Remove obsolete pipelines
* build-mirror-image.groovy were refactored
and moved into mk/packer-templates
Change-Id: Iff13fe8f305fc3469acb558d2f65321c6e5be549
Partial-Bug: PROD-22117 (PROD:22117)
diff --git a/build-mirror-image.groovy b/build-mirror-image.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c42b3e..0000000
--- a/build-mirror-image.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Build mirror image pipeline
- *
- * Expected parameters:
- * IMAGE_NAME - Name of the result image.
- * OS_CREDENTIALS_ID - ID of credentials for OpenStack API stored in Jenkins.
- * OS_PROJECT - Project in OpenStack under the VM will be spawned.
- * OS_URL - Keystone auth endpoint of the OpenStack.
- * OS_VERSION - OpenStack version
- * UPLOAD_URL - URL of an WebDAV used to upload the image after creating.
- * VM_AVAILABILITY_ZONE - Availability zone in OpenStack in the VM will be spawned.
- * VM_FLAVOR - Flavor to be used for VM in OpenStack.
- * VM_FLOATING_IP_POOL - Floating IP pool to be used to assign floating IP to the VM.
- * VM_IMAGE - Name of the image to be used for VM in OpenStack.
- * VM_IP - Static IP that is assigned to the VM which belongs to the network used.
- * VM_NETWORK_ID - ID of the network that VM connects to.
- * EXTRA_VARIABLES - list of key:value variables required by template.json
- *
- */
-// Load shared libs
-def common = new
-def openstack = new
-def git = new
-def date = new Date()
-def dateTime = date.format("ddMMyyyy-HHmmss")
-def rcFile = ""
-def openstackEnv = ""
-def uploadImageStatus = ""
-def uploadMd5Status = ""
-def creds
-ArrayList extra_vars = EXTRA_VARIABLES.readLines()
-IMAGE_NAME = IMAGE_NAME + "-" + dateTime
-timeout(time: 8, unit: 'HOURS') {
- node("python&&disk-xl") {
- try {
- def workspace = common.getWorkspace()
- openstackEnv = "${workspace}/venv"
- stage("Prepare env") {
- if (!fileExists("${workspace}/tmp")) {
- sh "mkdir -p ${workspace}/tmp"
- }
- if (!fileExists("${workspace}/images")) {
- sh "mkdir ${workspace}/images"
- }
- if (!fileExists("bin")) {
- common.infoMsg("Downloading packer")
- sh "mkdir -p bin"
- dir("bin") {
- sh "wget --quiet -O ${PACKER_ZIP} ${PACKER_URL}"
- sh "echo \"${PACKER_ZIP_MD5} ${PACKER_ZIP}\" >> md5sum"
- sh "md5sum -c --status md5sum"
- sh "unzip ${PACKER_ZIP}"
- }
- }
- // clean images dir before building
- sh(script: "rm -rf ${BUILD_OS}/images/*", returnStatus: true)
- // clean virtualenv is exists
- sh(script: "rm -rf ${workspace}/venv", returnStatus: true)
- openstack.setupOpenstackVirtualenv(openstackEnv, OS_VERSION)
- creds = common.getPasswordCredentials(OS_CREDENTIALS_ID)
- }
- stage("Build Instance") {
- dir("${workspace}/${PACKER_TEMPLATES_REPO_NAME}/${BUILD_OS}/") {
- withEnv(extra_vars + ["PATH=${env.PATH}:${workspace}/bin",
- "PACKER_LOG_PATH=${workspace}/packer.log",
- "TMPDIR=${workspace}/tmp",
- "OS_USERNAME=${creds.username}",
- "OS_PASSWORD=${creds.password.toString()}"]) {
- if (PACKER_DEBUG.toBoolean()) {
- }
- sh "packer build -only=${BUILD_ONLY} ${PACKER_ARGS} -parallel=false template.json"
- def packerStatus = sh(script: "grep \"Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors\" ${PACKER_LOG_PATH}", returnStatus: true)
- // grep returns 0 if find something
- if (packerStatus != 0) {
- common.infoMsg("Openstack instance complete")
- } else {
- throw new Exception("Packer build failed")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- stage("Publish image") {
- common.infoMsg("Saving image ${IMAGE_NAME}")
- rcFile = openstack.createOpenstackEnv(workspace, OS_URL, OS_CREDENTIALS_ID, OS_PROJECT, "default", "", "default", "2", "")
- common.retry(3, 5) {
- openstack.runOpenstackCommand("openstack image save --file ${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2 ${IMAGE_NAME}", rcFile, openstackEnv)
- }
- sh "md5sum ${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2 > ${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2.md5"
- common.infoMsg("Uploading image ${IMAGE_NAME}")
- common.retry(3, 5) {
- uploadImageStatus = sh(script: "curl -f -T ${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2 ${UPLOAD_URL}", returnStatus: true)
- if (uploadImageStatus != 0) {
- throw new Exception("Image upload failed")
- }
- }
- common.retry(3, 5) {
- uploadMd5Status = sh(script: "curl -f -T ${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2.md5 ${UPLOAD_URL}", returnStatus: true)
- if (uploadMd5Status != 0) {
- throw new Exception("MD5 sum upload failed")
- }
- }
- currentBuild.description = "<a href='${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2'>${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2</a>"
- }
- } catch (Throwable e) {
- // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
- currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
- throw e
- } finally {
- dir(workspace) {
- sh "rm -rf ./*"
- }
- } else {
- common.infoMsg("Env has not been cleanup!")
- common.infoMsg("Packer private key:")
- dir("${workspace}/${PACKER_TEMPLATES_REPO_NAME}/${BUILD_OS}/") {
- sh "cat os_${BUILD_OS}.pem"
- }
- }
- }
- }