[CVP] Fix problem with TARGET_NODE and try-catch block
TARGET_NODE variable was defined in wrong section of the code.
Also try-catch block did not take into account that this variable
may not be initialized yet. Solution: define TARGET_NODE in the
correct place and use try-catch only for stages that deal with
Tempest container.
Related-PROD: PROD-30785
Change-Id: Icbf38f3f6687ccabd1bc93fe49c384dc1bcc3468
diff --git a/cvp-tempest.groovy b/cvp-tempest.groovy
index 5891ed1..c311186 100644
--- a/cvp-tempest.groovy
+++ b/cvp-tempest.groovy
@@ -45,97 +45,101 @@
def args = ''
def mounts = [:]
node() {
- try{
- stage('Initialization') {
- deleteDir()
- saltMaster = salt.connection(SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
- container_name = "${env.JOB_NAME}"
- cluster_name=salt.getPillar(saltMaster, 'I@salt:master', '_param:cluster_name')['return'][0].values()[0]
- os_version=salt.getPillar(saltMaster, 'I@salt:master', '_param:openstack_version')['return'][0].values()[0]
- if (!os_version) {
- throw new Exception("Openstack is not found on this env. Exiting")
- }
- TEST_IMAGE = (env.TEST_IMAGE) ?: "docker-prod-virtual.docker.mirantis.net/mirantis/cicd/ci-tempest:${os_version}"
- runtest_node = salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@runtest:*', 'test.ping')['return'][0]
- if (runtest_node.values()[0]) {
- // Let's use Service node that was defined in reclass. If several nodes are defined
- // we will use the first from salt output
- common.infoMsg("Service node ${runtest_node.keySet()[0]} is defined in reclass")
- SERVICE_NODE = runtest_node.keySet()[0]
- }
- else {
- throw new Exception("Runtest config is not found in reclass. Please create runtest.yml and include it " +
- "into reclass. Check documentation for more details")
- }
- common.infoMsg('Refreshing pillars on service node')
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, VERBOSE)
- tempest_node=salt.getPillar(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, '_param:tempest_test_target')['return'][0].values()[0] ?: 'I@gerrit:client'
+ stage('Initialization') {
+ deleteDir()
+ saltMaster = salt.connection(SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
+ container_name = "${env.JOB_NAME}"
+ cluster_name=salt.getPillar(saltMaster, 'I@salt:master', '_param:cluster_name')['return'][0].values()[0]
+ os_version=salt.getPillar(saltMaster, 'I@salt:master', '_param:openstack_version')['return'][0].values()[0]
+ if (!os_version) {
+ throw new Exception("Openstack is not found on this env. Exiting")
- stage('Preparing resources') {
- if ( PREPARE_RESOURCES.toBoolean() ) {
- common.infoMsg('Running salt.minion state on service node')
- salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, ['salt.minion'], VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR, null, false, 300, 2, true, [], 60)
- common.infoMsg('Running keystone.client on service node')
- salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'keystone.client', VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR)
- common.infoMsg('Running glance.client on service node')
- salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'glance.client', VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR)
- common.infoMsg('Running nova.client on service node')
- salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'nova.client', VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR)
+ TEST_IMAGE = (env.TEST_IMAGE) ?: "docker-prod-virtual.docker.mirantis.net/mirantis/cicd/ci-tempest:${os_version}"
+ runtest_node = salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, 'I@runtest:*', 'test.ping')['return'][0]
+ if (runtest_node.values()[0]) {
+ // Let's use Service node that was defined in reclass. If several nodes are defined
+ // we will use the first from salt output
+ common.infoMsg("Service node ${runtest_node.keySet()[0]} is defined in reclass")
+ SERVICE_NODE = runtest_node.keySet()[0]
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Exception("Runtest config is not found in reclass. Please create runtest.yml and include it " +
+ "into reclass. Check documentation for more details")
+ }
+ common.infoMsg('Refreshing pillars on service node')
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, VERBOSE)
+ // default node is cid01 (preferably) or cfg01
+ default_node=salt.getPillar(saltMaster, 'I@salt:master', '_param:cicd_control_node01_hostname')['return'][0].values()[0] ?: 'cfg01'
