Remove obsolute pipeline

 * docker-mirror-images.groovy
 * build-mirror-image.groovy
 * Jenkinsfile were refactored and renamed to packer-image-buid.groovy

Change-Id: I961bb570e0554d351fd10f1d6b00ed29b264d503
Partial-Bug: PROD-22117 (PROD:22117)
diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b45d1f..0000000
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.regex.Pattern
- *
- * OS images build pipeline
- *
- * Target build slave node:
- * target-build-slave: [ qemu ]
- *
- * This pipeline require to have slave with such dep's:
- * ubuntu-pkgs: [ qemu-kvm, libvirt-bin, cloud-image-utils ]
- *
- * Expected parameters:
- *    BUILD_OS
- *    IMAGE_NAME - Name of the result image.
- *    EXTRA_VARIABLES - list of key:value variables required by template.json
- */
-// Load shared libs
-common = new
-def date = new Date()
-def dateTime = date.format("ddMMyyyy-HHmmss")
-ArrayList extra_vars = EXTRA_VARIABLES.readLines()
-IMAGE_NAME = IMAGE_NAME + "-" + dateTime
-def getCleanupImageList(remoteImagesString, imageType, osImage) {
-    def remoteImages = remoteImagesString.tokenize("\n")
-    def imageTypeForRegex = Pattern.quote(imageType)
-    def osImageForRegex = Pattern.quote(osImage.replaceAll(/\./,"-"))
-    def remoteImagesSameType = remoteImages.findAll { it ->
-        it =~ /${imageTypeForRegex}$/
-    }
-    def imagesToClean = remoteImagesSameType.toSorted().findAll { it ->
-        it =~ /^${osImageForRegex}-/
-    }
-    // dont cleanup non timestamp images
-    return imagesToClean.findAll { it ->
-        it =~ /${osImageForRegex}-x(64|32)-\d+${imageTypeForRegex}/
-    }
-timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
-    node('qemu') {
-        // Define global variables
-        def workspace = common.getWorkspace()
-        def buildTypes = BUILD_ONLY.tokenize(" ")
-        def createdImages=[]
-        def uploadedImages=[]
-        def cleanedImages=[]
-        checkout scm
-        try {
-            stage("prepare") {
-                if (!fileExists("${workspace}/tmp")) {
-                    sh "mkdir -p ${workspace}/tmp"
-                }
-                if (!fileExists("${workspace}/images")) {
-                    sh "mkdir ${workspace}/images"
-                }
-            }
-            if (!fileExists("bin")) {
-                common.infoMsg("Downloading packer")
-                sh "mkdir bin"
-                dir("bin") {
-                    sh "wget -O ${PACKER_ZIP} ${PACKER_URL}"
-                    sh "echo \"${PACKER_ZIP_MD5} ${PACKER_ZIP}\" >> md5sum"
-                    sh "md5sum -c --status md5sum"
-                    sh "unzip ${PACKER_ZIP}"
-                }
-            }
-            // clean images dir before building
-            sh(script: String.format("rm -rf %s/images/*", BUILD_OS), returnStatus: true)
-            // clean virtualenv is exists
-            sh(script: String.format("rm -rf %s/venv", workspace), returnStatus: true)
-            stage("build") {
-                dir(BUILD_OS) {
-                    withEnv(extra_vars + [String.format("PATH=%s:%s/bin", env.PATH, workspace),
-                        "PACKER_LOG_PATH=${workspace}/packer.log",
-                        "PACKER_LOG=1",
-                        "IMAGE_NAME=${IMAGE_NAME}",
-                        "TMPDIR=${workspace}/tmp"
-                    ]) {
-                        if (PACKER_DEBUG == 'true') {
-                            PACKER_ARGS = "${PACKER_ARGS} -debug"
-                        }
-                        if (fileExists("config-drive/user-data.yaml")) {
-                            common.infoMsg("Creating cloud-config drive")
-                            if (fileExists("config-drive/cloudata.iso")) {
-                            sh "rm -v config-drive/cloudata.iso"
-                            }
-                            sh "cloud-localds config-drive/cloudata.iso  config-drive/user-data.yaml"
-                        }
-                        sh "packer build -only=${BUILD_ONLY} ${PACKER_ARGS} -parallel=false template.json"
