Merge "Add class filer for k8s pipelines."
diff --git a/branch-git-repos.groovy b/branch-git-repos.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47c143a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/branch-git-repos.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * (Re-)Create git branches
+ *
+ * @param GIT_REPO_LIST   List of repositories to handle
+ *     Multiline text: '<name> <url> <src_obj>' (full format)
+ *                 or: '<url>' (assuming src_obj=='SUBS_SOURCE_REF')
+ * @param GIT_CREDENTIALS Credentials ID to use for the ALL given repositories
+ * @param BRANCH          New branch name
+ * @param SOURCE_REVISION Source object (commit/tag/branch) to apply to all repos
+ *     having empty src_obj or src_obj=='SUBS_SOURCE_REF'
+ *
+ * @see <a href="">PROD-17759</a>
+ */
+// Get job environment to use as a map to get values with defaults
+Map jobEnv = env.getEnvironment().findAll { k, v -> v }
+// Prepare job parameters
+ArrayList gitRepoList   = jobEnv.get('GIT_REPO_LIST', '').readLines()
+String gitBranchNew     = jobEnv.get('BRANCH')
+String srcObj           = jobEnv.get('SOURCE_REVISION', 'master')
+String gitCredentialsId = jobEnv.get('GIT_CREDENTIALS')
+// Check if new branch name is given
+if (! gitBranchNew) {
+    error ('No new branch name is given')
+ * Returns local path for the given URL constructed from hostname and repository
+ *
+ * @param  repoUrl git repository URL
+ * @return string representing local relative patch
+ */
+String getRepoLocalPath(String repoUrl) {
+    // Regex to split git repository URLs
+    String re = '^(?:(?<proto>[a-z]+)://)?(?:(?<creds>[^@]+)@)?(?<host>[^:/]+)(?::(?<port>[0-9]+)/|[:/])(?<repo>.+)$'
+    java.util.regex.Matcher urlMatcher = repoUrl =~ re
+    if (urlMatcher.matches()) {
+        return new File(
+  'host'),
+  'repo').replaceAll(/\.git$/,'')
+        ).toString()
+    } else {
+        return ''
+    }
+// Variables to use as repo parameters
+String gitRepoName
+String gitRepoUrl
+String gitSrcObj
+// Store current commit SHA
+String gitCommit
+node() {
+    for (gitRepo in gitRepoList) {
+        (gitRepoName, gitRepoUrl, gitSrcObj) = gitRepo.trim().tokenize(' ')
+        if (gitRepoName.startsWith('#')){
+            echo ("Skipping repo '${gitRepo}'")
+            continue
+        }
+        if (! gitRepoUrl) {
+        // The only token is the git repo url
+            gitRepoUrl = gitRepoName
+            gitRepoName = getRepoLocalPath(gitRepoUrl)
+            gitSrcObj = srcObj
+        } else if (! gitSrcObj) {
+        // Two tokens - can't decide is gitRepoName or gitSrcObj given
+            error ("Wrong repository string format: '${gitRepo}'")
+        }
+        if (gitSrcObj.contains('SUBS_SOURCE_REF')) {
+            echo ("Replacing 'SUBS_SOURCE_REF' => ${SOURCE_REVISION}")
+            gitSrcObj = gitSrcObj.replace('SUBS_SOURCE_REF', srcObj)
+        }
+        // Remove preifix `origin/` from gitSrcObj
+        java.util.regex.Pattern reOrigin = ~'^origin/'
+        gitSrcObj = gitSrcObj - reOrigin
+        checkout([
+            $class: 'GitSCM',
+            branches: [
+                [name: 'FETCH_HEAD'],
+            ],
+            userRemoteConfigs: [
+                [url: gitRepoUrl, refspec: gitSrcObj, credentialsId: gitCredentialsId],
+            ],
+            extensions: [
+                [$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'],
+                [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: gitRepoName],
+                [$class: 'SubmoduleOption', disableSubmodules: true],
+                [$class: 'UserIdentity', name: 'MCP CI', email: ''],
+            ],
+        ])
+        // Proceed branch creation
+        dir(gitRepoName) {
+            sshagent (credentials: [gitCredentialsId]) {
+                // FIXME: Ensure git has configured user and email
+                // See:
+                sh 'git config "MCP CI"'
+                sh 'git config ""'
+                // Update list of branches
+                sh 'git remote update origin --prune'
+                // Ensure there is no branch or tag with gitBranchNew name
+                sh "git branch -d '${gitBranchNew}' && git push origin ':${gitBranchNew}' || :"
+                sh "git tag    -d '${gitBranchNew}' && git push origin ':refs/tags/${gitBranchNew}' || :"
+                // Check if gitSrcObj is a branch
+                gitCommit = sh (script: "git ls-remote --heads --quiet origin '${gitSrcObj}' | awk '{print \$1}'",
+                                returnStdout: true).trim()
+                if (gitCommit) {
+                // Rename existing branch
+                    sh "git checkout -b '${gitSrcObj}' -t 'origin/${gitSrcObj}'" // Checkout old branch
+                    sh "git branch -m '${gitSrcObj}' '${gitBranchNew}'"          // ... rename it
+                    sh "git push origin ':${gitSrcObj}'"                         // ... remove old remote branch
+                } else {
+                // Create new branch
+                    sh "git checkout -b '${gitBranchNew}' '${gitSrcObj}'"        // Create new local branch
+                }
+                sh "git push origin '${gitBranchNew}'"                           // ... push new branch
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/cloud-update.groovy b/cloud-update.groovy
index 19d563f..2729d98 100644
--- a/cloud-update.groovy
+++ b/cloud-update.groovy
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
  *   RESTORE_GALERA             Restore Galera DB (bool)
  *   RESTORE_CONTRAIL_DB        Restore Cassandra and Zookeeper DBs for OpenContrail (bool)
  *   RUN_CVP_TESTS              Run cloud validation pipelines before and after upgrade
+ *   MINIONS_TEST_TIMEOUT       Time in seconds for a Salt result to receive a response when calling a minionsReachable method.
 def common = new
@@ -57,6 +58,11 @@
 def command
 def commandKwargs
+def wait = 10
+if (common.validInputParam('MINIONS_TEST_TIMEOUT') && MINIONS_TEST_TIMEOUT.isInteger()) {
+    wait = "${MINIONS_TEST_TIMEOUT}".toInteger()
 def updatePkgs(pepperEnv, target, targetType="", targetPackages="") {
     def salt = new
     def common = new
@@ -153,11 +159,11 @@
         if (targetType == 'cfg') {
             common.warningMsg('salt-master pkg upgrade, rerun the pipeline if disconnected')
             salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, target, 'pkg.install', ['salt-master'], null, true, 5)
-            salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', '*')
+            salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', '*', null, wait)
         // salt minion pkg
         salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, target, 'pkg.install', ['salt-minion'], null, true, 5)
-        salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', target)
+        salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', target, null, wait)
         common.infoMsg('Performing pkg upgrades ... ')
             out = salt.runSaltCommand(pepperEnv, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], command, true, packages, commandKwargs)
@@ -317,7 +323,7 @@
                     out = salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, target, '', [args + ' install salt-minion'], null, true, 5)
-                salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', target)
+                salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', target, null, wait)
                     out = salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, target, '', [args + ' install ' + packages])
@@ -433,7 +439,7 @@
     while(count < maxRetries) {
         try {
-            salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', target)
+            salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', target, null, wait)
         } catch (Exception e) {
             common.warningMsg("${target} not ready yet. Waiting ...")
