Merge "Fixed passing of boolean param"
diff --git a/aptly-promote-pipeline.groovy b/aptly-promote-pipeline.groovy
index eb10f40..dfc764e 100644
--- a/aptly-promote-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/aptly-promote-pipeline.groovy
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
stage("promote") {
lock("aptly-api") {
- aptly.promotePublish(APTLY_URL, SOURCE, TARGET, RECREATE, components, packages, DIFF_ONLY)
+ aptly.promotePublish(APTLY_URL, SOURCE, TARGET, RECREATE, components, packages, DIFF_ONLY, '-d --timeout 600', DUMP_PUBLISH.toBoolean())
} catch (Throwable e) {
diff --git a/validate-cloud.groovy b/validate-cloud.groovy
index 5768f59..d412877 100644
--- a/validate-cloud.groovy
+++ b/validate-cloud.groovy
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
* SPT_AVAILABILITY_ZONE The name of availability zone
* TEST_K8S_API_SERVER Kubernetes API address
* TEST_K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE Path to docker image with conformance e2e tests
+ * TEST_K8S_NODE Kubernetes node to run tests from
+ * GENERATE_REPORT If not false, run report generation command
+ * ACCUMULATE_RESULTS If true, results from the previous build will be used
@@ -40,6 +43,9 @@
stage('Configure') {
validate.installDocker(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE)
+ if (ACCUMULATE_RESULTS.toBoolean() == false) {
+ sh "rm -r ${artifacts_dir}"
+ }
sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
def spt_variables = "-e spt_ssh_user=${SPT_SSH_USER} " +
"-e spt_floating_network=${SPT_FLOATING_NETWORK} " +
@@ -75,13 +81,12 @@
stage('Run k8s bootstrap tests') {
if (RUN_K8S_TESTS.toBoolean() == true) {
def image = 'tomkukral/k8s-scripts'
- def output_file = image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
+ def output_file = 'k8s-bootstrap-tests.txt'
+ def containerName = 'conformance_tests'
+ def outfile = "/tmp/" + image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
+ test.runConformanceTests(saltMaster, TEST_K8S_NODE, TEST_K8S_API_SERVER, image)
- // run image
- test.runConformanceTests(saltMaster, TEST_K8S_API_SERVER, image)
- // collect output
- def file_content = salt.getFileContent(saltMaster, 'ctl01*', '/tmp/' + output_file)
+ def file_content = validate.getFileContent(saltMaster, TEST_K8S_NODE, outfile)
writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
} else {
common.infoMsg("Skipping k8s bootstrap tests")
@@ -91,19 +96,25 @@
stage('Run k8s conformance e2e tests') {
if (RUN_K8S_TESTS.toBoolean() == true) {
- def output_file = image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
+ def output_file = 'report-k8s-e2e-tests.txt'
+ def containerName = 'conformance_tests'
+ def outfile = "/tmp/" + image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
+ test.runConformanceTests(saltMaster, TEST_K8S_NODE, TEST_K8S_API_SERVER, image)
- // run image
- test.runConformanceTests(saltMaster, TEST_K8S_API_SERVER, image)
- // collect output
- def file_content = salt.getFileContent(saltMaster, 'ctl01*', '/tmp/' + output_file)
+ def file_content = validate.getFileContent(saltMaster, TEST_K8S_NODE, outfile)
writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
} else {
common.infoMsg("Skipping k8s conformance e2e tests")
+ stage('Generate report') {
+ if (GENERATE_REPORT.toBoolean() == true) {
+ print("Generating html test report ...")
+ validate.generateTestReport(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE, artifacts_dir)
+ } else {
+ common.infoMsg("Skipping report generation")
+ }
+ }
stage('Collect results') {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}/*"