Add cvp-spt job

Change-Id: I4646d9c3366105ea994a9779a5c333a38d64c37a
diff --git a/cvp-spt.groovy b/cvp-spt.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea4680f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cvp-spt.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ *
+ * Launch pytest frameworks in Jenkins
+ *
+ * Expected parameters:
+ *   SALT_MASTER_URL                 URL of Salt master
+ *   SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS         Credentials to the Salt API
+ *
+ *   TESTS_SET                       Leave empty for full run or choose a file (test)
+ *   TESTS_REPO                      Repo to clone
+ *   TESTS_SETTINGS                  Additional environment varibales to apply
+ *   PROXY                           Proxy to use for cloning repo or for pip
+ *
+ */
+validate = new com.mirantis.mcp.Validate()
+node() {
+    try{
+        stage('Initialization') {
+            validate.prepareVenv(TESTS_REPO, PROXY)
+        }
+        stage('Run Tests') {
+        }
+        stage ('Publish results') {
+            archiveArtifacts artifacts: "*"
+            junit "*.xml"
+            plot csvFileName: 'plot-8634d2fe-dc48-4713-99f9-b69a381483aa.csv',
+                 group: 'SPT',
+                 style: 'line',
+                 title: 'SPT Glance results',
+                 xmlSeries: [[
+                 file: "report.xml",
+                 nodeType: 'NODESET',
+                 url: '',
+                 xpath: '/testsuite/testcase[@name="test_speed_glance"]/properties/property']]
+            plot csvFileName: 'plot-8634d2fe-dc48-4713-99f9-b69a381483bb.csv',
+                 group: 'SPT',
+                 style: 'line',
+                 title: 'SPT HW2HW results',
+                 xmlSeries: [[
+                 file: "report.xml",
+                 nodeType: 'NODESET',
+                 url: '',
+                 xpath: '/testsuite/testcase[@classname="cvp-spt.cvp_spt.tests.test_hw2hw"]/properties/property']]
+            plot csvFileName: 'plot-8634d2fe-dc48-4713-99f9-b69a381483bc.csv',
+                 group: 'SPT',
+                 style: 'line',
+                 title: 'SPT VM2VM results',
+                 xmlSeries: [[
+                 file: "report.xml",
+                 nodeType: 'NODESET',
+                 url: '',
+                 xpath: '/testsuite/testcase[@classname="cvp-spt.cvp_spt.tests.test_vm2vm"]/properties/property']]
+        }
+    } catch (Throwable e) {
+        // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
+        currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
+        throw e
+    }