Re-download pushed docker image to recalculate sha1 hash

Newest artifactory could compless docker layers to reduce size of stored
objects. In this case sha1 will be changed which pipeline logic couldn't
handle. Repulling new tag should fix this issue.


Change-Id: Ibc2be14d433af44a8c90cd22a6fd1850a473e891
diff --git a/docker-mirror-images.groovy b/docker-mirror-images.groovy
index 163ec5a..0fe777f 100644
--- a/docker-mirror-images.groovy
+++ b/docker-mirror-images.groovy
@@ -126,6 +126,9 @@
                     def buildTime = new Date().format("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.SSS", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
                     if (setDefaultArtifactoryProperties) {
+                        common.infoMsg("Re-pulling uploaded image ${targetImageFull} (WA for probably changed hash)")
+                        sh("docker image rm ${targetImageFull} || true")
+                        sh("docker pull ${targetImageFull}")
                         common.infoMsg("Processing artifactory props for : ${targetImageFull}")
                         LinkedHashMap artifactoryProperties = [:]
                         def tgtImageInfo = getImageInfo(targetImageFull)