Merge "Remove tests requiring Neutron LBaaS"
diff --git a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/functional/ b/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/functional/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3439179..0000000
--- a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/functional/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from tempest.lib import decorators
-from heat_tempest_plugin.tests.functional import functional_base
-class LoadBalancerv2Test(functional_base.FunctionalTestsBase):
- create_template = '''
-heat_template_version: 2016-04-08
- subnet:
- type: string
- loadbalancer:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::LoadBalancer
- properties:
- description: aLoadBalancer
- vip_subnet: { get_param: subnet }
- listener:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::Listener
- properties:
- description: aListener
- loadbalancer: { get_resource: loadbalancer }
- protocol: HTTP
- protocol_port: 80
- connection_limit: 5555
- pool:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::Pool
- properties:
- description: aPool
- lb_algorithm: ROUND_ROBIN
- protocol: HTTP
- listener: { get_resource: listener }
- poolmember:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::PoolMember
- properties:
- address:
- pool: { get_resource: pool }
- protocol_port: 1111
- subnet: { get_param: subnet }
- weight: 255
- # pm2
- healthmonitor:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::HealthMonitor
- properties:
- delay: 3
- type: HTTP
- timeout: 3
- max_retries: 3
- pool: { get_resource: pool }
- loadbalancer:
- value: { get_attr: [ loadbalancer, show ] }
- pool:
- value: { get_attr: [ pool, show ] }
- poolmember:
- value: { get_attr: [ poolmember, show ] }
- listener:
- value: { get_attr: [ listener, show ] }
- healthmonitor:
- value: { get_attr: [ healthmonitor, show ] }
- add_member = '''
- poolmember2:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::PoolMember
- properties:
- address:
- pool: { get_resource: pool }
- protocol_port: 2222
- subnet: { get_param: subnet }
- weight: 222
- def setUp(self):
- super(LoadBalancerv2Test, self).setUp()
- if not self.is_network_extension_supported('lbaasv2'):
- self.skipTest('LBaasv2 extension not available, skipping')
- @decorators.idempotent_id('2f4a476c-cba7-448b-a7c1-85f7284f0293')
- def test_create_update_loadbalancer(self):
- parameters = {
- 'subnet': self.conf.fixed_subnet_name,
- }
- stack_identifier = self.stack_create(template=self.create_template,
- parameters=parameters)
- stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier)
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'loadbalancer')
- self.assertEqual('ONLINE', output['operating_status'])
- template = self.create_template.replace('ROUND_ROBIN', 'SOURCE_IP')
- template = template.replace('3', '6')
- template = template.replace('255', '256')
- template = template.replace('5555', '7777')
- template = template.replace('aLoadBalancer', 'updatedLoadBalancer')
- template = template.replace('aPool', 'updatedPool')
- template = template.replace('aListener', 'updatedListener')
- self.update_stack(stack_identifier, template=template,
- parameters=parameters)
- stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier)
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'loadbalancer')
- self.assertEqual('ONLINE', output['operating_status'])
- self.assertEqual('updatedLoadBalancer', output['description'])
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'pool')
- self.assertEqual('SOURCE_IP', output['lb_algorithm'])
- self.assertEqual('updatedPool', output['description'])
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'poolmember')
- self.assertEqual(256, output['weight'])
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'healthmonitor')
- self.assertEqual(6, output['delay'])
- self.assertEqual(6, output['timeout'])
- self.assertEqual(6, output['max_retries'])
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'listener')
- self.assertEqual(7777, output['connection_limit'])
- self.assertEqual('updatedListener', output['description'])
- @decorators.idempotent_id('104f59ae-a3c8-4c12-98e5-a7bc0007878d')
- def test_add_delete_poolmember(self):
- parameters = {
- 'subnet': self.conf.fixed_subnet_name,
- }
- stack_identifier = self.stack_create(template=self.create_template,
- parameters=parameters)
- stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier)
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'loadbalancer')
- self.assertEqual('ONLINE', output['operating_status'])
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'pool')
- self.assertEqual(1, len(output['members']))
- # add pool member
- template = self.create_template.replace('# pm2', self.add_member)
- self.update_stack(stack_identifier, template=template,
- parameters=parameters)
- stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier)
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'loadbalancer')
- self.assertEqual('ONLINE', output['operating_status'])
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'pool')
- self.assertEqual(2, len(output['members']))
- # delete pool member
- self.update_stack(stack_identifier, template=self.create_template,
- parameters=parameters)
- stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier)
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'loadbalancer')
- self.assertEqual('ONLINE', output['operating_status'])
- output = self._stack_output(stack, 'pool')
- self.assertEqual(1, len(output['members']))
diff --git a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/app_server_lbv2_neutron.yaml b/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/app_server_lbv2_neutron.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ca4117b..0000000
--- a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/app_server_lbv2_neutron.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-heat_template_version: 2015-10-15
-description: |
- App server that is a member of Neutron Pool.
