Merge "Remove create_floating_ip & get_server_ip methods"
diff --git a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/ b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
index 37725ff..3854fcc 100644
--- a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
+++ b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from tempest.common import image as common_image
from tempest import config
-from tempest import exceptions
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
@@ -205,51 +204,6 @@
- def create_floating_ip(self, thing, pool_name=None):
- """Create a floating IP and associates to a server on Nova"""
- if not pool_name:
- pool_name =
- floating_ip = (self.compute_floating_ips_client.
- create_floating_ip(pool=pool_name)['floating_ip'])
- self.addCleanup(test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc,
- self.compute_floating_ips_client.delete_floating_ip,
- floating_ip['id'])
- self.compute_floating_ips_client.associate_floating_ip_to_server(
- floating_ip['ip'], thing['id'])
- return floating_ip
- def get_server_ip(self, server):
- """Get the server fixed or floating IP.
- Based on the configuration we're in, return a correct ip
- address for validating that a guest is up.
- """
- if CONF.validation.connect_method == 'floating':
- # The tests calling this method don't have a floating IP
- # and can't make use of the validation resources. So the
- # method is creating the floating IP there.
- return self.create_floating_ip(server)['ip']
- elif CONF.validation.connect_method == 'fixed':
- # Determine the network name to look for based on config or creds
- # provider network resources.
- if CONF.validation.network_for_ssh:
- addresses = server['addresses'][
- CONF.validation.network_for_ssh]
- else:
- creds_provider = self._get_credentials_provider()
- net_creds = creds_provider.get_primary_creds()
- network = getattr(net_creds, 'network', None)
- addresses = (server['addresses'][network['name']]
- if network else [])
- for address in addresses:
- if (address['version'] == CONF.validation.ip_version_for_ssh
- and address['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed'):
- return address['addr']
- raise exceptions.ServerUnreachable(server_id=server['id'])
- else:
- raise lib_exc.InvalidConfiguration()
class NetworkScenarioTest(ScenarioTest):
"""Base class for network scenario tests.