+ // fetch tempest_test_target from runtest.yaml, otherwise fallback to default_node
+ tempest_node=salt.getPillar(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, '_param:tempest_test_target')['return'][0].values()[0] ?: default_node+'*'
+ // TARGET_NODE will always override any settings above
+ TARGET_NODE = (env.TARGET_NODE) ?: tempest_node
+ }
+ stage('Preparing resources') {
+ if ( PREPARE_RESOURCES.toBoolean() ) {
+ common.infoMsg('Running salt.minion state on service node')
+ salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, ['salt.minion'], VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR, null, false, 300, 2, true, [], 60)
+ common.infoMsg('Running keystone.client on service node')
+ salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'keystone.client', VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR)
+ common.infoMsg('Running glance.client on service node')
+ salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'glance.client', VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR)
+ common.infoMsg('Running nova.client on service node')
+ salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'nova.client', VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR)
+ }
+ else {
+ common.infoMsg('Skipping resources preparation')
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Generate config') {
+ if ( GENERATE_CONFIG.toBoolean() ) {
+ // default is /root/test/
+ runtest_tempest_cfg_dir = (env.runtest_tempest_cfg_dir) ?: salt.getPillar(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, '_param:runtest_tempest_cfg_dir')['return'][0].values()[0]
+ // default is tempest_generated.conf
+ runtest_tempest_cfg_name = (env.runtest_tempest_cfg_name) ?: salt.getPillar(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, '_param:runtest_tempest_cfg_name')['return'][0].values()[0]
+ common.infoMsg("runtest_tempest_cfg is ${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}/${runtest_tempest_cfg_name}")
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'file.remove', ["${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}"])
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'file.mkdir', ["${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}"])
+ fullnodename = salt.getMinions(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE).get(0)
+ if (TARGET_NODE != tempest_node) {
+ common.infoMsg("TARGET_NODE is defined in Jenkins")
+ def params_to_update = ['tempest_test_target': "${TARGET_NODE}"]
+ common.infoMsg("Overriding default ${tempest_node} value of tempest_test_target parameter")
+ result = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': SERVICE_NODE, 'type': 'compound'], 'reclass.node_update',
+ null, null, ['name': fullnodename, 'parameters': ['tempest_test_target': "${TARGET_NODE}"]])
+ salt.checkResult(result)
- else {
- common.infoMsg('Skipping resources preparation')
+ common.infoMsg("TARGET_NODE is ${TARGET_NODE}")
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE, 'file.remove', ["${remote_artifacts_dir}"])
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE, 'file.mkdir', ["${remote_artifacts_dir}"])
+ // runtest state hangs if tempest_test_target is cfg01*
+ // let's run runtest.generate_tempest_config only for this case
+ if (TARGET_NODE == 'cfg01*') {
+ common.warningMsg("It is not recommended to run Tempest container on cfg node, but.. proceeding")
+ salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'runtest.generate_tempest_config', VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR)
+ } else {
+ salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'runtest', VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR)
+ }
+ // we need to refresh pillars on target node after runtest state
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE, 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, VERBOSE)
+ if (TARGET_NODE != tempest_node) {
+ common.infoMsg("Reverting tempest_test_target parameter")
+ result = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': SERVICE_NODE, 'type': 'compound'], 'reclass.node_update',
+ null, null, ['name': fullnodename, 'parameters': ['tempest_test_target': "${tempest_node}"]])
+ }
+ SKIP_LIST_PATH = (env.SKIP_LIST_PATH) ?: salt.getPillar(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, '_param:tempest_skip_list_path')['return'][0].values()[0]
+ mounts = ["${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}/skip.list": "/root/tempest/skip.list"]
