Merge "Use image name instead of the gerrit project name"
diff --git a/cicd-lab-pipeline.groovy b/cicd-lab-pipeline.groovy
index df4b477..7cb6f55 100644
--- a/cicd-lab-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/cicd-lab-pipeline.groovy
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
             // Cleanup
             if (HEAT_STACK_DELETE.toBoolean() == true) {
                 stage('Trigger cleanup job') {
-                    build job: 'deploy-heat-cleanup', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'HEAT_STACK_NAME', value: HEAT_STACK_NAME]]
+                    build job: 'deploy-stack-cleanup', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STACK_NAME', value: HEAT_STACK_NAME]]
diff --git a/cleanup-pipeline.groovy b/cleanup-pipeline.groovy
index 8b04990..4b67213 100644
--- a/cleanup-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/cleanup-pipeline.groovy
@@ -2,41 +2,71 @@
  * Delete heat stack pipeline
- * Expected parameters:
- *   OPENSTACK_API_URL          OpenStack API address
- *   OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS  Credentials to the OpenStack API
- *   OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT      OpenStack project to connect to
- *   OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT       Versions of OpenStack python clients
- *   OPENSTACK_API_VERSION      Version of the OpenStack API (2/3)
- *   HEAT_STACK_NAME            Heat stack name
+ * General
+ *  STACK_NAME                 Heat stack name
+ *  STACK_TYPE                 Type of the stack (heat, aws)
+ * Heat parameters:
+ *  OPENSTACK_API_URL          OpenStack API address
+ *  OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS  Credentials to the OpenStack API
+ *  OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT      OpenStack project to connect to
+ *  OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT       Versions of OpenStack python clients
+ *  OPENSTACK_API_VERSION      Version of the OpenStack API (2/3)
+ *
+ * AWS parameters:
+ *  AWS_API_CREDENTIALS        Credentials id AWS EC2 API
+ *  AWS_DEFAULT_REGION         EC2 region
 common = new
 git = new
 openstack = new
+aws = new
 salt = new
 node {
-    // connection objects
-    def openstackCloud
+    def venv_path = "${env.WORKSPACE}/venv"
+    def env_vars
-    // value defaults
-    def openstackVersion = OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT ? OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT : 'liberty'
-    def openstackEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/venv"
-    stage('Install OpenStack env') {
-        openstack.setupOpenstackVirtualenv(openstackEnv, openstackVersion)
+    // default STACK_TYPE is heat
+    if (!env.getEnvironment().containsKey("STACK_TYPE") || STACK_TYPE == '') {
+        STACK_TYPE = 'heat'
-    stage('Connect to OpenStack cloud') {
-        openstackCloud = openstack.createOpenstackEnv(OPENSTACK_API_URL, OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS, OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT)
-        openstack.getKeystoneToken(openstackCloud, openstackEnv)
+    stage('Install environment') {
+        if (STACK_TYPE == 'heat') {
+            def openstackVersion = OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT ? OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT : 'liberty'
+            openstack.setupOpenstackVirtualenv(venv_path, openstackVersion)
+        } else if (STACK_TYPE == 'aws') {
+            env_vars = aws.getEnvVars(AWS_API_CREDENTIALS, AWS_STACK_REGION)
+            aws.setupVirtualEnv(venv_path)
+        } else {
+            throw new Exception('Stack type is not supported')
+        }
-    stage('Delete Heat stack') {
-        common.infoMsg("Deleting Heat Stack " + HEAT_STACK_NAME)
-        openstack.deleteHeatStack(openstackCloud, HEAT_STACK_NAME, openstackEnv)
+    stage('Delete stack') {
+        if (STACK_TYPE == 'heat') {
+            def openstackCloud = openstack.createOpenstackEnv(OPENSTACK_API_URL, OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS, OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT)
+            openstack.getKeystoneToken(openstackCloud, venv_path)
+            common.infoMsg("Deleting Heat Stack " + STACK_NAME)
+            openstack.deleteHeatStack(openstackCloud, STACK_NAME, venv_path)
+        } else if (STACK_TYPE == 'aws') {
