Move instance_error_causes_group_error() to functional tests

Part of blueprint decouple-nested
Change-Id: I33a9772642c6e58b4b9419330d2aa4e3f8e5cab4
diff --git a/functional/ b/functional/
index 33367fc..626a956 100644
--- a/functional/
+++ b/functional/
@@ -81,6 +81,33 @@
     value: {get_attr: [random1, value]}
+    # This is designed to fail.
+    bad_instance_template = '''
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+  ImageId: {type: string}
+  InstanceType: {type: string}
+  KeyName: {type: string}
+  SecurityGroups: {type: comma_delimited_list}
+  UserData: {type: string}
+  Tags: {type: comma_delimited_list}
+  random1:
+    type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+    depends_on: waiter
+  ready_poster:
+    type: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle
+  waiter:
+    type: AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition
+    properties:
+      Handle: {Ref: ready_poster}
+      Timeout: 1
+  PublicIp:
+    value: {get_attr: [random1, value]}
     def setUp(self):
         super(InstanceGroupTest, self).setUp()
         self.client = self.orchestration_client
@@ -95,6 +122,27 @@
         inst_list = self._stack_output(stack, 'InstanceList')
         self.assertEqual(expected_count, len(inst_list.split(',')))
+    def _get_nested_identifier(self, stack_identifier):
+        rsrc = self.client.resources.get(stack_identifier, 'JobServerGroup')
+        nested_link = [l for l in rsrc.links if l['rel'] == 'nested']
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(nested_link))
+        nested_href = nested_link[0]['href']
+        nested_id = nested_href.split('/')[-1]
+        nested_identifier = '/'.join(nested_href.split('/')[-2:])
+        physical_resource_id = rsrc.physical_resource_id
+        self.assertEqual(physical_resource_id, nested_id)
+        return nested_identifier
+    def _assert_instance_state(self, nested_identifier,
+                               num_complete, num_failed):
+        for res in self.client.resources.list(nested_identifier):
+            if 'COMPLETE' in res.resource_status:
+                num_complete = num_complete - 1
+            elif 'FAILED' in res.resource_status:
+                num_failed = num_failed - 1
+        self.assertEqual(0, num_failed)
+        self.assertEqual(0, num_complete)
     def test_basic_create_works(self):
         """Make sure the working case is good.
         Note this combines test_override_aws_ec2_instance into this test as
@@ -202,3 +250,78 @@
         # replacement will cause the resource physical_resource_id to change.
         rsrc = self.client.resources.get(stack_identifier, 'JobServerGroup')
         self.assertNotEqual(orig_asg_id, rsrc.physical_resource_id)
+    def test_create_instance_error_causes_group_error(self):
+        """If a resource in an instance group fails to be created, the instance
+        group itself will fail and the broken inner resource will remain.
+        """
+        stack_name = self._stack_rand_name()
+        files = {'provider.yaml': self.bad_instance_template}
+        env = {'resource_registry': {'AWS::EC2::Instance': 'provider.yaml'},
+               'parameters': {'size': 2,
+                              'image': self.conf.image_ref,
+                              'keyname': self.conf.keypair_name,
+                              'flavor': self.conf.instance_type}}
+        self.client.stacks.create(
+            stack_name=stack_name,
+            template=self.template,
+            files=files,
+            disable_rollback=True,
+            parameters={},
+            environment=env
+        )
+        self.addCleanup(self.client.stacks.delete, stack_name)
+        stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_name)
+        stack_identifier = '%s/%s' % (stack_name,
+        self._wait_for_stack_status(stack_identifier, 'CREATE_FAILED')
+        initial_resources = {
+            'JobServerConfig': 'AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration',
+            'JobServerGroup': 'OS::Heat::InstanceGroup'}
+        self.assertEqual(initial_resources,
+                         self.list_resources(stack_identifier))
+        nested_ident = self._get_nested_identifier(stack_identifier)
+        self._assert_instance_state(nested_ident, 0, 2)
+    def test_update_instance_error_causes_group_error(self):
+        """If a resource in an instance group fails to be created during an
+        update, the instance group itself will fail and the broken inner
+        resource will remain.
+        """
+        files = {'provider.yaml': self.instance_template}
+        env = {'resource_registry': {'AWS::EC2::Instance': 'provider.yaml'},
+               'parameters': {'size': 2,
+                              'image': self.conf.image_ref,
+                              'keyname': self.conf.keypair_name,
+                              'flavor': self.conf.instance_type}}
+        stack_identifier = self.stack_create(template=self.template,
+                                             files=files,
+                                             environment=env)
+        initial_resources = {
+            'JobServerConfig': 'AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration',
+            'JobServerGroup': 'OS::Heat::InstanceGroup'}
+        self.assertEqual(initial_resources,
+                         self.list_resources(stack_identifier))
+        stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier)
+        self.assert_instance_count(stack, 2)
+        nested_ident = self._get_nested_identifier(stack_identifier)
+        self._assert_instance_state(nested_ident, 2, 0)
+        env['parameters']['size'] = 3
+        files2 = {'provider.yaml': self.bad_instance_template}
+        self.client.stacks.update(
+            stack_id=stack_identifier,
+            template=self.template,
+            files=files2,
+            disable_rollback=True,
+            parameters={},
+            environment=env
+        )
+        self._wait_for_stack_status(stack_identifier, 'UPDATE_FAILED')
+        # assert that there are 3 bad instances
+        nested_ident = self._get_nested_identifier(stack_identifier)
+        self._assert_instance_state(nested_ident, 0, 3)