Add pipeline promoting docker images

Change-Id: I3df87e1f1aa08fb7f23020215d404db55e45713a
diff --git a/artifactory-promote-docker-image.groovy b/artifactory-promote-docker-image.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e278f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/artifactory-promote-docker-image.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ *
+ * Promote docker image from one artifactory repository (development) to
+ * another (production)
+ *
+ * Expected parameters:
+ *   REPO_SRC          Source Artifactory repository (default 'docker-dev-local')
+ *   REPO_DST          Destination Artifactory repository (default 'docker-prod-local')
+ *   IMAGE_SRC         Source image name (without docker registry!) to promote (required)
+ *   IMAGE_DST         Destination image (default same as IMAGE_SRC)
+ *
+ *   COPY_IMAGE        Copy image instead of moving (default 'true')
+ *
+ *   ARTIFACTORY_URL   Base URL of Artifactory instance, i.e. without `/api/...` path.
+ *                       (default '')
+ *   ARTIFACTORY_CREDS Credentials to login into Artifactory (default 'artifactory')
+ *
+ *   SLAVE_LABEL       Label of the slave to run job (default 'master')
+ *
+ *   Slave requirements: curl installed
+ *
+ */
+import groovy.json.JsonOutput
+String repo_src = env.REPO_SRC ?: 'docker-dev-local'
+String repo_dst = env.REPO_DST ?: 'docker-prod-local'
+String image_src = env.IMAGE_SRC
+String image_dst = env.IMAGE_DST ?: env.IMAGE_SRC
+boolean copy_image = env.COPY_IMAGE.asBoolean() ?: true
+String artifactory_url = env.ARTIFACTORY_URL ?: ''
+String artifactory_creds = env.ARTIFACTORY_CREDS ?: 'artifactory'
+String slave_label = env.SLAVE_LABEL ?: 'master'
+// Delimiter for splitting docker image name and tag (to avoid codeNarc DRY warning)
+String _colon = ':'
+String img_src_name, img_src_tag
+String img_dst_name, img_dst_tag
+node(slave_label) {
+    (img_src_name, img_src_tag) = image_src.tokenize(_colon)
+    (img_dst_name, img_dst_tag) = image_dst.tokenize(_colon)
+    String api_req = JsonOutput.toJson([
+        targetRepo: repo_dst,
+        dockerRepository: img_src_name,
+        targetDockerRepository: img_dst_name,
+        tag: img_src_tag,
+        targetTag: img_dst_tag,
+        copy: copy_image,
+    ])
+    withCredentials([usernameColonPassword(credentialsId: artifactory_creds, variable: 'USERPASS')]) {
+        sh """
+            curl -fLsS \
+                -u \$USERPASS \
+                -X POST -d '${api_req}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+                '${artifactory_url}api/docker/${repo_src}/v2/promote'
+        """
+    }