remove k8s bootstrap tests
These tests was my hack to have something before e2e conformance tests
were working.
Change-Id: Ie98629b3894fa38a1ff7e9e99c26a761e6f2ec5d
diff --git a/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy b/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
index 22867ce..f738606 100644
--- a/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
@@ -363,23 +363,6 @@
def artifacts_dir = '_artifacts/'
if (common.checkContains('STACK_TEST', 'k8s')) {
- stage('Run k8s bootstrap tests') {
- def image = 'tomkukral/k8s-scripts'
- def output_file = image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
- // run image
- test.runConformanceTests(saltMaster, TEST_K8S_API_SERVER, image)
- // collect output
- sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
- file_content = salt.getFileContent(saltMaster, 'ctl01*', '/tmp/' + output_file)
- writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
- sh "cat ${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
- // collect artifacts
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
- }
stage('Run k8s conformance e2e tests') {
def output_file = image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'