@@ -483,7 +489,7 @@
             } else {
                 salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, target, 'system.reboot', null, null, true, 5)
                 sleep 10
-                salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', target)
+                salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', target, null, wait)
@@ -541,7 +547,7 @@
             virsh.liveSnapshotMerge(pepperEnv, nodeProvider, target, SNAPSHOT_NAME)
-    salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', tgt)
+    salt.minionsReachable(pepperEnv, 'I@salt:master', tgt, null, wait)
diff --git a/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy b/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
index 553029e..0924951 100644
--- a/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
+++ b/generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 // options from CC contexts
 // currently, just mix them together in one set
 def testCfg01ExtraFormulas = 'glusterfs jenkins logrotate maas ntp rsyslog fluentd telegraf prometheus ' +
-                             'grafana backupninja auditd'
+                             'grafana backupninja'
 timeout(time: 2, unit: 'HOURS') {
@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@
         user = env.BUILD_USER_ID
+      if (mcpVersion != '2018.4.0') {
+        testCfg01ExtraFormulas += ' auditd'
+      }
       currentBuild.description = clusterName
       print("Using context:\n" + COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT)
diff --git a/git-merge-branches-pipeline.groovy b/git-merge-branches-pipeline.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index d1c3ee2..0000000
--- a/git-merge-branches-pipeline.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * Git merge branches pipeline
- * REPO_URL - Repository URL
- * TARGET_BRANCH - Target branch for merging
- * SOURCE_BRANCH - The branch will be merged to TARGET_BRANCH
- * CREDENTIALS_ID - Used credentails ID
- *
-def common = new
-def git = new
-timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
-  node {
-    try{
-      stage("checkout") {
-        git.checkoutGitRepository('repo', REPO_URL, TARGET_BRANCH, IMAGE_CREDENTIALS_ID)
-      }
-      stage("merge") {
-        dir("repo"){
-          sh("git fetch origin/${SOURCE_BRANCH} && git merge ${SOURCE_BRANCH} && git push origin ${TARGET_BRANCH}")
-        }
-      }
-    } catch (Throwable e) {
-       // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
-       currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
-       currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
-       throw e
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/promote-mirror-ubuntu-related.groovy b/promote-mirror-ubuntu-related.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd663cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/promote-mirror-ubuntu-related.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ *
+ * Promote Ubuntu-related mirrors in same time.
+ * Promote ubuntu|maas|maas-ephermal should be always together.
+ *
+ * Expected parameters:
+ *   SNAPSHOT_NAME - Snapshot name to set
+ *   SNAPSHOT_ID   - Set name for specified snapshot ID
+ */
+common = new
+timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
+    node() {
+        stage("Promote") {
+            catchError {
+                for (String jobname : ['mirror-snapshot-name-maas-xenial', 'mirror-snapshot-name-ubuntu', 'mirror-snapshot-name-maas-ephemeral-v3']) {
+                    build job: jobname, parameters: [
+                        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SNAPSHOT_NAME', value: SNAPSHOT_NAME],
+                        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SNAPSHOT_ID', value: SNAPSHOT_ID],
+                    ]
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/promote-vcp-images.groovy b/promote-vcp-images.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..181eafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/promote-vcp-images.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ *
+ * Promote VCP(qcow2) images
+ *
+ * Expected parameters:
+ *   VCP_IMAGE_LIST - multiline with qcow2 file names
+ *   TAG            - Target tag of image.Possible are: "nightly|testing|proposed|201X.X.X"
+ *   SOURCE_TAG     - Initial tag to be tagged with TAG. Will replace SUBS_SOURCE_VCP_IMAGE_TAG in VCP_IMAGE_LIST
+ *   UPLOAD_URL     - WebDav url with creds, from\to download images
+ *
+ */
+def common = new
+def jenkinsUtils = new
+// Better to chose slave with ssd and fast network to webDav host
+slaveNode = env.SLAVE_NODE ?: ''
+def job_env = env.getEnvironment().findAll { k, v -> v }
+def verify = job_env.VERIFY_DOWNLOAD ?: true
+timeout(time: 6, unit: 'HOURS') {
+    node(slaveNode) {
+        String description = ''
+        insufficientPermissions = false
+        try {
+            // Pre-run verify
+            // promote is restricted to users in aptly-promote-users LDAP group
+            if (!jenkinsUtils.currentUserInGroups(["mcp-cicd-admins", "aptly-promote-users"])) {
+                insufficientPermissions = true
+                error(String.format("You don't have permissions to make promote from source:%s to target:%s! Only CI/CD and QA team can perform promote.", job_env.SOURCE_TAG, job_env.TAG))
+            }
+            // Check for required opts
+            for (opt in ['UPLOAD_URL', 'SOURCE_TAG', 'TAG', 'VCP_IMAGE_LIST']) {
+                if (!job_env.get(opt, null)) {
+                    error("Invalid input params, at least ${opt} param missing")
+                }
+            }
+            def images = job_env.VCP_IMAGE_LIST.trim().tokenize()
+            for (image in images) {
+                if (image.startsWith('#')) {
+                    common.warningMsg("Skipping image ${image}")
+                    continue
+                }
+                common.infoMsg("Replacing SUBS_SOURCE_VCP_IMAGE_TAG => ${job_env.SOURCE_TAG}")
+                sourceImage = image.replace('SUBS_SOURCE_VCP_IMAGE_TAG', job_env.SOURCE_TAG)
+                targetImage = image.replace('SUBS_SOURCE_VCP_IMAGE_TAG', job_env.TAG)
+                // TODO: normalize url's?
