gating-pipeline autoident
* Misc: unhardcode slaveNode
Change-Id: I8eea7bd4caf039197a8783b1445cb654c513914d
diff --git a/gating-pipeline.groovy b/gating-pipeline.groovy
index e42524b..99f487d 100644
--- a/gating-pipeline.groovy
+++ b/gating-pipeline.groovy
@@ -3,79 +3,83 @@
* CREDENTIALS_ID - Gerrit credentails ID
* JOBS_NAMESPACE - Gerrit gating jobs namespace (mk, contrail, ...)
+ **/
def common = new
def gerrit = new
def ssh = new
-timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
- node("python") {
- try{
- // test if change is not already merged
- ssh.prepareSshAgentKey(CREDENTIALS_ID)
- ssh.ensureKnownHosts(GERRIT_HOST)
- def gerritChange = gerrit.getGerritChange(GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, CREDENTIALS_ID, true)
- def doSubmit = false
- def giveVerify = false
- stage("test") {
- if (gerritChange.status != "MERGED" && !SKIP_TEST.equals("true")){
- // test max CodeReview
- if(gerrit.patchsetHasApproval(gerritChange.currentPatchSet,"Code-Review", "+")){
- doSubmit = true
- def gerritProjectArray = GERRIT_PROJECT.tokenize("/")
- def gerritProject = gerritProjectArray[gerritProjectArray.size() - 1]
- def jobsNamespace = JOBS_NAMESPACE
- def plural_namespaces = ['salt-formulas', 'salt-models']
- // remove plural s on the end of job namespace
- if (JOBS_NAMESPACE in plural_namespaces){
- jobsNamespace = JOBS_NAMESPACE.substring(0, JOBS_NAMESPACE.length() - 1)
- }
- // salt-formulas tests have -latest on end of the name
- if(JOBS_NAMESPACE.equals("salt-formulas")){
- gerritProject=gerritProject+"-latest"
- }
- def testJob = String.format("test-%s-%s", jobsNamespace, gerritProject)
- if (_jobExists(testJob)) {
- common.infoMsg("Test job ${testJob} found, running")
- def patchsetVerified = gerrit.patchsetHasApproval(gerritChange.currentPatchSet,"Verified", "+")
- build job: testJob, parameters: [
- [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'DEFAULT_GIT_URL', value: "${GERRIT_SCHEME}://${GERRIT_NAME}@${GERRIT_HOST}:${GERRIT_PORT}/${GERRIT_PROJECT}"],
- [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'DEFAULT_GIT_REF', value: GERRIT_REFSPEC]
- ]
- giveVerify = true
- } else {
- common.infoMsg("Test job ${testJob} not found")
- }
- } else {
- common.errorMsg("Change don't have a CodeReview, skipping gate")
- }
- } else {
- common.infoMsg("Test job skipped")
- }
- }
- stage("submit review"){
- if(gerritChange.status == "MERGED"){
- common.successMsg("Change ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER} is already merged, no need to gate them")
- }else if(doSubmit){
- if(giveVerify){
- common.warningMsg("Change ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER} don't have a Verified, but tests were successful, so adding Verified and submitting")
- ssh.agentSh(String.format("ssh -p 29418 %s@%s gerrit review --verified +1 --submit %s,%s", GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER))
- }else{
- ssh.agentSh(String.format("ssh -p 29418 %s@%s gerrit review --submit %s,%s", GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER))
- }
- common.infoMsg(String.format("Gerrit review %s,%s submitted", GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER))
- }
- }
- } catch (Throwable e) {
- // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
- currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
- currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
- throw e
- }
- }
-def _jobExists(jobName){
- return Jenkins.instance.items.find{it ->}
+def isJobExists(jobName) {
+ return Jenkins.instance.items.find { it -> }
+slaveNode = env.SLAVE_NODE ?: 'docker'
+timeout(time: 12, unit: 'HOURS') {
+ node(slaveNode) {
+ try {
+ // test if change is not already merged
+ ssh.prepareSshAgentKey(CREDENTIALS_ID)
+ ssh.ensureKnownHosts(GERRIT_HOST)
+ def gerritChange = gerrit.getGerritChange(GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, CREDENTIALS_ID, true)
+ def doSubmit = false
+ def giveVerify = false
+ stage("test") {
+ if (gerritChange.status != "MERGED" && !SKIP_TEST.equals("true")) {
+ // test max CodeReview
+ if (gerrit.patchsetHasApproval(gerritChange.currentPatchSet, "Code-Review", "+")) {
+ doSubmit = true
+ def gerritProjectArray = GERRIT_PROJECT.tokenize("/")
+ def gerritProject = gerritProjectArray[gerritProjectArray.size() - 1]
+ def jobsNamespace = JOBS_NAMESPACE
+ def plural_namespaces = ['salt-formulas', 'salt-models']
+ // remove plural s on the end of job namespace
+ if (JOBS_NAMESPACE in plural_namespaces) {
+ jobsNamespace = JOBS_NAMESPACE.substring(0, JOBS_NAMESPACE.length() - 1)
+ }
+ // salt-formulas tests have -latest on end of the name
+ if (JOBS_NAMESPACE.equals("salt-formulas")) {
+ gerritProject = gerritProject + "-latest"
+ }
+ def testJob = String.format("test-%s-%s", jobsNamespace, gerritProject)
+ if (isJobExists(testJob)) {
+ common.infoMsg("Test job ${testJob} found, running")
+ def patchsetVerified = gerrit.patchsetHasApproval(gerritChange.currentPatchSet, "Verified", "+")
+ build job: testJob, parameters: [
+ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'DEFAULT_GIT_URL', value: "${GERRIT_SCHEME}://${GERRIT_NAME}@${GERRIT_HOST}:${GERRIT_PORT}/${GERRIT_PROJECT}"],
+ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'DEFAULT_GIT_REF', value: GERRIT_REFSPEC]
+ ]
+ giveVerify = true
+ } else {
+ common.infoMsg("Test job ${testJob} not found")
+ }
+ } else {
+ common.errorMsg("Change don't have a CodeReview, skipping gate")
+ }
+ } else {
+ common.infoMsg("Test job skipped")
+ }
+ }
+ stage("submit review") {
+ if (gerritChange.status == "MERGED") {
+ common.successMsg("Change ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER} is already merged, no need to gate them")
+ } else if (doSubmit) {
+ if (giveVerify) {
+ common.warningMsg("Change ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER} don't have a Verified, but tests were successful, so adding Verified and submitting")
+ ssh.agentSh(String.format("ssh -p 29418 %s@%s gerrit review --verified +1 --submit %s,%s", GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER))
+ } else {
+ ssh.agentSh(String.format("ssh -p 29418 %s@%s gerrit review --submit %s,%s", GERRIT_NAME, GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER))
+ }
+ common.infoMsg(String.format("Gerrit review %s,%s submitted", GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER, GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER))
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable e) {
+ // If there was an error or exception thrown, the build failed
+ currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
+ currentBuild.description = currentBuild.description ? e.message + " " + currentBuild.description : e.message
+ throw e
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file