+            aws.deteteStack(venv_path, env_vars, STACK_NAME)
+            aws.waitForStatus(venv_path, evn_vars, STACK_NAME, 'DELETE_COMPLETE', ['DELETE_FAILED'])
+        } else {
+            throw new Exception('Stack type is not supported')
+        }
diff --git a/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy b/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
index b34db68..44a536a 100644
--- a/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/cloud-deploy-pipeline.groovy
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
                 if (STACK_DELETE.toBoolean() == true) {
                     common.errorMsg('Heat job cleanup triggered')
                     stage('Trigger cleanup job') {
-                        build job: 'deploy-heat-cleanup', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STACK_NAME', value: STACK_NAME]]
+                        build job: 'deploy-stack-cleanup', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STACK_NAME', value: STACK_NAME]]
                 } else {
                     if (currentBuild.result == 'FAILURE') {
diff --git a/lab-pipeline.groovy b/lab-pipeline.groovy
index a1e1082..1b7facb 100644
--- a/lab-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/lab-pipeline.groovy
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
  *   OPENSTACK_API_URL          OpenStack API address
  *   OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS  Credentials to the OpenStack API
  *   OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT      OpenStack project to connect to
+ *   OPENSTACK_PROJECT_DOMAIN   Domain for OpenStack project
+ *   OPENSTACK_PROJECT_ID       ID for OpenStack project
+ *   OPENSTACK_USER_DOMAIN      Domain for OpenStack user
  *   OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT       Versions of OpenStack python clients
  *   OPENSTACK_API_VERSION      Version of the OpenStack API (2/3)
@@ -108,7 +111,11 @@
                     // create openstack env
                     openstack.setupOpenstackVirtualenv(openstackEnv, openstackVersion)
-                    openstackCloud = openstack.createOpenstackEnv(OPENSTACK_API_URL, OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS, OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT)
+                    openstackCloud = openstack.createOpenstackEnv(
+                        OPENSTACK_API_VERSION)
                     openstack.getKeystoneToken(openstackCloud, openstackEnv)
                     // Verify possibility of create stack for given user and stack type
diff --git a/mk-k8s-simple-deploy-pipeline.groovy b/mk-k8s-simple-deploy-pipeline.groovy
index 4aae816..b86e6da 100644
--- a/mk-k8s-simple-deploy-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/mk-k8s-simple-deploy-pipeline.groovy
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     stage('Connect to OpenStack cloud') {
         openstackCloud = openstack.createOpenstackEnv(OPENSTACK_API_URL, OPENSTACK_API_CREDENTIALS, OPENSTACK_API_PROJECT,
         openstack.getKeystoneToken(openstackCloud, openstackEnv)
diff --git a/test-cookiecutter-reclass.groovy b/test-cookiecutter-reclass.groovy
index 0d8d319..b1e9d2f 100644
--- a/test-cookiecutter-reclass.groovy
+++ b/test-cookiecutter-reclass.groovy
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 common = new
+gerrit = new
 git = new
 python = new
 saltModelTesting = new
-def generateSaltMaster(modelEnv) {
-    def nodeFile = "${modelEnv}/nodes/cfg01.${clusterDomain}.yml"
+def generateSaltMaster(modEnv, clusterDomain, clusterName) {
+    def nodeFile = "${modEnv}/nodes/cfg01.${clusterDomain}.yml"
     def nodeString = """classes:
 - cluster.${clusterName}.infra.config
@@ -16,57 +17,71 @@
             name: cfg01
             domain: ${clusterDomain}
-    sh "mkdir -p ${modelEnv}/nodes/"
+    sh "mkdir -p ${modEnv}/nodes/"
+    println "Create file ${nodeFile}"
     writeFile(file: nodeFile, text: nodeString)
-def generate(contextFile) {
-    def templateEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template"
-    def baseName = sh(script: "basename ${contextFile} .yml", returnStdout: true)
-    def modelEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/model-${baseName}"
-    def cookiecutterTemplateContext = readFile(file: "${env.WORKSPACE}/contexts/contextFile")
-    def templateContext = readYaml text: cookiecutterTemplateContext