+                sourceImageUrl = job_env.UPLOAD_URL + '/' + sourceImage
+                sourceImageMd5Url = job_env.UPLOAD_URL + '/' + sourceImage + '.md5'
+                targetImageUrl = job_env.UPLOAD_URL + '/' + targetImage
+                targetImageMd5Url = job_env.UPLOAD_URL + '/' + targetImage + '.md5'
+                common.infoMsg("Attempt to download: ${sourceImage} => ${targetImage}")
+                common.retry(3, 5) {
+                    sh(script: "wget --progress=dot:giga --auth-no-challenge -O ${targetImage} ${sourceImageUrl}")
+                }
+                def targetImageMd5 = common.cutOrDie("md5sum ${targetImage} | tee ${targetImage}.md5", 0)
+                if (verify.toBoolean()) {
+                    common.infoMsg("Checking md5's ")
+                    sh(script: "wget --progress=dot:giga --auth-no-challenge -O ${targetImage}_source_md5 ${sourceImageMd5Url}")
+                    def sourceImageMd5 = readFile(file: "${targetImage}_source_md5").tokenize(' ')[0]
+                    // Compare downloaded and remote files
+                    if (sourceImageMd5 != targetImageMd5) {
+                        error("Image ${targetImage} md5sum verify failed!")
+                    } else {
+                        common.infoMsg("sourceImageMd5: ${sourceImageMd5} == target to upload ImageMd5: ${targetImageMd5}")
+                    }
+                    // Compare downloaded file, and remote file-to-be-promoted. If same - no sense to promote same file
+                    remoteImageMd5Status = sh(script: "wget --progress=dot:giga --auth-no-challenge -O ${targetImage}_expected_target_md5 ${targetImageMd5Url}", returnStatus: true)
+                    if (remoteImageMd5Status == '8') {
+                        common.infoMsg("target to upload ImageMd5 file not even exist.Continue..")
+                    } else {
+                        def remoteImageMd5 = readFile(file: "${targetImage}_expected_target_md5").tokenize(' ')[0]
+                        if (sourceImageMd5 == remoteImageMd5) {
+                            common.infoMsg("sourceImageMd5: ${sourceImageMd5} and target to upload ImageMd5: ${targetImageMd5} are same")
+                            common.warningMsg("Skipping to upload: ${targetImage} since it already same")
+                            description += "Skipping to upload: ${targetImage} since it already same\n"
+                            continue
+                        }
+                    }
+                    common.infoMsg("Check, that we are not going to overwrite released file..")
+                    if (['proposed', 'testing', 'nightly'].contains(job_env.TAG)) {
+                        common.infoMsg("Uploading to ${job_env.TAG} looks safe..")
+                    } else if (['stable'].contains(job_env.TAG)) {
+                        common.warningMsg("Uploading to ${job_env.TAG} not safe! But still possible")
+                    } else {
+                        common.warningMsg("Looks like uploading to new release: ${job_env.TAG}. Checking, that it is not exist yet..")
+                        remoteImageStatus = ''
+                        remoteImageStatus = sh(script: "wget  --auth-no-challenge --spider ${targetImageUrl} 2>/dev/null", returnStatus: true)
+                        // wget return code 8 ,if file not exist
+                        if (remoteImageStatus != '8') {
+                            error("Attempt to overwrite existing release! Target: ${targetImage} already exist!")
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                common.infoMsg("Attempt to UPLOAD: ${targetImage} => ${targetImageUrl}")
+                //
+                def uploadImageStatus = ''
+                def uploadImageMd5Status = ''
+                common.retry(3, 5) {
+                    uploadImageStatus = sh(script: "curl -f -T ${targetImage} ${job_env.UPLOAD_URL}", returnStatus: true)
+                    if (uploadImageStatus != 0) {
+                        error("Uploading file: ${targetImage} failed!")
+                    }
+                }
+                uploadImageMd5Status = sh(script: "curl -f -T ${targetImage}.md5 ${job_env.UPLOAD_URL}", returnStatus: true)
+                if (uploadImageMd5Status != 0) {
+                    error("Uploading file: ${targetImage}.md5 failed!")
+                }
+                description += "<a href='${targetImage}'>${job_env.SOURCE_TAG}=>${targetImage}</a>"
+            }
+            currentBuild.description = description
+        } catch (Throwable e) {
+            // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
+            if (insufficientPermissions) {
+                currentBuild.result = "ABORTED"
+                currentBuild.description = "Promote aborted due to insufficient permissions"
+            } else {
+                currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
+                currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
+            }
+            throw e
+        }
+        finally {
+            common.infoMsg("Cleanup..")
+            sh(script: 'find . -mindepth 1 -delete > /dev/null || true')
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/release-mcp-version.groovy b/release-mcp-version.groovy
index b1b3d77..1972465 100644
--- a/release-mcp-version.groovy
+++ b/release-mcp-version.groovy
@@ -16,92 +16,104 @@
+ *   VCP_IMAGE_LIST - list of images
+ *   RELEASE_VCP_IMAGES - boolean
+ */
 common = new
 git = new
-def triggerAptlyPromoteJob(aptlyUrl, components, diffOnly, dumpPublish, packages, recreate, source, storages, target){
-  build job: "aptly-promote-all-testing-stable", parameters: [
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'APTLY_URL', value: aptlyUrl],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'COMPONENTS', value: components],
-    [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', name: 'DIFF_ONLY', value: diffOnly],
-    [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', name: 'DUMP_PUBLISH', value: dumpPublish],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'PACKAGES', value: packages],
-    [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', name: 'RECREATE', value: recreate],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SOURCE', value: source],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STORAGES', value: storages],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET', value: target],
-  ]
+def triggerAptlyPromoteJob(aptlyUrl, components, diffOnly, dumpPublish, packages, recreate, source, storages, target) {
+    build job: "aptly-promote-all-testing-stable", parameters: [
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'APTLY_URL', value: aptlyUrl],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'COMPONENTS', value: components],
+        [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', name: 'DIFF_ONLY', value: diffOnly],
+        [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', name: 'DUMP_PUBLISH', value: dumpPublish],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'PACKAGES', value: packages],