-                        def packerStatus = sh(script: "grep \"Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors\" ${PACKER_LOG_PATH}", returnStatus: true)
-                        // grep returns 0 if find something
-                        if (packerStatus != 0) {
-                            if (buildTypes.contains("qemu")) {
-                                def imageQemu = sh(script: "find images/ | grep -- '-qemu-' | tail -1", returnStdout: true).trim()
-                                if (imageQemu != null && imageQemu != "") {
-                                    def qemuConvertStatus = sh(script: "qemu-img convert -c -O qcow2 ${imageQemu} ${imageQemu}.qcow2", returnStatus:true)
-                                    if(qemuConvertStatus == 0){
-                                        def imageDir = imageQemu.substring(0, imageQemu.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
-                                        def imageQemuName = imageQemu.substring(imageQemu.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
-                                        def moveResult = sh(script: "mv ${imageQemu}.qcow2  ${imageDir}..", returnStatus: true)
-                                        if(moveResult == 0){
-                                            sh "rm -rf ${imageDir}"
-                                            sh "rm -f ${imageQemu}"
-                                            createdImages.add(imageQemuName+".qcow2")
-                                        }
-                                    }else{
-                                        throw new Exception("Qemu image convert failed")
-                                    }
-                                } else {
-                                        throw new Exception("No Qemu images with '-qemu-' in its path")
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if (buildTypes.contains("docker")) {
-                                def imageDocker = sh(script: "find images/ | grep -- '-docker-' | grep '.tar\$' | tail -1", returnStdout: true).trim()
-                                if (imageDocker != null && imageDocker != "") {
-                                    def pbZip2Status = sh(script: "pbzip2 ${imageDocker}", returnStatus: true)
-                                    if(pbZip2Status == 0){
-                                        sh "rm -f ${imageDocker}"
-                                        createdImages.add(imageDocker+".bz2")
-                                    }else{
-                                        throw new Exception("pbzip2 image convert failed")
-                                    }
-                                } else {
-                                        throw new Exception("No Docker images with '-docker-' in its path")
-                                }
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                          throw new Exception("Packer build failed")
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            stage("upload"){
-                dir(BUILD_OS + "/images") {
-                    def images = findFiles(glob: "*.*")
-                    def imageBuilds = [:]
-                    def openstack = new
-                    def openstackEnv = String.format("%s/venv", workspace);
-                    def openstackVersion = OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT ? OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT : 'liberty'
-                    def rcFile = openstack.createOpenstackEnv(workspace, GLANCE_URL, GLANCE_CREDENTIALS_ID, GLANCE_PROJECT)
-                    def glanceImgTypes = GLANCE_IMG_TYPES.tokenize(" ")
-                    openstack.setupOpenstackVirtualenv(openstackEnv, openstackVersion)
-                    openstack.runOpenstackCommand("pip install python-glanceclient==1.0.0", rcFile, openstackEnv)
-                    for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) {
-                        def imageName = images[i].name
-                        def imageNameList = imageName.tokenize(".")
