Compare pillars with old and new Reclass packages during upgrade
During upgrade compare pillars for current Reclass package and new
one to find possible problems.
Related-Prod: PROD-22115 (PROD:22115)
Change-Id: If539e14bca021f8c441f97d75fcfac585df1acf8
diff --git a/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy b/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy
index fa6e89e..705eef8 100644
--- a/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy
+++ b/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy
@@ -67,11 +67,12 @@
def validateReclassModel(ArrayList saltMinions, String suffix) {
try {
- for(String minion in saltMinions) {
- common.infoMsg("Reclass model validation for minion ${minion}...")
- def ret = salt.cmdRun(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "reclass -n ${minion}", true, null, false)
- def reclassInv = ret.values()[0]
- writeFile file: "inventory-${minion}-${suffix}.out", text: reclassInv.toString()
+ dir(suffix) {
+ for(String minion in saltMinions) {
+ common.infoMsg("Reclass model validation for minion ${minion}...")
+ def ret = salt.cmdRun("${workspace}/${venvPepper}", 'I@salt:master', "reclass -n ${minion}", true, null, false).get('return')[0].values()[0]
+ writeFile file: minion, text: ret.toString()
+ }
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg('Can not validate current Reclass model. Inspect failed minion manually.')
@@ -79,12 +80,17 @@
-def archiveReclassModelChanges(ArrayList saltMinions, String oldSuffix='before', String newSuffix='after') {
- for(String minion in saltMinions) {
- def fileName = "reclass-model-${minion}-diff.out"
- sh "diff -u inventory-${minion}-${oldSuffix}.out inventory-${minion}-${newSuffix}.out > ${fileName} || true"
- archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${fileName}"
+def archiveReclassModelChanges(ArrayList saltMinions, String oldSuffix, String newSuffix) {
+ def diffDir = 'diff'
+ dir(diffDir) {
+ for(String minion in saltMinions) {
+ def fileName = "reclass-model-${minion}-diff.out"
+ sh "diff -u ${workspace}/${oldSuffix}/${minion} ${workspace}/${newSuffix}/${minion} > ${fileName} || true"
+ }
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${workspace}/${oldSuffix}"
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${workspace}/${newSuffix}"
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${workspace}/${diffDir}"
if (common.validInputParam('PIPELINE_TIMEOUT')) {
@@ -96,9 +102,10 @@
timeout(time: pipelineTimeout, unit: 'HOURS') {
- node("python") {
+ node("python && docker") {
try {
workspace = common.getWorkspace()
+ deleteDir()
targetMcpVersion = null
if (!common.validInputParam('TARGET_MCP_VERSION') && !common.validInputParam('MCP_VERSION')) {
error('You must specify MCP version in TARGET_MCP_VERSION|MCP_VERSION variable')
@@ -156,15 +163,18 @@
python.setupPepperVirtualenv(venvPepper, saltMastURL, saltMastCreds)
+ def pillarsBeforeSuffix = 'pillarsBefore'
+ def pillarsAfterSuffix = 'pillarsAfter'
def inventoryBeforeFilename = "reclass-inventory-before.out"
def inventoryAfterFilename = "reclass-inventory-after.out"
def minions = salt.getMinions(venvPepper, '*')
+ def cluster_name = salt.getPillar(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "_param:cluster_name").get("return")[0].values()[0]
stage("Update Reclass and Salt-Formulas ") {
- validateReclassModel(minions, 'before')
+ validateReclassModel(minions, pillarsBeforeSuffix)
+ archiveReclassInventory(inventoryBeforeFilename)
- def cluster_name = salt.getPillar(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "_param:cluster_name").get("return")[0].values()[0]
try {
salt.cmdRun(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "cd /srv/salt/reclass/ && git diff-index --quiet HEAD --")
@@ -215,9 +225,109 @@
"git add -u && git commit --allow-empty -m 'Cluster model update to the release $targetMcpVersion on $dateTime'")
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', 'saltutil.refresh_pillar')
+ try {
+ salt.enforceState(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', 'linux.system.repo')
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ common.errorMsg("Something wrong with model after UPDATE_CLUSTER_MODEL step. Please check model.")