+        [$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', name: 'RECREATE', value: recreate],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SOURCE', value: source],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STORAGES', value: storages],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET', value: target],
+    ]
 def triggerDockerMirrorJob(dockerCredentials, dockerRegistryUrl, targetTag, imageList, sourceImageTag) {
-  build job: "docker-images-mirror", parameters: [
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS_ID', value: dockerCredentials],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'REGISTRY_URL', value: dockerRegistryUrl],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'IMAGE_TAG', value: targetTag],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'IMAGE_LIST', value: imageList],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG', value: sourceImageTag],
-  ]
+    build job: "docker-images-mirror", parameters: [
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS_ID', value: dockerCredentials],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'REGISTRY_URL', value: dockerRegistryUrl],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'IMAGE_TAG', value: targetTag],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'IMAGE_LIST', value: imageList],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SOURCE_IMAGE_TAG', value: sourceImageTag],
+    ]
 def triggerMirrorRepoJob(snapshotId, snapshotName) {
-  build job: "mirror-snapshot-name-all", parameters: [
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SNAPSHOT_NAME', value: snapshotName],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SNAPSHOT_ID', value: snapshotId],
-  ]
+    build job: "mirror-snapshot-name-all", parameters: [
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SNAPSHOT_NAME', value: snapshotName],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SNAPSHOT_ID', value: snapshotId],
+    ]
 def triggerGitTagJob(gitRepoList, gitCredentials, tag, sourceTag) {
-  build job: "tag-git-repos-stable", parameters: [
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'GIT_REPO_LIST', value: gitRepoList],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'GIT_CREDENTIALS', value: gitCredentials],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TAG', value: tag],
-    [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SOURCE_TAG', value: sourceTag],
-  ]
+    build job: "tag-git-repos-all", parameters: [
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'GIT_REPO_LIST', value: gitRepoList],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'GIT_CREDENTIALS', value: gitCredentials],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TAG', value: tag],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SOURCE_TAG', value: sourceTag],
+    ]
+def triggerPromoteVCPJob(VcpImageList, tag, sourceTag) {
+    build job: "promote-vcp-images-all", parameters: [
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'VCP_IMAGE_LIST', value: VcpImageList],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TAG', value: tag],
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SOURCE_TAG', value: sourceTag]
+    ]
 timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
-  node() {
-    try {
-      stage("Promote"){
-        if(RELEASE_APTLY.toBoolean())
-        {
-          common.infoMsg("Promoting Aptly")
-          triggerAptlyPromoteJob(APTLY_URL, 'all', false, true, 'all', false, "(.*)/${SOURCE_REVISION}", APTLY_STORAGES, "{0}/${TARGET_REVISION}")
-        }
+    node() {
+        try {
+            stage("Promote") {
+                if (RELEASE_APTLY.toBoolean()) {
+                    common.infoMsg("Promoting Aptly")
+                    triggerAptlyPromoteJob(APTLY_URL, 'all', false, true, 'all', false, "(.*)/${SOURCE_REVISION}", APTLY_STORAGES, "{0}/${TARGET_REVISION}")
+                }
-        if(RELEASE_DEB_MIRRORS.toBoolean()){
-          common.infoMsg("Promoting Debmirrors")
-          triggerMirrorRepoJob(SOURCE_REVISION, TARGET_REVISION)
-        }
+                if (RELEASE_DEB_MIRRORS.toBoolean()) {
+                    common.infoMsg("Promoting Debmirrors")
+                    triggerMirrorRepoJob(SOURCE_REVISION, TARGET_REVISION)
+                }
-        if(RELEASE_DOCKER.toBoolean())
-        {
-          common.infoMsg("Promoting Docker images")
-        }
+                if (RELEASE_DOCKER.toBoolean()) {
+                    common.infoMsg("Promoting Docker images")
+                }
-        if(RELEASE_GIT.toBoolean())
-        {
-          common.infoMsg("Promoting Git repositories")
+                if (RELEASE_GIT.toBoolean()) {
+                    common.infoMsg("Promoting Git repositories")
-        }
-        if (EMAIL_NOTIFY.toBoolean()) {
-          emailext(to: NOTIFY_RECIPIENTS,
-            body: NOTIFY_TEXT,
-            subject: "MCP Promotion has been done")
-        }
-      }
-      } catch (Throwable e) {
+                }
+                if (RELEASE_VCP_IMAGES.toBoolean()) {
+                    common.infoMsg("Promoting VCP images")
+                    triggerPromoteVCPJob(VCP_IMAGE_LIST, TARGET_REVISION, SOURCE_REVISION)
+                }
+                if (EMAIL_NOTIFY.toBoolean()) {
+                    emailext(to: NOTIFY_RECIPIENTS,
+                        body: NOTIFY_TEXT,
+                        subject: "MCP Promotion has been done")
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (Throwable e) {
             // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
             currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
             throw e
-          }
-      }
+    }
diff --git a/rollout-config-change.groovy b/rollout-config-change.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index dcb9034..0000000
--- a/rollout-config-change.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Rollout changes to the node(s) configuration
- *
- * Expected parameters:
- *   TST_SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS  Credentials to the Salt API (QA environment).
- *   TST_SALT_MASTER_URL          Full Salt API address [].
- *   PRD_SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS  Credentials to the Salt API (PRD environment).
- *   PRD_SALT_MASTER_URL          Full Salt API address [].
- * Model parameters:
- *   MODEL_REPO_CREDENTIALS       Credentials to the Model.
- *   MODEL_REPO_URL               Full model repo address.
- *   MODEL_REPO_SOURCE_BRANCH     Source branch to merge from.
- *   MODEL_REPO_TARGET_BRANCH     Target branch to merge fo.
- * Change settings:
- *   TARGET_SERVERS               Salt compound target to match nodes to be updated [*, G@osfamily:debian].
- *   TARGET_STATES                States to be applied, empty string means running highstate [linux, linux,openssh, salt.minion.grains].
- *   TARGET_SUBSET_TEST           Number of nodes to test config changes, empty string means all targetted nodes.
- *   TARGET_SUBSET_LIVE           Number of selected noded to live apply selected config changes.
- *   TARGET_BATCH_LIVE            Batch size for the complete live config changes on all nodes, empty string means apply to all targetted nodes.