- image:
- type: string
- flavor:
- type: string
- net:
- type: string
- sec_group:
- type: string
- pool:
- type: string
- app_port:
- type: number
- timeout:
- type: number
- subnet:
- type: string
- wc_extra_args:
- type: string
- default: ""
- config:
- type: OS::Test::WebAppConfig
- properties:
- app_port: { get_param: app_port }
- wc_curl_cli:
- list_join:
- - " "
- - [ get_attr: [ handle, curl_cli ], get_param: wc_extra_args ]
- server:
- type: OS::Nova::Server
- properties:
- image: { get_param: image }
- flavor: { get_param: flavor }
- networks:
- - network: { get_param: net }
- security_groups:
- - { get_param: sec_group }
- user_data_format: RAW
- user_data: { get_resource: config }
- handle:
- type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
- waiter:
- type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
- depends_on: server
- properties:
- timeout: { get_param: timeout }
- handle: { get_resource: handle }
- pool_member:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::PoolMember
- depends_on: waiter
- properties:
- address: { get_attr: [ server, networks, { get_param: net }, 0 ] }
- pool: { get_param: pool }
- protocol_port: { get_param: app_port }
- subnet: { get_param: subnet }
diff --git a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/lb_member.yaml b/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/lb_member.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a974968..0000000
--- a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/lb_member.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-heat_template_version: pike
- image:
- type: string
- flavor:
- type: string
- network:
- type: string
- sec_group:
- type: string
- pool:
- type: string
- app_port:
- type: number
- timeout:
- type: number
- default: 120
- subnet:
- type: string
- server:
- type: OS::Nova::Server
- properties:
- image: {get_param: image}
- flavor: {get_param: flavor}
- networks:
- - network: {get_param: network}
- security_groups:
- - {get_param: sec_group}
- user_data_format: RAW
- user_data:
- str_replace:
- template: |
- #! /bin/sh -v
- Body=$(hostname)
- Response="HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: ${#Body}\r\n\r\n$Body"
- while true; do
- wc_notify --data-binary '{"status": "SUCCESS"}'
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- break
- fi
- sleep 10
- done
- while true ; do
- echo -e $Response | nc -llp PORT
- done
- params:
- PORT: {get_param: app_port}
- wc_notify: { get_attr: [handle, curl_cli]}
- handle:
- type: OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle
- waiter:
- type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition
- depends_on: server
- properties:
- timeout: {get_param: timeout}
- handle: {get_resource: handle}
- pool_member:
- type: OS::Octavia::PoolMember
- depends_on: waiter
- properties:
- address: {get_attr: [server, networks, {get_param: network}, 0]}
- pool: {get_param: pool}
- protocol_port: {get_param: app_port}
- subnet: {get_param: subnet}
diff --git a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/test_autoscaling_lb_neutron.yaml b/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/test_autoscaling_lb_neutron.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 033581a..0000000
--- a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/test_autoscaling_lb_neutron.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
-description: |
- Template which tests Neutron load balancing requests to members of
- Heat AutoScalingGroup.
- Instances must be running some webserver on a given app_port
- producing HTTP response that is different between servers
- but stable over time for given server.