+def generateModel(modelFile, cutterEnv) {
+    def templateEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
+    def modelEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/model"
+    def basename = sh(script: "basename ${modelFile} .yml", returnStdout: true).trim()
+    def generatedModel = "${modelEnv}/${basename}"
+    def testEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/test"
+    def content = readFile(file: "${templateEnv}/contexts/${modelFile}")
+    def templateContext = readYaml text: content
     def clusterDomain = templateContext.default_context.cluster_domain
     def clusterName = templateContext.default_context.cluster_name
-    def cutterEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/cutter"
-    def jinjaEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/jinja"
-    def outputDestination = "${modelEnv}/classes/cluster/${clusterName}"
+    def outputDestination = "${generatedModel}/classes/cluster/${clusterName}"
     def targetBranch = "feature/${clusterName}"
-    def templateBaseDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template"
-    def templateDir = "${templateEnv}/template/dir"
+    def templateBaseDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
+    def templateDir = "${templateEnv}/dir"
     def templateOutputDir = templateBaseDir
-    sh("rm -rf ${templateBaseDir} || true")
+    sh "rm -rf ${generatedModel} || true"
     def productList = ["infra", "cicd", "opencontrail", "kubernetes", "openstack", "stacklight"]
     for (product in productList) {
-        def stagename = (product == "infra") ? "Generate base infrastructure" : "Generate product ${product}"
-        println stagename
         if (product == "infra" || (templateContext.default_context["${product}_enabled"]
             && templateContext.default_context["${product}_enabled"].toBoolean())) {
             templateDir = "${templateEnv}/cluster_product/${product}"
-            templateOutputDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template/output/${product}"
+            templateOutputDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/output/${product}"
+            sh "rm -rf ${templateOutputDir} || true"
             sh "mkdir -p ${templateOutputDir}"
             sh "mkdir -p ${outputDestination}"
-            python.setupCookiecutterVirtualenv(cutterEnv)
-            python.buildCookiecutterTemplate(templateDir, cookiecutterTemplateContext, templateOutputDir, cutterEnv, templateBaseDir)
+            python.buildCookiecutterTemplate(templateDir, content, templateOutputDir, cutterEnv, templateBaseDir)
             sh "mv -v ${templateOutputDir}/${clusterName}/* ${outputDestination}"
-    generateSaltMaster(modelEnv)
+    generateSaltMaster(generatedModel, clusterDomain, clusterName)
-def testModel(contextFile) {
-    def baseName = sh(script: "basename ${contextFile} .yml", returnStdout: true)
-    def modelEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/model-${baseName}"
-    git.checkoutGitRepository("${modelEnv}/classes/system", RECLASS_MODEL_URL, RECLASS_MODEL_BRANCH, RECLASS_MODEL_CREDENTIALS)
-    saltModelTesting.setupAndTestNode("cfg01.${clusterDomain}", "", modelEnv)
+def testModel(modelFile, testEnv) {
+    def templateEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
+    def content = readFile(file: "${templateEnv}/contexts/${modelFile}.yml")
+    def templateContext = readYaml text: content
+    def clusterDomain = templateContext.default_context.cluster_domain
+    git.checkoutGitRepository("${testEnv}/classes/system", RECLASS_MODEL_URL, RECLASS_MODEL_BRANCH, CREDENTIALS_ID)
+    saltModelTesting.setupAndTestNode("cfg01.${clusterDomain}", "", testEnv)
+def gerritRef
+try {
+  gerritRef = GERRIT_REFSPEC
+} catch (MissingPropertyException e) {
+  gerritRef = null
 timestamps {
     node("python&&docker") {
-        def templateEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template"
+        def templateEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
+        def cutterEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/cutter"
+        def jinjaEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/jinja"
         try {
+            stage("Cleanup") {
+                sh("rm -rf * || true")
+            }
             stage ('Download Cookiecutter template') {
                 if (gerritRef) {
