PROD-29141 Fix in  option for galera restore

Change-Id: I89c59335baf96bf71d9927c845569d5a651cf3bc
diff --git a/galera-cluster-verify-restore.groovy b/galera-cluster-verify-restore.groovy
index 7a63858..4c1d63a 100644
--- a/galera-cluster-verify-restore.groovy
+++ b/galera-cluster-verify-restore.groovy
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
 def salt = new
 def openstack = new
 def python = new
 def pepperEnv = "pepperEnv"
 def resultCode = 99
 askConfirmation = (env.getProperty('ASK_CONFIRMATION') ?: true).toBoolean()
 if (common.validInputParam(VERIFICATION_RETRIES) && VERIFICATION_RETRIES.isInteger()) {
     verificationRetries = VERIFICATION_RETRIES.toInteger()
 } else {
@@ -46,15 +46,31 @@
             if (resultCode == 1) {
-                common.warningMsg("There was a problem with parsing the status output or with determining it. Do you want to run a restore?")
+                if(askConfirmation){
+                    common.warningMsg("There was a problem with parsing the status output or with determining it. Do you want to run a restore?")
+                } else {
+                    common.warningMsg("There was a problem with parsing the status output or with determining it. Try to restore.")
+                }
             } else if (resultCode > 1) {
-                common.warningMsg("There's something wrong with the cluster, do you want to run a restore?")
+                if(askConfirmation){
+                    common.warningMsg("There's something wrong with the cluster, do you want to run a restore?")
+                } else {
+                    common.warningMsg("There's something wrong with the cluster, try to restore.")
+                }
             } else {
-                common.warningMsg("There seems to be everything alright with the cluster, do you still want to run a restore?")
+                if(askConfirmation){
+                  common.warningMsg("There seems to be everything alright with the cluster, do you still want to run a restore?")
+                } else {
+                  common.warningMsg("There seems to be everything alright with the cluster, do nothing")
+                }
-            input message: "Are you sure you want to run a restore? Click to confirm"
+            if(askConfirmation){
+              input message: "Are you sure you want to run a restore? Click to confirm"
+            }
             try {
-                openstack.restoreGaleraDb(pepperEnv)
+                if((!askConfirmation && resultCode > 0) || askConfirmation){
+                  openstack.restoreGaleraDb(pepperEnv)
+                }
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 common.errorMsg("Restoration process has failed.")