Register heat tempest plugin

This allows heat_integrationtests tests to be run with the current
method *or* with the tempest runner. To run with tempest, configure
heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf as before, then add
the following to the configured tempest.conf:

  heat_plugin = True

Then run with tempest, for example

  tempest run --regex heat_integrationtests

The next step will be for tempest runs to take configuration values
from tempest.conf rather than heat_integrationtests.conf

blueprint tempest-plugin-support

Change-Id: I920a6616dbd79092d5bf9a8c4f48da2f94c0a326
1 file changed
tree: 8a123a81fe0a88c1856551b08da6f147b0274201
  1. common/
  2. functional/
  3. scenario/