+ salt.cmdRun(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, "salt-cp ${TARGET_NODE} ${SKIP_LIST_PATH} ${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}/skip.list")
+ args += ' --blacklist-file /root/tempest/skip.list '
- stage('Generate config') {
- if ( GENERATE_CONFIG.toBoolean() ) {
- // default is /root/test/
- runtest_tempest_cfg_dir = (env.runtest_tempest_cfg_dir) ?: salt.getPillar(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, '_param:runtest_tempest_cfg_dir')['return'][0].values()[0]
- // default is tempest_generated.conf
- runtest_tempest_cfg_name = (env.runtest_tempest_cfg_name) ?: salt.getPillar(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, '_param:runtest_tempest_cfg_name')['return'][0].values()[0]
- common.infoMsg("runtest_tempest_cfg is ${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}/${runtest_tempest_cfg_name}")
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'file.remove', ["${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}"])
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'file.mkdir', ["${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}"])
- fullnodename = salt.getMinions(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE).get(0)
- TARGET_NODE = (env.TARGET_NODE) ?: tempest_node
- if (TARGET_NODE != tempest_node) {
- common.infoMsg("TARGET_NODE is defined in Jenkins")
- def params_to_update = ['tempest_test_target': "${TARGET_NODE}"]
- common.infoMsg("Overriding default ${tempest_node} value of tempest_test_target parameter")
- result = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': SERVICE_NODE, 'type': 'compound'], 'reclass.node_update',
- null, null, ['name': fullnodename, 'parameters': ['tempest_test_target': "${TARGET_NODE}"]])
- salt.checkResult(result)
- }
- common.infoMsg("TARGET_NODE is ${TARGET_NODE}")
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE, 'file.remove', ["${remote_artifacts_dir}"])
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE, 'file.mkdir', ["${remote_artifacts_dir}"])
- // runtest state hangs if tempest_test_target is cfg01*
- // let's run runtest.generate_tempest_config only for this case
- if (TARGET_NODE == 'cfg01*') {
- common.warningMsg("It is not recommended to run Tempest container on cfg node, but.. proceeding")
- salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'runtest.generate_tempest_config', VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR)
- } else {
- salt.enforceState(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, 'runtest', VERBOSE, STOP_ON_ERROR)
- }
- // we need to refresh pillars on target node after runtest state
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE, 'saltutil.refresh_pillar', [], null, VERBOSE)
- if (TARGET_NODE != tempest_node) {
- common.infoMsg("Reverting tempest_test_target parameter")
- result = salt.runSaltCommand(saltMaster, 'local', ['expression': SERVICE_NODE, 'type': 'compound'], 'reclass.node_update',
- null, null, ['name': fullnodename, 'parameters': ['tempest_test_target': "${tempest_node}"]])
- }
- SKIP_LIST_PATH = (env.SKIP_LIST_PATH) ?: salt.getPillar(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, '_param:tempest_skip_list_path')['return'][0].values()[0]
- mounts = ["${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}/skip.list": "/root/tempest/skip.list"]
- salt.cmdRun(saltMaster, SERVICE_NODE, "salt-cp ${TARGET_NODE} ${SKIP_LIST_PATH} ${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}/skip.list")
- args += ' --blacklist-file /root/tempest/skip.list '
- }
- }
- else {
- common.infoMsg('Skipping Tempest config generation')
- salt.cmdRun(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE, "rm -rf ${remote_artifacts_dir}/reports")
- }
+ else {
+ common.infoMsg('Skipping Tempest config generation')
+ salt.cmdRun(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE, "rm -rf ${remote_artifacts_dir}/reports")
+ }
+ try{
stage('Run Tempest tests') {
mounts = mounts + ["${runtest_tempest_cfg_dir}/${runtest_tempest_cfg_name}": "/etc/tempest/tempest.conf"]
validate.runContainer(master: saltMaster, target: TARGET_NODE, dockerImageLink: TEST_IMAGE,
@@ -166,10 +170,6 @@
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${report_prefix}.*"
junit "${report_prefix}.xml"
- } catch (Throwable e) {
- // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
- currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
- throw e
} finally {
if (DEBUG_MODE == 'false') {
validate.runCleanup(saltMaster, TARGET_NODE, container_name)