- flavor:
- type: string
- image:
- type: string
- net:
- type: string
- subnet:
- type: string
- public_net:
- type: string
- app_port:
- type: number
- default: 8080
- lb_port:
- type: number
- default: 80
- timeout:
- type: number
- default: 600
- wc_extra_args:
- type: string
- default: ""
- sec_group:
- type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup
- properties:
- rules:
- - remote_ip_prefix:
- protocol: tcp
- port_range_min: { get_param: app_port }
- port_range_max: { get_param: app_port }
- asg:
- type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
- properties:
- desired_capacity: 1
- max_size: 2
- min_size: 1
- resource:
- type: OS::Test::NeutronAppServer
- properties:
- image: { get_param: image }
- flavor: { get_param: flavor }
- net: { get_param: net}
- sec_group: { get_resource: sec_group }
- app_port: { get_param: app_port }
- pool_id: { get_resource: pool }
- timeout: { get_param: timeout }
- wc_extra_args: { get_param: wc_extra_args }
- scale_up:
- type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
- properties:
- adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
- auto_scaling_group_id: { get_resource: asg }
- scaling_adjustment: 1
- scale_down:
- type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
- properties:
- adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
- auto_scaling_group_id: { get_resource: asg }
- scaling_adjustment: -1
- health_monitor:
- type: OS::Neutron::HealthMonitor
- properties:
- delay: 3
- type: HTTP
- timeout: 3
- max_retries: 3
- pool:
- type: OS::Neutron::Pool
- properties:
- lb_method: ROUND_ROBIN
- protocol: HTTP
- subnet: { get_param: subnet }
- monitors:
- - { get_resource: health_monitor }
- vip:
- protocol_port: { get_param: lb_port }
- floating_ip:
- type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP
- properties:
- floating_network: { get_param: public_net }
- port_id:
- { get_attr: [pool, vip, 'port_id'] }
- loadbalancer:
- type: OS::Neutron::LoadBalancer
- properties:
- pool_id: { get_resource: pool }
- protocol_port: { get_param: app_port }
- lburl:
- description: URL of the loadbalanced app
- value:
- str_replace:
- template: http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT
- params:
- IP_ADDRESS: { get_attr: [ floating_ip, floating_ip_address ] }
- PORT: { get_param: lb_port }
diff --git a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/test_autoscaling_lbv2_neutron.yaml b/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/test_autoscaling_lbv2_neutron.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a26f7f7..0000000
--- a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/templates/test_autoscaling_lbv2_neutron.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
-description: |
- Template which tests Neutron load balancing requests to members of
- Heat AutoScalingGroup. This uses LBaas V2.
- Instances must be running some webserver on a given app_port
- producing HTTP response that is different between servers
- but stable over time for given server.
- flavor:
- type: string
- image:
- type: string
- net:
- type: string
- subnet:
- type: string
- public_net:
- type: string
- app_port:
- type: number
- default: 8080
- lb_port:
- type: number
- default: 80
- timeout:
- type: number
- default: 600
- wc_extra_args:
- type: string
- default: ""
- sec_group:
- type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup
- properties:
- rules:
- - remote_ip_prefix:
- protocol: tcp
- port_range_min: { get_param: app_port }
- port_range_max: { get_param: app_port }
- asg:
- type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
- properties:
- desired_capacity: 1
- max_size: 2
- min_size: 1
- resource:
- type: OS::Test::NeutronAppServer
- properties:
- image: { get_param: image }
- flavor: { get_param: flavor }
- net: { get_param: net}
- sec_group: { get_resource: sec_group }
- app_port: { get_param: app_port }
- pool: { get_resource: pool }
- subnet: { get_param: subnet }
- timeout: { get_param: timeout }
- wc_extra_args: { get_param: wc_extra_args }
- scale_up:
- type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
- properties:
- adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
- auto_scaling_group_id: { get_resource: asg }
- scaling_adjustment: 1
- scale_down:
- type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
- properties:
- adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
- auto_scaling_group_id: { get_resource: asg }
- scaling_adjustment: -1
- health_monitor:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::HealthMonitor
- properties:
- delay: 3
- type: HTTP
- timeout: 3
- max_retries: 3
- pool: { get_resource: pool }
- pool:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::Pool
- properties:
- lb_algorithm: ROUND_ROBIN
- protocol: HTTP
- listener: { get_resource: listener }
- listener:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::Listener