                     def gerritChange = gerrit.getGerritChange(GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, CREDENTIALS_ID)
@@ -79,29 +94,40 @@
                         common.successMsg("Change ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER} is already merged, no need to gate them")
                 } else {
+                    git.checkoutGitRepository(templateEnv, COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_URL, COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_BRANCH, CREDENTIALS_ID)
+            stage("Setup") {
+                python.setupCookiecutterVirtualenv(cutterEnv)
+            }
             def contextFiles
-            dir("contexts") {
+            dir("${templateEnv}/contexts") {
                 contextFiles = findFiles(glob: "*.yml")
-            for (contextFile in contextFiles) {
-                generate(contextFile)
+            def contextFileList = []
+            for (int i = 0; i < contextFiles.size(); i++) {
+                contextFileList << contextFiles[i]
+            }
+            stage("generate-model") {
+                for (contextFile in contextFileList) {
+                    generateModel(contextFile, cutterEnv)
+                }
             stage("test-nodes") {
-                def partitions = common.partitionList(contextFiles, 3)
+                def partitions = common.partitionList(contextFileList, PARALLEL_NODE_GROUP_SIZE.toInteger())
                 def buildSteps = [:]
                 for (int i = 0; i < partitions.size(); i++) {
                     def partition = partitions[i]
                     buildSteps.put("partition-${i}", new HashMap<String,org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsClosure2>())
                     for(int k = 0; k < partition.size; k++){
                         def basename = sh(script: "basename ${partition[k]} .yml", returnStdout: true).trim()
-                        def modelEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/model-${baseName}"
-                        buildSteps.get("partition-${i}").put(basename, { saltModelTesting.setupAndTestNode(basename, "", modelEnv) })
+                        def testEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/model/${basename}"
+                        buildSteps.get("partition-${i}").put(basename, { testModel(basename, testEnv) })
@@ -112,7 +138,7 @@
              throw e
         } finally {
             stage ('Clean workspace directories') {
-                sh(returnStatus: true, script: "rm -rfv *")
+                sh(returnStatus: true, script: "rm -rfv * > /dev/null || true")
diff --git a/test-nodejs-pipeline.groovy b/test-nodejs-pipeline.groovy
index d659b7e..b57d351 100644
--- a/test-nodejs-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/test-nodejs-pipeline.groovy
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 def checkouted = false
-node("docker") {
+node("vm") {
     def containerId
     def uniqId
     try {
diff --git a/test-salt-formulas-pipeline.groovy b/test-salt-formulas-pipeline.groovy
index 6baa25e..4875a6c 100644
--- a/test-salt-formulas-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/test-salt-formulas-pipeline.groovy
@@ -41,9 +41,16 @@
     stage("checkout") {
       if (gerritRef) {
         // job is triggered by Gerrit
-        checkouted = gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout ([
-          credentialsId : CREDENTIALS_ID
-        ])
+        // test if change aren't already merged
+        def gerritChange = gerrit.getGerritChange(GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, CREDENTIALS_ID)
+        def merged = gerritChange.status == "MERGED"
+        if(!merged){
+          checkouted = gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout ([
+            credentialsId : CREDENTIALS_ID
+          ])
+        } else{
+          common.successMsg("Change ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER} is already merged, no need to test them")
+        }
       } else if(defaultGitRef && defaultGitUrl) {
           checkouted = gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout(defaultGitUrl, defaultGitRef, "HEAD", CREDENTIALS_ID)
diff --git a/test-salt-models-pipeline.groovy b/test-salt-models-pipeline.groovy
index 3ed8f61..1df659e 100644
--- a/test-salt-models-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/test-salt-models-pipeline.groovy
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
