Add groovy script to (re-)create and rename branches
Change-Id: I2b5ae92effc986b5d072b0c888168813506af607
diff --git a/branch-git-repos.groovy b/branch-git-repos.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..383dba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/branch-git-repos.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * (Re-)Create git branches
+ *
+ * @param GIT_REPO_LIST List of repositories to handle
+ * Multiline text: '<name> <url> <src_obj>' (full format)
+ * or: '<url>' (assuming src_obj=='SUBS_SOURCE_REF')
+ * @param GIT_CREDENTIALS Credentials ID to use for the ALL given repositories
+ * @param BRANCH New branch name
+ * @param SOURCE_REVISION Source object (commit/tag/branch) to apply to all repos
+ * having empty src_obj or src_obj=='SUBS_SOURCE_REF'
+ *
+ * @see <a href="">PROD-17759</a>
+ */
+// Get job environment to use as a map to get values with defaults
+Map jobEnv = env.getEnvironment().findAll { k, v -> v }
+// Prepare job parameters
+ArrayList gitRepoList = jobEnv.get('GIT_REPO_LIST', '').readLines()
+String gitBranchNew = jobEnv.get('BRANCH')
+String srcObj = jobEnv.get('SOURCE_REVISION', 'master')
+String gitCredentialsId = jobEnv.get('GIT_CREDENTIALS')
+// Check if new branch name is given
+if (! gitBranchNew) {
+ error ('No new branch name is given')
+ * Returns local path for the given URL constructed from hostname and repository
+ *
+ * @param repoUrl git repository URL
+ * @return string representing local relative patch
+ */
+String getRepoLocalPath(String repoUrl) {
+ // Regex to split git repository URLs
+ String re = '^(?:(?<proto>[a-z]+)://)?(?:(?<creds>[^@]+)@)?(?<host>[^:/]+)(?::(?<port>[0-9]+)/|[:/])(?<repo>.+)$'
+ java.util.regex.Matcher urlMatcher = repoUrl =~ re
+ if (urlMatcher.matches()) {
+ return new File(
+ ).toString()
+ } else {
+ return ''
+ }
+// Variables to use as repo parameters
+String gitRepoName
+String gitRepoUrl
+String gitSrcObj
+// Store current commit SHA
+String gitCommit
+node() {
+ for (gitRepo in gitRepoList) {
+ (gitRepoName, gitRepoUrl, gitSrcObj) = gitRepo.trim().tokenize(' ')
+ if (gitRepoName.startsWith('#')){
+ echo ("Skipping repo '${gitRepo}'")
+ continue
+ }
+ if (! gitRepoUrl) {
+ // The only token is the git repo url
+ gitRepoUrl = gitRepoName
+ gitRepoName = getRepoLocalPath(gitRepoUrl)
+ gitSrcObj = srcObj
+ } else if (! gitSrcObj) {
+ // Two tokens - can't decide is gitRepoName or gitSrcObj given
+ error ("Wrong repository string format: '${gitRepo}'")
+ }
+ if (gitSrcObj.contains('SUBS_SOURCE_REF')) {
+ echo ("Replacing 'SUBS_SOURCE_REF' => ${SOURCE_REVISION}")
+ gitSrcObj.replace('SUBS_SOURCE_REF', srcObj)
+ }
+ // Remove preifix `origin/` from gitSrcObj
+ java.util.regex.Pattern reOrigin = ~'^origin/'
+ gitSrcObj = gitSrcObj - reOrigin
+ checkout([
+ $class: 'GitSCM',
+ branches: [
+ [name: 'FETCH_HEAD'],
+ ],
+ userRemoteConfigs: [
+ [url: gitRepoUrl, refspec: gitSrcObj, credentialsId: gitCredentialsId],
+ ],
+ extensions: [
+ [$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'],
+ [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: gitRepoName],
+ [$class: 'SubmoduleOption', disableSubmodules: true],
+ [$class: 'UserIdentity', name: 'MCP CI', email: ''],
+ ],
+ ])
+ // Proceed branch creation
+ dir(gitRepoName) {
+ sshagent (credentials: [gitCredentialsId]) {
+ // FIXME: Ensure git has configured user and email
+ // See:
+ sh 'git config "MCP CI"'
+ sh 'git config ""'
+ // Update list of branches
+ sh 'git remote update origin --prune'
+ // Ensure there is no branch or tag with gitBranchNew name
+ sh "git branch -d '${gitBranchNew}' && git push origin ':${gitBranchNew}' || :"
+ sh "git tag -d '${gitBranchNew}' && git push origin ':refs/tags/${gitBranchNew}' || :"
+ // Check if gitSrcObj is a branch
+ gitCommit = sh (script: "git ls-remote --heads --quiet origin '${gitSrcObj}' | awk '{print \$1}'",
+ returnStdout: true).trim()
+ if (gitCommit) {
+ // Rename existing branch
+ sh "git checkout -b '${gitSrcObj}' -t 'origin/${gitSrcObj}'" // Checkout old branch
+ sh "git branch -m '${gitSrcObj}' '${gitBranchNew}'" // ... rename it
+ sh "git push origin ':${gitSrcObj}'" // ... remove old remote branch
+ } else {
+ // Create new branch
+ sh "git checkout -b '${gitBranchNew}' '${gitSrcObj}'" // Create new local branch
+ }
+ sh "git push origin '${gitBranchNew}'" // ... push new branch
+ }
+ }
+ }