- properties:
- loadbalancer: { get_resource: loadbalancer }
- protocol: HTTP
- protocol_port: { get_param: lb_port }
- loadbalancer:
- type: OS::Neutron::LBaaS::LoadBalancer
- properties:
- vip_subnet: { get_param: subnet }
- floating_ip:
- type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP
- properties:
- floating_network: { get_param: public_net }
- port_id: { get_attr: [loadbalancer, vip_port_id] }
- lburl:
- description: URL of the loadbalanced app
- value:
- str_replace:
- template: http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT
- params:
- IP_ADDRESS: { get_attr: [ floating_ip, floating_ip_address ] }
- PORT: { get_param: lb_port }
diff --git a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/ b/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3323bc5..0000000
--- a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import time
-import requests
-from tempest.lib import decorators
-from heat_tempest_plugin.common import test
-from heat_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario import scenario_base
-class AutoscalingLoadBalancerTest(scenario_base.ScenarioTestsBase):
- """The class is responsible for testing ASG + LBv1 scenario.
- The very common use case tested is an autoscaling group
- of some web application servers behind a loadbalancer.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- super(AutoscalingLoadBalancerTest, self).setUp()
- self.template_name = 'test_autoscaling_lb_neutron.yaml'
- self.app_server_template_name = 'app_server_neutron.yaml'
- self.webapp_template_name = 'netcat-webapp.yaml'
- if not self.is_network_extension_supported('lbaas'):
- self.skipTest('LBaas v1 extension not available, skipping')
- def check_num_responses(self, url, expected_num, retries=10):
- resp = set()
- for count in range(retries):
- time.sleep(1)
- try:
- r = requests.get(url, verify=self.verify_cert)
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- # The LB may not be up yet, let's retry
- continue
- # skip unsuccessful requests
- if r.status_code == 200:
- resp.add(r.text)
- self.assertEqual(expected_num, len(resp))
- @decorators.idempotent_id('48ddbc45-cef6-4640-acd6-7efc281833b9')
- def test_autoscaling_loadbalancer_neutron(self):
- """Check work of AutoScaing and Neutron LBaaS v1 resource in Heat.
- The scenario is the following:
- 1. Launch a stack with a load balancer and autoscaling group
- of one server, wait until stack create is complete.
- 2. Check that there is only one distinctive response from
- loadbalanced IP.
- 3. Signal the scale_up policy, wait until all resources in
- autoscaling group are complete.
- 4. Check that now there are two distinctive responses from
- loadbalanced IP.
- """
- parameters = {
- 'flavor': self.conf.minimal_instance_type,
- 'image': self.conf.minimal_image_ref,
- 'net': self.conf.fixed_network_name,
- 'subnet': self.conf.fixed_subnet_name,
- 'public_net': self.conf.floating_network_name,
- 'app_port': 8080,
- 'lb_port': 80,
- 'timeout': 600
- }
- if self.conf.vm_to_heat_api_insecure:
- parameters['wc_extra_args'] = '--insecure'
- app_server_template = self._load_template(
- __file__, self.app_server_template_name, self.sub_dir
- )
- webapp_template = self._load_template(
- __file__, self.webapp_template_name, self.sub_dir
- )
- files = {'appserver.yaml': app_server_template,
- 'webapp.yaml': webapp_template}
- env = {'resource_registry':
- {'OS::Test::NeutronAppServer': 'appserver.yaml',
- 'OS::Test::WebAppConfig': 'webapp.yaml'}}
- # Launch stack
- sid = self.launch_stack(
- template_name=self.template_name,
- parameters=parameters,
- files=files,
- environment=env
- )
- stack = self.client.stacks.get(sid)
- lb_url = self._stack_output(stack, 'lburl')
- # Check number of distinctive responces, must be 1
- self.check_num_responses(lb_url, 1)
- # Signal the scaling hook
- self.client.resources.signal(sid, 'scale_up')
- # Wait for AutoScalingGroup update to finish
- asg = self.client.resources.get(sid, 'asg')
- test.call_until_true(self.conf.build_timeout,
- self.conf.build_interval,
- self.check_autoscale_complete,
- asg.physical_resource_id, 2, sid, 'asg')
- # Check number of distinctive responses, must now be 2
- self.check_num_responses(lb_url, 2)
diff --git a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/ b/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/
deleted file mode 100644
index eee1fbc..0000000
--- a/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/scenario/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import time
-import requests
-from tempest.lib import decorators
-from heat_tempest_plugin.common import test
-from heat_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario import scenario_base
-class AutoscalingLoadBalancerv2Test(scenario_base.ScenarioTestsBase):
- """The class is responsible for testing ASG + LBv2 scenario.
