Split Tempest tests between ipmi and redfish

- Renamed the classes from the ironic_standalone scenario
- Added logic to choose redfish as driver when possible

Change-Id: If81a39dd8bee657bba8c5cee0fead900c6e8f56c
diff --git a/doc/source/usage.rst b/doc/source/usage.rst
index ecb7218..6fb682c 100644
--- a/doc/source/usage.rst
+++ b/doc/source/usage.rst
@@ -40,18 +40,19 @@
     all bare metal tests
     only API tests using fake hardware, without other OpenStack services (these
-    tests are run by jobs starting with ``tempest-dsvm-ironic-functional``)
+    tests are run by jobs starting with ``ironic-tempest-functional-python3``)
     all integration tests, excluding the API tests with fake hardware (these
     tests are run by most of the jobs)
     standalone bare metal tests that do not use the Compute service
-    (these tests are run by the job ``ironic-dsvm-standalone``)
+    (these tests are run by the jobs ``ironic-standalone`` and
+    ``ironic-standalone-redfish``)
     basic introspection tests (these tests are run by most of the jobs with
     ``ironic-inspector`` in their name)
     introspection auto-discovery tests (these tests are run by the job
-    ``ironic-inspector-tempest-dsvm-discovery`` and require additional set up)
+    ``ironic-inspector-tempest-discovery`` and require additional set up)
 .. _Tempest documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/tempest/latest/run.html