Move instance group update policy tests to functional
Part of blueprint decouple-nested
Change-Id: I5141de045ca62e2c964e96be396db0d05c4d36df
diff --git a/functional/ b/functional/
index d4e85b9..c76e67a 100644
--- a/functional/
+++ b/functional/
@@ -10,8 +10,12 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
+import copy
+import json
import logging
+from testtools import matchers
from heat_integrationtests.common import test
@@ -51,7 +55,9 @@
"Outputs": {
"InstanceList": {"Value": {
- "Fn::GetAtt": ["JobServerGroup", "InstanceList"]}}
+ "Fn::GetAtt": ["JobServerGroup", "InstanceList"]}},
+ "JobServerConfigRef": {"Value": {
+ "Ref": "JobServerConfig"}}
@@ -68,7 +74,8 @@
type: OS::Heat::RandomString
+ properties:
+ salt: {get_param: ImageId}
value: {get_attr: [random1, value]}
@@ -105,6 +112,8 @@
self.client = self.orchestration_client
if not self.conf.image_ref:
raise self.skipException("No image configured to test")
+ if not self.conf.minimal_image_ref:
+ raise self.skipException("No minimal image configured to test")
if not self.conf.instance_type:
raise self.skipException("No flavor configured to test")
@@ -112,17 +121,6 @@
inst_list = self._stack_output(stack, 'InstanceList')
self.assertEqual(expected_count, len(inst_list.split(',')))
- def _get_nested_identifier(self, stack_identifier):
- rsrc = self.client.resources.get(stack_identifier, 'JobServerGroup')
- nested_link = [l for l in rsrc.links if l['rel'] == 'nested']
- self.assertEqual(1, len(nested_link))
- nested_href = nested_link[0]['href']
- nested_id = nested_href.split('/')[-1]
- nested_identifier = '/'.join(nested_href.split('/')[-2:])
- physical_resource_id = rsrc.physical_resource_id
- self.assertEqual(physical_resource_id, nested_id)
- return nested_identifier
def _assert_instance_state(self, nested_identifier,
num_complete, num_failed):
for res in self.client.resources.list(nested_identifier):
@@ -133,6 +131,9 @@
self.assertEqual(0, num_failed)
self.assertEqual(0, num_complete)
+class InstanceGroupBasicTest(InstanceGroupTest):
def test_basic_create_works(self):
"""Make sure the working case is good.
Note this combines test_override_aws_ec2_instance into this test as
@@ -240,7 +241,8 @@
- nested_ident = self._get_nested_identifier(stack_identifier)
+ nested_ident = self.assert_resource_is_a_stack(stack_identifier,
+ 'JobServerGroup')
self._assert_instance_state(nested_ident, 0, 2)
def test_update_instance_error_causes_group_error(self):
@@ -265,7 +267,8 @@
stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier)
self.assert_instance_count(stack, 2)
- nested_ident = self._get_nested_identifier(stack_identifier)
+ nested_ident = self.assert_resource_is_a_stack(stack_identifier,
+ 'JobServerGroup')
self._assert_instance_state(nested_ident, 2, 0)
env['parameters']['size'] = 3
@@ -281,5 +284,206 @@
self._wait_for_stack_status(stack_identifier, 'UPDATE_FAILED')
# assert that there are 3 bad instances
- nested_ident = self._get_nested_identifier(stack_identifier)
+ nested_ident = self.assert_resource_is_a_stack(stack_identifier,
+ 'JobServerGroup')
self._assert_instance_state(nested_ident, 0, 3)
+class InstanceGroupUpdatePolicyTest(InstanceGroupTest):
+ def ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy(self):
+ templ = json.loads(copy.deepcopy(self.template))
+ up = {"RollingUpdate": {
+ "MinInstancesInService": "1",
+ "MaxBatchSize": "2",
+ "PauseTime": "PT1S"}}
+ templ['Resources']['JobServerGroup']['UpdatePolicy'] = up
+ return templ
+ def update_instance_group(self, updt_template,
+ num_updates_expected_on_updt,
+ num_creates_expected_on_updt,
+ num_deletes_expected_on_updt,
+ update_replace):
+ # setup stack from the initial template
+ files = {'provider.yaml': self.instance_template}
+ size = 10
+ env = {'resource_registry': {'AWS::EC2::Instance': 'provider.yaml'},
+ 'parameters': {'size': size,
+ 'image': self.conf.image_ref,
+ 'flavor': self.conf.instance_type}}
+ stack_name = self._stack_rand_name()
+ stack_identifier = self.stack_create(
+ stack_name=stack_name,
+ template=self.ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy(),
+ files=files,
+ environment=env)
+ stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier)
+ nested_ident = self.assert_resource_is_a_stack(stack_identifier,
+ 'JobServerGroup')
+ # test that physical resource name of launch configuration is used
+ conf_name = self._stack_output(stack, 'JobServerConfigRef')
+ conf_name_pattern = '%s-JobServerConfig-[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' % stack_name
+ self.assertThat(conf_name,
+ matchers.MatchesRegex(conf_name_pattern))
+ # test the number of instances created
+ self.assert_instance_count(stack, size)
+ # saves info from initial list of instances for comparison later
+ init_instances = self.client.resources.list(nested_ident)
+ init_names = [inst.resource_name for inst in init_instances]
+ # test stack update
+ self.update_stack(stack_identifier, updt_template,
+ environment=env, files=files)
+ self._wait_for_stack_status(stack_identifier, 'UPDATE_COMPLETE')
+ updt_stack = self.client.stacks.get(stack_identifier)
+ # test that the launch configuration is replaced
+ updt_conf_name = self._stack_output(updt_stack, 'JobServerConfigRef')
+ self.assertThat(updt_conf_name,
+ matchers.MatchesRegex(conf_name_pattern))
+ self.assertNotEqual(conf_name, updt_conf_name)
+ # test that the group size are the same
+ updt_instances = self.client.resources.list(nested_ident)
+ updt_names = [inst.resource_name for inst in updt_instances]
+ self.assertEqual(len(init_names), len(updt_names))
+ for res in updt_instances:
+ self.assertEqual('UPDATE_COMPLETE', res.resource_status)
+ # test that the appropriate number of instance names are the same
+ matched_names = set(updt_names) & set(init_names)
+ self.assertEqual(num_updates_expected_on_updt, len(matched_names))
+ # test that the appropriate number of new instances are created
+ self.assertEqual(num_creates_expected_on_updt,
+ len(set(updt_names) - set(init_names)))
+ # test that the appropriate number of instances are deleted
+ self.assertEqual(num_deletes_expected_on_updt,
+ len(set(init_names) - set(updt_names)))
+ # test that the older instances are the ones being deleted
+ if num_deletes_expected_on_updt > 0:
+ deletes_expected = init_names[:num_deletes_expected_on_updt]
+ self.assertNotIn(deletes_expected, updt_names)
+ def test_instance_group_update_replace(self):
+ """
+ Test simple update replace with no conflict in batch size and
+ minimum instances in service.