-                        def imageType = "." + imageNameList[imageNameList.size() - 1]
-                        if(imageType.equals(".md5")){
-                            continue;
-                        }
-                        imageBuilds["build${i}"]={
-                            if (SKIP_UPLOAD != 'true') {
-                                sh "md5sum ${imageName} > ${imageName}.md5"
-                                common.infoMsg("Uploading image " + imageName)
-                                def uploadImageStatus = sh(script: "curl -f -T ${imageName} ${UPLOAD_URL}", returnStatus: true)
-                                def uploadMd5Status = sh(script: "curl -f -T ${imageName}.md5 ${UPLOAD_URL}", returnStatus: true)
-                                // upload latest
-                                def latestImageName = imageName.substring(0, imageName.lastIndexOf("-")) + "-latest" + imageType
-                                common.infoMsg("Uploading image ${imageName} as latest")
-                                def uploadLatestStatus = sh(script: "curl -f -T ${imageName} ${UPLOAD_URL}${latestImageName}", returnStatus: true)
-                                def uploadLatestMd5Status = sh(script: "curl -f -T ${imageName}.md5 ${UPLOAD_URL}${latestImageName}.md5", returnStatus: true)
-                                if(uploadLatestStatus != 0 || uploadLatestMd5Status != 0){
-                                    common.errorMsg("Latest image upload failed")
-                                }
-                                if (GLANCE_UPLOAD == 'true' && glanceImgTypes.contains(imageType.substring(1))) {
-                                    def glanceRunArgs = String.format("%s --disk-format %s --container-format bare", GLANCE_ARGS, imageType.substring(1))
-                                    if (GLANCE_PUBLIC == 'true') {
-                                        glanceRunArgs += " --visibility public"
-                                    }
-                                    def imageShortName = imageNameList.get(0)
-                                    openstack.runOpenstackCommand(String.format("glance image-create --name '%s' %s --file %s", imageShortName, glanceRunArgs, imageName), rcFile, openstackEnv)
-                                }
-                                if(uploadImageStatus==0 && uploadMd5Status == 0){
-                                    uploadedImages.add(imageName)
-                                    sh(String.format("rm -r %s %s.md5",imageName, imageName))
-                                    createdImages.remove(imageName)
-                                }else{
-                                    throw new Exception("Image upload failed")
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if (CLEANUP_OLD == 'true') {
-                                def remoteImages = sh(script: "curl -f -sss ${UPLOAD_URL} | grep -Eo '>.*\\.(qcow2|box|tar\\.bz2)</a>' | sed -e 's,>,,g' -e 's,</a,,g'", returnStdout: true)
-                                if (remoteImages != "") {
-                                    def cleanupImages = getCleanupImageList(remoteImages, imageType, BUILD_OS)
-                                    def deleteCount = cleanupImages.size() - Integer.parseInt(CLEANUP_KEEP)
-                                    if (deleteCount > 0) {
-                                        for (int j = 0; j < deleteCount; j++) {
-                                            common.infoMsg(String.format("Deleting image %s from aptly", cleanupImages[j]))
-                                            sh "curl -f -X DELETE ${UPLOAD_URL}" + cleanupImages[j]
-                                            sh "curl -f -X DELETE ${UPLOAD_URL}" + cleanupImages[j] + ".md5"
-                                            cleanedImages.add(cleanupImages[j])
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    parallel imageBuilds
-                    common.infoMsg(String.format("Uploaded %s images with names %s", uploadedImages.size(), uploadedImages.toString()))
-                    common.infoMsg(String.format("Cleaned %s images with names %s", cleanedImages.size(), cleanedImages.toString()))
-                }
-            }
-        } catch (Throwable e) {
-            // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
-            currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
-            throw e
-        } finally {
-            common.sendNotification(currentBuild.result, "", ["slack"])
-            if (buildTypes.contains("docker")) {
-                withEnv(["PACKER_LOG_PATH=${workspace}/packer.log"]) {
-                    sh "docker rmi --force \$(grep \"docker: Image ID:\" ${PACKER_LOG_PATH} | cut -d : -f 6 | head -1 | sed s,\\ ,,g) || true"
-                }
-            }
-            // clean created images if error occured
-            if(!createdImages.isEmpty()){
-                dir(BUILD_OS + "/images"){
-                    for(int i=0;i<createdImages.size();i++){
-                        sh String.format("rm -f %s",createdImages.get(i))
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }