Merge "Remove check_remote_connectivity related  methods"
diff --git a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/ b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
index 4df0023..881cf5f 100644
--- a/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
+++ b/manila_tempest_tests/tests/scenario/
@@ -212,50 +212,6 @@
-    def _check_remote_connectivity(self, source, dest, should_succeed=True,
-                                   nic=None):
-        """assert ping server via source ssh connection
-        Note: This is an internal method.  Use check_remote_connectivity
-        instead.
-        :param source: RemoteClient: an ssh connection from which to ping
-        :param dest: and IP to ping against
-        :param should_succeed: boolean should ping succeed or not
-        :param nic: specific network interface to ping from
-        """
-        def ping_remote():
-            try:
-                source.ping_host(dest, nic=nic)
-            except lib_exc.SSHExecCommandFailed:
-                LOG.warning('Failed to ping IP: %s via a ssh connection '
-                            'from: %s.', dest,
-                return not should_succeed
-            return should_succeed
-        return test_utils.call_until_true(ping_remote,
-                                          CONF.validation.ping_timeout,
-                                          1)
-    def check_remote_connectivity(self, source, dest, should_succeed=True,
-                                  nic=None):
-        """assert ping server via source ssh connection
-        :param source: RemoteClient: an ssh connection from which to ping
-        :param dest: and IP to ping against
-        :param should_succeed: boolean should ping succeed or not
-        :param nic: specific network interface to ping from
-        """
-        result = self._check_remote_connectivity(source, dest, should_succeed,
-                                                 nic)
-        source_host =
-        if should_succeed:
-            msg = ("Timed out waiting for %s to become reachable from %s"
-                   % (dest, source_host))
-        else:
-            msg = "%s is reachable from %s" % (dest, source_host)
-        self.assertTrue(result, msg)
     def _create_security_group(self, security_group_rules_client=None,