- * Test settings:
- *   TEST_SERVICE                 Comma separated list of services to test
- *   TEST_K8S_API_SERVER          Kubernetes API address
- *   TEST_K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE   Path to docker image with conformance e2e tests
- *   TEST_DOCKER_INSTALL          Install docker on the target if true
- *   TEST_TEMPEST_IMAGE           Tempest image link
- *   TEST_TEMPEST_PATTERN         If not false, run tests matched to pattern only
- *   TEST_TEMPEST_TARGET          Salt target for tempest node
- *
-def common = new
-def salt = new
-timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
-  node() {
-      try {
-          stage('Run config change on test env') {
-              build job: "deploy-update-service-config", parameters: [
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_URL', value: TST_SALT_MASTER_URL],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS', value: TST_SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_BATCH_LIVE', value: TARGET_BATCH_LIVE],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_SERVERS', value: TARGET_SERVERS],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_STATES', value: TARGET_STATES],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_SUBSET_LIVE', value: TARGET_SUBSET_LIVE],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_SUBSET_TEST', value: TARGET_SUBSET_TEST],
-              ]
-          }
-          stage('Test config change on test env') {
-              build job: "deploy-test-service", parameters: [
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_URL', value: TST_SALT_MASTER_URL],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS', value: TST_SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TEST_SERVICE', value: TEST_SERVICE],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TEST_K8S_API_SERVER', value: TEST_K8S_API_SERVER],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TEST_K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE', value: TEST_K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE],
-              ]
-          }
-          stage('Promote config change in repo') {
-              build job: "git-merge-branches", parameters: [
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'REPO_URL', value: MODEL_REPO_URL],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'CREDENTIALS_ID', value: MODEL_REPO_CREDENTIALS],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SOURCE_BRANCH', value: MODEL_REPO_SOURCE_BRANCH],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_BRANCH', value: MODEL_REPO_TARGET_BRANCH],
-              ]
-          }
-          stage('Run config change on production env') {
-              build job: "deploy-update-service-config", parameters: [
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_URL', value: PRD_SALT_MASTER_URL],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS', value: PRD_SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_BATCH_LIVE', value: TARGET_BATCH_LIVE],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_SERVERS', value: TARGET_SERVERS],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_STATES', value: TARGET_STATES],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_SUBSET_LIVE', value: TARGET_SUBSET_LIVE],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TARGET_SUBSET_TEST', value: TARGET_SUBSET_TEST],
-              ]
-          }
-          stage('Test config change on prod env') {
-              def result = build job: "deploy-test-service", parameters: [
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_URL', value: PRD_SALT_MASTER_URL],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS', value: PRD_SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TEST_SERVICE', value: TEST_SERVICE],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TEST_K8S_API_SERVER', value: TEST_K8S_API_SERVER],
-                [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'TEST_K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE', value: TEST_K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE],
-              ]
-          }
-      } catch (Throwable e) {
-          currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
-          throw e
-      }
-  }
diff --git a/test-cookiecutter-reclass-chunk.groovy b/test-cookiecutter-reclass-chunk.groovy
index 12428ba..9e34cea 100644
--- a/test-cookiecutter-reclass-chunk.groovy
+++ b/test-cookiecutter-reclass-chunk.groovy
@@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
 def common = new
 def saltModelTesting = new
  * Test CC model wrapper
  *  EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML: yaml based string, to be directly passed into testCCModel
+slaveNode = env.SLAVE_NODE ?: 'python&&docker'
 timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
-node() {
-  try {
-    extra_vars = readYaml text: EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML
-    currentBuild.description = extra_vars.modelFile
-    saltModelTesting.testCCModel(extra_vars)
+  node(slaveNode) {
+    try {
+      extraVars = readYaml text: EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML
+      currentBuild.description = extraVars.modelFile
+      saltModelTesting.testCCModel(extraVars)
     } catch (Throwable e) {
-          // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
-          currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
-          currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
-          throw e
-        }
-      }
+      // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
+      currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
+      currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
+      throw e
+  }
diff --git a/test-cookiecutter-reclass.groovy b/test-cookiecutter-reclass.groovy
index 2a64990..e6d3070 100644
--- a/test-cookiecutter-reclass.groovy
+++ b/test-cookiecutter-reclass.groovy
@@ -2,17 +2,19 @@
 gerrit = new
 git = new
 python = new
-saltModelTesting = new
-slave_node = 'python&&docker'
+gerritRef = env.GERRIT_REFSPEC ?: null
+slaveNode = (env.SLAVE_NODE ?: 'python&&docker')
+def alreadyMerged = false
 def reclassVersion = 'v1.5.4'
 if (common.validInputParam('RECLASS_VERSION')) {
-  reclassVersion = RECLASS_VERSION
+    reclassVersion = RECLASS_VERSION
 def generateSaltMaster(modEnv, clusterDomain, clusterName) {
-  def nodeFile = "${modEnv}/nodes/cfg01.${clusterDomain}.yml"
-  def nodeString = """classes:
+    def nodeFile = "${modEnv}/nodes/cfg01.${clusterDomain}.yml"
+    def nodeString = """classes:
 - cluster.${clusterName}.infra.config
@@ -23,82 +25,78 @@
             name: cfg01
             domain: ${clusterDomain}
-  sh "mkdir -p ${modEnv}/nodes/"
-  println "Create file ${nodeFile}"
-  writeFile(file: nodeFile, text: nodeString)
+    sh "mkdir -p ${modEnv}/nodes/"
+    println "Create file ${nodeFile}"
+    writeFile(file: nodeFile, text: nodeString)
-def GetBaseName(line, remove_ext) {
- filename = line.toString().split('/').last()
- if (remove_ext && filename.endsWith(remove_ext.toString())) {
-   filename = filename.take(filename.lastIndexOf(remove_ext.toString()))
- }
- return filename
+ *
+ * @param contextFile - path to `contexts/XXX.yaml file`
+ * @param virtualenv  - pyvenv with CC and dep's
+ * @param templateEnvDir - root of CookieCutter
+ * @return
+ */
-def generateModel(modelFile, cutterEnv) {
-  def templateEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
-  def modelEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/model"
-  def basename = GetBaseName(modelFile, '.yml')
-  def generatedModel = "${modelEnv}/${basename}"
-  def testEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/test"
-  def content = readFile(file: "${templateEnv}/contexts/${modelFile}")
-  def templateContext = readYaml text: content
-  def clusterDomain = templateContext.default_context.cluster_domain
-  def clusterName = templateContext.default_context.cluster_name
-  def outputDestination = "${generatedModel}/classes/cluster/${clusterName}"
-  def targetBranch = "feature/${clusterName}"
-  def templateBaseDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
-  def templateDir = "${templateEnv}/dir"
-  def templateOutputDir = templateBaseDir
-  sh(script: "rm -rf ${generatedModel} || true")