+ """
+ updt_template = self.ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy()
+ grp = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerGroup']
+ policy = grp['UpdatePolicy']['RollingUpdate']
+ policy['MinInstancesInService'] = '1'
+ policy['MaxBatchSize'] = '3'
+ config = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerConfig']
+ config['Properties']['ImageId'] = self.conf.minimal_image_ref
+ self.update_instance_group(updt_template,
+ num_updates_expected_on_updt=10,
+ num_creates_expected_on_updt=0,
+ num_deletes_expected_on_updt=0,
+ update_replace=True)
+ def test_instance_group_update_replace_with_adjusted_capacity(self):
+ """
+ Test update replace with capacity adjustment due to conflict in
+ batch size and minimum instances in service.
+ """
+ updt_template = self.ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy()
+ grp = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerGroup']
+ policy = grp['UpdatePolicy']['RollingUpdate']
+ policy['MinInstancesInService'] = '8'
+ policy['MaxBatchSize'] = '4'
+ config = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerConfig']
+ config['Properties']['ImageId'] = self.conf.minimal_image_ref
+ self.update_instance_group(updt_template,
+ num_updates_expected_on_updt=8,
+ num_creates_expected_on_updt=2,
+ num_deletes_expected_on_updt=2,
+ update_replace=True)
+ def test_instance_group_update_replace_huge_batch_size(self):
+ """
+ Test update replace with a huge batch size.
+ """
+ updt_template = self.ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy()
+ group = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerGroup']
+ policy = group['UpdatePolicy']['RollingUpdate']
+ policy['MinInstancesInService'] = '0'
+ policy['MaxBatchSize'] = '20'
+ config = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerConfig']
+ config['Properties']['ImageId'] = self.conf.minimal_image_ref
+ self.update_instance_group(updt_template,
+ num_updates_expected_on_updt=10,
+ num_creates_expected_on_updt=0,
+ num_deletes_expected_on_updt=0,
+ update_replace=True)
+ def test_instance_group_update_replace_huge_min_in_service(self):
+ """
+ Test update replace with a huge number of minimum instances in service.
+ """
+ updt_template = self.ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy()
+ group = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerGroup']
+ policy = group['UpdatePolicy']['RollingUpdate']
+ policy['MinInstancesInService'] = '20'
+ policy['MaxBatchSize'] = '1'
+ policy['PauseTime'] = 'PT0S'
+ config = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerConfig']
+ config['Properties']['ImageId'] = self.conf.minimal_image_ref
+ self.update_instance_group(updt_template,
+ num_updates_expected_on_updt=9,
+ num_creates_expected_on_updt=1,
+ num_deletes_expected_on_updt=1,
+ update_replace=True)
+ def test_instance_group_update_no_replace(self):
+ """
+ Test simple update only and no replace (i.e. updated instance flavor
+ in Launch Configuration) with no conflict in batch size and
+ minimum instances in service.
+ """
+ updt_template = self.ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy()
+ group = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerGroup']
+ policy = group['UpdatePolicy']['RollingUpdate']
+ policy['MinInstancesInService'] = '1'
+ policy['MaxBatchSize'] = '3'
+ policy['PauseTime'] = 'PT0S'
+ config = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerConfig']
+ config['Properties']['InstanceType'] = 'm1.tiny'
+ self.update_instance_group(updt_template,
+ num_updates_expected_on_updt=10,
+ num_creates_expected_on_updt=0,
+ num_deletes_expected_on_updt=0,
+ update_replace=False)
+ def test_instance_group_update_no_replace_with_adjusted_capacity(self):
+ """
+ Test update only and no replace (i.e. updated instance flavor in
+ Launch Configuration) with capacity adjustment due to conflict in
+ batch size and minimum instances in service.
+ """
+ updt_template = self.ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy()
+ group = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerGroup']
+ policy = group['UpdatePolicy']['RollingUpdate']
+ policy['MinInstancesInService'] = '8'
+ policy['MaxBatchSize'] = '4'
+ policy['PauseTime'] = 'PT0S'
+ config = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerConfig']
+ config['Properties']['InstanceType'] = 'm1.tiny'
+ self.update_instance_group(updt_template,
+ num_updates_expected_on_updt=8,
+ num_creates_expected_on_updt=2,
+ num_deletes_expected_on_updt=2,
+ update_replace=False)