             credentialsId : CREDENTIALS_ID
         } else{
-          common.successMsg("Change ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER} is already merged, no need to gate them")
+          common.successMsg("Change ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER} is already merged, no need to test them")
       } else if(defaultGitRef && defaultGitUrl) {
           checkouted = gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout(defaultGitUrl, defaultGitRef, "HEAD", CREDENTIALS_ID)
@@ -72,37 +72,38 @@
     stage("test-nodes") {
-      def workspace = common.getWorkspace()
-      def nodes = sh(script: "find ./nodes -type f -name 'cfg*.yml'", returnStdout: true).tokenize()
-      def buildSteps = [:]
-      if(nodes.size() > 1){
-          if(nodes.size() <= 3 && PARALLEL_NODE_GROUP_SIZE.toInteger() != 1) {
-            common.infoMsg("Found <=3  cfg nodes, running parallel test")
-             for(int i=0; i < nodes.size();i++){
-               def basename = sh(script: "basename ${partition[k]} .yml", returnStdout: true).trim()
-               buildSteps.put("node-${basename}", { saltModelTesting.setupAndTestNode(basename, EXTRA_FORMULAS, workspace) })
-             }
-             parallel buildSteps
-          }else{
-            common.infoMsg("Found more than 3 cfg nodes or debug enabled, running parallel group test with ${PARALLEL_NODE_GROUP_SIZE} nodes")
-            def partitions = common.partitionList(nodes, PARALLEL_NODE_GROUP_SIZE.toInteger())
-            for (int i=0; i < partitions.size();i++) {
-              def partition = partitions[i]
-              buildSteps.put("partition-${i}", new HashMap<String,org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsClosure2>())
-              for(int k=0; k < partition.size;k++){
-                  def basename = sh(script: "basename ${partition[k]} .yml", returnStdout: true).trim()
-                  buildSteps.get("partition-${i}").put(basename, { saltModelTesting.setupAndTestNode(basename, EXTRA_FORMULAS, workspace) })
+      if(!merged){
+        def workspace = common.getWorkspace()
+        def nodes = sh(script: "find ./nodes -type f -name 'cfg*.yml'", returnStdout: true).tokenize()
+        def buildSteps = [:]
+        if(nodes.size() > 1){
+            if(nodes.size() <= 3 && PARALLEL_NODE_GROUP_SIZE.toInteger() != 1) {
+              common.infoMsg("Found <=3  cfg nodes, running parallel test")
+               for(int i=0; i < nodes.size();i++){
+                 def basename = sh(script: "basename ${partition[k]} .yml", returnStdout: true).trim()
+                 buildSteps.put("node-${basename}", { saltModelTesting.setupAndTestNode(basename, EXTRA_FORMULAS, workspace) })
+               }
+               parallel buildSteps
+            }else{
+              common.infoMsg("Found more than 3 cfg nodes or debug enabled, running parallel group test with ${PARALLEL_NODE_GROUP_SIZE} nodes")
+              def partitions = common.partitionList(nodes, PARALLEL_NODE_GROUP_SIZE.toInteger())
+              for (int i=0; i < partitions.size();i++) {
+                def partition = partitions[i]
+                buildSteps.put("partition-${i}", new HashMap<String,org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsClosure2>())
+                for(int k=0; k < partition.size;k++){
+                    def basename = sh(script: "basename ${partition[k]} .yml", returnStdout: true).trim()
+                    buildSteps.get("partition-${i}").put(basename, { saltModelTesting.setupAndTestNode(basename, EXTRA_FORMULAS, workspace) })
+                }
+              common.serial(buildSteps)
-            common.serial(buildSteps)
-          }
-      }else{
-          common.infoMsg("Found one cfg node, running single test")
-          def basename = sh(script: "basename ${nodes[0]} .yml", returnStdout: true).trim()
-          saltModelTesting.setupAndTestNode(basename, EXTRA_FORMULAS, workspace)
+        }else{
+            common.infoMsg("Found one cfg node, running single test")
+            def basename = sh(script: "basename ${nodes[0]} .yml", returnStdout: true).trim()
+            saltModelTesting.setupAndTestNode(basename, EXTRA_FORMULAS, workspace)
+        }
   } catch (Throwable e) {
      // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
      currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"