+def generateModel(contextFile, virtualenv, templateEnvDir) {
+    def modelEnv = "${templateEnvDir}/model"
+    def basename = common.GetBaseName(contextFile, '.yml')
+    def generatedModel = "${modelEnv}/${basename}"
+    def content = readFile(file: "${templateEnvDir}/contexts/${contextFile}")
+    def templateContext = readYaml text: content
+    def clusterDomain = templateContext.default_context.cluster_domain
+    def clusterName = templateContext.default_context.cluster_name
+    def outputDestination = "${generatedModel}/classes/cluster/${clusterName}"
+    def templateBaseDir = templateEnvDir
+    def templateDir = "${templateEnvDir}/dir"
+    def templateOutputDir = templateBaseDir
+    dir(templateEnvDir) {
+        sh(script: "rm -rf ${generatedModel} || true")
+        common.infoMsg("Generating model from context ${contextFile}")
+        def productList = ["infra", "cicd", "opencontrail", "kubernetes", "openstack", "oss", "stacklight", "ceph"]
+        for (product in productList) {
-  common.infoMsg("Generating model from context ${modelFile}")
+            // get templateOutputDir and productDir
+            if (product.startsWith("stacklight")) {
+                templateOutputDir = "${templateEnvDir}/output/stacklight"
+                try {
+                    productDir = "stacklight" + templateContext.default_context['stacklight_version']
+                } catch (Throwable e) {
+                    productDir = "stacklight1"
+                }
+            } else {
+                templateOutputDir = "${templateEnvDir}/output/${product}"
+                productDir = product
+            }
-  def productList = ["infra", "cicd", "opencontrail", "kubernetes", "openstack", "oss", "stacklight", "ceph"]
-  for (product in productList) {
+            if (product == "infra" || (templateContext.default_context["${product}_enabled"]
+                && templateContext.default_context["${product}_enabled"].toBoolean())) {
-    // get templateOutputDir and productDir
-    if (product.startsWith("stacklight")) {
-      templateOutputDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/output/stacklight"
-      try {
-        productDir = "stacklight" + templateContext.default_context['stacklight_version']
-      } catch (Throwable e) {
-        productDir = "stacklight1"
-      }
-    } else {
-      templateOutputDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/output/${product}"
-      productDir = product
+                templateDir = "${templateEnvDir}/cluster_product/${productDir}"
+                common.infoMsg("Generating product " + product + " from " + templateDir + " to " + templateOutputDir)
+                sh "rm -rf ${templateOutputDir} || true"
+                sh "mkdir -p ${templateOutputDir}"
+                sh "mkdir -p ${outputDestination}"
+                python.buildCookiecutterTemplate(templateDir, content, templateOutputDir, virtualenv, templateBaseDir)
+                sh "mv -v ${templateOutputDir}/${clusterName}/* ${outputDestination}"
+            } else {
+                common.warningMsg("Product " + product + " is disabled")
+            }
+        }
+        generateSaltMaster(generatedModel, clusterDomain, clusterName)
-    if (product == "infra" || (templateContext.default_context["${product}_enabled"]
-        && templateContext.default_context["${product}_enabled"].toBoolean())) {
-      templateDir = "${templateEnv}/cluster_product/${productDir}"
-      common.infoMsg("Generating product " + product + " from " + templateDir + " to " + templateOutputDir)
-      sh "rm -rf ${templateOutputDir} || true"
-      sh "mkdir -p ${templateOutputDir}"
-      sh "mkdir -p ${outputDestination}"
-      python.buildCookiecutterTemplate(templateDir, content, templateOutputDir, cutterEnv, templateBaseDir)
-      sh "mv -v ${templateOutputDir}/${clusterName}/* ${outputDestination}"
-    } else {
-      common.warningMsg("Product " + product + " is disabled")
-    }
-  }
-  generateSaltMaster(generatedModel, clusterDomain, clusterName)
-def testModel(modelFile, testEnv, reclassVersion='v1.5.4') {
-  // modelFile - `modelfiname` from model/modelfiname/modelfiname.yaml
-  // testEnv - path for model (model/modelfilename/)
-  //* Grub all models and send it to check in paralell - by one in thread.
+def testModel(modelFile, reclassVersion = 'v1.5.4') {
+    // modelFile - `modelfiname` from model/modelfiname/modelfiname.yaml
+    //* Grub all models and send it to check in paralell - by one in thread.
-  _values_string =  """
+    _values_string = """
-  MODELS_TARGZ: "${env.BUILD_URL}/artifact/reclass.tar.gz"
+  MODELS_TARGZ: "${env.BUILD_URL}/artifact/patched_reclass.tar.gz"
   DockerCName: "${env.JOB_NAME.toLowerCase()}_${env.BUILD_TAG.toLowerCase()}_${modelFile.toLowerCase()}"
   testReclassEnv: "model/${modelFile}/"
   modelFile: "contexts/${modelFile}.yml"
@@ -106,143 +104,197 @@
   reclassVersion: "${reclassVersion}"
-  build job: "test-mk-cookiecutter-templates-chunk", parameters: [
-  [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML', value: _values_string.stripIndent() ],
-  ]
+    build job: "test-mk-cookiecutter-templates-chunk", parameters: [
+        [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML',
+         value : _values_string.stripIndent()],
+    ]
-def gerritRef
-try {
-  gerritRef = GERRIT_REFSPEC
-  } catch (MissingPropertyException e) {
-    gerritRef = null
-  }
-def testModelStep(basename,testEnv) {
-  // We need to wrap what we return in a Groovy closure, or else it's invoked
-  // when this method is called, not when we pass it to parallel.
-  // To do this, you need to wrap the code below in { }, and either return
-  // that explicitly, or use { -> } syntax.
-  return {
-    node(slave_node) {
-      testModel(basename, testEnv)
+def StepTestModel(basename) {
+    // We need to wrap what we return in a Groovy closure, or else it's invoked
+    // when this method is called, not when we pass it to parallel.
+    // To do this, you need to wrap the code below in { }, and either return
+    // that explicitly, or use { -> } syntax.
+    // return node object
+    return {
+        node(slaveNode) {
+            testModel(basename)
+        }
-  }
-timeout(time: 2, unit: 'HOURS') {
-  node(slave_node) {
-    def templateEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
-    def cutterEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/cutter"
-    def jinjaEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/jinja"
-    try {
-      // Fixme. Just use 'cleanup workspace' option.
-      stage("Cleanup") {
-        sh(script:  'find . -mindepth 1 -delete > /dev/null || true')
-      }
-      stage('Download Cookiecutter template') {
-        if (gerritRef) {
-          def gerritChange = gerrit.getGerritChange(GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, CREDENTIALS_ID)
-          merged = gerritChange.status == "MERGED"
-          if (!merged) {
-            checkouted = gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout([
-              credentialsId: CREDENTIALS_ID
-              ])
-            } else {
-              common.successMsg("Change ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER} is already merged, no need to gate them")
-            }
-            } else {
-            }
-          }
-          stage("Setup") {
-            python.setupCookiecutterVirtualenv(cutterEnv)
-          }
-          stage("Check workflow_definition") {
-            sh(script: "python ${env.WORKSPACE}/")
-          }
-          def contextFileList = []
-          dir("${templateEnv}/contexts") {
-            for (String x : findFiles(glob: "*.yml")) {
-              contextFileList.add(x)
-            }
-          }
-          stage("generate-model") {
-            for (contextFile in contextFileList) {
-              generateModel(contextFile, cutterEnv)
-            }
-          }
-          dir("${env.WORKSPACE}") {
-          // Collect only models. For backward compatability - who know, probably someone use it..
-          sh(script: "tar -czf model.tar.gz -C model ../contexts .", returnStatus: true)
-          archiveArtifacts artifacts: "model.tar.gz"
-          // to be able share reclass for all subenvs
-          // Also, makes artifact test more solid - use one reclass for all of sub-models.
