmp_snooping_enabled: False
 - job:
     name: neutron-tempest-plugin-dvr-multinode-scenario-ussuri