Force update python-jenkins for mcp upgrade
New version of the python-jenkins package contains updated
authentification method with crumb. We need to install it first
for successfully work with new Jenkins
Change-Id: I5e2986cc1be012c2c4def7a95515384a86cb5e73
Related-PROD: PROD-34651
diff --git a/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy b/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy
index 9e41f50..5db2eb2 100644
--- a/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy
+++ b/upgrade-mcp-release.groovy
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@
// Apply changes for HaProxy on CI/CD nodes
salt.enforceState(venvPepper, 'I@keepalived:cluster:instance:cicd_control_vip and I@haproxy:proxy', 'haproxy.proxy', true)
+ salt.upgradePackageAndRestartSaltMinion(venvPepper, 'I@jenkins:client and not I@salt:master', 'python-jenkins')
salt.enforceState(venvPepper, 'I@jenkins:client and not I@salt:master', 'jenkins.client', true, true, null, false, 60, 2)
// update Nginx proxy settings for Jenkins/Gerrit if needed