Get ready deploy-update-opencontrail4 to automation

Related-prod: PROD-33021
Change-Id: I281f9efeb2845142d22fbd2434861ac9ff961962
diff --git a/opencontrail4-update.groovy b/opencontrail4-update.groovy
index 01aae14..f71b7be 100644
--- a/opencontrail4-update.groovy
+++ b/opencontrail4-update.groovy
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 python = new
 def pepperEnv = "pepperEnv"
+def askConfirmation = (env.getProperty('ASK_CONFIRMATION') ?: true).toBoolean()
 def supportedOcTargetVersions = ['4.0', '4.1']
 def neutronServerPkgs = 'neutron-plugin-contrail,contrail-heat,python-contrail'
 def config4Services = ['zookeeper', 'contrail-webui-middleware', 'contrail-webui', 'contrail-api', 'contrail-schema', 'contrail-svc-monitor', 'contrail-device-manager', 'contrail-config-nodemgr', 'contrail-database']
@@ -280,7 +281,9 @@
                 stage('Confirm update on sample nodes') {
-                    input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail components update on compute sample nodes? ${cmpTargetFirstSubset}"
+                    if (askConfirmation) {
+                        input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail components update on compute sample nodes? ${cmpTargetFirstSubset}"
+                    }
                 stage("Opencontrail compute update on sample nodes") {
@@ -289,8 +292,9 @@
                 stage('Confirm update on all remaining target nodes') {
-                    input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail components update on all targeted compute nodes? Node list: ${cmpTargetSecondSubset}"
+                    if (askConfirmation) {
+                        input message: "Do you want to continue with the Opencontrail components update on all targeted compute nodes? Node list: ${cmpTargetSecondSubset}"
+                    }
                 stage("Opencontrail compute update on all targeted nodes") {