-          // Archive Structure will be:
-          // tar.gz
-          // ├── contexts
-          // │   └── ceph.yml
-          // ├── global_reclass <<< reclass system
-          // ├── model
-          // │   └── ceph       <<< from `context basename`
-          // │       ├── classes
-          // │       │   ├── cluster
-          // │       │   └── system -> ../../../global_reclass
-          // │       └── nodes
-          // │           └── cfg01.ceph-cluster-domain.local.yml
-          if (SYSTEM_GIT_URL == "") {
-            git.checkoutGitRepository("${env.WORKSPACE}/global_reclass/", RECLASS_MODEL_URL, RECLASS_MODEL_BRANCH, CREDENTIALS_ID)
-            } else {
-              dir("${env.WORKSPACE}/global_reclass/") {
-                if (!gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout(SYSTEM_GIT_URL, SYSTEM_GIT_REF, "HEAD", CREDENTIALS_ID)) {
-                  common.errorMsg("Failed to obtain system reclass with url: ${SYSTEM_GIT_URL} and ${SYSTEM_GIT_REF}")
-                  throw new RuntimeException("Failed to obtain system reclass")
+def StepPrepareCCenv(refchange, templateEnvFolder) {
+    // return git clone  object
+    return {
+        // fetch needed sources
+        dir(templateEnvFolder) {
+            if (refchange) {
+                def gerritChange = gerrit.getGerritChange(GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, CREDENTIALS_ID)
+                merged = gerritChange.status == "MERGED"
+                if (!merged) {
+                    checkouted = gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout([
+                        credentialsId: CREDENTIALS_ID
+                    ])
+                } else {
+                    // update global variable for success return from pipeline
+                    //alreadyMerged = true
+                    common.successMsg("Change ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER} is already merged, no need to gate them")
+                    currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
+                    throw new hudson.AbortException('change already merged')
-              }
+            } else {
+                git.checkoutGitRepository(templateEnvFolder, COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_URL, COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_BRANCH, CREDENTIALS_ID)
-            // link all models, to use one global reclass
-            for (String context : contextFileList) {
-              def basename = GetBaseName(context, '.yml')
-              dir("${env.WORKSPACE}/model/${basename}"){
-                sh(script: 'mkdir -p classes/; ln -sfv ../../../global_reclass classes/system ')
-              }
-            }
-            // Save all models and all contexts. Warning! `h` flag has been used.
-            sh(script: "tar -chzf reclass.tar.gz --exclude='*@tmp' model contexts global_reclass", returnStatus: true)
-            archiveArtifacts artifacts: "reclass.tar.gz"
-          }
-          stage("test-contexts") {
-            stepsForParallel = [:]
-            common.infoMsg("Found: ${contextFileList.size()} contexts to test.")
-            for (String context : contextFileList) {
-              def basename = GetBaseName(context, '.yml')
-              def testEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/model/${basename}"
-              stepsForParallel.put("Test:${basename}", testModelStep(basename, testEnv))
-            }
-            parallel stepsForParallel
-            common.infoMsg('All tests done')
-          }
-          stage('Clean workspace directories') {
-            sh(script:  'find . -mindepth 1 -delete > /dev/null || true')
-          }
-} catch (Throwable e) {
-  currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
-  currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
-  throw e
-  } finally {
-    def dummy = "dummy"
-      //FAILING common.sendNotification(currentBuild.result,"",["slack"])
+        }
-  }
+def StepGenerateModels(_contextFileList, _virtualenv, _templateEnvDir) {
+    return {
+        for (contextFile in _contextFileList) {
+            generateModel(contextFile, _virtualenv, _templateEnvDir)
+        }
+    }
+timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
+    node(slaveNode) {
+        def templateEnvHead = "${env.WORKSPACE}/EnvHead/"
+        def templateEnvPatched = "${env.WORKSPACE}/EnvPatched/"
+        def contextFileListHead = []
+        def contextFileListPatched = []
+        def vEnv = "${env.WORKSPACE}/venv"
+        try {
+            sh(script: 'find . -mindepth 1 -delete > /dev/null || true')
+            stage('Download and prepare CC env') {
+                // Prepare 2 env - for patchset, and for HEAD
+                paralellEnvs = [:]
+                paralellEnvs.failFast = true
+                paralellEnvs['downloadEnvHead'] = StepPrepareCCenv('', templateEnvHead)
+                paralellEnvs['downloadEnvPatched'] = StepPrepareCCenv(gerritRef, templateEnvPatched)
+                parallel paralellEnvs
+            }
+            stage("Check workflow_definition") {
+                // Check only for patchset
+                python.setupVirtualenv(vEnv, 'python2', [], "${templateEnvPatched}/requirements.txt")
+                common.infoMsg(python.runVirtualenvCommand(vEnv, "python ${templateEnvPatched}/"))
+            }
+            stage("generate models") {
+                dir("${templateEnvHead}/contexts") {
+                    for (String x : findFiles(glob: "*.yml")) {
+                        contextFileListHead.add(x)
+                    }
+                }
+                dir("${templateEnvPatched}/contexts") {
+                    for (String x : findFiles(glob: "*.yml")) {
+                        contextFileListPatched.add(x)
+                    }
+                }
+                // Generate over 2env's - for patchset, and for HEAD
+                paralellEnvs = [:]
+                paralellEnvs.failFast = true
+                paralellEnvs['GenerateEnvPatched'] = StepGenerateModels(contextFileListPatched, vEnv, templateEnvPatched)
+                paralellEnvs['GenerateEnvHead'] = StepGenerateModels(contextFileListHead, vEnv, templateEnvHead)
+                parallel paralellEnvs
+                // Collect artifacts
+                dir(templateEnvPatched) {
+                    // Collect only models. For backward comparability - who know, probably someone use it..
+                    sh(script: "tar -czf model.tar.gz -C model ../contexts .", returnStatus: true)
+                    archiveArtifacts artifacts: "model.tar.gz"
+                }
+                // to be able share reclass for all subenvs
+                // Also, makes artifact test more solid - use one reclass for all of sub-models.
+                // Archive Structure will be:
+                // tar.gz
+                // ├── contexts
+                // │   └── ceph.yml
+                // ├── global_reclass <<< reclass system
+                // ├── model
+                // │   └── ceph       <<< from `context basename`
+                // │       ├── classes
+                // │       │   ├── cluster
+                // │       │   └── system -> ../../../global_reclass
+                // │       └── nodes
+                // │           └── cfg01.ceph-cluster-domain.local.yml
+                if (SYSTEM_GIT_URL == "") {
+                    git.checkoutGitRepository("${env.WORKSPACE}/global_reclass/", RECLASS_MODEL_URL, RECLASS_MODEL_BRANCH, CREDENTIALS_ID)
+                } else {
+                    dir("${env.WORKSPACE}/global_reclass/") {
+                        if (!gerrit.gerritPatchsetCheckout(SYSTEM_GIT_URL, SYSTEM_GIT_REF, "HEAD", CREDENTIALS_ID)) {
+                            common.errorMsg("Failed to obtain system reclass with url: ${SYSTEM_GIT_URL} and ${SYSTEM_GIT_REF}")
+                            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to obtain system reclass")
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // link all models, to use one global reclass
+                // For HEAD
+                dir(templateEnvHead) {
+                    for (String context : contextFileListHead) {
+                        def basename = common.GetBaseName(context, '.yml')
+                        dir("${templateEnvHead}/model/${basename}") {
+                            sh(script: 'mkdir -p classes/; ln -sfv ../../../../global_reclass classes/system ')
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // Save all models and all contexts. Warning! `h` flag must be used.
