Add idrac OOB inspection test cases

This adds test cases for the two out-of-band inspect interfaces
supported by the idrac hardware type, idrac-redfish and idrac-wsman.

Change-Id: I40240888aa1fa7b9ea860189141199ca9672e30b
diff --git a/ironic_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/ironic_standalone/ b/ironic_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/ironic_standalone/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6e2af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ironic_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/ironic_standalone/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#    Copyright (c) 2022 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from tempest.lib import decorators
+from ironic_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario import \
+    baremetal_standalone_manager as bsm
+class BaremetalIdracInspect(bsm.BaremetalStandaloneScenarioTest):
+    driver = 'idrac'
+    mandatory_attr = ['driver', 'inspect_interface']
+    # The test cases clean up at the end by detaching the VIF.
+    # Support for VIFs was introduced by version 1.28
+    # (# v1.28: Add vifs subcontroller to node).
+    api_microversion = '1.28'
+    delete_node = False
+    def _verify_node_inspection_data(self):
+        _, node = self.baremetal_client.show_node(self.node['uuid'])
+        self.assertEqual(node['properties']['cpu_arch'], 'x86_64')
+        self.assertGreater(int(node['properties']['memory_mb']), 0)
+        self.assertGreater(int(node['properties']['cpus']), 0)
+        self.assertGreater(int(node['properties']['local_gb']), 0)
+    @decorators.idempotent_id('47ea4487-4720-43e8-a024-53ae82f8c264')
+    def test_baremetal_inspect(self):
+        """This test case follows this set of operations:
+            * Sets nodes to manageable state
+            * Inspects nodes
+            * Verifies inspection data
+            * Sets node to available state
+        """
+        self.baremetal_client.set_node_provision_state(self.node['uuid'],
+                                                       'manage')
+        self.baremetal_client.set_node_provision_state(self.node['uuid'],
+                                                       'inspect')
+        self.wait_provisioning_state(self.node['uuid'], 'manageable')
+        self._verify_node_inspection_data()
+        self.baremetal_client.set_node_provision_state(self.node['uuid'],
+                                                       'provide')
+        self.wait_provisioning_state(self.node['uuid'], 'available')
+class BaremetalIdracRedfishInspect(BaremetalIdracInspect):
+    inspect_interface = 'idrac-redfish'
+class BaremetalIdracWSManInspect(BaremetalIdracInspect):
+    inspect_interface = 'idrac-wsman'