Merge "Remove _create_subnet & create_networks methods"
diff --git a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/ b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
index 6cbaa8b..85d2f27 100644
--- a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
+++ b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
-import netaddr
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from tempest.common import image as common_image
@@ -149,95 +148,6 @@
if not CONF.service_available.neutron:
raise cls.skipException('Neutron not available')
- def _create_subnet(self, network, subnets_client=None,
- routers_client=None, namestart='subnet-smoke',
- **kwargs):
- """Create a subnet for the given network
- within the cidr block configured for tenant networks.
- """
- if not subnets_client:
- subnets_client = self.subnets_client
- if not routers_client:
- routers_client = self.routers_client
- def cidr_in_use(cidr, tenant_id):
- """Check cidr existence
- :returns: True if subnet with cidr already exist in tenant
- False else
- """
- cidr_in_use = self.os_admin.subnets_client.list_subnets(
- tenant_id=tenant_id, cidr=cidr)['subnets']
- return len(cidr_in_use) != 0
- def _make_create_subnet_request(namestart, network,
- ip_version, subnets_client, **kwargs):
- subnet = dict(
- name=data_utils.rand_name(namestart),
- network_id=network['id'],
- tenant_id=network['tenant_id'],
- ip_version=ip_version,
- **kwargs
- )
- if ip_version == 6:
- subnet['ipv6_address_mode'] = 'slaac'
- subnet['ipv6_ra_mode'] = 'slaac'
- try:
- return subnets_client.create_subnet(**subnet)
- except lib_exc.Conflict as e:
- if 'overlaps with another subnet' not in str(e):
- raise
- result = None
- str_cidr = None
- use_default_subnetpool = kwargs.get('use_default_subnetpool', False)
- ip_version = kwargs.pop('ip_version', 4)
- if not use_default_subnetpool:
- if ip_version == 6:
- tenant_cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(
- num_bits =
- else:
- tenant_cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(
- num_bits =
- # Repeatedly attempt subnet creation with sequential cidr
- # blocks until an unallocated block is found.
- for subnet_cidr in tenant_cidr.subnet(num_bits):
- str_cidr = str(subnet_cidr)
- if cidr_in_use(str_cidr, tenant_id=network['tenant_id']):
- continue
- result = _make_create_subnet_request(
- namestart, network, ip_version, subnets_client,
- cidr=str_cidr, **kwargs)
- if result is not None:
- break
- else:
- result = _make_create_subnet_request(
- namestart, network, ip_version, subnets_client,
- **kwargs)
- self.assertIsNotNone(result)
- subnet = result['subnet']
- if str_cidr is not None:
- self.assertEqual(subnet['cidr'], str_cidr)
- self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
- subnets_client.delete_subnet, subnet['id'])
- return subnet
def _get_network_by_name_or_id(self, identifier):
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(identifier):
@@ -572,56 +482,3 @@
router = self.routers_client.update_router(
router['id'], **kwargs)['router']
self.assertEqual(admin_state_up, router['admin_state_up'])
- def create_networks(self, networks_client=None,
- routers_client=None, subnets_client=None,
- tenant_id=None, dns_nameservers=None,
- port_security_enabled=True):
- """Create a network with a subnet connected to a router.
- The baremetal driver is a special case since all nodes are
- on the same shared network.
- :param tenant_id: id of tenant to create resources in.
- :param dns_nameservers: list of dns servers to send to subnet.
- :returns: network, subnet, router
- """
- if
- # NOTE(Shrews): This exception is for environments where tenant
- # credential isolation is available, but network separation is
- # not (the current baremetal case). Likely can be removed when
- # test account mgmt is reworked:
- #
- if not CONF.compute.fixed_network_name:
- m = 'fixed_network_name must be specified in config'
- raise lib_exc.InvalidConfiguration(m)
- network = self._get_network_by_name_or_id(
- CONF.compute.fixed_network_name)
- router = None
- subnet = None
- else:
- network = self.create_network(
- networks_client=networks_client,
- tenant_id=tenant_id,
- port_security_enabled=port_security_enabled)
- router = self._get_router(client=routers_client,
- tenant_id=tenant_id)
- subnet_kwargs = dict(network=network,
- subnets_client=subnets_client,
- routers_client=routers_client)
- # use explicit check because empty list is a valid option
- if dns_nameservers is not None:
- subnet_kwargs['dns_nameservers'] = dns_nameservers
- subnet = self._create_subnet(**subnet_kwargs)
- if not routers_client:
- routers_client = self.routers_client
- router_id = router['id']
- routers_client.add_router_interface(router_id,
- subnet_id=subnet['id'])
- # save a cleanup job to remove this association between
- # router and subnet
- self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
- routers_client.remove_router_interface, router_id,
- subnet_id=subnet['id'])
- return network, subnet, router
diff --git a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/ b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
index e1d3a8f..af8f687 100644
--- a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
+++ b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
'ip_version': self.ip_version,
'use_default_subnetpool': self.ipv6_enabled
- self.subnet = self._create_subnet(
+ self.subnet = self.create_subnet(,