+ throw e
+ }
+ common.infoMsg('Running a check for compatibility with new Reclass/Salt-Formulas packages')
+ def saltModelDir = 'salt-model'
+ def nodesArtifact = 'pillarsFromValidation.tar.gz'
+ def reclassModel = 'reclassModel.tar.gz'
+ def pillarsAfterValidation = 'pillarsFromValidation'
+ try {
+ def repos = salt.getPillar(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "linux:system:repo").get("return")[0].values()[0]
+ def cfgInfo = salt.getPillar(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "reclass:storage:node:infra_cfg01_node").get("return")[0].values()[0]
+ def docker_image_for_test = salt.getPillar(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "_param:docker_image_cvp_sanity_checks").get("return")[0].values()[0]
+ def saltModelTesting = new
+ def config = [
+ 'dockerHostname': "cfg01",
+ 'distribRevision': "${targetMcpVersion}",
+ 'baseRepoPreConfig': true,
+ 'extraRepoMergeStrategy': 'override',
+ 'dockerContainerName': 'new-reclass-package-check',
+ 'dockerMaxCpus': 1,
+ 'image': docker_image_for_test,
+ 'dockerExtraOpts': [
+ "-v ${env.WORKSPACE}/${saltModelDir}:/srv/salt/reclass",
+ "--entrypoint ''",
+ ],
+ 'extraRepos': ['repo': repos, 'aprConfD': "APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated 'true';" ],
+ 'envOpts': [ "CLUSTER_NAME=${cluster_name}", "NODES_ARTIFACT_NAME=${nodesArtifact}" ]
+ ]
+ def tarName = '/tmp/currentModel.tar.gz'
+ salt.cmdRun(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "tar -cf ${tarName} --mode='a+rwX' --directory=/srv/salt/reclass classes")
+ if (cfgInfo == '') {
+ // case for old setups when cfg01 node model was static
+ def node_name = salt.getPillar(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "linux:system:name").get("return")[0].values()[0]
+ def node_domain = salt.getPillar(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "linux:system:domain").get("return")[0].values()[0]
+ salt.cmdRun(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "tar -rf ${tarName} --mode='a+rwX' --directory=/srv/salt/reclass nodes/${node_name}.${node_domain}.yml")
+ config['envOpts'].add("CFG_NODE_NAME=${node_name}.${node_domain}")
+ }
+ def modelHash = salt.cmdRun(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "cat ${tarName} | gzip -9 -c | base64", false, null, false).get('return')[0].values()[0]
+ writeFile file: 'modelHash', text: modelHash
+ sh "cat modelHash | base64 -d | gzip -d > ${reclassModel}"
+ sh "mkdir ${saltModelDir} && tar -xf ${reclassModel} -C ${saltModelDir}"
+ config['runCommands'] = [
+ '001_Install_Salt_Reclass_Packages': { sh('apt-get install -y reclass salt-formula-*') },
+ '002_Get_new_nodes': {
+ try {
+ sh('''#!/bin/bash
+ new_generated_dir=/srv/salt/_new_nodes
+ new_pillar_dir=/srv/salt/_new_pillar
+ reclass_classes=/srv/salt/reclass/classes/
+ mkdir -p ${new_generated_dir} ${new_pillar_dir}
+ nodegenerator -b ${reclass_classes} -o ${new_generated_dir} ${CLUSTER_NAME}
+ for node in $(ls ${new_generated_dir}); do
+ nodeName=$(basename -s .yml ${node})
+ reclass -n ${nodeName} -c ${reclass_classes} -u ${new_generated_dir} > ${new_pillar_dir}/${nodeName}
+ done
+ if [[ -n "${CFG_NODE_NAME}" ]]; then
+ reclass -n ${CFG_NODE_NAME} -c ${reclass_classes} -u /srv/salt/reclass/nodes > ${new_pillar_dir}/${CFG_NODE_NAME}
+ fi
+ tar -czf /tmp/${NODES_ARTIFACT_NAME} -C ${new_pillar_dir}/ .
+ ''')
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ print "Test new nodegenerator tool is failed: ${e}"
+ throw e
+ }
+ },
+ ]
+ config['runFinally'] = [ '001_Archive_nodegenerator_artefact': {
+ sh(script: "mv /tmp/${nodesArtifact} ${env.WORKSPACE}/${nodesArtifact}")
+ archiveArtifacts artifacts: nodesArtifact
+ }]
+ saltModelTesting.setupDockerAndTest(config)
+ sh "mkdir -p ${pillarsAfterValidation} && tar -xf ${nodesArtifact} --dir ${pillarsAfterValidation}/"
+ def changesFound = false
+ for(String minion in minions) {
+ try {
+ sh (script:"diff -u -w -I '^Salt command execution success' -I '^ node: ' -I '^ uri: ' -I '^ timestamp: ' ${pillarsBeforeSuffix}/${minion} ${pillarsAfterValidation}/${minion}", returnStdout: true)
+ } catch(Exception e) {
+ changesFound = true
+ common.errorMsg("Found diff changes for ${minion} minion")
+ }
+ }
+ if (changesFound) {
+ common.warningMsg('Found diff changes between current pillar data and updated. Inspect logs above.')
+ input message: 'Continue anyway?'
+ } else {
+ common.infoMsg('Diff between current pillar data and updated one - not found.')
+ }
+ } catch (Exception updateErr) {
+ common.warningMsg(updateErr)
+ common.warningMsg('Failed to validate update Salt Formulas repos/packages.')
+ input message: 'Continue anyway?'
+ } finally {
+ sh "rm -rf ${saltModelDir} ${nodesArtifact} ${pillarsAfterValidation} ${reclassModel}"
+ }
try {
common.infoMsg('Perform: UPDATE Salt Formulas')
- salt.enforceState(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', 'linux.system.repo')
def saltEnv = salt.getPillar(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "_param:salt_master_base_environment").get("return")[0].values()[0]
salt.runSaltProcessStep(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', 'state.sls_id', ["salt_master_${saltEnv}_pkg_formulas",'salt.master.env'])
} catch (Exception updateErr) {
@@ -226,8 +336,6 @@
input message: 'Continue anyway?'
- archiveReclassInventory(inventoryBeforeFilename)
try {
common.infoMsg('Perform: UPDATE Reclass package')
salt.runSaltProcessStep(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', 'pkg.install', ["reclass"])
@@ -260,12 +368,11 @@
sh "diff -u $inventoryBeforeFilename $inventoryAfterFilename > reclass-inventory-diff.out || true"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "reclass-inventory-diff.out"
- validateReclassModel(minions, 'after')
- archiveReclassModelChanges(minions)
+ validateReclassModel(minions, pillarsAfterSuffix)
+ archiveReclassModelChanges(minions, pillarsBeforeSuffix, pillarsAfterSuffix)
if (updateLocalRepos) {
- def cluster_name = salt.getPillar(venvPepper, 'I@salt:master', "_param:cluster_name").get("return")[0].values()[0]
stage("Update local repos") {
common.infoMsg("Updating local repositories")