Fix properties setting in  `docker-images-mirror`

Use digest from `docker push` shell output instead of using `docker inspect`,
because `inspect` returns all the repo digests including ones from other
registries and/or other names/tags.

Change-Id: I2c2308155f5c592d65ec05e937c7740df0252124
diff --git a/docker-mirror-images.groovy b/docker-mirror-images.groovy
index 636c666..35d6c9b 100644
--- a/docker-mirror-images.groovy
+++ b/docker-mirror-images.groovy
@@ -81,10 +81,16 @@
                     // Use sh-docker call for tag, due magic code in plugin:
                     sh("docker tag ${} ${targetImageFull}")
+                    String unique_image_id
                     common.infoMsg("Attempt to push docker image into remote registry: ${env.REGISTRY_URL}")
                     common.retry(3, 5) {
                         docker.withRegistry(env.REGISTRY_URL, env.TARGET_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS_ID) {
-                            sh("docker push ${targetImageFull}")
+                            unique_image_id = sh(
+                                script: "docker push ${targetImageFull}",
+                                returnStdout: true,
+                            ).readLines().last().tokenize(' ')[2]
+                            // This ^^^ will get digest from the last line of shell output
+                            // <tag>: digest: <unique_image_id> size: <size>
                     def buildTime = new Date().format("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.SSS", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
@@ -93,10 +99,6 @@
                         common.infoMsg("Processing artifactory props for : ${targetImageFull}")
                         LinkedHashMap artifactoryProperties = [:]
                         // Get digest of pushed image
-                        String unique_image_id = sh(
-                            script: "docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}' '${targetImageFull}'",
-                            returnStdout: true,
-                        ).trim()
                         def image_sha256 = unique_image_id.tokenize(':')[1]
                         def ret = new URL("https://${targetRegistry}/artifactory/api/search/checksum?sha256=${image_sha256}").getText()
                         // Most probably, we would get many images, especially for external images. We need to guess