- The very common use case tested is an autoscaling group
- of some web application servers behind a loadbalancer.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- super(AutoscalingLoadBalancerv2Test, self).setUp()
- self.template_name = 'test_autoscaling_lbv2_neutron.yaml'
- self.app_server_template_name = 'app_server_lbv2_neutron.yaml'
- self.webapp_template_name = 'netcat-webapp.yaml'
- if not self.is_network_extension_supported('lbaasv2'):
- self.skipTest('LBaasv2 extension not available, skipping')
- def check_num_responses(self, url, expected_num, retries=20):
- resp = set()
- for count in range(retries):
- time.sleep(2)
- try:
- r = requests.get(url, verify=self.verify_cert)
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- # The LB may not be up yet, let's retry
- continue
- # skip unsuccessful requests
- if r.status_code == 200:
- resp.add(r.text)
- if len(resp) == expected_num:
- break
- self.assertEqual(expected_num, len(resp))
- @decorators.idempotent_id('89459930-aa61-4557-989b-3429d3b3b612')
- def test_autoscaling_loadbalancer_neutron(self):
- """Check work of AutoScaing and Neutron LBaaS v2 resource in Heat.
- The scenario is the following:
- 1. Launch a stack with a load balancer and autoscaling group
- of one server, wait until stack create is complete.
- 2. Check that there is only one distinctive response from
- loadbalanced IP.
- 3. Signal the scale_up policy, wait until all resources in
- autoscaling group are complete.
- 4. Check that now there are two distinctive responses from
- loadbalanced IP.
- """
- parameters = {
- 'flavor': self.conf.minimal_instance_type,
- 'image': self.conf.minimal_image_ref,
- 'net': self.conf.fixed_network_name,
- 'subnet': self.conf.fixed_subnet_name,
- 'public_net': self.conf.floating_network_name
- }
- if self.conf.vm_to_heat_api_insecure:
- parameters['wc_extra_args'] = '--insecure'
- app_server_template = self._load_template(
- __file__, self.app_server_template_name, self.sub_dir
- )
- webapp_template = self._load_template(
- __file__, self.webapp_template_name, self.sub_dir
- )
- files = {'appserver.yaml': app_server_template,
- 'webapp.yaml': webapp_template}
- env = {'resource_registry':
- {'OS::Test::NeutronAppServer': 'appserver.yaml',
- 'OS::Test::WebAppConfig': 'webapp.yaml'}}
- # Launch stack
- sid = self.launch_stack(
- template_name=self.template_name,
- parameters=parameters,
- files=files,
- environment=env
- )
- stack = self.client.stacks.get(sid)
- lb_url = self._stack_output(stack, 'lburl')
- # Check number of distinctive responces, must be 1
- self.check_num_responses(lb_url, 1)
- # Signal the scaling hook
- self.client.resources.signal(sid, 'scale_up')
- # Wait for AutoScalingGroup update to finish
- asg = self.client.resources.get(sid, 'asg')
- test.call_until_true(self.conf.build_timeout,
- self.conf.build_interval,
- self.check_autoscale_complete,
- asg.physical_resource_id, 2, sid, 'asg')
- # Check number of distinctive responses, must now be 2
- self.check_num_responses(lb_url, 2)