Optimize openscap pipeline
- less trips to Salt API
- run given benchmark on all target minons at once
- do not fetch json results file via salt,
read it from already fetched and unpacked archive
- less spamming of logs
Change-Id: I348c2ec282ca90f16adf18e78577615a36f1cbfe
diff --git a/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy b/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy
index c57e67d..8b2f0e4 100644
--- a/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/test-openscap-pipeline.groovy
@@ -161,40 +161,44 @@
def reportId
- for (minion in liveMinions) {
+ // Iterate oscap evaluation over the benchmarks
+ for (benchmark in benchmarksAndProfilesArray) {
+ def (benchmarkFilePath, profile) = benchmark.tokenize(',').collect({it.trim()})
- // Iterate oscap evaluation over the benchmarks
- for (benchmark in benchmarksAndProfilesArray) {
- def (benchmarkFilePath, profile) = benchmark.tokenize(',').collect({it.trim()})
+ // Remove extension from the benchmark name
+ def benchmarkPathWithoutExtension = benchmarkFilePath.replaceFirst('[.][^.]+$', '')
- // Remove extension from the benchmark name
- def benchmarkPathWithoutExtension = benchmarkFilePath.replaceFirst('[.][^.]+$', '')
+ // Get benchmark name
+ def benchmarkName = benchmarkPathWithoutExtension.tokenize('/')[-1]
- // Get benchmark name
- def benchmarkName = benchmarkPathWithoutExtension.tokenize('/')[-1]
+ // And build resultsDir based on this path
+ def resultsDir = "${resultsBaseDir}/${benchmarkPathWithoutExtension}"
- // And build resultsDir based on this path
- def resultsDir = "${resultsBaseDir}/${benchmarkPathWithoutExtension}"
+ def benchmarkFile = "${benchmarksDir}${benchmarkFilePath}"
- def benchmarkFile = "${benchmarksDir}${benchmarkFilePath}"
+ // Evaluate the benchmark on all minions at once
+ salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, targetServers, 'oscap.eval', [
+ 'xccdf', benchmarkFile, "results_dir=${resultsDir}",
+ "profile=${profile}", "xccdf_version=${xccdfVersion}",
+ "tailoring_id=${xccdfTailoringId}"
+ ])
+ // fetch, store and publish results one by one
+ for (minion in liveMinions) {
def nodeShortName = minion.tokenize('.')[0]
def archiveName = "${scanUUID}_${nodeShortName}_${benchmarkName}.tar"
+ def localResultsDir = "${artifactsDir}/${scanUUID}/${nodeShortName}"
- // Evaluate the benchmark
- salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, minion, 'oscap.eval', [
- 'xccdf', benchmarkFile, "results_dir=${resultsDir}",
- "profile=${profile}", "xccdf_version=${xccdfVersion}",
- "tailoring_id=${xccdfTailoringId}"
- ])
+ // TODO(pas-ha) when using Salt >= 2017.7.0, use file.read(path) module
+ // also investigate compressing to gz/xz and reading with binary=True (for less traffic)
salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, minion, "tar -cf /tmp/${archiveName} -C ${resultsBaseDir} .")
- fileContents = salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, minion, "cat /tmp/${archiveName}", true, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success', '')
+ // NOTE(pas-ha) salt.getFileContent does not pass extra args to cmdRun that we need
+ fileContents = salt.getFileContent(pepperEnv, minion, "/tmp/${archiveName}", true, null, false)
- sh "mkdir -p ${artifactsDir}/${scanUUID}/${nodeShortName}"
+ sh "mkdir -p ${localResultsDir}"
writeFile file: "${archiveName}", text: fileContents
- sh "tar --strip-components 1 -xf ${archiveName} --directory ${artifactsDir}/${scanUUID}/${nodeShortName}; rm -f ${archiveName}"
+ sh "tar --strip-components 1 -xf ${archiveName} --directory ${localResultsDir}; rm -f ${archiveName}"
// Remove archive which is not needed anymore
salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, minion, 'file.remove', "/tmp/${archiveName}")
@@ -203,7 +207,8 @@
if (UPLOAD_TO_DASHBOARD.toBoolean()) {
if (common.validInputParam('DASHBOARD_API_URL')) {
def cloudName = salt.getGrain(pepperEnv, minion, 'domain')['return'][0].values()[0].values()[0]
- reportId = uploadResultToDashboard(DASHBOARD_API_URL, cloudName, minion, "openscap", reportId, salt.getFileContent(pepperEnv, minion, "${resultsDir}/results.json"))
+ def nodeResults = readFile "${localResultsDir}/${benchmarkPathWithoutExtension}/results.json"
+ reportId = uploadResultToDashboard(DASHBOARD_API_URL, cloudName, minion, "openscap", reportId, nodeResults)
} else {
throw new Exception('Uploading to the dashboard is enabled but the DASHBOARD_API_URL was not set')