+                    sh(script: "tar -chzf head_reclass.tar.gz --exclude='*@tmp' model contexts global_reclass", returnStatus: true)
+                    archiveArtifacts artifacts: "head_reclass.tar.gz"
+                    // move for "Compare Pillars" stage
+                    sh(script: "mv -v head_reclass.tar.gz ${env.WORKSPACE}")
+                }
+                // For patched
+                dir(templateEnvPatched) {
+                    for (String context : contextFileListPatched) {
+                        def basename = common.GetBaseName(context, '.yml')
+                        dir("${templateEnvPatched}/model/${basename}") {
+                            sh(script: 'mkdir -p classes/; ln -sfv ../../../../global_reclass classes/system ')
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // Save all models and all contexts. Warning! `h` flag must be used.
+                    sh(script: "tar -chzf patched_reclass.tar.gz --exclude='*@tmp' model contexts global_reclass", returnStatus: true)
+                    archiveArtifacts artifacts: "patched_reclass.tar.gz"
+                    // move for "Compare Pillars" stage
+                    sh(script: "mv -v patched_reclass.tar.gz ${env.WORKSPACE}")
+                }
+            }
+            stage("Compare Pillars") {
+                // Compare patched and HEAD reclass pillars
+                compareRoot = "${env.WORKSPACE}/test_compare/"
+                sh(script: """
+                   mkdir -pv ${compareRoot}/new ${compareRoot}/old
+                   tar -xzf patched_reclass.tar.gz  --directory ${compareRoot}/new
+                   tar -xzf head_reclass.tar.gz  --directory ${compareRoot}/old
+                   """)
+                common.warningMsg('infra/secrets.yml has been skipped from compare!')
+                rezult = common.comparePillars(compareRoot, env.BUILD_URL, "-Ev \'infra/secrets.yml\'")
+                currentBuild.description = rezult
+            }
+            stage("test-contexts") {
+                // Test contexts for patched only
+                stepsForParallel = [:]
+                common.infoMsg("Found: ${contextFileListPatched.size()} patched contexts to test.")
+                for (String context : contextFileListPatched) {
+                    def basename = common.GetBaseName(context, '.yml')
+                    stepsForParallel.put("ContextPatchTest:${basename}", StepTestModel(basename))
+                }
+                parallel stepsForParallel
+                common.infoMsg('All tests done')
+            }
+            sh(script: 'find . -mindepth 1 -delete > /dev/null || true')
+        } catch (Throwable e) {
+            currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
+            currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
+            throw e
+        } finally {
+            def dummy = "dummy"
+            //FAILING common.sendNotification(currentBuild.result,"",["slack"])
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/test-service.groovy b/test-service.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c34e3..0000000
--- a/test-service.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Service test pipeline
- *
- * Expected parameters:
- *   SALT_MASTER_URL              URL of Salt master
- *   SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS      Credentials to the Salt API
- * Test settings:
- *   TEST_SERVICE                 Comma separated list of services to test
- *   TEST_K8S_API_SERVER          Kubernetes API address
- *   TEST_K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE   Path to docker image with conformance e2e tests
- *   TEST_DOCKER_INSTALL          Install docker on the target if true
- *   TEST_TEMPEST_IMAGE           Tempest image link
- *   TEST_TEMPEST_PATTERN         If not false, run tests matched to pattern only
- *   TEST_TEMPEST_TARGET          Salt target for tempest node
- *
- */
-common = new
-git = new
-salt = new
-test = new
-def python = new
-def pepperEnv = "pepperEnv"
-timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
-    node("python") {
-        try {
-            stage('Setup virtualenv for Pepper') {
-                python.setupPepperVirtualenv(pepperEnv, SALT_MASTER_URL, SALT_MASTER_CREDENTIALS)
-            }
-            //
-            // Test
-            //
-            def artifacts_dir = '_artifacts/'
-            if (common.checkContains('TEST_SERVICE', 'k8s')) {
-                stage('Run k8s bootstrap tests') {
-                    def image = 'tomkukral/k8s-scripts'
-                    def output_file = image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
-                    // run image
-                    test.runConformanceTests(pepperEnv, 'ctl01*', TEST_K8S_API_SERVER, image)
-                    // collect output
-                    sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
-                    file_content = salt.getFileContent(pepperEnv, 'ctl01*', '/tmp/' + output_file)
-                    writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
-                    sh "cat ${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
-                    // collect artifacts
-                    archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
-                }
-                stage('Run k8s conformance e2e tests') {
-                    def image = K8S_CONFORMANCE_IMAGE
-                    def output_file = image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
-                    // run image
-                    test.runConformanceTests(pepperEnv, 'ctl01*', TEST_K8S_API_SERVER, image)
-                    // collect output
-                    sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
-                    file_content = salt.getFileContent(pepperEnv, 'ctl01*', '/tmp/' + output_file)
-                    writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: file_content
-                    sh "cat ${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
-                    // collect artifacts
-                    archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
-                }
-            }
-            if (common.checkContains('TEST_SERVICE', 'openstack')) {
-                if (common.checkContains('TEST_DOCKER_INSTALL', 'true')) {
-                    test.install_docker(pepperEnv, TEST_TEMPEST_TARGET)
-                }
-                stage('Run OpenStack tests') {
-                    test.runTempestTests(pepperEnv, TEST_TEMPEST_IMAGE, TEST_TEMPEST_TARGET, TEST_TEMPEST_PATTERN)
-                }
-                writeFile(file: 'report.xml', text: salt.getFileContent(pepperEnv, TEST_TEMPEST_TARGET, '/root/report.xml'))
-                junit(keepLongStdio: true, testResults: 'report.xml', healthScaleFactor:  Double.parseDouble(TEST_JUNIT_RATIO))
-                def testResults = test.collectJUnitResults(currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(hudson.tasks.test.AbstractTestResultAction.class))
-                if(testResults){
-                    currentBuild.desc = String.format("result: %s", testResults["failed"] / testResults["total"])
-                }
-            }
-        } catch (Throwable e) {
-            currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
-            throw e
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/xtrabackup-restore-mysql-db.groovy b/xtrabackup-restore-mysql-db.groovy
index da3d463..b1d4a4e 100644
--- a/xtrabackup-restore-mysql-db.groovy
+++ b/xtrabackup-restore-mysql-db.groovy
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
             if(backup_dir == null || backup_dir.isEmpty()) { backup_dir='/var/backups/mysql/xtrabackup' }
             salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, 'I@galera:master', 'file.remove', ["${backup_dir}/dbrestored"], null, true)
-            salt.cmdRun(pepperEnv, 'I@xtrabackup:client', "su root -c 'salt-call state.sls xtrabackup'")
+            salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, 'I@galera:master', 'state.apply', ["xtrabackup.client.restore"], null, true)
             salt.runSaltProcessStep(pepperEnv, 'I@galera:master', 'service.start', ['mysql'], null, true)
             // wait until mysql service on galera master is up